Monday, May 7, 2012

Hmmm . . . very Pinteresting . . .

I am joining in again on The Pinterest Fun over at Our Front Door.  Head on over if you would like to link up, or see some other Pinterest posts.

One of the coolest things about Pinterest is some of the cheap, simple ideas you find.  I thought I would list some of the ones I have seen and tried.

1.  Adding a couple of drops of essential oil to the inside of a toilet paper tube.  The idea is that every time someone uses the bathroom, a fresh scent will be added to the air, thus making the bathroom experience all that more enjoyable.


(image source and original pin)

I tried it and did not think it was all that fantastic.  Maybe I needed more oil?  But, we go through about a roll a day, so it didn't seem like the best plan for us.

But it just might rock your world.  So, there you go.

2)  Homemade Miracle Stain Remover

1 part Dawn to 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide.

(image source and original pin)

This does work.

Ask me how I know.

3)  Homemade Fabric Softener

(image source and original pin)

I used this for a few months.  It works just fine, but does not leave much of a scent.  I have been making my own laundry soap for about a year and a half now and about a month ago, I decided I really missed laundry that smelled good.  Now, my laundry did not smell bad, it just had no scent (homemade laundry soap has no scent).  So, I still make my soap, but use Kirkland's (from Costco) version of Downy. And my laundry smells like heaven.

If I am ever in need of saving more money, I would go back to making this fabric softener.

One thing I noticed-this stuff is runnier than regular fabric softener, so it seemed like I went through it a bit faster if I wasn't careful.

4)  This is perhaps the best tip EVER.

Shredding chicken in a mixer.

(image source and original pin)

Oh, be still my heart.

If you let it go too long, however, it turns a bit gummy, so watch it.  But it saves SO much time.

5)  And lastly, but not leastly, here is another fantastic tidbit.  The other night, I was making spaghetti.  The pot was about to boil over.  David, who finds himself humorous for some odd reason, always makes fun of me and my massive boil overs.

It truly is a problem.

Well, he was watching the pot and casually mentioned something about the impending doom that was soon to be wrought on my cooktop when I had an epiphany.

(image source and original pin)

I had remembered seeing this pin on The Pinterest.  So I whipped out a wooden spoon and set it on top of the pot right before the pot exploded.

And BAM!  It worked.

My husband was impressed.  As he should be.

Please click on the links below the images to go to the original pins to see more details and exact recipes and whatnot.

Click here to go to Our Front Door and see other Pinterest posts.

Click here to follow me on Pinterest.

Happy Pinning!




  1. Eureka! The wooden spoon trick!! I need this trick desperately. One, so MY husband will stop making fun of me and be impressed like yours. Two, so I can stop cleaning crusty cooked crud off of my stovetop. I have better things to do. I think that is my real problem--I think there are better things to do than watch a pot come to a boil.

    And the laundry spot remover, oh how excited I am to try it. I am so sick of waiting for the rare sunny day (in these PNW damp parts) to try to get spots out after every commercial product on the market has failed me. But maybe you are just getting my hopes up and this too shall be weaker than the spot-producers in our family. I swear they don't make detergent like they used to and I miss it!

    So glad you can spend time on Pinterest and just give me some highlights.

  2. Passing the info on spot removal on to a friend with grass stained girl...
    Retaining the wooden spoon miracle to impress husband...
    Thanks for the Blogger's Digest version of Pinterest. You have saved me more time for blogging!

  3. That wooden spoon trick sounds like the best thing ever! Holla! :)

  4. We go through a roll a day too! Why is that the first thing I felt compelled to comment on? I will use the stain remover, chicken shredder, and wooden spoon ones for sure. I love how Pinterest makes like we are all just gabbing over the backyard fence passing our hard earned knowledge back and forth.

  5. Isn't the shredded chicken tip the most amazing thing. Ever.
    Oh, I was the happiest girl in the world when I found it.

    I will try the wooden spoon trick as I am the messiest water boiler on the planet. Ugh.

    Thanks, friend.

    Ps...i'm pretty sure are posts are semi identical today. hee hee
    great minds think alike.

  6. I am so glad you did this because I hate trying stuff that doesn't work. You just saved me much time and trouble!

  7. Can you please tell me what 'Dawn' is, so I can find the UK equivalent? Sounds like JUST what I need!

  8. You can put a drop of essential oil on any light bulb and when it gets warm you'll have a nice scent. Don't overdo it like I did. I have a Spruce scented oil from a very famous English maker and when I put up my artificial tree for Christmas I get a lovely scent. When all else fails with stains you can also try plain bar soap and scrub it in with your thumbnail. Thanks for tested hints. We love them.
