Monday, May 31, 2010

Lumberjacklings, Mabel, and a Camera.

It rained and poured here all weekend long.

I promise.

It was dreary and dreadful. 

But on Sunday, the sun came out for a few hours.  So, we loaded up the Lumberjacklings and went to visit my parents at their campsite for a bit.


You all know that I cannot take pictures worth a darn.

But, I would like to warn you all, that today, on this first day of June in the year Two-Thousand-and-Ten of our Lord, I am going to toot my own horn.

And you will like it.

You will be amazed, nay, enthralled, at my mad photographical skills.

Let's look at the classic "Lumberjacklings Group Shot," shall we?

Interruption:  I am going to super-size the pictures so you can truly appreciate my awesomeness.


Lumberjill knows how to "supersize" pictures?

That's crazy talk.

Before we begin this epic journey, I feel I must give you all a quick head's up into who is who in this crazy world of Lumberjacklings.

Girl with white shirt and piggy tails:  Daisy Mae

Girl with Red shirt and glasses: Sweet Pea

Boy with Gray hoodie:  Little Dude

Boy with red shirt, glasses "optional":  Handsome Dude.

The above picture is lovely.

But Little Dude is not cooperating.

Daisy Mae is gently breaking his neck in order to get her Mama a decent picture.

Bravo, Daisy Mae!


She was successful!

Holla, Daisy Mae!


But, no.

Handsome Dude has looked astray.

Try again.

It is at this point in our session that I wonder why I am even trying.

Who am I kidding?

Look at them.

They don't care.

I am jumping up and down shouting promises of cookies and candy and all sorts of glorious treats of bribery goodness.

But my pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

Classy, Handsome Dude.


That'll do, pig Lumberjacklings.

(Name that movie)

That'll do.

Alright.  Enough of that foolishness.

We must now discuss Mabel.

Remember Mabel?

The dog who looks like me, as you all so kindly remarked?

Whatever, people.

Well, Mabel . . . who was apparently on her death bed only hours before this high-class photo shoot, made a miraculous recovery and has become one of the gang again.

This is good news.

We took a vote and we decided that we do, in fact, enjoy the presence of Mabel's company.

Even with all her shedding, her bad breath, and her tricky skills as an . . .

Escape Artist.


She is such a naughty-pants.


Handsome Dude is bringing yours truly some "boot-ee-full flowlers."

He, too, can be a naughty-pants.

Aaaaaannnnnndddddd . . . I love him.

So, we had a lovely time, but I decided to torture my children once again and try to make them all look like decent human beings who like each other and occasionally enjoy life in a single photograph one last time.

Was that sentence a poorly constructed run-on?  Thoughts?

I was determined to be successful and was willing to do whatever necessary to capture this perfect moment in time.


Whatever necessary.

Even to the point of death.

I kid! I jest!

They did that out of their own silliness and Tom Foolery.

I was merely snapping  pictures of the catastrophe.

Please, kids?



If you smile nice and big this can be our Christmas card so you won't have to do this ever again!





Spoiler Alert:  I did not get one, I repeat, not one, decent picture.

This is Lumberjill, signing off, defeated and discouraged.

Over and out, folks.




Happy Tuesday!


  1. I laughed at loud at handsome dude's racy pic! Your kids are so cute and well behaved. I kid, I kid. :)

  2. I am rolling over here, Taylor, rolling! I have so many of those "bad" photos with just one of the culprits not looking at the camera. I truly believe that when more than two children are involved, group shots become totally impossible.
    So glad to see that Mabel's health has improved and she's one of the Lumbergang again!

  3. At least Mabel will hold still and smile for you.

  4. Perhaps you did not get one perfect picture but you got an AMAZING series. Seriously - your skills (and that beautiful meadow) are shining here.

    And the picture of Daisy Mae and Mabel pre-escape is your all time best picture ever.

  5. I happen to think your pictures are "boot-ee-full"! They show each of your lumberjacklings personality wonderfully! :) Great work, girl!

  6. I just have to say that your kids are absolutely 100% adorable. That is all.

  7. Hilarious. And those are some decent pics :) I love the ones at the end. Nice work! Cute kids.

  8. That sentence was terrible, I had to read it twice. Thanks for asking!

    Your kids are sooo cute, but you knew that already, but you DIDN'T know that I think you should frame the one where they're falling off the bench.

  9. So cute! I think they're all great- and I think you should use the falling one for your Christmas card!
    We have always had this problem with our family between my mom and I (not photogenic) and my three crazy younger brothers, and my dad. 6 people happy and smiling and not blinking all at one time ?
    A true miracle.

  10. girl, you crack me up. i'm super impressed! from a fellow bad photographer, i don't think you are half bad. no... i think you are fantastic! you just found your new hobby and talent! woo hoo! oh, and the supersize... now that is skill!

  11. I think the pictures look great. I love the one of (I can't remember if it's daisy mae or Sweet Pea) running with Mabel. Can you email me? I have to ask you something. My email link is on my blog.

  12. your lumberjacklings are getting ready to live in ruralville! That's how they will have to entertain themselves!

  13. I loved the pictures! Great job Mrs. LJ! And perfect poses would have made for a less exciting post!

  14. Hilarious!
    I think you should pick a couple hilarious pics and put them all on the Christmas card. My friend has 4 boys and had to put a couple pictures on her card to get all of the kids on there since she had the same problem getting all of them together and cooperating.

  15. I was reading your blog and saw that picture of handsome dude in all his classyness and I laughed so hard, it made some of my students turn around with wonder about what I could be laughing about!
    Great post as always Taylor.

    Yes, I read this at school.
    Don't judge!

  16. I disagree! Those photos are absolutely beautiful and you're a fabulous photographer. You captured your kids, the way they are, and the spirit they carry.
    I'm almost teary, I love these photos! Blow them up huge, frame them and hang them in the ruralville house.

  17. Yep, I think these are your best photos yet.
    Wow it is beautiful there. Glad Mabel is feeling better:)

  18. YOU are just Too Funny!! Love the pictures - I'm sure these are memories you'll cherish forever!!

  19. so glad that mabel is back in the land of the living, stink breath and all. love the photos! if i had a penny for every pic one of my boys is grabbing himself in...

  20. As I have a husband and two children and a dog that never cooperate, I've decided that it is I, not they, who must change the viewpoint of picture taking. So, as long as nobody is picking their noses or pinching each other, I call it a good picture. That's my motto. :-)

  21. Haha. Kids are sometimes terds when it's time to take a picture. The good news is, they will probably be better for someone else. It's amazing what kids will do for a stranger with a camera.

    I think you got some pretty good ones here. Plus, these pictures really captured their personalities. Really. And the location is gorgeous.

    Marla @

  22. I love this post!

    Photographing multiple adults is hard enough.

    Children are exponentially harder.

    Herding cats...isn't that what they say?

  23. They're cute-even if they aren't looking...that is who they are right now so I say go ahead and use it for a Christmas card. The colors are so pretty.

    I've been out of town so am behind reading blogs...been at my moms and quite often her internet is ''broken''.

  24. Holla Lumberjill! Holla!
    I LOVE the photos! They're GREAT!
    What's best about them is that you really captured how fun your family is! Love it!

  25. as naughty as they are, they are ten times as cute!! isn't that the way it always is, though??!! =)

  26. Never work with kids and animals! Or kids acting like animals! :) The pictures are really cute, even if you didn't get your Christmas card! You can always try again...if you are feeling patient and/or brave.

  27. never the less, they were cute pictures!

  28. Good to know I am not the only person who absolutely can't ever get a shot of all four kidlings looking AND smiling at the camera. Prince Charming usually ruins it for all of us as well ;)

    SO happy to see Mabel up and running. Doggies are good kids too!

  29. Love the pics. It looks absolutely beautiful! You must have caught the one moment without rain....

  30. Babe!
    And the pictures you got are my favorite kind...they are the real deal. :) RAW-Real and Wonderful. haha I'm so clever.
    Not half as clever as you, though, my friend. I maintain that you are a rock star.

  31. Great pics aside from the boys being stinkers :)
    What awesome girls who sit there patiently waiting for the boys to cooperate! lol
    I think Daisy may had the best pics in this post. Loved her run with Mabel and I loved her face when the kids were "falling" haha. I did love the one where i thought Little Dude was thinking in his head "mom said i get cookies" because he was smiling, then as I looked down realized he is probably just trying to hold it all in so mom can get a picture! Adorable! They are all such cuties, I loved all the new pics! :) Happy Tuesday to you too.

  32. And Holla Daisy Mae :)
    oops I spelled it wrong in the earlier post!

  33. I can't get my crazy son to stay still long enough for a photo. At what age did your kids become civilized enough to pose for photos?

  34. Haha! The pictures may not be what you are looking for, but I love them!!!! The one of them falling off the bench is perfect. Daisy Mae looks like she was the most willing to pose.

  35. Hi there, new reader. Gorgeous pictures! And gorgeous children. :D

  36. That looks like the most amazing place. So gorgeous & your pictures did come out good!

  37. Well, you DID manage to get some nice pictures in a weekend that was supposed to be mostly rainy. The dog is still alive, what a relief. No, you don't look like your dog but that is a stinkin cute photo of you and I would love to have one for Christmas or any ole time you think you could hook me up even though it aint my birthday. What a pretty field of purple flowers.
