Thursday, May 13, 2010


Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

This week over at Kelly's Korner, she asks us to share our favorite childrens' books.

We L-O-V-E all sorts of books over here, so I just thought I would show you some of the kids' favorites.

Come on.

Don't pretend you aren't thrilled.


We live about 2 blocks away from our library.

Handsome Dude picked out a book called, I am a little whale by Francois Crozat last month.

Handsome Dude deeply loved this book.

He called it:


Big-Whale-Book went everywhere with him.

In the truck.

In the bed.

In the bathroom.

I'm just kidding.  He didn't take it into the bathroom.

Or did he?

I cannot be certain.

That kid took that book everywhere.

Helpful Tip:  Have your children wash their hands after reading library books.  You never know where they have been.

But, I digress.

It was due back on Monday, so the Lumberjack returned it.

Handsome Dude did not appreciate this.

Our well-adjusted, sensible, and non-dramatic 3-year-old sobbed and wailed and wailed and sobbed.

It's so out of character for him.

Then he threw himself on the floor, proclaiming how "naughty" Daddy was for taking away his book.

So, yesterday . . .

We headed back to the library to reclaim what was rightfully his.

At least for 4 more weeks.

Good news!

While we were there, we found a whole family of books by Sir Crozat!

So, in about 4 weeks times, we can expect to see three times the fury and despair from our beloved son.

These books are really quite sweet.

We all love the pictures inside.


Freight Train by Donald Crews

The little boys thoroughly enjoy this one.

Teaches counting and colors . . .

plus, it's about a train.



Here are a few more of our favorites:

1)  No, David by David Shannon.

The kids think this one is fantastic, simply because their Dad's name is David.

And they really get into shouting,

"No, David!"

2)  Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle

This one is really great for preschoolers because it is so repetitive and predictable, they can "read" it themselves.

And read to you they will.

Over and over and over and over . . .

3)  Animal Sounds by Aurelius Battaglia

My kids have always loved this book.

4)  Cows in the Kitchen by June Crebbin

This book is awesome!

You can sing it to the tune of "Skip to my Lou"

"Cows in the Kitchen.  Moo, Moo, Moo . . . "

My kids have always loved it.


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr and John Archambault

We have two copies of this one.  The one on the right we bought about 6 years ago.  I don't mind if books get bent and ripped.  I am happy that my kids love them and read them often.  Of course, I don't allow them to purposely destroy, but I encourage them to read them often.

This is a fun little rhyming book that the kids can chant along with you.


The girls are getting older now.

They are enjoying chapter books.  These are all newer to me, so I don't have many to recommend or share, but I would love suggestions!


Of course, I must take a moment to brag.

My kids are always on their best behaviors for story time.

They always sit still.

They always pay attention.

And they never . . .

Ever . . .

Throw fits.



Which childrens' books are your favorites?


  1. I love the "little" books - there are many. My personal favorite was "I am a little koala." By the way - you can buy used copies of the books at and - you know, if you get tired of tantrums every four weeks.

  2. We have lots of favorites - Chica chica boom boom is certainly on the list. We also like the "if you give a pig a pancake" ones. And anything by Jan Brett. Oh, that is me, I love Jan Brett and my kids just smile cause I am reading to them.

  3. "Llama, Llama, Red pajama" is a favorite here(one of my faves, too, I LOVE to read it), as well as "God Bless Me", "I love you as much...", and the ole time fav "Goodnight Moon". There are probably another ten "favorite" books, but those are regulars I can think of right now. Oh! and "Cowboy Jose" is another very favorite book we get from the library, that one we don't own! But I just Love it so much! Highly recommended!

  4. I'm with Mindy, we love Llama Llama Red Pajama and Llama Llama Mad at Mama.

    Oooh and I love the Jesus Storybook Bible. Best kids Bible out there! Well, I guess I haven't read them all. But still.

    ps- now that I read your guest post, I'm on to your trickery. I know you asked a simple question for your simple minded readers (me) so we would be inclined to comment.
    And look.
    You reeled me right in.

  5. My brains feel fried, so I do not feel like I can answer the question well enough (sad, isn't it?), but I just wanted you to know that I had been here, and hello.
    I'm sorry I'm so weird. Your price checker story was so funny. I hate it when Mike asks me to do stuff for him. I always mess it up. Your rice krispie treats sound delicious. :)

  6. My kiddo loves Judy Moody and Junie B Jones books.

  7. It's funny we have been reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear for weeks now. It's Little Guys favorite. I like all of the Eric Carle books.

  8. those books! I have a masters in reading instruction (they call " literacy" to make it sound fancy, I think) So we have a bazillion books in this house and many favorites ......probably Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Dr Seuss if I had to pick a few. And No David! is definitely high on the list. I feel like I"m just copying yours, but you picked some of the best and I'm brain dead!

  9. We love all the Eric Carle books around here! We have all of a few stuffed animals to match. Our new favorite is The Jesus Storybook Bible. Matthias loves it =)

  10. Oh! Are your girls reading the Magic Tree House books? Those are great, my kids have all of them and they are neat little books. Some others that they like are the scholastice "easy-2- read" books they are set to age and stages so you can pick out one that is just right for what ever reading stage they are at. A cute one is Dogerella from that series. Another series is Jigsaw Jones. Different kid mystery's that are silly and fun. My kids have so many books I will let you know when I check out the bookshelf, these were just ones i remember off the top of my head. We love all the ones you mentioned! Hopefully you will check some of these "bigger" kid books out too! :)

  11. I choose to read books that rhyme. I think they are easier and more fun.
    We love Sandra Boynton...board books that are adorable and more resistant to destruction.

    My one year old likes the "lift the flap" books but she apparently thinks they are "tear off the flap" book. Aaagggh!

  12. I love Cows in the Kitchen! That's a great book! At our house we love Sandra Boynton books! And I just finished reading Pippi Longstocking to my girls. I am having a hard time suspending reality for her (now as an adult). We LOVE to read at our house!

  13. "I Am a Little Kitten" was one of my favs as a little girl. I am pretty sure my mom WISHED it was a library book so that she could have gotten it out of the house!

  14. I have a million...books are our favorite thing. Alas, I'm on vacation still so I can't compile my list right now....I will email you some though. I love that your books are well loved. My mom was a librarian so we always had (and still have) loads of books. We used to smile at the moms who went to the library and would say to their kids, 'You may just get one." One? Who can just get one? Plus, it's a library! They're free!

    I can still recite Brown Bear in its entirety.

  15. Big readers here too. Of course my girl is soon to be 16 so it has been awhile, but we still have all her books. Let me know their ages or reading levels and I'm sure I can come up with some good girly books to suggest or even pass on.

  16. Love this post and all the pictures! Chika Chika Boom Boom is a great one- Love it!! Happy Friday!

  17. Oh how I tried to resist Junie B. Jones books in this house. She doesn't speak properly. Words are not spelled properly. I did not like them Sam I am, I did not like them... until... my daughter, who recieved the book "Toothless Wonder" from my mother, told me one day. "I really like Junie B. Jones books Mom." "Why is that" I replied, still cringing. "Because She is a worrier like me." That simple answer, that being able to identify with a character... well, it won me over. :)
    We also love Amelia Bedilia, Horrible Harry, Henry and Mudge, The "Three Cousins Detective Club" mysteries (Christian Series).

  18. oh, man, I was SUUUUCH a book lover when I was a kid. I read just about every Babysitter's Club, Little House on the Prairie, Encyclopedia Brown, and The Boxcar Children book there was. And the Chronicles of Narnia--amazing books, I tell ya! I would recommend all of those series' for your girls! So good!

  19. I - love - children's books. For all ages. My 6 month old already knows how to turn pages, and has been doing it for a while now. Those Crozat books looks beautiful, I will have to look for them at our library, the illustrations look beautiful, which is always a hook for me!
    When I was working as a speech therapist, I relied on books ALL the time - they are so full of language and speech practice opportunities so it didn't matter what the kiddo was working on, there was surely a picture book or something I could incorporate. I even used Calvin and Hobbes for a few of my older kiddos. So I don't know how to limit my favorites to any sort of list, but a couple I can't live without include:
    Please, Puppy, Please and Please, Baby, Please - Spike Lee
    Where's My Teddy? - Jez Alborough
    Piggies - and ANYTHING by Don and Audrey Wood
    Anything Sandra Boynton
    Barn Dance - Bill Martin Jr. - this is a great sing-songy one
    Goodnight Moon, of course
    Piggy in the Puddle - Charlotte Pomerantz - SO FUNNY and a favorite for kids and parents
    Jamberry- Bruce Degen
    Lemons are Not Red - Laura Vaccaro Seeger

    I better stop. This is getting out of hand. haha!

  20. "The Three Little Kittens Who Lost Their Mittens". I memorized it before I could read. My parents would impress their friends with my "reading" skills until someone called me out. Anyway, I can still recite it today!

  21. The book you mentioned in the beginning - Anne of Green Gables!!! :)

  22. I heart children's books. In fact, I collect them. I have scores of little golden books and I love anything by Sandra Boynton, Eric Carle, Jan Brett, and anything illustrated by Maurice Sendak. For chapter books I think your girls would enjoy reading anything by Judy Blume or Beverly Cleary.

  23. Thanks for sharing your love of children's books! You and your family will love tiger tales books (I hope!). We are a small publisher of whimsical, colorful, touching, magical picture books and board books for young children. Please check us out on facebook!!/pages/Wilton-CT/tiger-tales/183496001305?ref=ts
    Happy Reading,
    tiger tales

  24. Why doesn't the "jump to comments" link ever work for me? =( I must be special!!

    I LOVE Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!! Haven't seen that book in many years! I can't wait till my little one is big enough to enjoy books like that! I read her books now but I could be speaking in spanish for all she knows!
