Monday, May 21, 2012

Farmer Brown

dm cowboy hat
Daisy Mae:  Mom, since we live in the country, I have to wear a cowboy hat all the time.

Me:  Sounds good.

Wait!  What's that?  Your table isn't always covered in math manipulatives, too?  That's odd.

It is Monday and I am exhausted.  Not surprisingly, David went to work this morning-after just having his appendix out on Friday afternoon.  Don't get your panties in a knot, I truly tried to keep him home.  He cared not.

I think he kinda overdid it this weekend.  He came home yesterday from picking up an entire ranch worth of straw and fell asleep.  He decided what was bothering him the most was his belt digging into his stomach . . . right near the incisions.  His solution was to wear suspenders.  He woke up from his nap and the girls thought he looked HI-larious, so they snapped a photo.

post op david.  with suspenders
Well, hello, Farmer Brown!

After that photo, I cut his hair.  Because I am Susie Fantastic, didn't you know?

Fun Fact:  I have yet to have a day where I cut his hair and he does not go and "fix" it afterwards.  I don't care anymore.  I am numb, people.  NUMB.

I vote we all just go to the big city to get our hairs cut.  But to each his own.

So, anyways.  I would scold David for doing too much all weekend long and attempt to get him to rest.  However, when Daisy Mae told me there was a live mouse running around inside of our wood stove, I determined that David was certainly well enough to come and take a looksie at that sitch.

Because there is no way I am going to willingly look at a mouse.  And, oh, do I have mice stories from our old house.  But that shall be for another day, my friends.

David went downstairs to deal with the mouse.  Pleasantly enough, it was a cute, much more aesthetically pleasing, bird.

bird in wood stove

In other exciting weekend news, the girls had a piano recital.

Sweet Pea

sp spring piano recital 2012
Daisy Mae

dm spring piano recital 2012
I realized when I sat down for the recital that I had not one clue which songs either girls were playing!  Isn't that awful?  Usually, I listen to them play a few times the week of the recital, but things have been a bit crazy over here.  I will say that it is nice to take one subject (music) in school and be able to completely check out of it.  Perhaps I shall hand David all those math manipulatives and check out of that as well.

I kid!  I jest!

Besides.  David teaches them some serious life skills.  Like 4 wheeler driving, trailer-hitching, rabbit sexing (again.  not as naughty as it sounds.), and fence building.

You can see now why Daisy Mae feels the need to wear the cowboy hat, no?

dm cowboy hat
I have a headache something fierce.  I must wonder if my post is even making sense?  Probably not.

Here's some more pointless info I shall now dump at you.  For your reading pleasure.

1)  David bought an egg incubator off of Ebay and it came in the mail today.  This means that not only can he bring chickens home from ladies selling them on the side of the road, but he can also grow his own.

2)  Would anyone be interested in buying some chicks from Maliblahblah Farms?

3)  Speaking of mice (were we speaking of mice?), Daisy Mae found what appears to be a mouse nest in my craft bin.

4)  I think its time Peter the Cat started earning his keep.

tank and peter snuggling
5)  We are going camping this weekend.  Along with the rest of the world.  David suggested we fry up Tom.

Remember Tom?

tom turkey
Come on!

You're jealous, admit it.  I mean who wouldn't want to feast on Tom?

So, let's hear some good side dishes to compliment Tom, shall we?

Oh, and rest assured, I will not be eating Tom.

Just like I don't eat my wall-friend, here.

mr. buck
Alright.  This post makes no sense.  I'm leaving now.


  1. I had a really really bad day yesterday, an old friend and her boyfriend were killed in a car wreck. I really needed a dose of lumberjill humor, thank you. I make this every chance we get to get all together because its easy and every one thinks I am a cooking genius, yep me and my crockpot.
    crockpot hash brown casserole.
    > 1 package Hashbrowns (32 oz size) I used shredded first time and southern
    > this time, both good.
    > 1 can Cream of mushroom soup (I used cream of chicken, small can)
    > 1/2 cup Margarine
    > 1 can Cheddar cheese soup
    > 1 cup Sour cream
    > Put hashbrowns in crock pot. Mix soups and sour cream together. Pour over
    > hash browns. Cut up margarine and stir into hashbrowns. Cook on low for 4
    > to 6 hours, stirring occasionally. You can add bacon, ham, whatever you like.
    Another lady changed it up " I used the southern style hash browns and simply added a few shakes of garlic powder, and onion powder, a small can of green chilies and some
    minced jalapeno peppers to the soup mixture."

  2. Darling picture of Daisy Mae!

    While you're out having camping pleasure I'll be spending my weekend at a baseball tournament. Although, to avoid high hotel cost we do it on the cheap and put up a HUGE tent in our friends yard. So, I guess I am going camping as well. Well there ya go! The best of both worlds, eh? Somehow I'm not fooled.

  3. We are attempting to go to Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, this weekend. The last time we were supposed to do this my ovary went berserk and I wound up on the hospital having a unilateral oophorectomy & cystectomy (look that one up for science credits). Here's hoping we get to see the house on the nickel this time.

    That hashbrown crock pot thing sounds yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Three days after I got my appendix out I was still not walking upright. That man has a super-human tolerance for pain.

  5. Cats are nocturnal. He is so beautiful. To Farmer Brown: Very GQ.

  6. We've had a total of 4 birds get caught in two different fireplaces in two different houses. If the Lumberjack happens to dream up some fantastical way to keep them out, please be sure to share!

  7. Farmer Brown .....eeee iiiiiii eeeeee iiiiii oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh hoh hoh hoh........heee.
    If you care for dressing/stuffing with your turkey this holiday......throw it all in the crockpot, stir lightly ... cook on low , 5 hours or so.
    Elk nacho dip..........brown elk...throw in crockpot add can of refried beans, cheese, salsa...stir....keep on low in crockpot. Use big corn chips to eat with.
    Mac/cheese ....cook noodles, throw in velveeta and a bit of milk. Bake or throw in crock pot.
    Creek fries --- peel& slice potatoes , peel & slice onion, use a foil pan or just heavy duty doubled aluminum foil line panfoil with bacon, salt /pepper potatoes, put on top of bacon layer with onion , cover with bacon again, fold aluminum foil tightly over top.
    Cook on grill for 2 hours or so....if you use the foil packet you can just flip once. If you use enough bacon they won''t stick.
    Can you make your own jiffy pop popcorn while camping? That would be fun. Surely there is a recipe on the web somewhere.

  8. Mike teaches maths in our house because it makes me cry. There are some bonuses in being married to a Financial Planner after all ...

  9. I love your blog!!
    (I cut my husband's hair too, and have the same trouble. He always finds something to fix.... UGH!)
    (I have several deer heads, and antelope heads in my house. ;)

  10. This made perfect sense to me. Hope your head no longer aches. :)

  11. You are so funny, I love reading your blog and am always sad when you haven't posted, but honey, it's look-see (general scoping out of the situation) not looksie (a tiny little look?) isn't it? Or maybe things are different in huckleberry country.
    Have a great day--isn't school about out for the summer? (4 more days of school for me)

  12. I'm worried about LJ! I think he is over doing it. Tell him I said so.
    Super sweet recital pictures. As long as they know what they're playing you're good.

    Have fun camping...bring on the mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce! Oh wait-outdoor cooking? Baked pototoes wrapped in foil on the could bring toppings and if you really are not eating Tom you could have a baked potato bar. Cheese, bacon (really good cooked over the fire!), sour cream, etc.

    Have you ever made doughboys-fun and messy but also delicious. Mix up bisquick and then wrap it around a (relatively) clean stick. Think corn dog style. Hold it over the coals to cook and then cut open and slather with butter and jam. yum!!
