Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Space Man

Big, fat snowflakes on May the 2nd?

snow in may
Why not?  We are from the hearty north.

Bring it.

I might have to build a fire.  This is tragic because:

A)  I don't want to build no fire.

B)  I am not sure if we have kindling.

C)  I am not strong enough to split my own kindling.  Trust me.  I've tried.

D)  When I don't have kindling, I have to go and forage in the woods and find sticks and twigs.

E)  I am not in the mood to forage.  I have a sore throat.

F)  I don't want to build no fire.

But, alas.  I am freezing.  It's a quandary.  I will state this:  I am a better fire-starter than The Mister, of this you can be certain.  But he is the kindling splitter, so it all evens out.

And none of that has to do with anything.  So, you're welcome for that weather update.

Yesterday was going to town day.  And a wretched day it was.  Handsome Dude normally goes to preschool on Tuesdays.  He came home from preschool on Monday with a note saying the next day (Tuesday, May 1st), was "Muffins with Moms and Dads."

Hello, short notice?

Well, we had some appointments in the big city that is in a completely different locale from the rural town in which he is schooled and I could not cancel them.  The thought of my boy being at school and watching all the other children's parents feasting on muffins with their young while had was sitting all alone was more than I could bear.  So I did what any decent, responsible mother would do.

I kept him with me.

And wouldn't you know it, but that boy gave me T-R-O-U-B-L-E the entire day?  It all started when the boys were "playing" downstairs.  They came up with HD's glasses in two separate pieces, yet no one seemed to have any clue as to how the glasses came to be in this state.

My boys.

boys helping bake cake
Poster Boys for Honesty.

That is an extremely old picture.  And I care not.  If I am too lazy to build a fire, you can be assured that I am too lazy to go and take a picture of my boys right now.

So.  My boy could not wear glasses.  Which is a crying shame because without them, his eyes are crossed.  We had several things to do in the big city, and the visit to the Optical Shop would have to wait.

This was unfortunate on so many levels.  Turns out when my boy can't see, he turns into Mr. Naughty-Pants.  It was a battle with him all day and I could go on and on with several examples of just how he was pushing my buttons, but in the interest of keeping this post somewhat short, let's just say if I told him to do something, he would do the complete opposite.

Our final stop before getting his glasses fixed was Walmart.  I know you are going to think that I am super cruel for not going to get glasses fixed before Walmart, but Walmart is in a different town than the Optical Shop and the girls' had piano lessons, so I go to Walmart while they are at lessons.  Clear as mud?


Handsome Dude had already pushed all of my buttons and then some.  When we were in line to pay, he wanted to put the items from the cart onto the line.  I told him to wait.  He tried to anyways.  I told him no.  He tried again.  I told him no.

Yet, he did it anyways.  And I didn't catch it this time, but he managed to dump the entire bag of apples all over the floor.

The floor of the Walmarts.

I started off with six apples.  I only found four.

He also managed to put a hole into the bag, so I had no bag to put the apples in. So there they sat, all exposed-like on the bottom of the, what we can presume to be, germ-infested cart.

Yes.  The cart.  From the Walmarts.

I had to wait until I got up to the cashier to ask for a new bag.  He gives me one and I am thoroughly grossed out by these apples at this point in time.  No offense to Mr. Cashier, but he looks a bit shady to me, so I am even more grossed out when he reaches in to the bag, takes out an apple with his bare hands, and scans it.

So basically, I bought apples just to throw them away.  Because you just can't recover from that folks.  You just can't.

So, I was in a mood by the time I got to the Optical Place.  And if anyone has the right to be annoyed at me, it is these people.  These people, whom we visit on a weekly basis, go to great lengths to ensure my son can see.  I was so emotionally fragile at this point in the day, (you know, because I had to wonder why on earth God decided I could be a parent?) and I was certain that if I got the criticism I deserved for the state of the glasses, my eyes would become a well-spring of tears.

But, no.  They were kind, as usual.  They put all sorts of temporary stuff on the glasses to hold them together so the boy could see and *hopefully* stop causing me such distress in life.

Apples!  Ahh!

While we were there, the man fixing the glasses-Bob, my bff, informed me that I should get Rec Specs for HD.  Because, guess what?  We have another appointment on Friday at the doctor and the doctor said his prescription will most likely change.

New Prescription=New Glasses

New Glasses=Lots of Money

The Rec Specs are not handsome.  My son will, most assuredly, look like a space man.  But apparently, they do not break.  Ever.

So, I am trying to get over myself and come to grips that my boy probably needs to look like a space man until he goes to college and can buy his own eye wear.

So, dear readers.

1)  Tell me its ok for the boy to look like a Star Wars character.

2)  Fun Fact:  I have never seen Star Wars.  Have you?

3)  Can you split kindling?

4)  Is it snowing in your neck of the woods?

5)  Would you eat them apples?

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Dear Taylor,
    (1. Yes, I think you, and your son will be happier with unbreakable glasses, and he will probably make them all the rage among his peers. I mean, what boy doesn't want to be a spaceman? (2. Yes, I waited in a very long line at the Wilma Theater see Star Wars when I was in High School. and it was worth it. (3. I am not sure if I can split kindling, the thought of welding an axe is too much for me. (4. Yes, sadly, in the location of the University of Idaho, it too has been snowing on May 2nd. (5. I would only consider eating those apples, after I gave them a very good scrubbing, or better yet, peeled them and made them into applesauce, or a crisp or something. (6. I love reading about all of your adventures, keep up the great blogging.

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. 1) Tell me its ok for the boy to look like a Star Wars character.

    It's totally ok. And you may actually be a better parent for letting him have that experience. I can talk like Yoda and that once got me 4 marriage proposals :)

    2) Fun Fact: I have never seen Star Wars. Have you?

    IT'S MY FAVORITE! (And never? As in...never?)

    3) Can you split kindling?

    No. My arms are flabby and gross, and they would flap with the breeze if I I don't.

    4) Is it snowing in your neck of the woods?

    It's 80 degrees and sunny :) And no, I'm not in FL.

    5) Would you eat them apples?

    Yeah. You can wash them or even peel them...or perhaps make vats of applesauce with them?

  3. 1. Your boy will look handsome in anything (or nothing) he wears
    2. I have never seen Star Wars either...and no desire
    3. Why would I try to split kindling if my hubby has a shopful of kindling (off cuts from his work ... he's a carpenter)...and why would you split kindling if you are married to a lumberjack????
    4. No it is not snowing thankfully, I think I'd go batty
    5. I'm with you on the grossness of them apples. My hubby would be totally appalled with me. Feed them to your rabbits, they will love them!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Pine cones make wonderful wonderful fire starters......I swear. The tree the lumberjack was pruning in the picture the other day is a pine tree...cones will be under the tree on the ground.

    You left with 4 children you came back with 4 children, yes? Score 100 points for Taylor and these are not meaningless points!

  5. mbeachy@kctc.netMay 2, 2012 at 3:43 AM

    5. I would swish the apples under some cold water and eat them without giving them a second thought For some reason it's only animal products (rare meat, dirty eggs, etc. that gross me out).

    2. Star Wars--saw one or two of the movies way back in the day but never really understood them or their appeal.

    4. No snow here on May 1 and it would only be a good thing if it gave us a "snow day". (I'm a teacher.)

    1. I'm sorry about your son's glasses sitch. It would depress me a bit to think of his handsomeness being hidden but I have a feeling having to make twice weekly trips to the Optical Place would depress me even more and make me hard(er) to live with, so probably for the best to get the Rec Specs.

    5. I doubt that I could split kindling but I did used to help load chopped wood into the back of my husband's pickup truck. Does that count?

  6. 1.Space Man Glasses? It is totally ok. It will give him street cred. Also, if you don't get him those glasses you won't be able to afford college since his college fund will be spent on replacement glasses. It is totally ok.

    2. Star Wars? I have seen parts, but not the whole thing. And I def haven't seen all dozen of them. I haven't seen Star Trek either and sometimes I get the two mixed up. Which really irks the people who love one or the other. Sorrrrrrry!

    3. Kindle? Not at all. Because I am THAT girl who lets boys take care of me. My dad, my husband, etc. I was a "do it for myself" kind of girl for about one minute when I got divorced. I kind of liked it. Then I met the sweet husband who loves to take care of me. Awwwwwww, so sweet.

    4. Snow? It isn't snowing here. For the love of all that is holy. It better not. I cannot take it.

    5. Apples? Not only would I not use the apples but I gagged a little while reading about them. The floor of a public place. The hands of a strange cashier. Gag. Gag. Gag.

  7. (1) No, does he take better care of the glasses at school? Maybe one pair for school and once he gets home they go in a safe place and the Rec Spec for playing at home??
    (2) Yes, my hubby mad me watch it a few years back...somewhat boring.
    (3) No, I can't be trusted with an axe. But I find pinecones make great firestarters!
    (4) Expected to be in the high 80's here today...and it is not even summer yet.
    (5) Yes. I would not waste the apples - you can wash or even peel them...

    Be glad God gave those kids to you - you love them more, in spite of themselves, than anyone else could!!

  8. I'm so sorry to tell you it is a gorgeous 84 degrees here in eastern NC!

    I'm sure HD will still be a handsome dude, no matter what his glasses are like.

    We have a non-hooked up gas fireplace, so no kindling necessary.

    I have seen 3 of the Star Wars movies and did enjoy them.

    Apples should always be thoroughly washed because of all the pesticides used on them

  9. I don't eat apples. I would, however, feed them to my kids. Or at least my son who eats an apple, sliced, every day at 10am.
    And he gave me quite a day yesterday during our running around in town piano lessons visit a new baby get groceries trip. Urgh.
    Also, the kindling issue? Be glad you get kindling. My husband believes it's unnecessary. I use newspaper in copious quantities to get the stove lit in the house. And then he got a wood stove for his shop - he lights it with his propane torch in all of three seconds. It's so unfair.
    I would go with the Rec Glasses. I bet he'll be adorable in them.
    We are fans of Star Wars in this house. Here's a photo case in point:

  10. 1) You should have a Star Wars character for a son. Then if you go to the Walmarts with all the kids, they will only think 3 of them are yours and the Star Wars character is just visiting.

    2) I have seen Star Wars. I may not have sat down and watched them all, but I have 4 boys and the bits and pieces I have seen can be put together to make the whole series.

    3) I can not split kindling. Our new house has a gas fireplace and I can turn on the switch, though :)

    4) Not snowing in our neck of the woods. Last night there were storms in the area and every time the weather radio went off the 8-year-old had to get up and make sure it wasn't a tornado. He didn't get to sleep until 10:30 when the storms passed. You'd think he'd sleep in this morning, but no, he was up at 5:30, as usual.

    5) The apples. I'm cheap. They're paid for, I'd probably soak them in bleach, peel them and bake them in something and feed it to the kids. At the Walmarts, I wonder what he would have said if you had gotten them up to the checkout and handed them to him, smiled sweetly, and asked "Can you please put these back for me?"

  11. P.S. My husband swears by Flexon glasses, he had his for 20 years, would twist them and they would go back. We got some for our boy, they've been stepped on, twisted, sat on, mangled, and the frames are still intact. The nose pieces we've gotten replaced about 7 times in 2 months, and the lenses are scratched up beyond belief, but the frames are still fine.

  12. 1 - star wars characters do not wear glasses - they have "the force"
    He will look more like a fancy pro basketball player than a space man.
    1b - what took the optical shop people so long to suggest this?!?!?
    2 - star wars and star trek are cultural icons. there is so much nuance that you miss in art and literature if you don't know your space based films. since i like to be an art snob part time, i keep up.
    3 - I can split kindling. But I don't have to. And I'm glad.
    4 - No snow. Though it did hit a low of 38 last night.
    5 - Vinegar is a fine antibacterial, plus it's cheap. Mix with water and spray on whatever. Also - consider all the unwashed hands that paw over the produce when you aren't looking. Consider that they may have been dropped on the floor elsewhere. Always take precautions, as it is what you don't know that can hurt you!

    p.s. I like the suggestion to let HD have "school" glasses and "play" glasses. brilliant, TX.

  13. 1) There is a kid at church who wears what I assume to be the glasses whereof you speak. Sure, why not your son too? He'll be ueber cool!
    Wait, I think it was a Star Trek character that wore weird glasses, Lt. Jordy LaForge. Ha ha! I am a total sci-fi nerd I guess. Do I get 100 meaningless points?

    2)Yes, I watched Star Wars. And, obviously Star Trek too. The above was; "The Next Generation" if I recall correctly.

    3) I used to split kindling. Dunno if I could now.

    4) It's 80 something degrees here. No snow.

    5) I second Diana at Home. Vinegar the apples. They are all touched by many, many hands, even the ones that are pre-bagged.

    Fat Tuesday Note: Coffee isn't worth drinking if it's not full of cream....I live on a dairy, cream is way to easy to get, cream equals calories...thus I cannot drink coffee. :)

  14. Please tell me you stopped AT THE DRIVE THRU on this trip to reward yourself with a coffee full of cream and wonderful things? For the trip home? I would have ordered three.

  15. 1. I googled Rec Specs to see what they looked like, and some of them are not that bad. So I say go for it! 2. I have seen Star Wars, growing up in the early 80's at elementary school we played Star Wars at recess. 3. I have never tried to split kindling as I have never built a fire. 4. I live not to far from San Francisco and my weather is currently 67 degrees and partly cloudy (looked up for you). 5. I would eat the apples after a good washing, it would be like an immune building challenge.

  16. 4. No, it's raining in Maine.
    3. I used to split kindling, but now we buy "fat wood" at LL Bean and it starts right up with no paper ner nuthin.
    2. Yes
    5. Yes. I don't like it when they hold my drink bottle by the neck to scan it and then I have to put my lips there to drink from the bottle.
    1. It's ok.

  17. yes, those apples have probably been around way more than you think. Wash well and enjoy! he he he
    And the glasses will totally be worth it, if you can take the hit to your own personal pride(as I would) and let him look different. He is a boy and probably wont care, right?
    I could split kindling, but I don't have to. I just push that little button up to start the glorious heat. Of which I need because it is cold here. But not snowing. Here in the big ole' city its just rain. Lots and lots of rain. Blech!

  18. My husband has Flexon glasses too. They probably a little more pricey but can't be any more than replacing several times.

  19. I just looked at the Rec Specs online and I think HD will totally rock them.

    Seriously. They looks kinda retro cool.

    Plus, how could he not look awesome? He is after all, "the handsome dude".

  20. I'm pretty sure I saw a pin about a super duper fruit and veggie wash you can make at home. There's a pin for everything dontcha know.

    For the kind of money and frustration you spend on glasses I say you just change his name from Handsome Dude to Astro Boy and get the rec specs.

  21. yes to the rec specs.

    sorry you had a hard day.

  22. If your darling HD goes nekkid, he won't care about looking like an action figure. You just might have to make many capes when he figures out he does in fact, look like a superhero. And it sounds so much nicer than many trips to fix them!

    Also, you should watch Star Wars. The old ones, with Harrison Ford. Because, well, he's Harrison Ford.

  23. you had a hard day, Taylor - you are such a very very good mom, and that is why stuff gets to you! Your kids are blessed by you every.single.moment.

    Can you use those firestarter wax logs? we just cut off a little chunk and light it under the logs, it is awesome!

    Don't worry about the apples - don't you wash them, anyway?

  24. The comments are great!
    Now that I'm all the way down here, I don't remember all that I wanted to say. Ha!
    All the problems in the world started with a stinking don't feel too bad!
    No snow here, and no firewood either. I am struggling to do push-ups. I don't think I could split wood. I might manage to chop my leg off if I tried. That would be no good, I think.
    I hope the coming up days are better, warmer, and fuller of more cooperative children. Rec Specs, for sure!

  25. 1. It's totally ok for a kid to look like a Star Wars character - mine would do anything to look like that!
    2. Our whole family LOVES Star Wars. I once heard that Star Wars has a following of highly intelligent people......
    3. I never think of kindling..
    4. It NEVER snows in our neck of the woods, but we would love it if it did!
    5. I would wash the apples in sterilising fluid and eat them. I mean - do you know who picked them??

  26. 1) Tell me its ok for the boy to look like a Star Wars character.

    -- Yep. Absolutely. I think he will be all the rage among his peers soon, and his witty brother (the one who keeps breaking those glasses, haha) will want to wear glasses, tooooooooooo. Puh-leeease, Mom.... LOL.

    2) Fun Fact: I have never seen Star Wars. Have you?

    -- I have! More than once! But I like the parody "Space Balls" very much, too ... LOL

    3) Can you split kindling?

    --- Yes. I can. I had to learn - aargh - because I live in a very rural spot in Germany (a.k.a. "step-out-of-the-kitchen-door-and-tread-in-cow-poop-or-a-dead-mouse-or-the-like"). But here is an idea: pay each of your kids a dime for bringing one small bucket (per person, of course) of fircones or the like that they can easily gather outside, and you will never suffer any lack in the kindling department again!

    4) Is it snowing in your neck of the woods?

    ---Nope. We had a glorious may day, and yesterday, we ran around with sleeveless shirts - hah. But we have a very, very looooooong, cold winter just behind us, so please do not feel too inclined to roam to rural Germany yet... Although I would be pleased to meet you and your kids, space glasses and all!

    5) Would you eat them apples?

    --- Yep. But I am not easily grossed out - I think as long as it still has a peel around it, I can wash it, peel it, cook it, whatever needs to be done and I will eat it. Definitely. Yum. But I would not like to have to prepare elk meat somehow, although it (I hope?) still has a peel (or hide) around it when your husband brings it - yuck yuck yuck....

  27. 1. It is totally okay for H.D. to look like a space man. However, he may think he has turned into a superhero so that may cause you some problems but I am convinced you can handle it. After all, you can handle all the rabbits!
    2. Yes, yes I have.
    3. Yes. And I know this because I helped my husband and his family cut down dozens of damages orange trees from their propery.
    4. No. I live in central Florida. It did snow here once that I can remember in 1989.
    5. No, I would not eat the apples. I don't think I would eat any apples from the Wal-Mart. There is a possibility that I MAY actually be an apple snob. I once had a non-organic apple farmer tell me that he wouldn't eat the apples he grew due to the pesticides and I don't think he even sold any of his apples to the Wal-Mart. So, organic apples only for me!

  28. 1) As someone who broke about a million pairs of glasses as a kid, I say yes.

    2) Nope--never seen it.

    3) Hahahahahahaha!

    4) Warm and sunny. ;)

    5) Heck no. I would have left them at the register. :)

  29. Taylor, get him the glasses. He'll look like either <a href=""Horace Grant or <a href=""Kareem Abdul Jabar, which is totally cool and hip, just ask Dad.

  30. My 10 year old wears rec specs when he plays baseball, soccer, basketball, and (flag) football. Many of his teammates do, too. I've never seen anyone make fun of any of the spec wearers. After a month of HD wearing them, it will seem so normal to everyone that they won't even notice.

  31. Well he might look back one day and give you grief about the glasses but for now I'm sure he would be fine with space glasses.
    I have only seen clips of star wars.
    Never triedit but now I'm curious if I could.
    90 here in NC.
    Yes..wash andpeel.. but doesn't everyone peel their apples anyway..?
