Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm Like . . . Baby, Baby, Baby . . .

It is Saturday night.

It is late.

Johnny Cash is singing something called "Ira Hayes" right now in my very own kitchen.

And here are tonight's top stories.

1)  I forgot to do the COW!

Picture showing Friesian Cow

Lest any of you are confused . . . COW stands for comment of the week.

Keep up, people!

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can inform me as to whether or not I am using the word "lest" correctly.  I will probably still use it no matter what, simply for the fact that it is an uber fun word to write.

Okay!  COW!

The COW this week goes to "namacura" with her comment on The Camping Trip Part 2.

She said,

"It appears that Lumberjack has a slight smile on his face. Was he thinking about the ice cream or admiring your camping hair?"

That just about made me spit out my coffee, which just happened to be flavored with delicious chocolate raspberry creamer.

Too funny, Namacura.  I would love to believe he is admiring my hair.  And I thank you for giving me that hope.

Namacura does not have a blog.

Please shout, "Hi, Namacura!" at your computer-ish devices.

That will suffice.

2)  I don't mean to be a whiner, but I am going to be one at this moment.

I wrote to you all on Thursday morning about my tragedies.

Alert!  My day got worse.

Much, much worse.

The boys were naughty (shocking, I know), the girls were exasperating (oooh!  a fancy word!) , and The Lumberjack did not get home until 9pm.

It was a tiring, exhausting, and boring night.

So, we had a tea party.

Daisy Mae?  Where are you?

There she is (blue/green shirt)!

This is her "informant" look.

As in she is informing me of one of her siblings' wrongs.

Handsome Dude found a bottle of Tums and ate an undisclosed amount.

Me:  Dude!  Did you eat these?

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up, people!):  I not!

Me:  Dude!  I can see them in your mouth.

HD:  OK, mommy.

Me:  How many did you eat?

HD:  Huh?

Me:  How many did you eat?

HD:  Huh?

Me:  Did you eat 1?  Did you eat 3?  Did you eat 5?

HD:  I ate one, two, free, bour, bibe.


I sounded like a well-informed-on-top-of-things-excellent-mother when I called the Pediatric office to find out if I needed to be calling Poison control.

And you all know that Mabel's health continued to worsen.

So . . . Thursday was bad.


The whining shall cease now.

3)  I think Mabel is on the mend!  She has eaten some food, taken her pills, and not thrown up once!

I am very thankful.

And I will be the best human mommy to her ever now.

4)  Boys.

What are you looking at, dudes?

Oh, yes.  The lawnmower.

For it has wheels.

Silly me.

5)  Alright!   Here's the exciting part!

Is anyone still here?


In order to show my blogging friend, Christina, that my house is a dreadful disaster right now, I decided to post some pictures of my kitchen.

Please still be my friends when we are all done with this photographic journey into the horror that is currently my life.

*Thank you*

Oh, dear.

Let's examine this picture, shall we?

Yes.  Handsome Dude has pop.  This is his father's doing.  Go to his blog and leave a disapproving comment there.

No.  Handsome Dude is not wearing his glasses.  I do not know where they are.  This is my fault.  You can leave a disapproving comment here.

Yes.  I am cooking dinner and cookies amidst this chaos.

For what is life without cookies?

I know!  Life without cookies would probably involve a more pleasant bathing suit shopping experience.

But, I digress.

I am making no-bake cookies for my oven no longer works.

Other points of interest:

*  I have a dirty crock pot.

*  We got a printer, but have procrastinated in finding it a proper home.

*  Spaghetti sauce is in the crock pot . . . if you must kn0w.

*  I have a lot of clutter.

*  The plastic is up to separate the laundry room from the kitchen, as The Lumberjack was using the airless paint sprayer to paint it.

An airless paint sprayer?!?


My Lumberjack is kind of a big deal.

Rest assured . . . I am hiding my head in shame.

Please look out the window.

Please be super impressed that we have a freezer with a large, hardly-used roaster sitting on our porch.


Don't lose heart, folks!

My Lumberjack is breaking out all his muscles to make this the dream home I have always wanted.

Exhibit A:

The Laundry room.

Exhibit B:

A tiled kitchen backsplash.

Dear Lumberjack,

Thank you for all your hard work and for inviting me to the gun show upon multiple occasions throughout these 7 years of remodeling bliss.  I would, however, like to submit a request.  Please, please, please, install the under cabinet lighting so I can stop looking at these darned wires:

You are, in fact, an electrician.

Thank you.

Yours truly,


6)  I have a confession to make.

As I was creating the delicious no-bake cookies, and my man was tiling my delightful backsplash, I began listening to this enjoyable song:

The Lumberjack walked by.

LJ:  Are you listening to this on purpose?

Me:  Um . . . yes.

LJ:  What is it?

Me:  Um . . . I think he is like a boy band.  But he is just one boy. 

LJ:  Is this that kid that was on Saturday Night Live?

Me:  Yes.  I thought this song was just delightful.

LJ:  Taylor . . . you are a dork.


Yes, folks.  I am a dork.

But I find this song to be so truly catchy.  Especially if you don't watch the video of the boy-child.

All those flashing lights and dance moves are a little much for a woman of my age.

And I think that boy needs a hair cut.

And look!  The song features another fellow, named Ludacris.

That's ludicrous!

No, dear readers.

It is ludicrous is that I greatly enjoy this song.

Happy Weekend!

And Happy Memorial Day!

Thank you to all who are serving . . . . like my cousin Neil . . . and to all who have served, like my grandparents.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. My friends daughter showed me that video and I thought he was pretty good too. So do not fret, you are not the only one. Have a Happy Weekend!

  2. p.s. I am overjoyed that I was able to come up with "Your mess is moot"
    LOVE MY BRAIN right now. Sorry. It was cool though huh? I came up with it WHILE I WAS TYPING...can I get a cookie?

  3. okay, so MY husband was making fun of my music choices on FRIDAY night, and I blogged about it. Isn't blogging therapudic? How do you spell therapeudic? What EVAH!
    Anywho...I love being a liker on your fb page, I get your blog updates in a flash and whoop, here I am.
    I think your mess is moot because it mostly consists of boxes and home renovation.

  4. OK. So. Is the photo of you and fam current, like this weekend or something you dug up from years past? Yep, the one with y'all sitting on the log fence. How can I keep current if I don't know what I'm looking at? I just don't know what's wrong with me. All day all I could think about was the poor dog. How can cookies be no bake? Must be this darn virus - it's seeping into my brain. Love the tea party. Fabulous Darling, simply marvelous.

  5. So very glad to hear Mabel is on the mend! Hopefully the trend will continue. I think that the tea party was a fabulous idea!
    Also - I adore your backsplash! And who cares about a bunch of boxes, that's not a mess... My house? Now that's a mess! Hopefully, Lumberjack will those lights up and you'll see things in a whole new light!

  6. My son also ate a bunch of tums when he was 2. I think they were actually Rolaids-but same difference. He came into the kitchen, and I asked him "what are you eating???" He said "medicine", so I made him show me where he got it from. And the empty Rolaids roll was on the floor, he was pretty proud of himself. I felt like such a bad mama, having to call Poison Control! They told me he would either be constipated, or the reverse, and would be okay, as he only ate 10 maximum. But then told me to keep all medicine locked up in a cabinet..etc etc. I never really considered Rolaids medicine until that day!

  7. My daughter loves that song. She has listened to it so much, that I have banned it from the house. I could not handle hearing it over and over and over again. I know.......I will send her to your house so she can listen to it there. Especially since banning the song from the house didn't work....she just listens to it less often.

  8. Everything in your kitchen picture is sharp and clear except Handsome Dude. I guess it's because he's not wearing his glasses. :p

  9. I hit play b/c I've never seen the video, and my husband passed by and said "Are you also into JB now?"

    Hee hee :) They play it to death on the radio out here.

  10. Justin Bieber...he's hot stuff around these parts. My son just loves his music. Actually all of my kids do, and his songs must be played CONSTANTLY!

    Glad to hear Mabel is feeling better.

  11. A gem of a post Taylor. Happy Sunday to you.

  12. I watched the video for about a minute before I couldn't take it anymore.
    I'm just going to wait 7 or 8 years until my daughter starts forcing me to watch things like that.

  13. I'm glad Mabel is on the mend. Lest we forget, you are packing and moving so that is a good excuse for your "lived in" kitchen look. :)

  14. I am so glad Mabel seems to be on the mend :)
    Youe kitchen really does not look bad, but I do feel for you with having to live with all those boxes! I love the backsplash! Too bad he didn't do it earlier so you could have enjoyed it? That is the thing about selliung/renting a house. You always tie up those loose ends and it ends up looking more fabulous then ever! I am sure your new home will be lovely too :)

  15. I'm 56 and I love that song!! Watching Justin sing it is strange because he is too young!!! But I love the Song! So, no you are not a dork!

  16. Hey! I too took a picture of a disaster area in my home in support of Christina. But then I decided I am not brave enough to post it.

    But THEN I saw your bravery.

    So I might post it. But not today. :)

  17. Would it make you feel better if I showed you a picture of my kitchen? I do believe it's slightly worse. Then I could show you a picture of the washing machine that is sitting on our back porch...and the dryer that is hanging out in our hallway...but we won't discuss those. It might bring out some bitterness.

  18. Happy Memorial Day weekend.
    I'm glad to hear no cookies were harmed in the making of this blog post.

  19. thanks for the pics of your kitchen. now I don't feel so bad about mine!

  20. Taylor, dear. I just discovered Mint Fudge Creme Oreos. See this link for my picture ( Rest assured, I will be blogging about these delicious NO BAKE, straight-out-of-a-box cookies.

    They are like Thin Mints...on steroids.

    I bought over 20 boxes of Oreos yesterday. We've already eaten two.

    There will be no bikinis worn by me this summer.


  21. You are crazy...your house may be chaotic, but that's're moving!

    You are crazy...Justin Really? is catchy.

    But so are small pox.

  22. I made no-bakes today, too!!! great minds think alike!! =)

  23. LOVE the mess! You can visit my house any day. I need more friends with messy houses. Clean friends make me nervous.

    Super glad to hear Mabel is on the mend. Our dog-children are very much a part of our family. My kids would be lost without their Golden.

    PS -I'm to tired to take a pic of my mess. Rest assured it is there.

  24. I can't watch/listen to that video until less folks are around so I'm not embarrassed. ;) Very fabulous. Take heart, your kitchen looks like any NORMAL remodeling/many child home. :)))))

  25. Heaven help me if anyone actually comes over and looks at the pictures on my blog. They will never be back. haha
    Thank you for the support and solidarity, though. I have to say, you are moving!! And there is remodeling, so that does at least give you good reason for your mess. I don't think laziness counts as a good reason (oh, I know there were other things behind it...I'm just trying to make a joke).
    Love your tea party and glad to hear Mabel is getting better!

  26. You use a crockpot for spaghetti sauce? Call me impressed! I simply open a can of Hunt's add a can of tomato sauce and throw in some dry herbs, heat through and throw it on the table.

  27. Bieber (The kid from Saturday Night Live) is so huge right now that my wife started to dig that song, too. Don't feel bad, Taylor. Plus, he was pretty funny in that SNL skit with Tina Fey.

  28. Oh goodness! When I read your post title, I was anticipating to read that you were expecting another BABY! Which wouldn't be so surprising considering all the "baby fever" you've been experiencing lately...
    What's this?? The Lumberjack has his own BLOG??

  29. Umm - now I'm curious. What happens if you eat a bunch of TUMS?

  30. thelumberjackswifeMay 31, 2010 at 7:47 AM

    No bake cookies: Cook on your stove top and then they cool. You might be able to find gluten free versions?

    Picture-From camping last weekend.

    Feel better

  31. thelumberjackswifeMay 31, 2010 at 7:50 AM

    True that.

  32. thelumberjackswifeMay 31, 2010 at 7:50 AM

    Well . . . I made a double batch of sauce awhile ago and froze half of it, to save for a busy day, such as this one! Just dumped it in the crockpot for a few hours to warm it up. :)

  33. thelumberjackswifeMay 31, 2010 at 7:53 AM

    They said he might get constipated or have a tummy ache-he is fine, though. :)

  34. thelumberjackswifeMay 31, 2010 at 7:53 AM

    No, I was teasing! He does not have a blog. :)

  35. bahaha! you are the funniest gal ever! i'm so thrilled that you joined in. i have to say, though, my hubby may not like you so much since you have now got me addicted to this justin bieber song.

  36. Seriously, I always have so much to say about your posts but by the time I make it to the end I have forgotten.

    So. Yeah. That what an awesome blogging friend I am.

  37. Hey Mrs. LJ! I read this post on my phone, and it didn't show the You Tube link that you posted. So I assumed you were talking about what you said you were listening to at the beginning of your post... Johnny Cash... I was having a hard time seeing how he was "kind of like a boy band", but I knew you had a hard week and all.....thankfully I came back here on my laptop and got the real story!

  38. That song has a very catchy tune...I like it, but watching the video I just can't help thinking that Justin looks like he's 6 1/2 going on 7 years old...I really must be getting old!

  39. You're lucky in your messiness - at least you have a great explanation, there's active construction going on! And my confession has to be.... I can no longer spell the word ludacris.

    Seriously, the rapper has forever ruined my ability to spell it anyway that isn't his name.

    It's embarrassing, while also weird strange.

    Hmm, that actually sounds just like me.

    Maybe the rapper isn't to blame after all.
