Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Post in which I Beg.

Today I am a guest poster over at Confessions of a Redeemed Diva.


A guest poster?

Look at me with my big girl blogging pants on!

I kid!  I jest!

Fun Fact:I have no idea what I am doing.  But she asked me to guest post nonetheless.

I know you all hate to "click around" but if you want to, you can go visit me over there and say "Holla!"

Maybe if you could all huddle up and send like 2 or 3 of you over there to leave a comment so I don't feel like a silly goose?

Por Favor?

Allie over at Redeemed Diva has a lovely blog.


And she is doing a series on Blog Post Improvement.

So, check it out, dudes!


And since I am already shamelessly begging for you to help me out, I've got one more favor to ask of you.



I would not have asked you again, but I am so stinking close to first place.

Stinking close.

And now, dear readers, I will present 5 reasons why I think you should click on the link and vote for me:

1)  I am sick.

2)  Like way really bad sick.

3)  My entire chest, back, and rib cavity areas are so sore from coughing.  And I fear I might have The Pink Eye.  I don't know.  But my eye was sealed shut when I woke up and when I pried it open, it was pink.

Hence, pink eye.


4)  I can't talk.  My kids are getting away with everything.

5)  I posted this picture of myself.

2009_9_12 119

And, as if that were not enough, I also posted this picture:

2009_9_12 120

Can we not all agree that Teva sandals worn in conjunction with Medical Compression Stockings was a poor choice?

So, please.

Vote for me.

If not for my sake . . .

Do it for the sake of the children.

Click here to read my guest post.


Happy Thursday!


  1. Am I the first to leave a comment?? It shouldn't thrill me, but it does!

    You rock the whole stocking/sandal thing, but wait--aren't you against that? Or is it just socks with sandals?

    Feel better soon!!!! :)

  2. I read it and loved it! And that is why she asked you because you get it.

  3. I have voted for you twice now which officially makes me a cheater pants.

  4. By the way, the do sell an over the counter medicine now for Pink eye. Although, you might want to go to the doctors if your coughing so much. Take care of yourself. Let the kids get away with everything and don't stress about it until you feel better.

  5. Your guest blog was wonderful, but do not feel bad, I did not feel it necessary to leave a comment.

    Voted also!

  6. Ok, first of all, thanks for sending the people my way. I'm glad you have your big girl bloggie pants on because your post rocks!
    Second, you are wearing socks and sandals...Ahem. are guest posting on the No Socks with Sandals show, can I point out the irony here.
    And thirdly, you elicited a huge amount of response right away. True, 4 comments doesn't look huge, but I don't usually get comments until noon. So look at you (LJW trademark)!
    I'm off to vote for you.

  7. Ok, first, please feel better! Maybe a trip to the Dr?? Second, I tried to leave you a comment on your guest post, but since I am a t work and absolutely NOT reading blogs, I don't have access to that comment section, bit I can get to this one! I thought it was an awesome post, and made me fell better about the fact that, um, you are the ONLY person kind enough to leave me a comment! So, now I will go write more!

  8. It won't let me vote again! I will try again later - from a different IP address - because yes, I am that good of a Blog Buddy..

  9. eye! Hope you're better soon!

  10. I think you're allowed to vote once each day, just so you know. It has let me vote three times so far! I am heading over to read your guest blog now. Feel better!

  11. Definitely feel better soon! And that last statement "do it for the children" made me laugh...!


    Hope you win!

    Great guest post!

    You deserve to win!

    Hands down!



  12. Wow... You are a guest blogger... Way to go...

    Wait... Does this make you one of those "big time" bloggers? Can we still be bloggy friends... or are you too cool for us little bloggers?


  13. that should read good luck, but i'm sure you figured that out!! :)

  14. do it for the children? shameless, you are!! :) god luck, i have voted AND commented on your guest post, cause i'm groovy like that!! :)

  15. I voted! And I went and visited your guest blog experience! It was fun :)
    Happy Thursday to you too!

  16. Um, I just voted (again) and you are in the LEAD!!!

    Yeah you!!!

    And your guest post was stinking adorable.

  17. You. are. hilarious. Really pulling out all the stops with the "do it for the children" comment. Have you no shame?? LOL! Hahaha!
    And I am offically a cheater pants as well as I have voted more than once now. Please do not tell my parents. Or my husband. Or my kids. It IS difficult trying to set a good example, ya know? Would hate all my years of goodi-two-shoes-ness to be ruined now. :)

  18. I voted. Don't know if it allows more than one vote. So sorry you're ill. And I'm really proud of you for posting that very unflattering shot of your legs, stockings and sandals. Hope you win, but even if you don't you're still our winner for favorite funny blog ever!

  19. I am voting from...wait for it...5 different IP addresses!

  20. What is Holla? Are you trying to say hello in Spanish like 'hola'? or are you trying to say a word like 'holler'? I don't get it.

  21. Pink eye?!! Oh dear, that can be really contagious, like your children get it and give it to you, usually. The symptoms sound right. Best thing is to go to your doctor. He can listen to your lungs and give you a script for antibiotic eye ointment. If you use it carefully you can treat at least two eye infections. Ask me how I know.... No, on second thought you better not. Wash your hands lots with soap and water. Remind DH gently that Mother's Day is this Sunday, and leave a circled advertisement of what you'd like at his place at the breakfast table with the address of the store written in or highlighted. Feel better soon.

  22. Enjoyed your guest post, even though I'm not a blogger...just a blog reader! Your posts always make me laugh or bring a smile to my face.

  23. Nooo, not the pink eye!

    And good luck in your competition - you obviously deserve to win!

  24. Most (90%) of all pink eye is viral! So no need for antibiotics. Just try warm compresses to your eyes a few times a day. If they are really goopy throughout the day then it may be bacterial and you should go get some drops. Adenovirus is going around, a virus so antibiotics wont help. My son was sick for about 3 weeks, I had finally decided to take him in, made an appt for later in the day, and then he started getting better. So, no doctor visit. The cough is still there though. This is the story of the office right now and 9 times out of 10 there is nothing you can do for it! Anyhow, enough of my rambling about that! My computer will not let me vote again. You were in first yesterday and now you are in second. I just may have to take a little trip to the library for a repeat vote (just don't tell anyone, I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation) :)

  25. Sure now you know how cool it really is for socks and sandals, now you come up with tights and sandals.
    Oh sure show me up.
