Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fat Tuesday, Week 1

Special thanks again to Kimberly for making this badge for me back in the day!

Wow!  There were a lot of you that said you were up for joining me on this funky adventure!  This will be fun.  Or fun-ish.  Or horrific.  Only time will tell.

I am going to use Fat Tuesdays as accountability.  I am terrible at sticking to something and following through.  Therefore, I never see results on anything and I just give up.  So, I figure if I try to commit to something for the entire month of May, I am sure to see some sort of result?  One can only hope.

I would like to lose a few pounds, but that is not my biggest worry.  I am not very fit, and would like to be in better shape.  I am also desiring to make healthier meals for my family. 

So, I am going to use the month of May to meet the following goals:
1)  Follow Weight Watchers.  I don't plan on doing this forever, but I would like to do this to jump start things.

Fun Fact:  My mother has lost somewhere around 55 pounds via the Weight Watchers and has kept it off for two years.  She was even offered a job with them.

Funner Fact:  I feign to be on Weight Watchers and lose 2 pounds/gain 2 pounds for all eternity.  No one has offered me a job in about 10 years.

2)  Actually record what I eat in Weight Watchers.  Turns out Weight Watchers only works if you follow the plan!  Who knew?!

3)  Do some sort of exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week.  This will be hard for me to accomplish with homeschooling and all the farm and ranch chores we got going on.  Plus I hate exercising.  It will be a HUGE BUMMER.  It will be DEVASTATING.  It will be BORING.  It will be SWEATY.  Yet, I shall press on.

4)  Come up with a good list of healthy dinners my family enjoys.   I will use this month to experiment with new recipes and maybe even tweak some of our favorites.

So, there you have it!  An inspiring fitness post if there ever was one!  I am going to weigh in on Tuesday mornings.  I will NOT be telling you how much I weigh, as much as I like you all.  I shall also be measuring my tummy to see if anything is disappearing down there.  It probably won't.  But here's to hoping!

If you would like to join in, you can "check in" in the comments section below.  If you have any healthy recipes or tips, or would like to check in via your blog, just share the link in the comments section.



  1. Get some diabetic cookbooks. They tend to use fresh, more wholesome ingredients as opposed to mostly processed food.

    (I know a lot of people like to look up recipes online, but I really prefer to use a cookbook.)

    You should add a linky so those who are participating can link up :)

  2. http://alifeinordinary.blogspot.com/2012/05/fat-tuesday-512012.html

  3. Good for you! I really don't like exercising, either. I really started running (and - gasp! - enjoying it) when I signed up for my first 5k. There are lots of good training programs and the races themselves are so much fun. You may feel like you want to die/quit/scream during the race but the feeling when you're done is so good!

  4. Ugh. I really, truly need to join you as all the weight I lost when we did this last year has reappeared.
    But I shall not.
    Because I am stubborn and have decided to just be fat for now.

    I'll cheer you on though - Go Taylor!

  5. Well, darn. You should have started back up a month ago so that I could have really felt successful. ;) I'm almost to my goal, but maybe I'll join in for the exercise accountability and recipes. I've been finding some great ones that are healthy (no processed food) and yummy, and I've also been experimenting with breakfasts & snacks for my kids so that they're eating way less packaged stuff and refined sugars.

    Maybe those of us who use Pinterest should set up a board for sharing healthy and yummy recipes we've found and link to it.

  6. OK. So I have begun. I did my first Fat Tuesday post. Tune in every week to see how many more chigger bites and ticks I might collect on my walks, and what other wildlife I might encounter. Today was a snapping turtle.

    Fun stuff.

    I will try to take my camera on my future walks and post pics for next week's entry.

  7. YAY!
    I am IN, I started running last week (once), and yesterday I ran also... hopefully I will run more than once this week!

  8. Ha! Mindee, I'm afraid I'm with you on this one. :( I actually did lose 45 pounds on Weight Watchers last year and then...just...stopped. Now I've been bouncing up and down 10 pounds since last April. You would think the 45 pounds would have been incentive to keep going but nooooo... not me!

  9. You know, you could always do a juice fast. It's easier and doesn't require exercise. And you lose lots of inches and weight. :D

  10. So, I'm checking in. I have not missed a day of my video since I started. I am going to do it tonight, even though I feel like junk, physically and emotionally. I hope tomorrow will be a better day (read: I make better choices). I still have not had soda, so...that is good for me.
    I think you can stick with it, Taylor. If you can move to Ruralville, get a horde of rabbits, take on the chickens...well, I think you could do pretty much anything. I could never do any of that other stuff. But this? I'm going to do it, because I hate feeling and looking the way I do right now.

  11. That sounds like a really long list that will be hard to achieve. Set smaller goals, girl! LOL..Seriously, FIVE days a week. Why not 3, so you can get in the groove and not feel like a big loser when you only do it 4 times? You look fabulous all the time with or without your pseudo WW plan. I think you only want to exercise, so you can keep up with David and all those farm chores he's setting up for you to do now. Is your exercise regime going to be something like: chase chickens for 30 minutes, throw tennis ball for dogs for 20 minutes switching to left arm after 10 minutes, squatting repeatedly throughout entire house to pick up clothing and toys while carrying baskets of homemade goodies on your head? You go, girl!

  12. LIKE!
    but it is depressing having to cook for the rest of the family and then watch them eat...

  13. I would say I'm in - as I plan to loose 20+ pounds this month. However, childbirth might be considered cheating...
    I'm with you on the healthy meals tho' and am happy to contribute there!

  14. I'm wearing my pedometer and I finished the chocolate up last night... I'm in!

  15. If you can commit (ie force yourself) to exercise and eat well for about 2 weeks, then it will become a lot easier and you will end up WANTING to keep it up. It just becomes habit. I do some sort of exercise everyday and actually miss it on days I don't. Get it done first thing in the morning so it's out of the way and you still have your whole day. Pinterest (obviously) has tons of great at home exercise routines, as does a site called toneitup.com. A good recipe site is www.skinnytaste.com. She does/did weightwatchers and all her recipes show the weight watchers point values. I've made a few of her recipes and they've all turned out amazing. You know that pinterest has lots of recipes too but all of the yummy gooey desserts that are showcased totally overshadow the salads and good stuff!!

  16. I'm wondering if this could replace my Mo-cap diet because...I've kind of blown it. Easter jelly beans caused a downward spiral. Wah.

  17. Hey Taylor! :) Do you want a daily check in buddy for working out? I'd love to stay accountable with you daily! Also, have you done pilates? Do you like it? Try searching on YouTube for POP Pilates. Any of the beginner ones are great! Cassey is a fantastic instructor. The time flies by! :)


    I'm not in.

    Here's one of my favorite recipes because #1. it's healthy #2. it uses the crockpot #3. it's comforting comfort food #4. I add cream or half & half which pretty much makes it fattening #5. I care not.


  19. Did you see the Doc Oz show where he told what foods to eat for weight loss for specific parts of the body? Ya, no kidding! It's on his web site and it works. I use it along with Weight Watchers and walking. But I hate exercise and unfortunately need to kick it into gear.

  20. I am trying to exercise 3 days a week and keep my calories under 1500. Need to work on the quality of food.

  21. My goal is to do 20-30 minutes of exercise a day ( I count walking the dog) and eating no sugar no starch. I actually go back on a very strict diet May 29th to tackle the last 25 pounds!

  22. I'd be in, but Fat Tuesday would interfere with Taco Tuesday.
    I gots to have my chips n salsa.

  23. I will not participate, but I WILL make you all the buttons you want. Does that count?! :D

  24. So, I finally have a day off (which is funny because I have 13 days until I have 3 months off), and I am able to catch up on your blog. I'm reading the new book by Bob Harper (from the Biggest Loser) called Skinny Rules. He says that people like rules because there are so many things these days that don't follow rules (and he doesn't even have kids!). There are some I like and some I don't. I am going to strive to be a rule follower, and we'll see. But, I'm with ya' on this journey through the last half of May! Oh and I've been on WW for like 3 years and lost about 50ish lbs. I also am doing the lose 2/gain 2 program and forget that you actually must FOLLOW the program to be successful.
