Monday, May 10, 2010

Mooch a Smooch

We are still remodeling our laundry room.

My poor Lumberjack has been trying hard to finish it quickly, but he has been really busy at work and we were all sick.

So, in the meantime, my kitchen still looks like this:

(The laundry room branches directly off of the kitchen, therefore the kitchen has become the dumping grounds)


My kitchen is a disaster.

But don't lose heart!

The Lumberjacklings have found a way to have fun amidst the chaos.

They lined up all The Lumberjack's tubie-thingies of caulk . . .

and did some bowling.

Weird kids.

And it was at this point in the evening that I pondered whether or not this whole 7 year remodeling business had gone on too long.

I sure hope we are done with this foolishness soon.

If  you peer behind Sweet Pea, you can notice:

A)  We have trim!

B)  We have a floor!

C)  We have a coat closet door!

D)  We have bead board (HOLLA!)!

E)  We have a dog.

F)  Her name is Mabel.

G)  We have trucks.  Lots of trucks.  Everywhere.  Except in the toy box.

Someday the laundry room will be finished.

Interruption:  Please excuse the poor attempt on my part to "French Braid" Daisy Mae's hair.

I do not know how to French Braid.

I just made that up.

Luckily, she doesn't know the difference.


Don't be jealous of my skills.

But until then . . .

We choose to bowl.

Look!  I captured Handsome Dude in the air!

Can we not agree I am a most fantastic photographer?

Such an action shot!

Regarding yesterday's post . . .

I know you all think Little Dude was too young to be the hooligan who stuffed our remote into the VCR.

But, I disagree.


He would not have even been a year old.

But he was a turd then, nonetheless.

And I distinctly remember him pulling himself up by the VCR/DVD combo machine and messing with the buttons and such.


That boy really wants to smooch me.

I can't say that I blame him.


He is a naughty pants.

And he is also a cute little tiger.

Alert:  I have just realized that I have no idea what the purpose of this post is.

But I am going to roll with it anyways.

Anyways, last night, The Lumberjack was off to his Bible Study.

Hence the cookie-baking-caulk tubes-soccer ball-bowling-smooching events.


This is the excitement that is my life.


And then, dear readers, a most extraordinary event occurred.


Yes.  Little Dude is still trying to mooch a smooch.

Mooch a smooch!

 I am so clever I amaze even myself.

Fact:  You do not see clean-but-yet-to-be-put-away laundry atop my bed.


I am super organized and always have all my chores done.

And now, dear readers, I would like to present to you:

Reason #2 For As To Why I Strongly Believe This Remodeling Nonsense Has Gone On Long Enough

(Reason #1 was the caulk-tube bowling.  Keep up, people!)

My son sleeps with a level.

I have a dream, people.

I have a dream that one day, I shall live in a house where no power drill sits on my kitchen counter.

I have a dream that one day, I shall not have to trip over the air-tubie part of the air compressor when simply trying to walk through my house.

I have a dream that one day, I shall be dusting regular dust off of my piano.  Not sheet rock dust.

I have a dream that one day, this darn house that we have been working on for seven years will be complete.

Of course, once it is finished, we will most likely move.

But it will be a completed chapter in our lives.

Until then, we will persevere.

We will finish that laundry room.

Go Team Lumberjack!

2009_9_07 236

Of course, when I say "team", clearly I simply mean:


Go Lumberjack!

For I know not the difference between a sawzall and a rotozip.

Happy Tuesday!

PS-I am sorry about the lack of direction and purpose in this post.

PPS-I am happy to announce that I was not, in fact, lazy and uploaded approximately 14 pictures for this post.

PPPS- I must admit I did copy and paste a few pictures.

PPPPS- Dudes!  It had to be done!




  1. I have a little dude that likes to mooch a smooch too and bedtime is a most irresistable time since he's clean and smells good from his bath. It's a shame you'll get your laundry room done in time to move and you won't get a chance to really enjoy it. Ah, but a new chapter will begin!

  2. I do like the bowling. Maybe that could be a new family event.

    I'm so proud that you uploaded some new pictures.

    Love the "french braid." How was it taking it out? Did it get all tangled up?

  3. love the new pics!

  4. The bowling was awesome! I have a whole case of caulk in the garage... hmmmm Hey kids???
    HA - the Mooch a Smooch is priceless! And the french braid looks pretty darn good to me!
    Happy Tuesday~!

  5. Love the pics! And I feel your pain, as I have been in my "fixer upper" 20 years now, and things we have already fixed up need to be done again!
    Did the new house fall through - or is that still in the picture?

  6. I'm sure the next owners will love and appreciate all of your sacrifice and hard work. :)

  7. Nothing better than your son mooching a smooching! So irresistible!
    Does it make me a bad mother if naptime and bedtime are my two favorite times of the day?? I love my kiddos more than the moon and the stars, but oh, I look forward to those two precious times a day!

  8. Wow! Look at all those photos...yeah you!

    I feel you on the homefront of unfinished projects. We are in the midst of sooooo many things right now it makes me dizzy. I am dizzy this morning...wonder if that is why? Hmmm.

    Well I think the bowling is genius. Why not use what you have to get some giggles. :)

  9. Oh, and Melissa's facebook page is how I found you. I should thank her. :) After looking at some photos on your blog and recognizing the same soccer fields my son plays on & seeing her comments and her mom's I figured she was lucky enough to know you in real life. :)

    It's a small world and a even smaller town. hee hee

  10. Oh, you make me laugh. Your kids are adorable too. :)

  11. we did that with the bathroom in out old house...renovated just in time to put it up for sale!!! it hasnt sold yet, but nonetheless....we no longer live there!! have a great tuesday!! :)

  12. I love posts like this! Random but yet speaks a thousand words!

  13. Your life looks so exciting when all posted up in a blog with funny comments and adorable pictures. I think the Caulk Bowling is amazing. Your kids are creative and wonderful. Thanks for a Tuesday laugh that I needed, but it still feels like Monday.

  14. My husband told me about this ad he heard on the radio about renovations. A dad came up out of the basement and says to a teenage girl, "Who are you?"
    "Dad! I'm your daughter!"
    "You grew up!"
    "Dude, you were renovating!"
    Perhaps another reason you can add to your plethora of reasons that this renovating business has got to end.
    I just like saying plethora.

  15. Your kiddos are going to have great memories of their childhood!

  16. Your kids are adorable.

    In no time they will also be playing with Lumberjack's tools as well as his caulk.

    He will not be happy.

    You will never live life without a powerdrill on your counter. I know this because I'm married to Indiana Jones.

    When your remodeling jobs are nearing completion, you know you will be moving soon.

    Even if you move into a perfect house, Lumberjack will find something that needs to be fixed, tweaked or remodeled. Your only hope is to steer him to the forest outdoors and hope he finds true happiness cutting down your forest.

    When he cuts down the last tree, it will be time to move again.

  17. We call that face the "pucker snoot"!

    Love it.

  18. Such imagination those kids! And at least he wasn't trying to smooch the pooch :) At least not in the pictures!

  19. Big huge Holla for the beadboard! I {big puffy heart} beadboard.

  20. I can't believe that photo of the remote in the VCR. Fantastic! Who would've thought it would fit so perfectly!

  21. I might feel silly later, but I have to ask: What is bead board?

  22. thelumberjackswifeMay 11, 2010 at 5:43 AM

    Au Revoir, Erin.

  23. thelumberjackswifeMay 11, 2010 at 5:43 AM
    Click on the above link to see an image I found from Google on bead board! :)

  24. thelumberjackswifeMay 11, 2010 at 5:45 AM

    No it did not fall through, but we are still waiting for a final answer. :)

  25. I love and hate evening playing all at the same time. I, too, have 2 boys and 2 girls. stop, rewind. reverse that. 2 girls and 2 boys. My youngest is 7 weeks today. boy, he's cute, too. anyway, last night we watched a video together and then the girls wanted to dance and my oldest son was playing with the buttons on the music player receiver thingie and I couldn't get any music but classical (which I really like by the way) and so the girls were dancing around and laying on the floor and jumping over each other when Princess Pea jumped over Wordgirl and lost her balance (could it be because Wordgirl was right NEXT to the couch and there was no landing spot for Princess Pea?) and sat down HARD on Wordgirl's bottom. It was HYSTERICAL! But with all the shenanigans, it's hard to get everyone to bed when it's just me! But oh, the bliss of closing each bedroom door! AAAAHHHH!
    All this to say, I completely understand (oh, and this might be today's post! Thanks for helping me hash this out!--now you don't have to come over and read my post because I just gave it to you in your comments!)
    (Honestly! I am copying and pasting this in my blog!)
    (Don't believe me? Come on over and check it out!)
    (Okay, so now I think you NEED to come over!)

  26. At least your kids are having fun. Mine were whiny alllll day. I only have one son, but he was looking for trouble. And all he wanted to do was eat. Maybe he is about to grow 6 inches.
    I am excited for your laundry room; ours is in the back of our kitchen. Not OFF of the kitchen, but a part of it. You can imagine what the back of my kitchen looks like, between the dirty laundry, and the bags that never get unpacked from the store (actually last night I put away all of the grocery items, so in front of a shelf thingy back there is clear). My is a force to be reckoned with. Or one that cannot be reckoned with. I don't know.

  27. Lumberjack would not be able to do all that work without you, so it IS T E A M lumberjack...if for no other reason than you know which end the diaper goes on.

  28. It just goes to show ya, no matter what ya'll know how to entertain yourselves and have a good time. There's somethin' to be said for that. I hope ya get loads of those big smooches today!

    God bless and have a marvelous day!!!
