Friday, May 14, 2010

Bless her heart.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

And here are tonight's top stories:

Top Story #1:  We must first discuss the COW.

Picture showing Friesian Cow

First of all, I thoroughly enjoy everyone's comments.

Just a FYI for you there.

You could comment anything, and I would be tickled.



You could say, "Barbara was here."



even "12" would suffice.

For you see folks, I am a stay-at-home mom.  And I heart it when adults talk to me.

This is my blogging process:

1)  Quickly type out a bunch of foolishness.

2)  Ascertain whether or not I need to add this picture:

this picture:


or, perhaps even this picture:

If so, I copy and paste.

In haste.

(oh!  that was clever!)

3)  Center entire post.  Because I can.

4)  Consider for 1.2 seconds about selecting a category to file this post under.

5)  Decide my post has no purpose, and therefore will remain uncategorized.

6)  Hit publish and hope for comments.

So, there you have it!

All comments are special.

Not just the COW.

Picture showing Friesian Cow


Enough of that nonsense.

This week's COW (comment of the week) goes to Andi!

On my post, Price Checker, she commented:

"What do you mean nag? I consider it to be helpful coaching…Nagging is such a, well, HARSH word."

Ha!  "Helpful coaching!"

Loved it.

Go visit Andi, if you are so inclined, and leave her a comment.

She is a kindred spirit and a bosom friend.

(Name that book)

Top Story #2:  Sister Meagan's graduation

Sister Meagan is back from Europe and now preparing to graduate from the University tomorrow.

It is sure to be swell, joyous, and full of pomp and circumstance.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can tell me what "pomp and circumstance is."

Top Story #3:  Shopping with Daisy Mae

Last night, Daisy Mae and I went clothes shopping.

Clothes shopping for me.

While in the first store, she ran around trying to pick out clothes for me.

Bless her heart.

But when she would proudly bring an XS halter top, I would have to decline.

This would disappoint her, but never deter her from her mission.

So, she would be across the store and shout,

"Mom!  Here's a cute shirt!  It says "S"!"

Me:  Put it back.

DM (Daisy Mae  . . . keep up, people!):  Why?

Me:  Too small.  I am a "M."

DM:  Oh.  Because you are so chubs?


Bless her heart.

But wait!

There's more!

I learned something about my daughter last night.

She is getting too old to be in a dressing room with me.

***Attention male readers . . . if any such creatures exist . . . please skip down until you see the asterisks again***

*Thank you*


She pokes and prods at my chubs.  Even though I pretend it does not exist.

When I bent down to pick up something, she yanked up my unmentionables.

Boundaries, Daisy Mae.


So, then I try on clothes, and as usual some things fit and some things don't.

DM:  Why doesn't it fit, Mom?

Me:  It just doesn't.

DM:  Is it too big or too small?

Me:  Too small.

DM:  Just get a L.

Well, that would be all fine and dandy, seeing as how an L would be more forgiving in my tummy regions, but ridiculous looking up top. 

 You see, dear readers, I fear Victoria never let me in on her secret.

Oh, dressing rooms.  Could they make a person feel any fatter?

Technically, I am not overweight.

I know.


But, for not being overweight, I am super wobbly.

And fluffy.

I guess it comes with age.

I am twenty-eight-and three-quarters now.

(Name that Movie-it's a tricky one!)

And Daisy Mae is quick to zone in on my trouble spots.

Bless her heart.


Welcome back, male readers, if any of you exist!

So, we hit a few stores when, finally, we are finished and we head back to our car.

DM:  Oh. My. Gosh.  I want that truck.

Me:  You want a Hummer?

DM:  What's a Hummer?

Me:  That truck.

DM:  I just love that color.  It is like mustard.

Me:  Oh.

DM:  If that was my truck, I would jump in the back right this very second.

Me:  Good to know.

DM:  Do you think Dad would ever buy a Hummer?

2009_9_20 161

Me:  No.  Probably not.

DM:  Darn.

Me:  Yup.

DM:  You know why I talk so much?

Me:  Why?

DM:  I was born at the wrong time.

And with that, she rolled down her window and was silent.

Bless her heart.

Happy Weekend!


  1. I wonder which time, exactly, she supposes she should have been born in?

    Also, I like the word can be used as a noun AND an adjective.

    I like a versatile word.

  2. I love your posts. I always smile when I read them. I don't think you can EVER post that pic of your brother in law enough LOL. Thanks for giving me a pick-me up in my day. The smile I got from your post made my bad day much better. Thanks :)

  3. Once when shopping with my "niece," we had a convo that went something like this:

    Niece: Take off that dress.
    Me: Why, oh darling niece?
    N: Because it doesn't look good.
    M: Oh. Well, then. *promptly removes dress and 4-year-old from dressing room*

    I feel your pain.

  4. So fun! It seems that I always have the best intentions for mother/daughter time when I take my 5 and three-quarter years daughter with me and somehow....she isn't a good shopper at all. Now, if I am taking her for an ice cream cone.........

    Congrats to sister Meagan!

    Isn't Pomp & Circumstance a march? A Sousa march?
    Oops. Nope. Cheated and looked it up. It is a military march and not composed by Sousa.

  5. Haha! I think Daisy Mae is related to my sister Andi with her talking too much! That cracked me up!

  6. Christine was here
    :) :) :0) :) :)

  7. I love that I can finally name that book! Anne of Green Gables! My maiden name was Beth Anne Shirley.... that "Anne w/an E" combined w/a first name for a last name made us kindred spirits.

  8. Anne of Green Gables. That's all I'm saying. :)

  9. If at all possible I do not EVER take my children with me shopping...this is very difficult, I know...but I'd rather not go at all than to have an extra pair of eyes in the dressing room. What's especially fun is when those little eyes and mouth go to school and tell your secrets from Victoria. Nope, no kids in the dressing room.

  10. Have fun at the graduation! Can't wait to hear some stories :)

  11. That's IT! If you don't tell me the secret to how you know so many movie quotes from viewing experiences that rate about "y" for youth, I am going to contact our mutual friend, find out where you live, and vacation in your home (after you move to ruralville).

    The End. ;)

  12. Barbara was here!
    Hee hee =) The book is Anne of Green Gables. And for the record, you should always attempt to place at least one those pictures in each post. Your readers are depending on you!

  13. I've only been following for a short time and I have easily seen those same pics at least 3 times. I love that. I love a dependable blogger; one that I can get to know through repeat photos and funny stories.

    Chubs? My girls call it that, too. I have those and I don't like them. They seem to have gotten bigger through the move.

  14. thelumberjackswifeMay 14, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    Yay! Nice job!

  15. thelumberjackswifeMay 14, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    Thanks! Had no clue about the pomp and circumstance! :)

  16. thelumberjackswifeMay 14, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    Ha! I don't hardly watch movies anymore. These are all just stored up in my noggin. But the movie quote for the 28 and 3/4 comment is easily a movie you can watch with the bambinos :)

  17. Love your posts! I'm not looking forward to my daughter pointing out my flaws one day :-) but it's life! If we were perfect, there'd be no reason for God!

  18. that little girl cracks me up!! =) anne of green gables - a classic!

  19. Oooooo-you've got me stumped with the 28 and 3/4 comment! I've no idea!!
    Come on, tell me, tell me, tell me!!

  20. I always love it when my kids point out my flaws. it keeps me grounded. And I couldn't help making fun of you in my other comment. After reading one of your posts, I find myself talking like you write. And I'm more centered, too. : ) What an influence you have one people!

  21. Anne of Green Gables ... just have to say it since I didn't know the movie thing. I don't know anything about movies. Nice looking cow by the way :) Happy Weekend to you and your family! I HATE clothes shopping for me ... it's a miracle if I can find something worth buying!

  22. oops! that comment was mine...not my husbands! I was working on our other blog! =)

  23. That is adorable!!

    You made me "lol" at the Victoria Secret comment. How funny, I do not know the name of that movie, I know, horrible, and I dont even know what pomp and circumstance means but I have the song stuck in my head now!

    Anyways I totally agree with the kids say the darndest things. Ill share what my little girl said to me. Me and her father were getting her dressed this morning and she said "no daddy do it" I told her i just wanted to help and she said "no dont look at me, go away" Ouch lol so I told her she broke my heart and made me sad and I left the room. She hung out with her dad while I went to work. He calls me to say she wanted to have lunch with me and to meet them at noon. Well when I saw her she gave me a hug and I told her it made me happy that she wanted to come see me so she said "oh is your heart fixed now?"
    priceless :) I love little words of little ones! Have a great weekend and enjoy your days full of p & c!

  24. AHHH honesty.
    Last night I made a big deal out of cleaning the house for daddy, because "daddy likes a clean house"
    This morning, my two year old wandered into my closet, looked around and said, "Hmmm...You no like a clean house Mama?"
    To which I jumped up and down like an angry Rumplestiltzkin (spell that?!) and my husband gave him a high five.

  25. If you ever find out the secret will you pass it along? I am sad that my chubs are not a little bit higher. I have chubs where there should be abs, and nubs where there should be chubs.
    Did I just write that?
    I love how the kids say things with such authority. :)

  26. P.S.
    Pomp and Circumstance are two fluffy hamsters that like wheels, wood shavings, plastic balls, and escaping their cage at night.

  27. Oh! and lol at "chubs" haha love it

  28. Oh, how much fun is it shopping with a child! Not only did mine feel it appropriate to comment on MY body, but they also felt that they should be quite honest with others as well. I will never forget hearing my 7 year old tell a woman at the three-way mirror that the particular jeans she had on made her "butt look like the moon" (cellulite from hades - she did not lie - the jeans looked painted on).
    Thankfully, she reserved hers just for you! ;)

  29. I love me some Anne of Green Gables. However, you have stumped with with the twenty eight and three quarters. Probably I will have to go Google it now in order to be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

  30. Oh gosh. Daisy Mae sounds just like my little sister, Jamey. She's totally honest and I guess that's a good thing. She reminds me all the time that I need to go play on the Wii Fit. Ha. :)

    Marla @

  31. Alert, alert! Google is giving me no responses regarding 28 and 3/4 (written in various ways). This is not good for getting a restful night!

  32. Hi,

    I despise dressing room mirrors in stores. I think they are purposely distorted to make you look bad so that you will be depressed and buy more than you need to. And don't get me started on the lighting. It causes you to look at your reflection and think that you are sick because you look so grey and pasty. I laughed at your comment about Victoria not letting you in on her secret. My husband says Victoria's problem is that she HAS no secrets! :)

  33. thelumberjackswifeMay 14, 2010 at 1:25 PM

    Ha! I am sorry. It is kind of obscure. It's a musical . . . does that help? And the character who says that is Cornelius Hackle (spelling?)

  34. Ok, I'm good now. I should have known it! Gotta say, though, I'm more of a Barnaby fan - he had some wicked good dance moves!

  35. Love reading your posts, and seeing the pic of your bro-in-law again. I think we'd be friends if we knew each other IRL (learned that abbreviation on some message board recently). I don't know the meaning of "Pomp and Circumstance", but remember playing roughly 100 million times on my French Horn in high school for the graduating classes ahead of me. I thought the "pomp" part must have something to do with the formality of the ceremony, but no ideas for "circumstance".

  36. Another great post!
    I love our children's way of describing things, don't you?!
    Anne of Green Gables

  37. oh I just love chatty little girls...mine are chatty like that but they do not want to be in the dressing room with me under any circumstances...have a nice weekend!

  38. So, this is my turn to be a little behind. I just realized that I am now on your blog roll! And that makes me super happy, as that's never happened to anyone I didn't, you know, force into blogging with me! Thanks! That is all---

  39. So glad you posted 'THE' photos again - always makes me smile!

  40. Aww...I love all of the Anne of Green Gables books.

  41. Dearest Lumberjill,

    Take the advice of a mom of an 18 year-old girl.

    Never take your daughter shopping unless you need to be humbled.

    The last time my Chicky went with me, I made some mention about my rear (for the record, I can still fit into a size 1, but things are starting to hang differently, IYKWIM).

    Her response?

    "Mama, if you want a work-out butt, you've gotta work out."

    Love you too, honey, was my not so kind retort which I probably said out loud.

    BTW, congrats to your sister! I marched to Pomp, et. al. at my college graduation a few years ago (I returned as an adult student), and my daughter will be marching during her high school graduation on June 1st!

  42. Ah, kids. It takes forever to scold the honesty out of them. :-) Mine have actually named my boobs. They are viper and piper. I have no idea.

  43. Heh, don't we all have jiggly parts. I am 3.5 pounds away from being "normal" and NOT "overweight." My one year old daughter managed to find my predominately jiggly belly by lifting up my shirt and grabbing at my chub. bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  44. Barbara was here (and so was I)


  45. Oh my GOONESS! Seriously!? No one guessed Thirteen going on Thirty? I could be wrong but it sounds good to me! With this and the Shrek guess, I'd say I'm on a roll.

    And... did you notice... 47 comments?!? Man, you have a following!!
