Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fat Tuesday: The Bike Ride Edition

WooHoo!  It's Tuesday!  And we are so excited.  First of all, I must inform you that I failed at recording what I ate.  I made it to about Wednesday night and then-whoop!  I just plum forgot.  So that will be Goal Numero Uno for this week.

But I did the exercising . . . and then some!  I did 4 30 minute sessions on the elipital trainer.  And I even sweated, so, yeah . . . be impressed.  I also went on not one, but two bike rides.

Look at me and my fit self!

Before we proceed, I thought I would share an idea for a dinner that we oft have.

Taco Salad

By Taylor Maliblahblah

taco salad
(Please notice the chips.  Because they are delicious)

Ok, so I take about 1lb of ground beef (or elk!) and cook it.  I add a can of some sort of drained bean (kidney, pinto, or black) and either a can of drained corn or some frozen corn.  This time, I used frozen corn-probably about 1-2 cups.  Then I add taco seasoning and do all that nonsense that taco seasoning requires you to do.  So, you just serve that with shredded lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and chips and whatever else might suit your fancy!  If you skip the cheese and do light or fat free sour cream, it is pretty healthy.

But don't skip the tortilla chips!  That's crazy talk.

I calculated out the Weight Watchers points value and this is what I came up with:  The entire meat mixture was 36 points.  So, divided by 6 servings would be 6 points a serving.  This fed all six of us, plus leftovers, so I am not exactly sure on the size of the serving.  Of course, you also need to calculate extras.  Like chips.  (darn) Don't you just love how professional this blog is?  Its really top notch and informative.

And now, let us discuss the bike ride.

On Sunday, we took a bike ride on a trail near our house.  Little Dude rode in a bike trailer for that trip, but the other three rode and did just fine.  So on Monday, I decided to take all the kids by myself on a bike ride.  Since I do not currently have a bike trailer, Little Dude would be on his own.  But, don't fret!  He just learned how to pedal his new bike with training wheels on Saturday.

So he's totally ready for a bike trip.

I load all the bikes into the truck and off we go.  The loading of the bikes is no easy task, especially since I cannot get David's truck bed door thingie to open. I don't know how David does all this stuff all the time.

Holla to David and his muscles!

So, we get to the trail and get all geared up to go.

  Homeschool. P.E.  Check.

ld bike ride

Little Dude.

Doesn't he just look like he is ready for a bike adventure?

Well.  Since we had just gone on this trail the day before, I was pretty sure there was a picnic table about a mile away from the trailhead.  I told the kids we would ride to that point and then turn around.

Turns out the picnic table was 2.7 miles away.  A minor miscalculation, but no worries!  Everyone was doing great.  We had no complaints and stopped for snacks, drinks, potty break, and rest.

Then we took a commemorative photo.  For to capture this memory in time.

bike ride with mom
See?  Happy faces.

But this is when it all went sour, my friends.  It was at this point we had to turn around to make the trip back to the truck.  Which was basically all slightly uphill.  All of a sudden, Little Dude was too tired and just would not go.  I can't blame him.  I mean, he's not even four yet and his mother is training him to be the next Lance Armstrong.  Poor dear.  But I was in quite the fix.  I had three, energetic kids trying to ride quickly, one exhausted 3.75 year old ready to collapse, and one truck 2.7 miles away.

So, Little Dude and I took it slow while the others would ride laps around us on the trail.  There were moments when he would flat out refuse to go.  There were moments where he would race ahead of me and shout:

"Ha, Mom!  You slow!  I BEAT you!"

And then there the moments when he was too distracted by his surroundings.

bike ride river
"Mom!  Look!  The ribber!  THE RIBBER!"

bike ride sign

"See that sign, Mom?  If you see someone with a gun . . . DUCK!"

Good advice, my lad.  Good advice.

To make matters worse, the other three darlings guzzled all our water bottles and left no water for their exhausted brother.  And we still had at least 2 miles to go.  Sweet Pea decided to surprise me by going to the RIBBER and filling it with that water.  This was not-so-brilliant, seeing as how I had just read a sign with the following warning:


So, we had no water.  We were sure to die of dehydration.  Or something equally dreadful.

Homeschool.  Survival Skills.  Check.

To make matters even worse-er, Sweet Pea crashed into my bike at one point and did something to the chain.  So, I had to walk my bike from that point on.

And wouldn't you know it?  Little Dude got his second wind and the four of them left me in the dust.  I was pretty sure I was the most brilliant mom ever-run-walking on the trail trying to find my precious babies who were out of sight.

I think one of the older ones must have remembered her brain and forced the others to stop and wait for me.  But when I did catch up to them, we had a little lecture on not leaving mother behind.

So, we made it . . . barely.  I am going to start shopping around for a bike trailer of some sort for Little Dude.

Although, I must say I was pretty proud of him.

5.4 miles baby.

5.4 miles.

Alright.  So my goals for the following week are still 5 days of exercising and RECORDING WHAT I EAT.

How did you all do?


  1. there is a really neat thing called "myfitnesspal" you can use it on your computer and it links with your phone too. you just put in your goals and what you eat and it calculates for you. you can even put your own recipes in it and it has fast food joint foods listed. i really loved it when i was using it!

  2. DUCK! i'm still laughing...i have probably lost 5 pounds just laughing! =o)

  3. How are we all doing? Hmmm ...


    Nuff said.

    Hats off to Little Dude! That's a good distance for little legs!

  4. My Fat Tuesday adventures are not nearly as fun as yours.


  5. I just ate a cookie and am seriously contemplating another. That is a good indication of my healthy eating ;) although after seeing your tortilla chips I was reminded that we do, in fact, have the same tortilla chips in our pantry at this very moment. Perhaps I will have nachos instead. I'm not so sure this fat Tuesday thing is motivating me in the right direction...

  6. P.S. 3.75-year-old in a bike trailer will make the bike harder to pedal. Ask me how I know.

  7. I'm triathlon training. Don't hate me. I'm training so as to lessen the humiliation of being last. I'll still be last, but not extremely last. Also I keep typing "triathLONG" and that is what it is. Six days a week of stinking long training. But rule #4 of triathlon training is "Don't Diet"! Ice cream six days a week! Holla! (And don't ask me what the other three rules are - I saw #4 and that blocked out all other rational thought.)

  8. Well, I went on a last-minute 300 mile journey today. I had no time to post my Fat Tuesday entry. I had an epic fail in avoiding sugar, but otherwise did OK. I shall document my successes and failures tomorrow.

    After seeing your tortilla chips I am rethinking my "no-chips whatsoever" policy. Hmmm...

  9. We struggle with 1 mile bike trips. No, we struggle with less than 1/2 mile bike trips. MY 3.75 year old rides his bike at a snail's pace and then gets a burst of energy and GOES and then stops because he is going to tip over or he DOES tip over. I don't even like talking a walk with him while he is riding his bike let alone actually riding my OWN bike.

    Way to go Mama-san! You got YOUR 3.75 year old to ride more than 5 miles! THAT, my dear, is AMAZING!

  10. This is all very impressive! I don't think I would attempt to take my kids on a bike trail, and be on a bike myself. :)
    I posted...I'm still in!

  11. Lisa Canterbury-WoodsMay 8, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    Triathlon training as well, did a 60 mile bike ride but not with a 3.75 year old! I impressed with how far all of you made it especially without water for the return! You always make me laugh, I love your blog!!!!!!

  12. I use SparkPeople to record my food. It helps.
    I've lost 11 pounds. I have a million more to go.
    I joined a running group and go 3x a week.

    Sounds like you are a riding Queen!

  13. You are something else !
    I might try assigning keeping track of what I eat to the girls..........they will do a splendid job and learn all kinds of lessons for homeschool.

  14. YAY!

    This is whatcha need!!!
    So when he gets tired, you just use this, so at least he gets some excercise!

  15. I too love myfitnesspal, it is grrreat! I rode my stationary bike 2 times for 20 minutes and it changes the resistance through out the work out, I went 4.9 miles and once I can hit 5 miles I will go to the next program up on it. I also went for 2 real life bike rides, not sure how far but for about 45 minutes each time. I have not done good on eating, or I've done too well on eating depending on how you look at it! I've eaten too much! So my goal this week is to scale it back, you know. No pun intended! Good luck ladies!

  16. I would guess you burned an extra 1000 calories in sheer frustration on that ride. Have a piece of cake!

  17. We would call that bike ride an adventure.
    I Zumba'd one day, ellipticalled another, and went for three walks for at least 1/2 hour each!! 5 days of exercise I am awesome.

  18. http://dairydaze.blogspot.com/2012/05/fat-tuesday-wednesday-edition.html

    OK. Here's my link to my Fat Tuesday post. *sigh*

  19. You and the kids are mighty buff to be able to do that. So impressed! And no tragic injuries or bears. icing.
