Monday, May 7, 2012

Elk Spaghetti

We had a busy weekend!  The girls went to stay with David's parents and the boys went to stay with my parents.

ALL weekend.


David and I, clearly knowing how to party whilst kid-less, used Saturday to get lots of chores done.  David, being the farm and rancher dude that he now is, left bright and early to get 2,000 pounds of chicken feed.  Because that's not excessive at all.

david buys chicken food
We estimate that we are into this chicken biz for about $1,500.  But, have no fear!  We are selling about 7 dozen eggs a week at $2.50 a dozen, so we're pretty much laughing all the way to the bank.  You cannot deny we are good with our money, no?

After David was done being a rancher for the day, we left to go to our rental house and get it all spiffed up for the summer season of vacation renters.  I find that cleaning the rental is disheartening and loathsome.  I would hire someone to clean it for me, but we have wisely spent all our money on chickens and we simply cannot afford it.  I was hoping to get all my work done, but I probably have another full day there.  David was a rockstar and was able to get all the yard work and touch up painting done.  Then he mocked me for not being a good worker.  So I made him take me to the movies, where we had popcorn for dinner.  Because we are healthy.

On Sunday, David went outside to rip out the entire chicken coop fence and redo it.  We neglected to bury the fence initially and our chickens formed a committee and decided to become free-range without our permission.

Our dogs certainly liked the arrangement.  But having dogs eat your $1,500 net worth chickens is not a good business plan.  So, David redid the fence.

Poor Tank.

tank looking out the door
He likes him some free-range chicken dinner.

I would like to announce that I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah did NOT have to build any fences this past weekend.  Instead, I got to use the excuse that since we were hosting 14 people for lunch, I had some stuff to do inside.

Be amazed at my brilliance.

The people came.  I fed them elk-spaghetti, which might have scarred my mother for life.  Then we all went on a 7 mile bike ride to burn off the cheesy breadsticks I also made so people could fill up on carbs if the elk weirded them out at all.  Which it probably did.

bike ride may 2012
Yes.  I am wearing black socks with sneakers, the fashion slave that I clearly am.  (David and my father-in-law are not pictured.)

In other news, Little Dude got a new bike and learned how to pedal all in one weekend!

ld jeep bike
My parents got it for him as an early birthday gift while he was with them over the weekend.

The bike is a Jeep, just like PopPop's and he informed us of this exciting coincidence quite often.

"I have a Jeep like PopPop!  J-E-E-P . . . .jeep!"

He is obsessed with spelling words lately.  And being naked.  He's oodles of fun!

Happy Monday!


  1. I do believe you're upside-down in your chicken coop mortgage.

    My youngest is obsessed with spelling words as well, but thankfully I can say that he does it fully clothed. :)

  2. I'd love some fresh eggs... Does your operation ship cross-country? I just want to say, first of all, that is the biggest bag of... Well, anything I've ever seen! How on earth did you get it out of the truck? Please don't tell me one scoopful at a time!

  3. Clearly you are starting the newest fashion trend of the summer... black socks with all attire. I can already see it on the Paris runways!

  4. I had popcorn for dinner too! And that is where the similarities in our weekends ends.

  5. won't all of that chicken feed mold before you have time to use it?

  6. I am thinking the chicken thing is not the only thing that is upside down. :)
    Why pay someone to clean the house when you have a slave to do it. Fodder for the TV the rental house.
    The one ton of chicken feed...fodder for the TV show. Extreme TV.
    Feed them elk spaghetti says the queen. Good job on using up the elk you despise.
    What IS your favorite meal?? besides, no elk !

  7. Have no fear, Taylor! It should take you only 200 weeks to break even on the chickens. ';)

    I love the group picture, by the way! The guy in the back looks SO happy. LOL!

    And your mom with the that where your food aversions come from?

  8. The awesome thing is when people are convinced that you get free eggs, since after all, you've got chickens that just lay them! ;) Pretty sure the grocery store eggs are cheaper, but they're nasty once you get use to fresh eggs. I'm going to talk my husband into getting me one of them thar sacks of feed...

  9. What IS your favorite meal? I'm interested too!!

    I saw a very cute-ish looking person sitting next to your very cute-ish mom in that small picture so I clicked on it and low and behold it was YOU! Nicely done! Black sock/sneaker affair and all!

    I'm sending you a link to a wonderful quiche recipe for to use all them eggs up. Well, at least the ones you don't sell. It's easy, you can add chopped spinach, switch out the meats and cheeses at will and it's still so good! My kids even eat the spinach up! It's good cold, reheated AND I add an extra egg just because. No, I'm not paid to say these things and no goods have been exchanged. Amen and you're welcome.

  10. I wear black socks all time, but my eccos are black, so no contrast. Lisa's quiche sounds like a good plan. I'm amazed that you could work so hard on the rental and have enough energy to go for a movie. Good for you!

  11. you're surely kidding about the chicken feed...right?

  12. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

  13. You may want to start thinking about turning the coop into another rental unit with a nice fenced in yard...for people, not chickens, that is.
