Sunday, November 1, 2009

Candy, Candy, Candy, Candy . . .


Wait for it . . .

 DSC_0002Wait for it . . .

DSC_0003And . . .

DSC_0004They're done.

And I am glad it is all over.

Am I a Halloween grinch?


I just don't care.

Although I do think my kids look pretty darn cute.  Sweet pea is "Mary" from Little House on the Prairie, Daisy Mae is a cheerleader, Handsome dude is a cow, and Little dude is a pumpkin.

I bought that pumpkin costume for Sweet pea's first Halloween back in 2003.

All 4 of my offspring have donned it.

But, now we will no longer need it, as no one will fit into it anymore.

DSC_0010We joined my parents for dinner.

My cousin, Greg, not to be confused with my Uncle Greg, also joined us for dinner.


This is cousin Greg's first appearance in the blog.

Everyone say,

"Hi, Greg!"

My parents were slightly down in the dumps because they discovered that someone had stolen their camp trailer.

Who steals a camp trailer?


DSC_0012Luckily for us, they were still able to whip up a delicious meal!

My mom makes this mexican meat, and it is quite delicious I tell you.

I just might share the recipe someday.

DSC_0018Off to find candy at a few of the houses in my parent's neighborhood.

Sir Chubby Pumpkin took a tumble.

DSC_0027My handsome dude thought this was the best night ever.

He went running from house to house, screaming,

"More candy!  This way!  Yay!"


And cheering.

And screaming.

DSC_0044We then returned to my parent's house where little dude entertained us with his dance moves.

My mother  put on his favorite Christmas song, "Happiest Christmas Tree."
Because nothing says, "Halloween" like a Christmas song!

DSC_0116My dad was trying to navigate his way around ITunes while we were there.

DSC_0060At times I wonder if my dad is "hip" enough to know about things such as laptops and ITunes.



DSC_0101Candy Wrappers!


There he is again!

Hi, Greg!

So, it's over. 


But now we have about 47 pounds of candy in our house, which is great.

Mr. Lumberjack did not do as I expected and remove all of the good candy.

DSC_0103He fell asleep.

Because he had gotten up at 0400 to go hunting.

So, he was disinterested in the candy.

Now the fab four have a huge, unlimited supply of candy at their fingertips.

And from now on, I will just have to plan on sending my manly man out hunting every Halloween morn.

Because this:

DSC_0086This is a much better way to go.

4 kids + endless amounts of  sugar.

I really don't like Halloween.


  1. Oh, come on Taylor! Have a little Halloween Spirit! :) We went trick or treating last night and had a pretty fun time, but Levi hasn't caught on that just because someone opens their door, we don't run inside their house! That was a little tiring. And SCARY! Sad to say there are some, Ahem, interesting people in our neighborhood! Love the pictures!! Go eat some candy and cheer up, it's over!!

  2. I'm with you. Totally not into Halloween. I do like the kid's candy! :) It's something to hold over their heads for when they misbehave for the next 6 months!!

  3. Well, at least your husband is. Perhaps you're just exhausted raising four kids and keeping care of yourself and a husband too. I love Halloween. No presents to buy and you can wear weird clothes. Thanks always for posting blogs and photos for everyone. I'm sure all of us thank you.

    Everyone - Thanks to Taylor
    Hip Hip Hooray!

  4. Dear Daisy Mae, next time sis is mean to you just tell her she better be nice because you are her bestest and only sister. I miss you very much and I love the picture that shows your missing tooth. Don't forget to brush your teeth. Bye, Aunt Dana.

  5. Your dad has more hip in his little finger than, uh, uh, wait....
    Well - he does. He just keeps it hidden. I see it whenever I'm there.

  6. Maybe a bit of a Halloween Scrooge but even so we wish you & your kidlets could have shown up at our door last night. We didn't give a single bannana tootsie roll :) Tell your folks we're so sorry about the camp trailer. Hoodlums ...

  7. Don't you just love kids wired on candy? I usually hide my kids loot and then take most of it to work. Now that they are getting older they are not too keen on that idea.... I can not believe someone stole your parents trailer. It is awful! Your mom is so sad :(
