Monday, May 3, 2010

Ruralville, 365 Days of Rubbish, and a Giveaway.

This weekend, we loaded up the kids, packed snacks and water, made sure our flashlights had working batteries, checked the oil, loaded the first aid kit, gathered some emergency flares, charged the cell phones, and filled the rig up with gas and headed out to Ruralville to survey what will hopefully soon be our homestead.

Due to our lack of a realtor present (we did have permission to go), we were only looking at the land and the outside of the house and shop.

Which is just as exciting as if we were to look on the insides.



Thar she is, folks.

28oo square feet of 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath, non-hardwood floor bliss.

Lovely, I say.

Tis lovely.

Now, the entire time we were there, we heard gunshots firing from down yonder country road.

I would reckon about 500 paces from the well.

Yes, that's right.

The well.

One might wonder if this is safe territory . . . you know . . . with the gunshots and such.

I sure hope them neighbors over yonder take a liking to us.

Territory folks should stick together, territory folks should all be pals . . . .

(Name that movie that song is from.  If you don't know it I am sorely disappointed in you.)


Random Topic Quick-Change!

One whole year ago, I published my very first post in this blog.

Actually, it wasn't this blog.

It was a different blog named and it had a delightful cherry background, if I do say so myself.

Oh, Blogger and your vast array of colorful themes . . . .

The first post can be found if you click here, although I know you won't click on it.

I don't know why I even bother.


My comments section was a dry, barren land.

Zero comments!

Attention my three original blog viewers: Melissa, Jessy, and Lani . . .

You cut me deep, girls.  You cut me real deep just now.

(Name that movie)
(Drat!  I cannot get this darn thing out of italics.  Why am I such an idiot?  It is amazing I even figured out how to find my blog.  We are just going to have to finish this puppy off in italics.  This would be a good time for me to remind you that I have no idea what I am doing.)
No need to go leave a comment now, girls.
Too little too late.
In celebration of me actually sticking to something and keeping up with this foolishness for a whole year, I am going to have a little giveaway!
The Lumberjack said I could!
Let us have a moment of applause for my handsome Lumberjack for approving a giveaway and going to get ice cream for my sore, sore, sore throat.
Just leave a comment on this here post and you will be eligible for a $25 giftcard to Target.
Fun Fact:  Did you know that The Pioneer Woman is also celebrating her blogging anniversary?
I think not.
Fun Fact:  Actually, it is just a coincidence.  PW does not know that I, nor this blog, exist.
Let's have a moment for what could have been, PW.
Thank you.
(Raise your hand if you do not know who PW is. )
Leave a comment.
You could say,
"Marge was here."
"You are a computer dork."
You could tell me how to get this post out of italics.
Or perhaps why it will no longer center.
You could answer my "name that movie" questions.
You can post your favorite number.
Truly . . . the choice is yours.
One comment per person, please.  Contest ends Friday night at 11:59pm with winner being announced sometime on Saturday.
Thank you! 
I never thought in a million years that anyone besides a few of my friends and my parents would be interesting in reading this rubbish.
And if it was just my parents reading . . .
this blog would be one desolate wasteland.
So thanks for reading!
I have had a fun year!


  1. 8
    my favorite number is 8
    no idea how to get you out of italics.

  2. You absolutely crack me up. Congrats on your new property and your blogiversary. (Do you like that? I totally made it up. Get it? Blog...anniversary? You're welcome.) And you're also awesome on account of the fact that you like Target. Because I do. A lot. And $25 would help feed that nasty habit I have of filling up my basket with all the $1 junk I pick up at the front of the store. Thank you.

  3. Happy 1st year birthday to your little bloggie!

    I know who the PW is. We are best buds, obviously. I mean, both of us depend on agriculture for our support. And we are both from Oklahoma!

  4. Oooooooooklahoma! Thank that song will be stuck in my head days.

    CONGRATS on a whole year!! I don't know how you do it! I can only hope to have a more interesting life to blog about someday so that I may progress from my 4 slightly devoted readers to a multitude of followers like you.

    Oh, and you're new possible homestead looks absolutely LOVELY!

  5. Congratulations on your one year bloggy anniversary!
    Your new homestead looks lovely, peaceful and serene...I would love to live somewhere out in the country.
    Hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. Oh! I can tell you how to get rid of italics if the little button isn't doing the job. You ready? It's a bit technical but I am the Wordpress Queen. Ok, not really but I do know a few tricks ;) On the top right hand corner of where you're typing you post there are two little tabs, one says "visual" one says "html". Click on "html". You should be able to see this and then a bunch of words, followed by this . Just delete those two little things (code) and ...BAM! No more italics. Oh, and the actual little deals don't have spaces in them.

  7. I "puffy heart" Target!! - I wonder if they sell flat abs there. Pick me and I'll let you know. Oh ya, you have flat abs. You do not need any unlike Chunky Mama. Pity...

  8. Holy Sharmoley Caroley!! Your new home is ridonculously beautiful! Now I know what you mean when you say dream home! Holla!
    Target is my favorite store and I heart it.
    Also, I heart your blog, so thanks for sticking with it and putting up with our silly comments. Come on gift card.........!!!!

  9. I only wish I had found you a year ago. Now I have to go back and catch up on ALL your blogs and I will start with the first one! My challenge. Any time I need a giggle or pick-me-up. You are my sunshine!
    I "heart" your sense of humor!
    I'm generally NOT a blog-reader but I do believe I am enjoying your blog too much to give it up!

  10. I am a math geek, I like all numbers, almost ax much as I like blogs.

  11. The house is so pretty! I'm super excited for you guys!!!

  12. I totally need that Target card!! remember when i used to go there all the time and you would laugh at me?? =)

  13. Happy Blogiversary! I love to read your blog. It reminds me of when my boys were little. You always make me laugh.

  14. Love the house & the property! I imagine your dear LJ will fit right in with the neighbors. Maybe they could discuss their favorite weapons:)


    Happy Anniversary!

  15. cows say moo

    (oh, and congrats on the blogiversary and house!)

  16. Fave number is 7!
    Happy one year!
    And.. that house looks.... amazing! :) I bet you are excited!!!

  17. So, as I sit here listening to Train (as in the band not as in a train) and reading your blog and the subsequent comments, I noticed that I may be the lone male commenter/reader and I am somewhat disappointed in my gender. Then, it occurred to me that I had zero idea what I would get with a Target giftcard that did not involve toys or CDs. Oh well...I'm sure my wife would have a few suggestions as she confiscated the card for the "good" of the family.

    Regardless, my favorite number is 47. Congrats on the blogiversary.

    Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
    When I take you out in the surrey,
    When I take you out in the surrey with the fringe on top!

  18. Congrats on such an exciting year. Handsome Dudes successful potty training, new house with central vac (AWESOME STUFF) and a full year with a fantastically amusing blog. Oh yeah, and being Super Woman with the 4 awesome kids, the crazykin inlaws, and the highly adventurous lumberjack. There are days that just reading about your life is exhausting. But that just makes everything you do that much more awe inspiring :-) I suggest a oment of silence for Mrs. Lumberjack's awesomeness.

  19. Taylor my dear dear niece..Your future home looks lovely, and I do hope your new neighbors find a likin' to you, as I DO NOT want to hear from your dad how his girl in involved in some modern Hatfield and McCoy feud...............

  20. I am not from Ruralville, however, I have kin from there. I'm going to correct your Ruralville talk "I sure hope them neighbors over yonder take a liking to us." Should be "I sure hope them thar neighbors over yonder take a likin' to us." (you could spit here, but it's not ladylike)
    I have a feeling you're going to be completely off the grid soon. LJ will have another woodburning stove installed and that fancy electric heat will be ripped out. Get the pressure cooker out, Ma, you'll be canning maters and beans soon.
    Love the blog.. happy bloggie birthday!

  21. time, there was this squirrel and it was green and it's cause it ate too many green..............things and sometimes the squirrel would go on a date with the neighbor chipmunk and they would go to that hole in the tree wheres theres a big flashing sign that says CLUB and they would dance but then the chipmunk would drink too much cider and then step on the squirrel's tail and it would get really mad and one time the squirrel turned green from the green apple cider and it made the chipmunk mad cause it don't like the color green much and that's why they are always yelling at each other.

    The end.

  22. Happy blogaversery!

    I would love a Target gift card, but no targets it Canada. Major major shame.

  23. Oklahoma! Love it!

    Here is my comment....I clicked on your original post. Your linking efforts were not wasted.

    Congrats on your blogoversary! I always love coming makes me smile.

  24. Happy blogaversary! I'm glad you are here because otherwise I would have to keep searching for a blog to make me laugh on a daily basis!

    Love the new house--congratulations on that, too! :)

  25. Some day I want to hear the whole story of what happened to the other blog and how you ended up here.

    LOVE the new house and the setting is spectacular.

    Happy 1 year. :)

  26. Happy Anniversary! I really heart your blog. It makes my day. I always click on your links, so they are not wasted.
    My in-laws have a home in Ruralville. My father-in-law, Dale, put a ten foot high fence around it with barbed wire at the top, supposedly to keep the animals out of his garden, but we all know it was really to mark his territory. We now call their house Dalecatraz.
    Oh, and I heart Target too!

  27. Congrats on your blogoversary! I always love coming here…it makes me smile

  28. Enjoy the read and the Holla - I mean come on that's just funny!

  29. Happy Anniversary! So glad that you are the first non-friend person over at my little blog!

  30. Holla! That would be my random comment.

    Had to do a few day catch up reading.
    First love the cow for your Comment of the week, that was creative.
    Second love how you talked all "country/redneck" in your ruleville post. House looks lovely and love the setting. We put an offer on the house with 40ac so I hope to soon be one of them people with a well again, and able to shoot our gun with out the cops showing up;) Doesn't go over to well in town on 1/2 ac :(

  31. Happy 1 year! Time flies when you're having fun!

  32. Happy year anniversary! I have no idea on the movies, ever, any of them, what does that make me other than sad!
    Favorite number, that is do know, 3.

  33. Ohhhhhh-Oklahoma! I need to rent that again.

    Beautiful house. My hubby would cry if he saw the photo of the shop, so I'll be shielding him from it for his own good.

    You must be so excited!

  34. 1. A well... I'm so jealous! Beautiful house (at least from the outside), amazing property, gun-toting neighbors.. what more could a woman ask for? (we hear hand grenades in my part of town, so count your blessings!)

    2. I clicked! and commented! So now I share 50% of the comment space with that first post (and honestly, I don't think we should count the trackback).

    3. I don't know why I'm numbering this. It's not a to-do list.

  35. Happy 1 year! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog because you can always make me laugh. :)
    Looks like the new property is going to be a big hit with the kiddos. Just keep them in hunter orange for their own safety. I bet LJ will enjoy hunting from the back deck.

  36. I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and I LOVE it! You are too funny! Thanks for the stories and laughs!

  37. Congrats on a year! The new house looks fabulous :)

  38. Ok, so the house is AWESOME, congratulations!!! I could SO use 5 bedrooms and no hardwood - 10 years of hardwood floors is long enough!
    The movie is Oklahoma! (funny you mention PW in the post w/ Oklahoma! The son is something like the Cowman and the Farmer or the Farmer and the Cowman... I watched Oklahoma the first time when I was 6 it was my granddaddy's favorite. I've seen it probably a million times, and it's probably my favorite too!
    Also - don't know about wordpress but usually CTRL+I does the trick for italics.
    Read the first post, and will comment!
    Oh and my favorite number is 10.

  39. i love your blog!

    cantankerous is a great adjective to try out. i use it a lot, particularly referring to my fussy child.

    and the joke about weight watchers? you look super fit to me. you don't need ww! you look great! does sucking up get me an extra entry? but, seriously, you do look great!

  40. Happy Anniversary! Love your blog, always makes me smile.

  41. Well, I am so glad you are still writing! I just found you, and you make me laugh so hard my coffee comes out of my nose sometimes!

  42. OOoooooooklahoma where the wind comes sweepin' down the plaaaaains!

  43. Happy Blog-grrr-verse-ary (I have terrible spelling skillz... even for made-up words.)

    If PW isn't reading you, she is totally missing out!

    3 is my favorite number... for several boring reasons, which I won't bore you with right now since it's you special day...

    I hope you are feeling better.

  44. I am jealous- 41 comments?! You are amazing and oh so popular... I'm so lucky I can say I know you in real life :)

    And that house looks so nice and big and lots of room for the kids to run and scream! I am happy for your fam-dam!

  45. uuummm...just one quick question...can i move in with you?? lol in your new house i's fabulous!! :) and umm..i have an unnatural affection for TARGET!!! :) TY!!

  46. I love to read your blog and although your thoughts jump around a lot - I can usually keep up!


  47. OK, five things:
    1)I have no idea what movie that is from, I hardly ever know the answers to any of your questions. I am sad to say out of the thousands of meaningless point you give, I have maybe gotten 500 hundred.
    2)I love the new house, well the outside at least. I'm sure I would love the inside just as much.
    3)I click on every link you put up. So, you know at least one person cares enough to look them all, so you are not wasting time.
    4)Yeah for Lumberjack letting you have a giveaway. Maybe he's not as cheap as I once thought.
    5)Congrats on the anniversery. I love this blog, keep them coming.

  48. Congrats on your 1-yr of blogging and getting your property! The house and land looks huge! I hope you like vacuuming!

  49. OKLAHOMA! I didn't cheat. I know a million people probably already answered, but due to high winds and power outages yesterday I am waaaayyy late on reading this :) I was in Oklahoma my senior year in High school. I could sing the song in my sleep. :)

  50. A giveaway? You have totally arrived!

  51. Ok seriously? That house is A-MAZING! So excited for you!

    I have no idea about the first challenge (name the movie that song is from). I know... I'm embarrassed!

    The second question, however, I am proud announce is SHREK!! Did anyone else answer that? I should win the $25 Target card just for that! Oh how I love Donkey... and target!

    PS... that pic of your dad holding the computer up to his ear like it is whispering sweet nothings is hilarious! I love it!

  52. The house is ginormous! Totally jealous. Awesome! And happy blogiversary!

  53. Your new house looks great! My first thought when I saw the second story deck? "The boys will be peeing off of that in no time." Just sayin'.

    Congratulations on your blogaversary. You've been blogging for one year and you had over fifty comments today. I've been blogging for two years and I'm lucky to get three comments. I guess I need to get a life. Or maybe my boys can start peeing on my appliances. Oh, wait. I think I'll settle for the three comments instead!

  54. I love your blog. I just found you from FringeGirl.

  55. I like reading your blog, it's funny and I like seeing what other people are doing. I don't always comment because my husband says I always have a comment about everything, therefore I try to keep my mouth shut at least half of the time. Also, my son is starting to do the same thing...a comment for everything!! So, do know that I read almost everyday, even though I don't tell you so.

  56. Thank you for sticky with the blogging!! Your blog is one of my more enjoyable ones to read every day!!

  57. Random comment, compliments of Sparkle: Holiday!

    Favorite number: 17

    I just found you a few days ago through Where's My Rolling Pin and happy to have found you :)

  58. Raw Almond Butter.

    It's my favourite thing to eat in the whole world. IN the WHOLE WORLD.
    Love your house. It looks gorgeous and I am sure you will love it. LOVE IT.
    Way to go on one year of blogging. I'm glad I found you before you were three years old or--horrors--in your teens. I would have missed out on so much. SO MUCH.
    Thanks to you I now know who PW is. Someone referenced PW on my blog saying that I should become like them and I did not understand what it meant. I was concerned that it may mean Putrid Wasteland or better, Pretty Woman. I'm wiser now. MUCH WISER. Thanks to you!

  59. Oklahoma! Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains....

    I'm so excited for you to have house and land and a shop and a well! Your kids will have a blast playing and running free!!

  60. You are sweet and good to ask permission to do a giveaway. I made the plan, and the purchase, and then asked what he thought about it. haha I'm a bad girl. :)
    Thanks for your comment, T. Ruts stink, whether you're driving or just walking along in life. I hope to be out of the funk soon, too. Although it may take something a little stronger than Dr. Pepper. The Holy Spirit? He's pretty strong. :)

  61. Oklahoma, of course! Now I'll be singing that for the rest of the day!

  62. Wow, I'm your 64th comment! That's pretty good from zero on your first post. Keep up the great posts!

  63. Pass me a tissue please.

    I need to wipe the drool from my face.

    I must repeat this phrase, "You shall not covet you blog-friend's new house...."

    As for the gun shots, maybe they shot the bears? Poor bears. Happy Taylor??

    And finally, a question: HOW ON EARTH do you have all these grown-up quotes in your head? The only things I can quote have to do with music and shows for the "rated Y for Youth" crowd. After 4 babies, my ability to remember "pre-child" quotes has been shot. You are my hero. Please, you must share how you remain so firmly footed in grown-up land. I am lost in a sea of pre-school (and 2nd grade).

  64. Me-thinks you're gonna have to hire "staff" to read all of these blog comments - but they, you will have a big enough house to have your own little blog office - and I know someone who lives in a little brown house who can come and give you lots of decorating ideas!
    So..... I actually knew Oklahoma - very proud of myself - one of my fav musicals. But of course I didn't click on the blog link - I'm just not an overachiever, okay?
    I asked my sista where your ruralville is and she said the knew the answer but alas - she forgot - dang that turning 50 stuff! Wherever it is, wow, you are gonna have wildlife and little critters galore. If you get chickens, rabbits, or other small critters of your own, just protect them from wylie coyote cuz I can guarantee you he's out there! But what a wonderful looking homestead - hope everything goes smoothly for y'all.

  65. I really like Target, yes, yes I do.

  66. I was going to be real original and say "Happy Blogiversary" b/c I thought I had made up that word but it looks like every other commenter made that word up too! Boo! Congrats!

  67. Oaklahoma.
    apparently I can't spell that, but you know what I mean.
    oh wait. Oklahoma.
    Anywhoo, happy blog anniversary.
    I gots ta go, my son is crying in his nap saying, "mom I don't want to eat".
    What. EVER.

  68. You have 71 comments :) Count the 71 (lol)

    PS: Love the house in them yonder hills...sweet!

  69. Hey! I found your site through Debbie's site (
    I read this almost every day (I almost read it sunday...monday...)haha, just kidding.
    I love your writing style (centering included), and cant wait to read of your further adventures in (cue the music) ruralville

    (ps, there's nothing like free cash to make the mice come out of the hole and start drifting blog readers (should that be with hyphens?) being the mice and all)

  70. Congrats on one year! I enjoy reading about your life and am so envious (in a good way) of your new home. That is our dream ..... someday.

  71. You crack me up!!! Keep on writing! You are my entertainment every day!!

  72. Congrats on your blogiversary! I feel your italics pain. Sometimes things happen when I blog that I have trouble fixing, too. I liked the way you just went with it :)

  73. Congratz on the 1 year anniversary!! The new house is quite lovely! I like your blog whether it is centered or not, in regular font or italics. I always come here for my daily chuckle!!

  74. Okay, I'll leave a comment, just so you feel loved! ;)
    Your new house looks lovely, my son would adore living in the middle of a forest like that. As long as there weren't any wild animals. He's rather afraid of them! (3 year olds...)

    Anyhow, don't enter me in your draw, we don't have any Target stores in Canada!

  75. Nice house, is that huge building a shop? Wow! So, how close can people hunt to your home? I believe the movie is Oklahoma. No idea of the quote. I voted for you. When do you get to view the inside? Exciting. Thanks for the photos. Why is everyone putting favorite number? Mine is also 8. Congrats on entertaining us all for one year. You deserve the prize.

  76. If you keep showing pictures and talking of Ruralville, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to quit reading, because I'm pretty sure "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house..." Is that how it goes?

    Oh. And the movie? Oklahoma. My girls are in a kick with it right now..."Farmers dance with the ranchers' daughters, ranchers dance with a farmer's gal!!"

    And if I win it will totally be "Oh what a beautiful morning!"

  77. remind me. Does the new house have a garage? Does this mean you'll have more than one room to dump stuff in (I am making reference to your first blog post, which I did read and should qualify me for two entries...*wink*...).

    Thanks for the giveaway! I'm sure the winner will love it (as I have little hope of winning it since I never win anything).

    Happy Blogversary!

  78. One Year!!! Yeah!!!

    Random gunshots...gotta love our little bit of Heaven up here, don't you?

    Oh and I tried to comment at 41 comments, 52, 78 and now...hopefully this one works.


    And nice to meet you too.

  79. Congrats on your one year blogging anniversary! I so enjoy reading you.

    And I do love some Target. :)

    Hope you feel better soon!

  80. Taylor~

    Congrats on a year of blogging and making people laugh. You are so talented...and LOVE your new home. So exciting!!

  81. Congrats!

    my oldest daughter was an extra in her high school production of "Oklahoma" (she tripped Curley during "surrey with the fringe on top") so I have a special place in my heart for that movie~

    and I know who PW is...I even bought her cookbook at Christmas...
    Wish I had found your blog a year ago! I love it!

  82. Happy First year blogging! Congrats on the house it looks great and I hope everything goes through.

  83. I love the pictures of the new house. Can I come over for a sleep over?

  84. This is how much I love your blog: I use my precious naptime time to catch up. Think of all the things I SHOULD be doing while my girls sleep instead of reading your blog right now! Washing diapers! Doing dishes! Making a grocery list!

    But NO! I need to get my daily dose of TLJW. Your new house is just gorgeous from the outside. Go-triple R-geous.

    Happy Cinco De Mayo!

  85. My sister got me reading your blog and it makes me laugh hysterically. Good to know that it's not just my kids (and hub) who are ornery!

  86. Found you through Redeemed Diva. Think you're hilarious!

  87. 7. And happy anniversary, woot! Holla! (i missed your explanation on why you say that and I am blissfully culturally illiterate)

  88. Congrats on your anniversary. I love your new house. The little ones will think they are camping all year long. I love your blogging, keep it up.

  89. I'm typically a silent stalker of your blog. I read it, laugh out loud sometimes, but never comment. I'm not sure why - maybe because I know my comments would never be as funny as your posts. Why even bother? :)
    But I couldn't resist a contest.
    Would you mind giving away an Ipad like PW? I NEVER win any of her contests...and I figure - you probably would have a slightly lesser amount of entries, maybe I'd actually have a chance. Get back to me on that. Actually - don't tell anyone else you were giving away an ipad and I'll enter, and then I'd win for sure.
    Also, can I be a guest postER on your blog? I've always wanted to be a guest post-er on someones blog. I have no idea what I'd write, but I'd think of something.
    That is all. :)

  90. had to hop on board last min! Hope your feeling better.

  91. Your blogs are great!! Maybe someday you will be famous!!
    Your house looks SWEET! I bet you are excited!

  92. Lisa Canterbury-WoodsMay 7, 2010 at 2:47 PM

    Taylor, the house looks like a great fit for your family. I hope you here when your closing date is soon. Target shooting practice sounds like it is in your future, you have to keep up with the neighbors!
