Thursday, May 31, 2012

And that makes God sad.

This week has been busy!  I decided to look up on the calendar when our last day of school was and guess what?!

It's today!

Let us take a moment to stop and hear the angels singing.

We worked hard Monday and Tuesday to finish the new rabbit fences.  We have been using hutches, but decided to give them more of a fenced in yard so they can run around. We have been working on the fencing for their yards-we have five areas for them. Did you know we raise rabbits?  Yes. We are weirder than you think.  Tuesday we worked until 9pm to get it all finished up.

Towards the end, David had to pull the rabbits out and determine their gender before putting them in the appropriate stalls.

and that makes god sad 1
Sweet Pea is socializing with the rabbits who are awaiting an escort to their exciting, new locale.

Please notice the one rabbit who is about to make a jump for it.  He/She senses freedom.


I do not know how to "sex" a rabbit.  We've been through this.  Don't you people listen to me?

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I opted to pick up tools and the like instead of stare into the private areas of a rabbit like my husband.  Clearly, I am the smarter one.

The kids were off the charts excited.

and that makes god sad 3
I don't know why they found this so thrilling.  But they are homeschooled and don't get out much, so what can you do?

The kids were so excited to visit the rabbits the next morning, so after breakfast they all went out to see them.  While I was doing the breakfast dishes, Little Dude came inside to inform me of the horrors that were ensuing outside.

Little Dude, shouting as per his usual custom:  MMMMOOOOMMM!  Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey-Mom?  MOM!

Me:  Yes?

Little Dude (still shouting):  TANK AND . . . TANK AND . . . TANK AND . . . TANK AND MILEY ATE A WABBIT!

Me:  The dogs got a rabbit?!

Little Dude (about to explode from his own volume):  YES! AND THAT MAKES GOD SAD, RIGHT MOM?  RIGHT?  RIGHT?

Little Dude spoke the truth.  But the biggest problem was that the rabbit was not all the way dead.  It was going to die, but it was not there yet.

These are the things I did not sign up for, my friends.  I don't think I can "put an animal out of its misery."  Besides, I don't have any suitable firearms.  Nor do I want any.  So while I started to panic over THAT issue, the girls got the naughty dogs into the house.

And then this is what I hear.

"Blood!  Blood is everywhere!"

Which is what every mother wants to hear.  I don't know what happened, but Tank the Dog injured his foot while slaying the rabbit and was bleeding.  So I got the dog contained and the wound looked at, because I am Dr Quinn Medicine Woman now, and then looked at the rabbit sitch.

The rabbit died on its own.  Which is sad, but good, because I did not want it to suffer, but I did not want to have to figure out a way to kill it.

So, yesterday was full of much excitement and we didn't start school until 10am.  And maybe I won't complain about teaching math and grammar anymore because dealing with injured dogs and dying rabbits is much worse.

And that makes God sad, right readers?




On Tuesday, I asked why Tamaracks were important.

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Reader Wichiepoo got the answer right first:  Tamarack is, according to my lumberjack, the best firewood out there.

Holla, Wichiepoo!


Yesterday, when I was checking on the rabbits, I noticed this little bit of excitement:

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See all that gray/white fluff?  That is rabbit hair.  But underneath it are six live newborn rabbits!

The astute reader might recall awhile back that the girls informed me of a rabbit giving birth.   I had asked David about it later that night, and he said no rabbits had been born.

I found this to be odd, but I forgot to talk to the girls about it.

So, yesterday, this was a little convo between Daisy Mae and I:

DM:  Mom, remember when we told you that mama rabbit was having babies?

Me:  Yeah?

DM:  Well, that was a boy.

Me:  What?

DM:  I asked Dad and that rabbit was a boy, not a girl!

Me:  But you said you saw babies coming out.

DM:  We thought so.

Me:  Hmmm . . .

DM:  Well, something was coming out down there!  I don't know WHAT it was.

And I will leave that little disturbing statement to your imaginations, dear readers.

smiling rabbit
Homeschool.  Biology.  Check.


  1. I am laughing out loud, thankfully I am at home & only my small child can look at me funny. Oh, I am so glad I am not in your shoes, or should I say overalls? Have a blast cleaning up all that blood... maybe you can find a magic cleaning solution on Pinterest. That's where I'd look. Maybe Mr. Lumberjack needs to review his notes on sexing rabbits. I'm going to go thank the Lord right now that we don't have any animals! You make me grateful, friend!
    <3 <3 <3

  2. A couple of days ago, I got the wild idea to bring home two 9-week-old kittens for my kiddos to take care of. The very next day, my husband brought home 3 NEWBORN kittens that had gotten separated from their momma and need to be bottle fed. Every 2.5 hours. And they have to be burped. Did you know baby kittens burp like human babies? I did not. But now I do. Oh, and after each feeding, they need their backsides "stimulated" with a wet Q-tip in order to help them "eliminate." And did I mention they have to be fed every 2.5 hours? Last night, as I was helping one of these tiny creatures eliminate at 1:00 in the morning, I thought of you. I have laughed at all your posts about all the animal craziness at your house. I promise not to laugh any more. I would very much like to give you a hug!!

  3. And, again, why do you have rabbits???

  4. That is sad, and sad for you, too. Congratulations on reaching the last day of school! May your summer be relaxing and free of too much livestock-related stress :)

  5. You had me excited for a moment, Taylor with the last day of school thing. I don't even have kids, but I live surrounded by school zones and it's so much easier to get to work when school's not in. But then I remembered that we live in different countries and there's a month left to go here *sigh*. Our schools run until the end of July and then are on summer break until sometime during the first or 2nd week of Sept.

    As for that poor bunny, I don't know if I could do it. I know it's right, but seriously, I have enough trouble putting insects out of their misery!

  6. You have a gift for making the horrifying seem funny Taylor.

  7. 7 days to go...7 days of curriculum left.

  8. Yeah, why do you have rabbits?

    PS: Thanks for not showing us that rabbit-sexing diagram again. I'm still not over last time. *shudder*

    PPS: I am seriously considering sending you some liquor.

  9. Ammonia and hot water got it out!

  10. You raised two kids while your husband was overseas for six months. You can do anything!

  11. I have never gotten into alcohol . . . does it have more magic powers than coffee? Because I am totally into coffee.

  12. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love reading your posts Taylor, seriously, it makes my day!

  13. I find that I am speechless after reading about your days. We can't even manage to get "washable" paint out of our wool stripey carpet that a sweet little helper spilled while cleaning up a while back. Sigh. Diarrhea, blood, dead rabbits...I just don't know how you do it. I would definitely consider a margarita. ;)
    We had a pool in KY and once when Mike was out of town a rabbit got in there and couldn't get out. My neighbor came over and took care of it for me. I was so sad and grossed out. I was not cut out for life anywhere near animals. The other day I noticed a dead squirrel lying on the sidewalk of my neighbors' here. Weird. It gave me the heebie-jeebies every time I went by it (twice a day for several days, on my jogs). I think the large trash guys must have picked it up. (The guys themselves are not necessarily large. They come and pick up large garbage from in front of the houses once a month.)
    Well, for someone who is speechless, I sure am chatty. I have some nervous energy. I am going to run (or bounce, as I usually do) a 5K tonight. Nervous! Energy!
    Sexing rabbits. I'm still shaking my head.

  14. Hahaha...too funny, about the sexing rabbits thing. I am sorry you and your kids were subjected to Tank's canine instinct. Sorry the bunny died too. Life in the country is not for the faint of heart my friend, and that is something you can tie to.

    Enjoy every moment of your out-of-school bliss!

  15. Well! And just last night I was thinking how I would ask you for some rabbit advice if your post wasn't remotely about rabbits...then tra la la! Today's post!
    Anyways, a few weeks back we got rid of our malfunctioning rabbit and went to get a baby bunny from Bro-in-law. We somehow come home with two of then things! We asked after the gender of these things, but 'they didn't know'!
    Well low and behold these bunnies were making happy last night!
    So my question for you:
    1. how old do bunnies need to be to reproduce?
    2. and if that is the case, do we have to do anything different for these beasts while they grow babies?
    3. when these babies are born (if that is indeed the case), do we have to separate the male from the others???
    Since you are so brilliant when it comes to animals, I thought for sure you would have all the answers!

  16. Maybe I will tell David to bring me home a margarita. Or something of that nature.

  17. I am beginning to realize that about country life :(

  18. 1. No idea. I would guess 12 weeks? But I detach from the rabbits. Rabbits are freaky.
    2. Not that I know of. They need to be able to have a nest box. So they can put the babies somewhere, otherwise the babies will fall through the wire bottoms of the cage.
    3. The male will eat the babies. TAKE THE MALE OUT AFTER BREEDING. (Ask me how I know) I think it takes about a month for the babies to be born.

    I would keep the babies separate from the male later because the male would mate with the babies. And that is nasty-wrong.

    Look at me and my rabbit-breeding self! Holla!

  19. Coffee provides energy to get dressed in the morning. Alcohol helps you take your clothes off.
    So, two different functions entirely.

  20. I will never EVER complain about my office job again....

    And I thank God that He did not call me to homeschool.

    Wow, how lame am I??

  21. Debra, you're about as lame as I am cos I COULD NOT HOMESCHOOL...that is unless the Lord came down in PERSON & told He had equips the called, and doesn't call the equipped, which He is want to do. (see David and Goliath) .

  22. Had my numerous encouragements and challenges via my lovely blogging community, I was ready for a laugh and you provided right on time. Thanks for the chuckle!

  23. Oh...the rabbit sad!!

    A few years ago, my Chicky had a rabbit. At the time, we had three dogs (we are up to four now). I had taken all of my animals (the dogs, two rats, and a rabbit) to be boarded for Christmas, and while I was inside with one of the dogs (I couldn't get all three in at the same time), something happened. When I lifted the hatch to my let the other two dogs out, I found poor Chloe, the rabbit, dead. I started crying so badly while my dogs ran around the parking lot. One of the employees came out and helped me wrap Chloe in a towel so I could take her home. We figured that the dogs had pushed the top of her cage so she got out, and then they chased her around the car, scaring her to death. She didn't have any marking on her. It was one of the saddest days I can remember. Chloe belonged to my daughter, and she had a big soccer game that evening. We didn't tell her about the rabbit until later. In fact, after the soccer game, we came home to open presents before we left to go out of town. THEN we told her.

    It completely sucked, to be blunt.

    Anyhoo, my heart goes out to you. Fortunately, you guys can focus on the new life of those precious new bunnies!

  24. Just based on the things you write in this blog it would seem - hmmm? silly to put rabbits out for the huge Labradors to eat. I mean they like chicken why not rabbit? Weren't the rabbits happy in their cages? Did the incubator hatch the chicks yet? Your blogs are just fascinating.
