Friday, May 21, 2010

Chocolate Raspberry Creamer.


This day has been insanely busy, as we are just about to leave for camping, but I wanted to take a second to do the COW (Comment of the Week), as I am sure it is what all of you have been anticipating.




Just let me have my moment.

Picture showing Friesian Cow

This week's Cow goes to Kendra with her comment on Not Me, Dressing Room Edition:

I will never ever wear a swim suit in public without board-shorts firmly in place.

However, IF I ever go to the beach or pool, I do so with all 4 kids in tow. I figure if people see me with all four kids, first they will ask “Are they all yours?” Then, when I reply in the affirmative, they will look at me and think (quietly to themselves I pray), “Well, she may be lumpy, but after 4 babies, she isn’t tooooo bad.”

OR, we could have custom swim cover ups made with the following caption:
“YES, all four kids are mine.
Yes, my hands are full.
YES, they all have the same dad.
YES, I gave birth to them all.
Yes, I know where they came from.
Yes, I am done.
Yes, my tummy is a bit lumpy.
NO, I do not like plank jacks.
Yes, I do like popcorn.
Please deal with it and kindly find someone else to stare at, but first bring me a snack.
The End”

Go say Bonjour, Holla, or Hi to Kendra.

The choice is yours.


Random Topic Quick-Change!

Late last night, I did my Questions and Answers post.  Make sure to peruse it, particularly if you left a question.

One of the Questioneers asked me what my dream job would be.

I answered, "A writer."

And a few of you kind readers informed me that I was already a writer.


Have you not noticed that I cannot even write a cohesive paragraph?


I can barely write sentences.


Just words.

Just random words.

That's all I got to offer the writing world.

100 , nay, 200 (meaningless) points to anyone who can find any post of mine that has a well-written paragraph.

Don't waste your time.

I can assure you that no such paragraph exists.

But thank you for telling me I am a writer!

If I can believe it, I can achieve it!


Am I right?



Random Topic Quick-Change!

I have been a bad blogging friend these past few days.  I am sorry I have not made it around to everyone's blogs.

We are just so darn busy.

Boo, Lumberjill.


Please forgive me and I will do better as soon as I return.


Random Topic Quick-Change!

In approximately 60 minutes, we will be heading off to our first camping trip of the year.

I am exhausted just thinking about it.

Actually, I am probably exhausted because it is a great feat to load up this family and get everything ready for our camping adventures.

Hiking . . .

2009_9_07 140

2009_9_07 133

Berry Picking . . .

Fact:  Lumberjill HATES berry picking.

Want to know who else hates berry picking?


2009_9_07 120

Remember Jason?

There is also sure to be wood cutting.

2009_9_07 164

And Tom Foolery, such as this:

2009_9_07 111

It is fun.

But it is a lot of work.

It is a lot of work for me.

Let us have a moment of silence to honor poor Taylor, who is exhausted.

*thank you*


Powered by Mom . . .

Who is powered by coffee.

5000 (meaningless) points anyone who can guess what I have been sneaking into my coffee again.

Boo, Taylor.



We are off!






  1. Have a great time camping!!!! Can't wait to read about it next week.

    And Kudos for you for enjoying your coffee again!!! I will Never ever give up my creamers:)

  2. I couldn't give up my creamer, so I'm very glad to hear you have returned to using yours.
    We have yet to make our first foray into the woods this year, I had hoped for a spring trip before the move, but alas, I think that is not to be.
    I feel you on how long it takes to get everyone packed and loaded for the trip - it's certainly a killer for me!

  3. Love the COW! My favorite part of the COW was
    " but first bring me a snack. The End”

    Have fun camping, hope you remembered the bug spray! Don't forget to avoid plants with 3 leaves! And don't forget the cooler with the CHOCOLATE-RASPBERRY CREAMER!

  4. ew. ew. ew. Creamer is yucky.
    I just pour a half gallon of milk and call it good.

  5. Oh all the blogs that I check daily and comment on, I really think that you're the best blog friend. You always comment back and that totally rocks. Thanks, dear!

    Have a great time camping. :)

    Marla @

  6. i saw that comment when she posted it and it made me laugh! good choice!! also - coffee has almost no calories, right? you better be putting something yummy in it!

  7. Have a great weekend camping! My guess of what you are sneaking into your coffee lately is Schnapps. I know it's probably wrong (right?) but it's fun to say Schnapps.
    btw, when you return to blogging buddy/visiting status please check out my first video blog post. Remember how we determine I am not very, yeah. It's confirmed on my video form...for the world to see.
    Great post as usual. Can't wait to hear Monday edition of crazy antics with your crew

  8. But of course you are a writer, you silly Lumberjill, you! and published too!

  9. I would rather throw up through my nose than go camping. But I'm sure you'll have fun!

    You know what might be more fun though? Pack their gear and their clothes and the food and the children and Lumberjack.

    And then forget to pack yourself!

  10. You are a writer. And a darn funny one at that :) I hope you have fun camping, I am certain it will be filled with adventure! BTW- I loved your last post, the question and answers, very funny!

  11. Wait - people have coffee without creamer? For heaven's sake why?

  12. have fun...we will miss you while you are gone!! =)

  13. Can't do without creamer...can't imagine even trying! Ya gotta have a perk here and there. :)

    Camping...I'm not a camper...I can stay outside all day, hike, pick berries (as long as there are no chiggers bc I'm allergic - found out the hard way), whatever, but when it's time to go to bed, I want a shower, a nice soft bed, air conditioning and my toothbrush.

    Have fun!!

  14. Camping with 4 kids...





    I'd rather get shot.

  15. Oh yeah, and thanks! My new goal in life is to be the COW on your blog.:P It indeed makes me feel incredibly special, especially since I am never even the COW on my own blog... :D

    BTW, you are a wonderful blog buddy.

    Have a wonderful trip.

  16. I am forgetful tonight..

    I LOVE that your golden is in your camping pictures. Goldens are the best-est doggies in the world.

  17. Camping will be sooooooooooooo much fun and that comment by kendra was HILARIOUS. It's true and I only have one baby! People ask if she's mine all the time, if only it were because I had a rockin' smokin' body, but I don't, it's cuase she's mixed!

  18. 10 Minutes after the fact I just got it. Chocolate Raspberry Creamer... HA! oh so creative, Taylor!

  19. Creamer! You deserve to treat yourself girl! :)
    Have fun camping! I hope you have no mishaps too major but just enough to have great stories about upon your return!

  20. You have a wonderful blog....I love it everytime I stop by...I have had so little time to catch up on my favorite blogs. Hope you will stop by...I have a great Disney giveaway...

  21. Mindee, that is just gross. But really funny. But not if it actually happened.

  22. I am always so honored that you comment on my blog. I am not worthy. You have a fun time on your trip. That's funny, Christian was supposed to go camping tonight but it didn't work out so I let my kids camp out in our TV room. :) It's a little more luxurious than the outdoor variety...but I think they had fun. They got to eat s'mores. And I don't have muddy shoes, or campfires to worry about.
    I hope your time is fun, and that when you return you can rest.

  23. Oh, you naughty, naughty girl! Welcome back to the dark side. Creamer is, unfortunately, just too good.
    Have fun in the freezing cold and on and off showers while camping. I will think of you while I am in my cozy warm house with indoor plumbing and clean hair. Ha!

  24. I wish we were going camping this weekend. It is a lot of work but I love it once I'm there.

    I'm pretty sure hiking counteracts the effects of raspberry creamer.

    Have fun!

  25. Ooooh, can I come?
    I love camping! And in my wacky world of opposites, my husband is the one who doesn't like it.
    I could sit by a campfire all day.
    And berries!
    They would never make it into the bucket, but I would be well fed.
    Have fun and keep the dudes alive ;)

  26. Have fun camping. I too have been a bad blog follower, and a bad blogger, and all of that...Not even sure I'm being a good mommy and wife right now.

    I hate busyness.

    BTW: referring to your Q&A and desire for sleep: Sometimes the only way to get a full nights undisturbed sleep with nothing to disturb your slumber is to do it without a hubs in bed with you...

    I'm just sayin'...

    And, I'm sure this comment will be flagged for adult content!

  27. We love camping. Love love love it. In the great outdoors, not having to wipe something every freaking time I turn around, what's not to love?! Also, if coffee creamer is your poison of choice I think you're doing really well. You could be smoking crack, or eating dozens of donuts in one sitting, ya know?! So I think you should forgive yourself for the coffee creamer. Just sayin'.

  28. Camping. We have a love/hate realationship. Love it when we finaly get there and everything is set up and I can enjoy the great outdoors, but I hate the before & afters...
    There is nothing fun about packing and getting everything ready to go into the trailer, when I find a MESS still waiting inside from my hubby and father-in-law's last hunting trip in the Fall. Thanks guys. Thanks.
    Then when we finaly get to said location, the hubby wants to "go check out the fishing hole, but I'll be back in a minute to help you set everything up." Yeah, right. Camping is more of a vacation for the Dad. Us Mom's are on our same daily schedule, just outside, instead of in.
    When the trip is over, I love coming home and unofficially being the one that is nominated to clean up the weekend's mess and put everything away. Thanks family. Thanks.
    Like I said...
    Camping. We have a love/hate realationship!
