Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Morning Walk

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

 This week on Show us Your Life, Kelly asks us to show our towns.  Here is a post about me and my boys on a walk through our town.

Thank you for stopping by! 

After dropping the girls off at school this morning, the dudes and I came home.

I surveyed the early morning damage.

 Toast crumbs on the counter.

Messy bathroom with the typical empty toilet paper roll still hanging.

Three loads of laundry waiting to be done.

And I decided today would be a grand day to pretend like none of that mess existed and go on a walk.

The first thing we spotted were ducks.

Poor little guys were attempting to cross the street.

Little Dude: Duck.  Duck.  Duck. Duck. Duck.

Handsome Dude:  Look, Mom!  Duck!

Little Dude:  Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack.

And because of that moment, dear readers, from that point on every wing-ed creature, water fowl, and bird of prey that we saw on our walk was renamed:

Duck. Quack.

If we do end up moving to Ruralville, I am definitely going to miss where our current house is located.

Can you believe this is about 10 minutes from my house?

I can't.

Which is an oddity.

Seeing as how I have lived here for 7 years.

I decided to be a kind mother and let the dudes loose.

Handsome Dude.

Ever so helpful, per usual.

Little Dude.

Pointing at dogs and barking.

Per usual.



Brothers don't shake hands.

Brothers gotta hug.

(Name that Movie.)

Look, Mama!



"Such a beautiful land the good Lord has created for us, brother, as far as the eye can see."

"Indeed, dear brother.  Indeed."

I kid!  I jest!

They actually said:

"Ducks! Quack!"

Because irregardless of what creature they were admiring, so long as it had wings, it was from heretohenceforth known as:

Duck. Quack.

Good news!

If we move to Ruralville, which we most likely are, the Lumberjacklings will most likely be homeschooled by yours truly!

I see a bright future ahead of them.

I then decided to transform back into Mean Mommy and strap them back into the stroller.

Simply for the fact that I like to shop at this jewelery store:

A fantastic jewelery store that is a 10 minute walk from my house?

Another reason to be forlorn about moving.

Don't lose heart!

I have a sizeable amount of U.S. dollars on a gift certificate for this random, unidentified jewelery store that I got for Christmas from Jason.

Remember Jason?


The dudes were good little dudes while I looked around a bit.

I may or may not have bought a birthday present for a certain friend I like to call, Bimlissa.

But we will keep that a secret from her.

Next we headed to the library.

I know what you are thinking.

How much longer will this Lumberjill continue to drone on and on?


You will read this.

And you will like it.

Because guess what?

There's more!

And we're off to the park!

Imagine our luck . . . my friend MindyLou was at the park!


Strike a pose!


Guess what, MindyLou!

I am going to put that in my blog.

MindyLou: Smile, son.  We are about to be on The Internets.

MindyLou was curious as to if she was rockin' the scarf or not.

I vote yes.


So, the children were playing whilst MindyLou and I were chatting and snapping photographs.

When my STUPID camera, of which I am too ignorant to use, stopped working.

And MindyLou can now attest to this.


So, MindyLou took aforementioned camera and decided to see if she could diagnose the problem.

I told her it wasn't going to work.

That camera is the devil.

(Name that Movie)

She's such a show off.

But, MindyMindyMindy . . .

What, pray tell, is this nonsense I found on my memory card?

Explain that.

So MindyLou followed me back to my home so she could borrow my 30 day Shred DVD.

Clearly, MindyLou is insane.

Then, MindyLou had the audacity to tell me my house was not one bit messy at all.

Clearly, MindyLou is a liar.

I think everyone needs a good fibbing friend like MindyLou in their lives. 

Makes the world a brighter place.

That is all.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Quite a BEAUTIFUL day! I should have been down at the very location (which is only 10m drive from my house) and walking my children, but that homeschooling thing you mention sometimes gets in the way.
    I don't know the movies, but the scarf is really sweet! And what a great friend to meet up with you!
    I get to meet up with my friends close to that very location to check in on some farmers stuff brought to market and have dinner together. Ahhhh..good friends are special.
    Have a blessed day, but I can see you are already having one!

  2. I am impressed, and a little jealous, at how interesting and entertaining you made all of that.

  3. You crack me up, Taylor, and yes, MindyLou was INDEED rockin' that scarf (you can tell her I said so, it will mean so much to her) ;)

  4. what a beautiful day for a walk!! can't wait for my birthday! =)

  5. definitely rockin' the scarf!! and what a gorgeous day, its been gloomy here all day. gonna rain cats and dogs later tonight according to the hubster....
    QUACK!! :) sry had to throw that in cause i'm cool like that!! ;)

  6. ok so this post made me feel alot better. I have abandoned my house with the dirty breakfast dishes, an empty toilet paper roll (seriously) and unmade beds, and laundry and...and...I went to the Farm (my mom's) we stopped at the mexican food restaurant I love, the strawberry patch, we all took a nap, watched humming birds and we have a date with Great Grandma to eat her homemade strawberry ice cream. Through all this fun, I was feeling a teeny tad bit guilty for my mess...and MAYBE I was thinking I was being irresponsible, but now that YOU did it I think I am being cool...and hip...and Lumberjilly. Lumberjilly...sounds like a woodsy condiment for toast.

  7. (clapping hands and jumping up and down)

    I LOVE "Lumberjilly" JoAnn!

  8. Your day sounds much more fun than mine. I was home with a sick little one and cleaned house. I would have rather had your day.

  9. Mindy Lou IS rocking the scarf and she is a very good liar, er, friend.

  10. It sounds like the perfect day. Running around, playing with your kids is much better than cleaning all day. :)

    Marla @

  11. Looks like fun! I should have been down there enjoying the's only a 20 min walk from my house =)

  12. Your posts are so random... Love them!

    Great photos and sounds like a fun day.

  13. How cool that you can literally walk everywhere! I love that!

  14. How great to have a nice day to take the boys out! I keep forgetting to tell you - I have a similar Nikon and it refuses to take pictures if you are on auto and too close to something. Because it knows it won't work out well.. next time it won't take try backing up a little or looking for better light? I promise it is not a personal attack by Nikon to you, even though it can be super irritating!

  15. And also - so glad to be reminded what Jason looks like, that Bimlissa is a knockout, and last week you had a picture of your dad in a post and I almost didn't recognize him without a laptop coming out of his ear...
    That is all..

  16. The only problem I have here is the fact that apparently abandoning all chores is an unusual occurrence....

    Instead of a daily like around these parts...

  17. You are such a stinker! You totally put up the picture of me being a doofus and striking a pose! Naughty, naughty. And then you sold me out and put up a bad picture I took??? Oh goodness.
    I am determined to start the video tonight. Instead of eat candy or cookies like I normally would. I'll let you know how that works out.
    Today was so awesome and I just love the sun!
    P.S. SA-WEET!!!! They said I was rocking the scarf!! Thank you dear blogging friends!
    P.P.S. I am not a liar. I am a nice friend. There is a difference. :)

  18. You're's pretty where you live. I'm sure Ruralville is also pretty. How far is it from where you are now?

    It looks like a nice day. It is also very nice here. On the beach. In my lounge chair : )

  19. Yes. Scarf rocking. I agree.
    Did you take a nap after your busy day? I would have.
    Duck. Quack!

  20. Good for you, enjoying your day with the kids! I think that a day of fun with the kids is much better than the chores, they will be there when the kids are sleeping, but you wont always have that precious time with your kids! Looks like it was a fun day. I always love that park!

    Oh! and I wanted to say that I saw 2 adorable little booties on a certain website today! ;)

  21. Water Boy! I actually got one. Yipee ;)

    As for MindyLou. Yes, everyone needs a friend who will lie to you and make you feel fantastic!

    Homeschoolers!!! Yipee!! Welcome to the club.

  22. what does "rocking the scarf" mean?

  23. Do you know that when you were "quoting" your boys' fancy conversation I was waiting for you to say,"Name that movie!" haha I had to reread to get that you were making that up yourself. Aren't I a smart one?
    I am ALL for leaving the mess behind. ALL FOR IT.

  24. Tommy Boy!! Right?? It just hit me where that quote was from and I had to come back and say it. I'm positive I'm right but then I saw someone else mention a diff movie, but I'm right. Or am I right? Or am I right?? Or am I right??? I'm right!!

  25. thelumberjackswifeMay 12, 2010 at 1:59 PM

    Hmmm . . . like does it look good on her? I don't know. I am a weird gal. :)

  26. thelumberjackswifeMay 12, 2010 at 1:59 PM

    Yes-Tommy Boy! WooHoo! Go MindyLou!

  27. thelumberjackswifeMay 12, 2010 at 2:00 PM

    30 minutes or so-yes pretty there too! No jewelery store of coffee shops though!

  28. thelumberjackswifeMay 12, 2010 at 2:00 PM

    Go Homeschool!
    Yes-Waterboy for the Devil comment! Niiiicccceeee!

  29. She was definately rocking the scarf :)
    What a beautiful day. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy it! The housework will always be there, best to take some time with the kids.

  30. What a GOOD mommy!! The boys will not remember if the laundry was folded, if the counter was cleared, or if the house was picked up. They will remember moments like these. You've got your priorities straight girl!!

    And what a pretty place to walk. I'm sure Ruralville will have it's own special charm that you will surely share with us:)

  31. Mindylou is rockin the scarf!
    Yay! You are now join the ranks of the mildly insane but devoted beyond measure mothers. Creativity should have as much emphasis as literacy--and you can do that in your homeschool if you like. Yay! Yay! You are going to be awesome at it...

  32. Oh how I would love to get the "big" kids off to school and go for a walk to see ducks w/ the little boys. Summer vacation will be here soon and I am so hoping for getting morning walks in. But no ducks near by:( It looks so peaceful where you live.

  33. I am loving the picture of Little Dude sitting on the cement wall with his back to you--so cute!

  34. Hi! I stumbled on your blog from Kelly's Korner and I just had to leave a comment! Such a small world... I live near you and just did a fun run this morning and ran right through lots of your pics:) Very cute blog too!!
