Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Hedge of Protection.


Today we got Handsome Dude's new glasses.

Would you please remember Handsome Dude's new glasses in your prayers?

Pray a Hedge of Protection around them.

To keep them safe.

All of their days.


Let's recap the glasses saga, shall we?

Pair #1:

Time of service: September of 2007-May 2008

Reason for being retired:  A)  Doctor said he no longer needed glasses and B)  Glasses became too small

Pair #2

Time of Service: July 2009-February 2010

Reason for being retired:  Missing. 

And presumed dead.

Pair #3:

Time of Service:  March 2010-April 2010

Reason for Retirement:  Broken beyond repair.

Pair #4 came today.

Honestly, folks, I don't know how steadfast pair #4 can remain against my boy.

As I stared at these new, untainted glasses today, I tried to put myself in the glasses' shoes.

Must be scary and uncertain to be the new glasses for my Handsome Dude.

Now, I know that glasses do not think.

Nor do they have feelings or thoughts.

But if they did, dear readers, I would like to suggest that this would be the life motto, nay the life song, for pair #4's life.


I am pretending that the glasses are singing.

But, dudes.

I am going on day 5 here of massive head-cold-sore-throat-itis.

Humor me.

100 (meaningless) points to whomever can name the song.

200 (meaningless) points to whomever can name the artist.

5 million (meaningless) points to whomever prays a hedge of protection around these spectacles.

*Thank you*


(Interruption:  I took the liberty of changing a few lyrics so they would work for my purposes.  Because I can.)

First I was afraid . . . .I was petrified

Kept thinking I could never live with you by my side.
But I spent so many nights thinking how you did others wrong

I grew strong
I learned how to carry on and so you're back

from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd someday bother me

Go on now go  . . . walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore

weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
you think I'd crumble

you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I

I will survive
as long as I know how to love
I know I will stay alive

I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

It will take all the strength I have
not to fall apart

kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high

and you see me
somebody new

I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you

and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving for someone who's loving me.

I will survive.



I'm off to medicate myself and zone out for while.



For more fabulous parenting stories, visit Jess at Blog Schmog.


  1. The song - I will survive, Artist - Gloria Gaynor! And I'm so praying for your little guy's glasses survival! I too pray for each new pair, and each lays broken and dead in the bin at the doctors office about every 3 months. Just another perk of living with a Special Needs guy, who thinks he's just to Supah for glasses!

  2. I Will Survive! Great choice! I must admit I cheated and looked up the singer, but I will not post it since I didn't actually know it. A prayer is being said for the glasses and for your family's health. Feel better!

  3. I've seen those totally flexible frames, they do not break. Can't u get them? Won't help if they get lost. What about an elastic band around back of head. Hope you feel better real soon. Gargle hot salt water, it really helps.

  4. Oh, he truly is a handsome dude!
    Prayer of protection for the glasses and for your healing today!

  5. I love your blog and all the crazy shenanigans that go on here. Lord, protect those little wire framed glasses from falling to pieces and draining my friend's wallet of all her resources. Amen

  6. Praying (now/again) for health in the Lumberjack's home!...and for little glasses to be kept secure ;)

  7. made me smile =) but i am so sorry you are sick!

  8. hugs and prayers (for glasses and sickys!!) :) take care!

  9. "I Will Survive" - Gloria Gaynor! It was...special...bless your sick little heart! I will pray a hedge of protection over those poor, defenseless glasses. They have no idea what might lie ahead! Get to feeling better!

  10. praying for a hedge of protection on Handsome Dude's glasses! And hope you're feeling well soon!

  11. To be perfectly honest - I am not sure a hedge will be enough.. I will pray for a solid cement wall of protection.. with that curly spiky metal on top of it... and a moat..

    Sorry you are sick! I bet you don't get to take a break either - Mom's usually don't!

  12. Hey sickie--well done for a head in a fog with sore-throat-itis.
    It can be difficult for many things to survive a 3-year-old little boy, nonetheless something made of thin metal and thin plastic. That can be destroyed so very easily.
    We'll hope for the best! :)

  13. Hys-ter-i-cal!! You are one funny chick! I love the song and the new glasses. I was in the 7th grade when that one came out.

  14. I like the new glasses! They are by far the cutest I've seen on him, he is so cute. I'll pray for the life of the poor scared little frames and oh so tender lenses. Get better friend!

  15. With a song like that, the glasses will definitely survive!

    ...although, to be honest, it does sound as though you've already written the glasses obit.

  16. (((((((((((((((((((((((glasses)))))))))))))))))))))))


    :) Feel better, soon!

  17. Love the song! Praying for the glasses and health in your household!

  18. Dang, he makes those glasses look gooooood.


  19. it could be many people, including the original artist, but I like to assume you were thinking of Cake's version when you wrote this.
    good band, Delicious title.

  20. I think the glasses feel the same way that Nemo felt when he saw Darla coming for him.

  21. Great song! May those glasses have a wonderful long life.

  22. Maybe you should get Handsome Dude some of those glasses that athletes wear while playing - I think they're pretty much indestructible and have cool bands to hold them on your head!

  23. I will survive! I dont know who sang it, but here is to glasses #4!! May you be brave and live long! :)

  24. That is a great song!! Took me straight back to college. :)
    I do pray that those glasses stay safe, and that you will feel better soon! We have had allergy issues and it is so draining ( would be better if it were draining) to have all the crud in your head.
    That is funny that you have all those pictures of the glasses. They will never be forgotten.

  25. Good idea. medication. lots of medication.
    love, the lady

    ps ~
    dear heavenly father,
    please put a protection around handsome dude as well as those sweet little spectacles of his.

    and please be with is mother and help her to feel better soon... she seems really sick.

    In Jesus' name, Amen

  26. Perfect song! Praying for those glasses!

  27. Hey,'s up!
    I posted the post...officially.

  28. Oh, and I posted it but couldn't gush about you at the beginning because I was messing up the font. I did not want to mess up your work, so I typed in the comments section. Sigh. I have really got to become more technical.
    Anyway, you'll be the smash of the party, my friend!!!

  29. Jonathan told me to tell you that Oakley makes prescription ski goggles - maybe those could withstand Handsome Dude. :)
