Thursday, May 27, 2010

Because I am certain you care.

Well, I was, most certainly, a bummer of a blogger in my last post.

Sorry about that.

We are going to do a complete 180 degree turn from that and switch into a "happy-happy-joy-joy" (name that tv show) post.

I am going to share with you all some of my favorite things.

Because I am certain you care about such matters.




My First (grown up) Bible

My parents gave me this Bible for Christmas when I was 13 years old.  I loved this Bible and used it often, so much so that it had started to fall apart.  I wrote on the inside,

"A Bible that is falling apart is usually owned by someone who is not."

I don't remember where I originally heard that quote, but I always liked it.

I had asked my parents for the King James Version.  I always loved the sound of the old words.


 Hebrews 1:1 is where I first heard the words, "sundry" and "divers."

I love this Bible. 

I can see verses in my head exactly the way they look on the pages in this Bible still.  It is the Bible I used when I first truly began my relationship with God.

My Children

 I love them.

Even though they will be the death of me.

My Husband.



The Lumberjack.

Who is not a Lumberjack at all.

He is, in fact, an electrician.

Big Train Vanilla Chai Tea

Have you tasted this?

It is like heaven in a cup.

If you have not ever intrigued your taste buds in this manner, I implore you to try it immediately.

Dry Shampoo

Ok, Sparkies . . . here's the deal . . .

(name that movie)

When I go camping, I look a fright.

But last camping trip, I ran some of this spray through my hair and it absorbed all the oil so my hair did not look filthy-dirty.

Because what is camping if your hair looks dirty?


And, Finally . . .



It is true.

I have been sneaking my beloved chocolate raspberry creamer into my steamy mug of joe daily.

Rest assured, I am hiding my head in shame.

But, truly folks.

It is delightful.

That is all, friends.




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  1. Ren and Stimpy! (I hope I'm remembering right, still half-asleep this morning, LOL)

  2. "Ok, Sparkies . . . here’s the deal . . ." ~ I have no clue what movie this is from, but for some reason I can picture Jack Nicholson saying this..

  3. Umm... I'm borrowing the bible quote if that's okay with you. I like the KJV, but I have a bible that I got for my 18th birthday that is a NKJV Study bible and I adore it!

    I have no idea about the movie, but I'm thinking I should try that tea. I've never had hot tea. !!!

  4. My dad has a Bible that is completely falling apart. Over the years I'm certain we have given him new ones...still on the table by his chair sits his old one. The rattered, tattered, used and loved Holy Bible. He must feel the same way you do.

    King James is classic, although sometimes hard to understand. Still...classic.

    Where did you find that little bit of goodness that is dry shampoo? You see, I have a camping trip coming up and well, I'm afraid I have turned into a city girl. Oopsy.

    One more thing...I double love the pic of the kiddos. Any mom knows it is hard to get more than one looking/smiling at the camera. Three out of four ain't bad. :)

  5. I grew up with the KJV. It is the most accurate translation, but it's really hard to teach little kids memory verses from it sometimes. I'm doing my best to not give in and reach for my NKJV. :-) Have you tried coffeemates coconut creamer?! I am not usually a fan of creamers, and you'd think coconut would be disgusting, but it is SO GOOD!

  6. i think ok,sparkies is from how to lose a guy in 10 i right?? did i win?? i think i'm right, did i win????LOL

    we JUST read those verses from Hebrews in church last night!!! how cool is that?!

    have a fabulous weekend!!! =)

  7. Wasn't "OK,'s the deal..." from the Great Outdoors?

  8. Just an FYI, and probably a bit of that cornucopia of pointless knowledge stored in my noggin:

    I have friends who are international Bible translators. They said that the New American Standard is actually the closest to "the original". That being said, I like to study all different versions side by side. It really helps me get a better grip on things.

  9. ren and stimpy and aladdin!!

  10. A friend of mine recently took her deceased mother's falling apart bible in to be re-bound. I think it cost around $60 but it was a precious, precious gift for her family who cherishes each underlined passage and margin note.

    Not that you'll be deceased any time soon, but it might be a precious gift for YOU if, say, a handsome Lumberjack were to do that.

  11. Just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading the blog today!

  12. I love seeing your favorite things! And I especially love how you casually covered up your last name on the Bible!

  13. I have a book of Psalms that my grandfather gave me when I was six. It is truly falling apart and I love that it has so much character!

  14. Ren and Stimpy (haven't seen that show in years!) and Aladdin (I think). Taylor, I love your old Bible. I have one like that too. I finally did retire it because I didn't want to lose the pages out of it and there were truly falling apart. I have one that hubby gave me soon after we were married that I am still trying to break in...8 years later.

  15. Taylor, I enjoyed this post but I have to say that I especially enjoyed your bummer post from yesterday. It's nice to see that other women have days where it doesn't just rain - it pours. I KNOW that's true but sometimes it's just nice to have the proof. :)
    A belated note about Am. Idol - I was bummed for Crystal and thought if performance was the real reason for winning then she probably deserved it, but I frankly think that winning meant a LOT more to Lee than to her. Especially since I don't think she'll have a hard time getting an album out on her own.
    I know that should have gone on your yesterday's post but I was already here. ;)
    I think I need to try some of that creamer, by the way. I need a treat in the mornings.

  16. I don't know any of those quotes! Please tell me they're from kids movies.
    I still use the King James version for my bible. It sounds like poetry to me. :)

  17. Bless your heart asking for a King James Bible! Don't you wish you could go back and give your thirteen-year-old-self a hug?

  18. ren and stimpy and the "okay sparkies...." is a quote in Aladdin that the genie does of Jack Nicholson (or is it Nichalos--who is the golfer?)--the actor is the one who said it!

    I am so with you on the children whom you love but they will be the death of you! Too true!

  19. thedomesticfringeMay 28, 2010 at 6:15 AM

    Your kids are really cute, but I completely understand about them being the death of you!

    Enjoy your long weekend.

  20. I also love that quote you put in your Biblia. Very nice.
    I am personally not a fan of chai anything, however, if you say it is heaven in a cup, I might be willing to try it. We'll see.....
    And life is too short to live without raspberry creamer. Embarce it and hold your head high!! :)

  21. I love happy posts... They make me smile. :)

    And you're Bible looks well used. That's the best kind.

    Marla @

  22. Hello again :) I spent a semester in Kenya about 15 years ago and drank at least two cups of what they called "chai" each day. I haven't had it since and have often had a craving for it ... but wasn't really sure what sort of chai would be similar. Anyway, your chai looks tempting and worth giving a try ... but it looks like an ENORMOUS bag of tea. Where does one, I guess that would be you, buy said tea??? Does it come in smaller containers? Have a nice weekend!

  23. I enjoyed yesterday's bummer blogger post. Makes me realize that we all have days like that. It can't always be rainbows and sunshine. Some days it has to pour, so that you can appreciate the wonderful days.

    And you should be certain that we care! We are here every day for you:) :) :)

    Thanks for the info on the shampoo. I am so getting some before my next camping trip!

  24. Love your list of happy things :)
    I have not tried the chai, definately is must try tho now! Thanks

  25. I love the quote about a bible falling apart! When I first got my study bible I was so careful with it, but have come to learn that it's the Word that is precious, not the paper.

    And I think I'm going to try that creamer!

  26. The bible is awesome. The creamer is not awesome.

  27. Sweetness. :) This is a great list!!
    Thank you so much for your comment.

  28. Now I am heading to bed with that song stuck in my head...

    These are a few of my faaaaaavorite things...

    I can't wait to watch that movie with my kids!!

  29. I love Coffeemate too. Their sugar free versions are very good.

  30. Coffee ain't coffee without tasty creamer.

  31. must.have.dry.shampoo!!!!

    so glad i found your blog. i've noticed your comments on mindee's blog, but how is it that i'm just now finding your blog? i'm hooked already!
