Sunday, May 20, 2012

I caught you a delicious bass.

On Friday, David had an emergency surgery to remove his inflamed (but not yet ruptured) appendix.  Therefore, Saturday was supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation for him. Since I am the wife and all, I felt it was my duty to make sure my beloved got some rest.

He did not make this easy for me.

He started off the morning by making waffles for the kids and walking around outside, getting the newspaper and checking on all our 14 billion animals.  Because, have you heard?  We are complete and utter hillbillies out here.  He got a return call on a "smokin' deal" on Craigslist for some straw bales that are about 2 hours away.  It took much effort on my part, but I finally convinced him to wait until Sunday (today) to get those.  Around 9am, I got him to agree to lay down and watch a movie.  Be impressed.

But, please.  Hold your applause.

I was outside checking on the egg sitch when the movie ended and out comes David.

Me:  Whatcha doing?

David:  Something!  I gotta do something!  I can't stand this!

So he starts feeding and watering animals and getting his trailer all hitched up and whatnot for the next day's straw bale adventure.  Because anything involving straw bales is usually an adventure.

I started to go into panic mode when I realized that he was going to try and start building the new rabbit fences he has been talking about building.

Me:  Hey!  Want me to take you on a drive to get an ice cream cone?

David stops what he is doing and looks at me:  You probably better.  I am going to go insane over here.

So, we loaded up the bambinos and headed to a town that is even more rural than Ruralville about an hour away.  This town is gorgeous and right on the lake.  Back in the day, it was a booming logging town, but now there isn't much there.

9 min parking
Because taking 10 minutes to park would seem excessive.

My parents were camping about 45 minutes away from said town and they drove over to join us for some ice cream.

David.  Not even 24 hours out of surgery, enjoying his reasonable portion of huckleberry ice cream.

david huckleberry ice cream

Fun Fact:  David has refused to take any sort of pain medication since this whole ordeal.  Not before the surgery, not after.  Nothing.  Not even one Tylenol.  The doctor laughed at him and said, "You know, we won't be handing out bravery badges at the end of this."  Ha.  Why, David?  WHY?

Here I am with my fave:  Moose Tracks in a Waffle cone.

taylor moose tracks ice cream

Although on Fat Tuesday, I am going to convince you it was really an apple.  I need a tan something fierce.

We also stopped by the library, because Sweet Pea starts to salivate if she gets anywhere around or near a library.  We also went down to the water and saw the end of a bass fishing competition.

"I caught you a delicious bass."

(Name that movie)

After our little outing, we said farewell to my parents and headed back home.  At a highway junction, there were two ladies sitting on the side of the road having a yard sale.  Except it wasn't in or around a yard.  I guess it was more of a "Side of the Highway in the Middle of Nowhere Sale."  And of course, my husband has to stop.

His purchases are in these two boxes.  Can you guess what they are?

mysterious box
If you guessed "Food," you were gravely mistaken.  Although I guess in some forms, they are food.

He bought hens.

hens in box
Seven altogether.

He looked at me on the way home and exclaimed,

"Wow!  I have got to stop buying chickens!"

Uh . . . ya think?

Happy Sunday!


  1. seriously? that man does have a problem but for the life of me, i don't know which support group to put him in!

    i know it was just the sun in his eyes but there is a wee bit of a smile going on in that picture up there...although, he could have been dreaming about chickens!!!

  2. Perhaps you can tell him that lifting those hay bales will cause a rupture, and he can't super-glue his innards, so back to the hospital he will go...

  3. I can't help thinking of Field of Dreams.

    "If you build [a chicken coop], they will come."

    The man no longer has to consult Craigslist; chickens just show up along the side of the road. Good grief.

    P.S. I can totally relate to David and his refusal to take pain meds (along with his insanity over not being able to do anything productive). I'm starting to think we are siblings separated at birth.

  4. OH MY GOSH! I guess my comment on yesterday's post was premature!

    More Chickens!

    David, seriously, you need to start thinking about getting your wife a really nice piece of jewelry. Or a standing pedicure. Or a weekly housekeeper. Something.

    Oh, that reminds me of a story: One time, after my grandfather had passed away, and my grandmother remarried, she had the diamond from her first ring turned into a pendant for a necklace. I don't know how she found herself in a chicken coop after that, but a chicken came up to her and pecked the diamond right out off her neck.

    So there you go: Don't wear your fancy city jewelry around the chickens.



    Napoleon Dynamite.
    Thank's for making me spell Napoleon this early in the a.m.

    Boys who don't rest make me crazy. I give you 1 billion points for thinking of ice cream instead of getting into a huge fight about who is going to listen to who. (Whom?)
    Maybe instead of getting hay today, you can get more ice cream?

  6. What a guy! At least he's somewhat smiling in that photo. Must be all the pain meds. Holla! :)

  7. With him admitting he has to stop buying chickens.......I hear that is the first step in the twelve steps . :) Admitting you have a problem.

  8. Chickenoholic; that's what you have on your hands there. lol

    Glad he's OK and raring to go.

  9. if i didn't know better, i would think David was my husband's child. I once told my husband he will not get any extra stars in his crown in heaven for never taking any pain meds after surgery, and he (a little snippily) told me no one gets any for TAKING the pain meds either. sigh.

  10. if i didn't know better, i would think David was my husband's child. I once told my husband he will not get any extra stars in his crown in heaven for never taking any pain meds after surgery, and he (a little snippily) told me no one gets any for TAKING the pain meds either. sigh.

  11. True fact: People who do not ever take pain medication tend to heal very quickly.
    David probably can't stand to "do nothing" and might even be at work today...after his "restful" weekend.
    Perhaps you could somehow convince him that you don't want anymore chickens since he's had his appendix out?

  12. I think the ice cream does not count at all. It is calorie/guilt/fat free. You were doing your duty as a wife to keep your husband from going insane with boredom. It's a free food.
    So say I.

    He bought more chickens. I am speechless.
    You should get to live on ice cream to not go insane yourself.
    So say I.


  13. I wish there was a "like" button for the comments. They were great! :) So. When are you getting a cow? You could be making your own ice cream (huckleberry of course!) and selling it on the side of the road too.

  14. Ha--Huckleberry is a clue! We certainly don't have it in my "neck of the woods". Think woman--where have I seen Huckleberry flavored items? I'm guessing northwestern states--Washington, Oregon, Montana? Am I getting hot (close)?

  15. I can't believe about the pain medication. When I got that needle out of my toe, it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, from the time the local wore off until my prescription kicked in. Writhing. Worse than labor. BAD. He's tough or crazy. Both?
    I say that very affectionately, you know!
    Ice cream was a win!! You are smart...and beautiful!!
    I cannot believe there are more chickens. He buys chickens like some people buy plates. What a thing to collect! At least you get eggs from the chickens. Plates just gather dust.

  16. Dear Florence Nightingale,
    Anyone who must nurse LJ and try to get him to relax and recover deserves a medal. Holla for thinking of going for an ice cream. Can u spell ADHD? I bet that's harder than all your other jobs put together. Luv, Betsy Ross

  17. I must tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog!

    I think our husbands may be equally insane! I often laugh when people say that to me because truly, when they get to know him they can't believe half the stuff he does. Reading your blog is the first time I have ever thought, "Yes, your husband might just be as crazy as mine!" =D
