Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fat Tuesday: The Boring Week

I'm going to keep this short and sweet today!  I made little progress this week and I only exercised three times, but that was because my world got turned upside down with David's bout of appendicitis.  I plan on jumping right back in to my normal routine.  I lost no weight this week, but feel good about the exercising I have done this for.

Go ahead and check in here if you joined Fat Tuesday.

Do it.

Go on.  Do it.


  1. Only exercised 2 or 3 times (long week) and my eating wasn't great, but I was down a pound and will stick with it.

  2. http://dairydaze.blogspot.com/2012/05/fat-tuesday-wedding-shower-edition.html

    What with your husband's surgery and all, I wouldn't call your week boring, not by any means.

    I slipped a bit on doing handweights, but I made up for it by hoeing in the garden. I slipped up a bit at the obligatory wedding shower, but learned that when you avoid sugar for a long stretch, desserty things then become TOO sweet.

    I tried out the Skinny Chunky Monkey Cookies. Not bad as a fill-in for something sweet when you are avoiding sugar. I'm not much of a banana fan, but they are OK.

    In the end I have lost 3 pounds, so I think that counts as an overall win. YAY!

    I pray this next week really is boring for you and that you have more success in the weight loss arena.

  3. Super boring for me. I gained. Sigh.


  4. I wrote about it! I'm sorry about your crazy week...but your determination this month is great!! The accountability has been great for me. Thank you!!

  5. Lost 1.6 lbs this week. That makes a total of 4 lbs. since I started Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago. Not great, but I'll take it!


  6. this is a little late, I'm catching up on your goings-on. I am trying to lose weight as well. Its nice to hear of other people's struggles and successes. Makes me feel like I'm not the only one out there trying! I was down, then I totally blew it, so gained back what I lost, and then some and now I'm back at it again. last 2 days I biked 8-9 miles a day, yay me! It felt really good, except for my butt-my butt was numb.. but i'm ok now! :)
