Monday, May 24, 2010

The Camping Trip, part 2

(To read part 1, click here)


So those Lumberjackish boys made the swing.

I would like to remind everyone that chainsaw creations are not new to our manly men.

Here is a picture of The Lumberjack and Sweet Pea on last year's swing model:


Clearly they got slightly more ambitious this year, what with the snatch blocks and pulley systems and whatnot.

Last year, they created this teeter totter:


I almost peed my pants.

And, I would also like to state for the record that Iam not like this at all.


No. No. No.

I am not a outdoorsy kind of girl.

I don't like bugs, dirt, chain saws, bears, guns, swimsuits, manual labor, country-western music, showerless mornings, camping hair, and tree sap on my fingers.

I endure it all for the sake of my man.

I would rather be shopping while sipping a diet soda, completely bypassing the swimsuit department, and focusing on flowy peasant tops.

Hey, Lumberjack!

How come I have to brave the wild frontiers with you, yet you will not step foot into a mall?



Answer me that.


After the boys built the swing, we ate lunch and decided to go on a fun, family bike ride!

I was in charge of towing the dudes.

Normally, I don't notice the weight of the trailer when biking.

Not so this time.

Alert!  I am out of shape!  I repeat, I am totally out of shape.






Above is a picture of the two little angels destroying Handsome Dude's glasses.

Precious boys that they are.

Alex got bored and decided it was time to spice things up, by hiding ahead of us on the trail and scaring us.

I almost peed my pants.

About 3 miles into the ride, Sweet Pea's bike had a minor mishap and was no longer rideable.

Guess who got to tow that, too?


Where art thou with your quads of steel?

My legs turned to jello.  And I almost peed my pants.

For those of you who needed a better picture of the camping hair, this is the best one I could find:




How come no one told me about this before?

It is God's gift to camping hair.

Here is our whole group:

Minus Jack, Little Miss, Paul, and Jason.

Jason drove up the mountain to get cell service so he could speak to Sweet-Honey-Amy.

He was gone for some time and came back with twinkle in his eye and a song in his heart.

Attention Amy:  Jason likes you. 



On Sunday, we packed up. 

This is always a dreaded task.

Before we left, we got a group shot by "The Swing."

On our way back to civilization, we decided to stop for a hike.

Here are some pictures from that:

Jason and Jackie, my mother-in-law

My father-in-law, Paul, and my niece, Little Miss

Alex and Daisy Mae

Daisy Mae smooching The Lumberjack.

Fact:  Lumberjacks love smooches.

Holly and Alex.

Sometimes Alex needs a little smacking around.

Holla, Holly!


And, lastly but certainly not leastly, my family:

Our final adventure for the weekend was heading to a small convenience store to get ice cream cones.

This ice cream stop has become a tradition whenever we are camping in this area.

It is, most assuredly, my favorite part about camping.

Moose tracks.

Waffle cone.


Happy Tuesday!


  1. Sounds like fun, especially the ice cream part! While I would have no idea how to go about creating a swing of those wondrous proportions, I am totally jealous because I would have loved a turn on that bad boy!

  2. who is the couple in the bike picture? you never mentioned them in your post....

  3. thelumberjackswifeMay 25, 2010 at 12:10 AM

    The guy works with David and that is his wife with him.

  4. awesome swing!!!! so glad you guys had fun!! the fire and the parachute were amazing too!! =) glad to have you back!! <3

  5. My people don't camp. But I'm glad you and yours had a nice time. The swing looks pretty awesome!

  6. Okay. I am totally and completely addicted to reading your blog. I love it!

    Your tone makes it super interesting, and it actually makes me laugh out loud for some reason.

    Keep writing!

  7. Baby powder works too, in a pinch (if you don't have dry shampoo I mean)

    You can't be too out of shape if you pulled the cart + boys + bicycle. Looks like fun...especially the part with the ice cream.

  8. That is an awesome swing. AWESOME! Sounds like so much fun. I haven't camped with family in so long, you totally gave me the longing to do that. We do it with just the four of us most of the time, or other friends. And dry shampoo?! I have never heard of this stuff!! Maybe because I've never looked for it before! Awesome, gonna get me some.

  9. Or, perhaps, you are not out of shape. Perhaps you are in exactly the same amount of shape you were last year but the boys have grown a lot.

    And so it is not your fault!

    Have another ice cream cone and relax.

  10. You don't like country music? Oh my.

    Marla @

  11. HOLLA!!! Indeed he does need some slapping around!
    great pictures!

  12. It appears that Lumberjack has a slight smile on his face. Was he thinking about the ice cream or admiring your camping hair?

  13. I've heard that dry oats will also work as shampoo. I don't know that for a fact because I'm uncomfortable even discussing the need for dry shampoo, much less having to use something myself. My idea of roughing it is staying in a Motel 6. You are one brave lady!

  14. Well take a looksy at all those rock!

    I love the camping story...especially the ice cream part. The perfect ending.

    Plus you deserve it for pulling two boys in a trailer and a bike. Wow.

  15. Your camping hair looks like better than my hair any day!
    p.s. Are you guys really allowed to chop trees willy nilly? Or any way for that matter!

  16. I'm definitely not an outdoorsy person, but that looks like FUN!

  17. Ok, as a fellow camper, I NEED more information on dry shampoo! I've never heard of it. Where do I buy it? Will it keep me from having lovely camping hair? Yours looks good, so there is hope.

    Looks like a very fun trip and at least you were able to bike off your camping snacks:)

  18. Yeah, I was starting to wonder about that Jason. Thanks for clearing things up for me! :) What is this dry shampoo business? I definitely need to know about this!

  19. Sounds fun!

    How on earth do you find time to post so often with all that you do?

    And, did you just leave the swing behind? Kind of like a reward/memento for the next family that comes along!

    Oooo they're like stones of remembrance that you leave everywhere you go!

  20. I do believe I might have an idea which lovely little ice cream place you are talking about, and if I'm right then we also enjoy stopping there--they have such good ice cream! Or it could be that I always eat it after camping and therefore it tastes extra glorious! Yum......
    Love the pictures, thanks for sharing!!

  21. Your hair looks fabulous! I am quite jealous and do not believe I have ever heard of dry shampoo. However, my hair never looks good, even after shampooing and messing with it, so I doubt it will help me much!
    Looks like a fun camping trip :)

  22. I see no sign of camping hair ... you look well conditioned and coiffed ... as though you're ready to do a Pantene commercial :)

  23. Glad you like the dry shampoo, Taylor! You don't even have to be camping to LOVE it...I am telling ya:)

  24. You are lovely! I wish I looked that good on a regular day, much less when camping.
    I think H.D. needs contacts. Problem solved! :)
    Also, maybe you need to invest in some Depends. heehee
    That swing is amazing!!

  25. That looks SO fun!! And i LOVE that huge log swing... I;m so gonna make my husband make one for our yard. ;)

  26. Love the butt notches in the log swing! Very cool.
    Is the store that has the ice cream located by flowing water and does the former name start with a "B"?? If so, my family stops there EVERY camping trip on our way home. It's tradition. We have the huckleberry though. Love it.

  27. I'm not into country music either, but I got a workout dvd that's country line dancing (because I figured I could do that WAAAAAAY better than I could do hip hop.). I feel all cool until I realize the face I am making is NOT a smile like the ladies on the video. Oh, boy.
    All this to say, I don't really like country music. That's all!

  28. Looks like a good time was had by all!

    One time, back when hubby and I worked with the youth at church, we went on a camping trip. There was large log swing like the one you all made, and several of us got on it to swing. Well. Because it was so long, there was nothing for those of us in the middle to hang on to. We swung once, the whole middle section of people fell backwards and got the wind knocked out of us. You would think, "Well that doesn't sound like fun" and you would be right, however I could not stop laughing! Have you ever had a laughing fit with absolutely no air in your lungs?! Good times...

  29. [...] The COW this week goes to “namacura” with her comment on The Camping Trip Part 2. [...]
