Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Camping Summation

Yes.  This is my THIRD post today.  Excessive, is it not?  Ask me how my house looks. And when is school out for summer?



But we must discuss the most recent camping adventures, don't we?  So, here we are.  Writing the THIRD post for today.

First of all, David got home way later than he had planned on Friday night.  This was stressful because I was in charge of cooking the Friday night dinner for the people.  And the people get cranky when the dinner-preparing-campers arrive at 8:10pm.  Which is exactly when we arrived.  The people also get cranky when they hear I am browning up elk flesh for tacos.

I kid!  I jest!

David's people actually like elk.  The odd species that they are.

When we pulled up, I noticed a horrific smell in our camp trailer.  The dogs, Tank and Miley, who were riding in the trailer, must have gotten trailer-sick because there was doggie diarrhea all over the couches of the trailer.  Yes.  That's right.  DIARRHEA.  Be jealous of my glamorous life.  So, I was about to explode, but my darling girls got right to work on cleaning up the poo-poo, so I could prepare the elk flesh.

Holla, girls!  Holla!

On Saturday, a hike was planned.  And we can't just "hike", per say.  No.  We must drive many miles to the top of a mountain hike to a secret, hidden mountain lake.  Because hiking on the trail located right at our camp site would be very un-Maliblahblah like.

So, we drove and drove and drove and this is what we saw when we arrived:

the camping summation 1

No.  That is not a dirt rainbow left by dirty windshield wipers.  Why do you ask?

Anyways, that was the road to get us to the trailhead.  So, we would still have to take that road for another mile.  Amy and I went to the little ladies room, or outhouse as they are more commonly known, certain that we would be turning around and going home.  You know . . . since no one was dressed for the frozen tundra and the last hiker came out on cross-country skis.

But, no.  While we were taking care of business, the "others" decided we were going to try for it.

Can anyone guess what happened next?

One of the trucks got stuck.

So, David, who was driving the not-stuck truck, gets to pull the other truck out.  This, my friends, is David's life purpose.

Just look at that face.

the camping summation 2
That is the happiest I have seen him ALL YEAR.

After a 30 minute ordeal that may or may not have ended in someone's smashed bumper, we made it out and decided to ditch the whole hiking idea.

We went to a teeny-tiny town and ate our lunches.

the camping summation 3
It was so cold and windy that day.  David, or should I say Mr. Chivalrous, let me wear his heavy-duty jacket.

Small town also had a awesome museum and it was F-R-E-E.  I took this photo for you.

and that makes god sad 4

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows why THAT tree is important.

Come on, you tens of regular readers.  I know you can do it!

Later that night, a few of us went on a hike/bike ride.

the camping summation 4
Handsome Dude, Daisy Mae, and my niece.

Look at Handsome Dude's glasses!  Still in one piece!  Bam!

The next day, there was another bike adventure.  There was a boy team and a girl team.

I offered to take Team Toddler.

the camping summation 5
Can you guess which team lost?

Go on.  Guess.


  1. Are those the trees that grow huckleberrys????

  2. Woot woot!!!!!!!!!!!! Tamarack = good firewood??????????
    Did I win the meaningless points?????? YAY ME! Or maybe I didn't.
    Not sure, maybe I am wrong, am I wrong?

    Seriously though, snow??? It really IS cold where you live, and I thought Canada was cold!

    Sounds like it was a great time on the Maliblablah camping trip!

  3. Oh, Taylor...I just can't even imagine. I'm guessing that Team Toddler may have lost, but you are a winner in my book, forever and always.

  4. Silly, Amy. Huckleberries don't grow on trees!

  5. well, i was going to ask if that was the type of christmas tree you had but then i thought, with your luck, it was the type of tree that fell on your house (or some such)...then i remembered that handsome dude had a log attack him so it could be that, or it could be...the possibilities are endless!

    no way i could have cooked any kind of meat (much less elk) after viewing doggie diarrhea!!!

    put a red baseball cap on that man of yours taylor and i swear he is the spitting image of rick ankiel! (sorry, but once i made the connection...that is all i see now!)

  6. Larch is tamarack, right? Smells good when burned, makes nice crackling noises. Beyond that I have no idea. You are a brave lumberjill. I doubt I would survive your life for a month. And I have spent time in 3rd world countries like Ethiopia and Nepal. Just saying.

  7. I hope that wasn't the type of Christmas tree you had! Larches (we call them tamaracks in Canada) lose their needles in the winter. We know friends who cut down all the "dead" evergreens in the yard of their new home, only to realize that they had just cut down their larches. And the husband? Was a forester.
    We haven't gone camping yet. But I saw an elk today. She was not in my burger.

  8. You're like a blogging MACHINE today Taylor!

  9. Tentacle wood! Treacle wood? Tamsack wood? Erm...Tacktam? Schamlick? Meshackreshackandabindigo wooood???

  10. Dirt rainbow-ha : )

    Team Toddler gets points for being cute though, right?

  11. Tamarack! The longed for, searched out, loved by your husband and his family, long burning sweet smelling firewood tree. The beloved tamarack. My spell checker even knows about it.

  12. Speaking of diarrhea on couches . . . I happen to be sitting next to some AS WE SPEAK. Only mine isn't doggie diarrhea . . . it's poor sick oldest boy diarrhea. And yes, he did it last evening and I, being the excellent house keeper that I am, LEFT IT THERE OVER NIGHT. Why? Because after my baseball tournament slash camping weekend, I. Am. Beat. and just wanted bed. So, your story hit real close to home for me. Like real close. I can smell it, in fact. I, however, will not have the luxury of two Holla-Girls-Holla to clean it for me. That will be me. And, my couch will be undressed all day being washed so we will have no place to sit and read Sonlight for school. No place. School closed is for the day.

  13. I wonder what the dogs were thinking.
    "I gotta poo, I gotta poo, I gotta poo. Where's the best place? Oh yes. The couches."

    Reason 5,674.

  14. Doggy diarrhoea. Gross. Just - gross.

  15. Every post you write makes me laugh and think we would probably be friends. I just read the appendix ordeal and it reminded me so much of my husband. He cut his thumb off and didn't even get the pain medicine filled.....

  16. never a dull moment. :)
    I think you get extra points for taking team toddler anywhere.
    You win!

  17. I think this deserves the COW. Don't you?

  18. I guess i'm not your best reader ever since I can't think of anything that would make the poor larch tree famous!

    And I have mentioned it before, YOU ARE FAMOUS!

  19. I just love cleaning up after doggies. Yay fun. Not. But, on the bright side, go Team Toddler.

  20. Jackets! Snow! Geez it is been in the 90's in Tennessee. You need to come visit lol.

  21. tamarack. firewood. cute photos. camping in snow, brrrr...
