Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Discussions for a Rainy Tuesday

It is rainy today.  Sometimes I like the rain, as it makes the house seem a bit more cozy.

Plus, my hair is not waterproof, so the rain usually encourages me to stay inside and clean or bake.

Lest I look like a drowned cat for the rest of the day.

Anyways . . . I don't have a specific direction for this post.

Lucky you!

Discussionary Topic #1

As I mentioned only moments ago, it is raining.  So I decided to create some pies.



One chocolate cream and one banana cream.

I got uber confused because I didn't know if I was supposed to bake the pies since I did not top the pies with meringue.

Whipped cream is much better.

So, I didn't bake them.


I did prebake the crusts before filling them with the delicious, low-fat, low cholesterol, Weight Watchers friendly cream filling.

But then I just stuck the pies in the fridge.

I hope this works out well for me, as I am serving these desserts to other humans.

And, darn my luck, as soon as I finished baking the crusts, my oven sparked and has not worked since.

Guess who's getting a new oven?


Discussionary Topic #2

Speaking of Holla . . .

We were out to lunch with Auntie Datenutloaf this week.

Auntie Datenutloaf is visiting from out-of-town, but she does regularly read my blog.

And she cannot understand what Holla is.

So, I had to say it for her, so she could also be overjoyed with the fun that comes with its use.

I felt like Uncle Lewis informing Aunt Bethany about "THE BLESSING" at the Christmas dinner table.

(Name that movie)

Except, I kept loudly enunciating, "Holla!"

Then, cousin Shane . . .

Remember Cousin Shane?

(yellow shirt)

Cousin Shane says:  Yes!  Holla!  Like, "I ain't no hollaback girl!  I ain't no hollaback girl!"

(Name that Artist)

Good times.

Good times with relatives.

Good times with relatives in crowded restaurants.

Discussionary Topic #3

Speaking of lunch with relatives, I had a horrifying experience on Sunday.

It was brought to Cousin Shane's attention that he was in my blog post that day.

So, while we were waiting for our food, he pulls out his fancy schmancy Internet Phone Contraption and finds my blog.

Then he proceeds to read aloud my post to the entire table.


How come no one has ever told me how darn hyper I sound when I write?

I can't focus on one thought for like 2 seconds.

So, he starts reading this post for all to hear.

And, as the room is spinning all around me, these are the things I hear:

Oh.  Everyone!  She has just asked us to hold on to our pants.

What does "plus one of a cousin" mean?

I am still holding on to my pants, Taylor!

Oh, look!  We are at the part where you talk about me!

Now, isn't this weird?  I am reading your blog entry in which you are writing about me reading your blog!

Late 30's!  I am not in my late 30's!  I am 38!

(nice try, Shane.)

You are right.  A 3-year-old has never peed on my washing machine.

Real men wear . . . what is this word here?

Car . . . hartts?

I suppose I am not a real man.  I have no idea what you are talking about.

What are these Carhartts? 

Oh!  We are all supposed to appreciate how truly handsome The Lumberjack is.

The Lumberjack is you, right David?

Yes.  You are a handsome guy, David.

Are we all still holding on to our pants?


So, Cousin Shane finishes reading my post and the room stops spinning.

Then he says, "So.  People really read this?"

Me:  Apparently!  I guess people like to read nonsense!  Who knew?!

And then I ate 4 pounds of chips and salsa to comfort myself.

Discussionary Topic #4

There is no purpose for posting this picture, other than the fact that my marmie asked me to.

And I am a good girl who always listens to her marmie.

This picture is my mom and her sisters.

From left to right:

Dana, Connie (my mom), Candi, Trudee, E.B.

Discussionary Topic #5


We have found Handsome Dude's glasses that have been missing for months!

I repeat!

We have found Handsome Dude's glasses!

They were discovered in the car, stuck in between the seats.

And they were found just in the nick of time, seeing as how his newest pair are, in fact, missing.





Discussionary Topic #6

Little Dude is learning the parts of the body!





Yes, folks.

This is the excitement that is my life.

Embrace it.

Discussionary Topic #7

Daisy Mae is doing quite well from her little incident over the weekend.

She has decided she should get stitches every weekend, because she has learned that if she does receive stitches, she gets doughnuts for breakfast the next morning.

Some of you asked for a picture.

I don't have a picture of the injury.

Well, that is a lie.

I have one on my phone, but I don't know how to get it off of my phone.

Anyways, the originally injury picture is a little too gruesome to put on here, I think.

But here is a picture of the stitches, if you would like to see.










So, here are here stitches:

Not bad!

Discussionary Topic #8

I was contemplating doing another Questions and Answers post soon.

Would you be so kind as to leave a question, if you are so inclined?

It could be about anything.

And it could be a question for me, The Lumberjack, or both of us.

That is all.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Your kids are way too cute, Taylor!

  2. Here's a question: Who is your favorite blogger who lives in the great state of Idaho and is married to a really hot fighter pilot and who's name starts with the letter E and who drives a very dirty minivan?

  3. I believe doughnuts and a new movie are the reasons that my darling Anna decides to make her annual hospital stay, so with Sarah she got nothing special after her hospital stays. Thank goodness I am having a boy! I might regret that last comment in a year or so...

  4. ROFL! I am SO glad I read your post! Tell that to Cousin Shane. I nearly died laughing at your post today.
    Well. Okay. I didn't die, but I did avoid scrubbing the bathtub. I have been thinking about that chore on and off for about an hour and haven't yet done it. Evidently, my third cup of coffee is going to facilitate my spring-to-dirty-tub-action.
    Have I mentioned this is my 3rd cup of coffee THIS afternoon. Not counting the cups I had this morning. It must be the rain. Makes me want warm stuff to drink.
    Pies. Sound good. Yes. If they are pies with cold fillings like that then you bake the crusts and fill and refrigerate. Trying to remember WHEN i EVER made pie. LONG time ago. I'm old.
    "Anna!" That was the dirty tub calling my name.
    You see. My kids gave me bath salts that they made in Sunday school for Mother's day and they really want me to use them and I can't do that unless I scrub the tub.
    Let the scrubbing commence!

  5. I left questions last time. Not for LJ, but for you, but never happened to catch that post. Can you point me to a title?

  6. thelumberjackswifeMay 18, 2010 at 8:03 AM

    I am not sure! Here is the post where I asked questions:
    And then here are all the answer posts:

  7. You should be okay with the pie filling. And even if you aren't you're getting a new oven so who cares?

    Except . . . does that mean that actually the new owner is getting a new oven?


    My question, in light of the horrifying comment you left on my blog today is . . . Would you advise YOUR daughters to get married at 19?

  8. thelumberjackswifeMay 18, 2010 at 8:18 AM

    That's a good question!
    Thanks, Mindee!!
    About the oven-still not positive on the Ruralville house, but yes, most likely new dwellers of this house will be enjoying the new oven.

  9. Christmas Vacation
    Gwen Stefani

    I'll take pie instead of points please.

    I played Bunco today with new friends, a couple of which have recently discovered (thru my fb) that I blog. Not sure what they think but I guess I'll find out now.

  10. Taylor, you are by far the funniest blog writer that I don't really know in person. I am beyond glad that I found your blog because truly, it keeps me entertained. :)

  11. I have no question, but I can actually be helpful today!! Aren't you glad??
    Firstly, no- do NOT bake the pies after filling them with cream filling. Just chill them and then slap some whipped cream on those suckers. Yum. My two favorite pies.
    Secondly, just type your email address into your phone and text the picture to your email. OR if you have bluetooth on your computer and phone you could just bluetooth it over. But that may be a little complicated.
    Aren't I just a wealth of knowledge today? Must be all that sleep I'm getting.......

  12. Don't know.
    Gwen Stafani.
    Do you have your house up for sale yet?

  13. You are the queen of making ordinary moments so exciting that I'm forced to hold onto my pants.
    Cousin Shane is just jealous because he doesn't have the perspective it takes to hold onto his pants.
    I think not.
    He basically forced you to eat four pounds of chips and salsa through his insensitive commentary. Like the time I told my husband about a hilarious blog post I wrote and he said, "that's cheesy".
    Boys boys boys.
    At least they're cute. At least, my husband's cute. I won't speak for Cousin Shane, he's on my list. I'm sensitive about this because if he questions YOUR reader base, heaven help us if he read my blog. Wahhhh.

    What's that verse about a prophet not being taken seriously in his home town? It applies to bloggers.

    I'm sorry Cousin Shane, for this mean post. You didn't mean it. I forgive you.

    I'm off to eat chips.

  14. QUESTION: What hobbies/activities do you and LJ enjoy together?

  15. What is the one thing you'll miss the most when you live in Ruralville?

    Because there is a lot to miss- like Target.

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  16. Taylor, you should not feel embarrassed about your blog. We love your blog! It is my daily dose of laughter and I look forward to reading every day. Question for LJ: What is your favorite thing about Taylor?

  17. I'm really sorry I made reference to Cousin Shane and the words "limited imagination'. Sorry if you read that. I was actually referring to how people don't get that the lumberjack is not really a lumberjack.
    The cheeks are rouge from embarrassment. Sorry 'bout that

    Love the randomness.
    yes, I love to read nonsense!

  18. Yes, heaven help us (me especially) if Shane starts reading various blogs. I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks. For one thing, it keeps rejecting them and booting me out and for another, I am too distracted by reading the entertaining minutiae of your life.
    I have a question; how do you manage to keep caught up on cleaning with 4 young'uns around? I can't do it with one. (Nevermind the fact that I get interrupted to help haul heifers, or drive hayrakes or chase wayward animals around.) Do you keep a strict schedule or just hit or miss?

  19. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is the movie. That part was hilarious!
    Yum, are you baking some delicious pies for camping? (hint...hint) If you need a sampler to make sure they are edible, I accept the challenge. You know where to find me. :)

  20. Shane obviously does not have a great sense of humor! (Or maybe it is just the fact that he is a guy) I love your ability to turn everyday life things into a comedy!! Glad to hear that you found handsome dudes glasses. Always good to have a backup pair. Cream pies = no bake. Although I do have to say that I have never made a cream pie....

  21. 1. Little Guy and I made cupcakes for our rainy day. We tinted them blue and made yellow icing for Thomas Train colors.

    2. Holla

    3. Cousin Shane just doesn't get it and that is his loss, but our gain. I couldn't imagine sitting with my family and having them pick one of my posts apart. So ((((((hugs)))))) to you.

    4. You need to make sure to always do what your marmie tells you. So good girl.

    5. I think you need to have Mr LJ develop a small homing chip that can be placed on Handsome Dudes glasses so that they can always be located.

    6. Cherish these days as soon he will be learning more things than you want him to. You will see what I mean when I do my post on connections.

    7. oh my.

    8. What is your favorite tv show?

  22. it is rainy here too....your post cracked me as usual!

  23. You know, we blog and we want people to read our blogs. But then when people we know read our blogs, we get that room-spinning-is-there-enough-chips-and-salsa-to-get-me-through-this feeling. I've never had someone read my blog in front of me before. but then again, I don't know anyone cool enough to be able to access the internet on their phone.

  24. Okay, that would be really weird to have your post read aloud in front of people like that.

  25. Hey Mindee, I am TOTALLY jumping into a conversation without all the facts...but I got married 2 months before my 20th b-day. Our 14th anniversary is coming up soon ;) (oops, there goes my age secret). I met the guy when I was 15, and told my mom then that he was the one I was going to marry. My heart just knew. Than again, I have been told I am an "old soul", so who knows....

    When I work with teen girls/single women, I tell them that first and foremost, they have to pray and listen to the Lord. If he is saying, "This is the one!", then by golly marry the dude. If he isn't, hold onto your horses and wait for an answer. ;)

  26. Question 1:
    If, when being told to hold onto our pants, we are not in that event wearing pants...what should we hold onto? Are skirts ok? How 'bout jammies? What if we don't hold on? Will we then stumble from our computer chairs?

    Question 2:
    If you had to go to work full time, what would you be for real? In your dreams?

  27. Congratulations on the finding of the glasses! I believe if you were sitting near Shane that he should have received a swift kick under the table! You are an awesome and entertaining blogger!

  28. You know that thing they make for keys so you don't lose them (that beeps when you push the remote)? You should invent those for glasses - you'd make a killing! Of course, that does necessitate having a remote to keep track of.....

  29. I just want to say Holla. Because in real life I totally wouldn't say it, but in blog world, I think I'm that cool girl who can get away with it.

    Just so we are clear? I'm not (the cool girl who can pull it off!)

  30. What's ROFL? What's Holla? Am I totally out of it???

    Ummm ... did YOU get married at 19? Where do you live? What is your husband's first name?

    Shane thinks your blog is the bomb ... I think he's probably tickled to be the topic of so much blogging and discussion.

  31. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation!!!!! do i win anything do, i do i?? =) DM's head doesnt look so bad!! and i'm so glad you found the glasses and just in time too!!!

  32. I think Shane will be reading your blog much more that you always blog about him haha! I know I'd be reading if you were blogging about me. But then, why would you be blogging about me? haha!

    Wow that kids new glasses went missing fast! Yay for the old found pair!

  33. I could ask this exact same question! Except for the Idaho , hot-fighter-pilot, letter E parts. So, just the very dirty mini-van. I still say mine would win. Or lose, depending on how we're judging.

  34. Taylor, if I could write about our normal life in such a way that sooo many people loved, laughed about, and couldn't get enough of, I would be so happy. :) You make a lot of people's days.
    Yay for the glasses, and glad your girl is getting better!

  35. "Few times been around that track"

    What is a week's routine breakfast menu for the lumberjacklings?

  36. That made my head spin!

  37. Jump to comments button still does not work for me. :(

    I was so excited to answer the riddle number 2 (I have no idea about "THE BLESSING") but I realized smarty pants Joyce beat me to it. Now I have that song stuck in my head for nothing!

  38. I forgot to leave a question. You may have answered these before but I'll leave them in case you haven't:

    This is for both you and the lumberjack to answer!

    What is your favorite thing about one another?
    If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be?

  39. Christmas Vacation
    Gwen Stafani

    Girl, your good to go on the pies. My family sits around durin' gatherings and say, "be careful what ya say or do 'cause it'll end up on Mom's blog." My SIL won't even let me take his pic anymore. He got a little miffed when I posted him. Heeehehe!

    God bless you funny girl and have the best day!!!

  40. Oh, how I've missed you.
    Broken computer + busy life = no giggles from you.

    Sorry to hear about the stitching...poor bebe.
    Glad to hear about the glasses.
    Oh and I love the graduation pics. hee hee
    And if Shane is single...I have some single girlfriends that he should meet. :)

  41. "gov't job" explains it all!!!!!!!!!

  42. Taylor! You post ENTIRELY too often for a gal who only gets to turnon her computer every few days...But, rest assured, i try to catch up on every. single. post.

    I love your posts.

    Oh, and I never thought I'd be so thrilled to be a COW!

  43. Where do you live!...JUST KIDDING...I know that information is off limits! My real question is, what, if anything, are you doing to prepare for the possibility of homeschooling the kids next year?
