Saturday, May 8, 2010

I am getting tired of these statues staring at me all the time.


First of all, we need to get Holla straight. Holla is not, I repeat, it is not Hola, the Spanish word for "hello."


No, no, no.

Holla, by my definition is a way to say, "Hello," or "What's Up," or "Yeah, baby!" in a very friendly, fun, and excitable fashion.

The first person I saw say "Holla" was Ellen Degeneres on her talk show.  Apparently her fans understand, because they clap and Holla back when she says it.

But not so with my readers.  They just think I am special.

I scoured YouTube for about 3.7 minutes trying to find a clip of Ellen saying "Holla."

No such clip exists.

Ellen!  Attention Ellen DeGeneres!  If you read my blog, could you create a little video clip of yourself saying, "Holla" so that my readers will understand what this foolishness is all about?

*Thank you*

Lest any of you be confused . . . Ellen DeGeneres most certainly does not read this blog.


Let's begin today's festivities.

1)  I am still sick.  I finally went to the doctor last night and I have a sinus infection and pink eye.

*I'll pause while you all feel badly for me.*

I am on antibiotics now and am hoping to feel better soon.

2)  I fear The Lumberjack has grown weary of my illness and I suspect he is trying to kill me.

Case in point:  He served me a nightcap of 2 generous tablespoons of NyQuil and 2 generous tablespoons of Robitussin PM and demanded I drink it.

I don't think you are supposed to do that.


Well, I dumped it down the drain, he rolled his eyes, and I took 2 reasonable tablespoons of NyQuil.

It's gonna take a lot more than that to take me out, Lumberjack.

3)  Thank you all so very much for going over to my guest post at Redeemed Diva and leaving such nice comments!  You guys were too nice to me!   Instead of just the 2 or 3 folks I asked you to send over, it appears as if the entire tribal council went over and showed their support.

You guys rock.

4)  It's time for . . . . The COW!

Picture showing Friesian Cow

This week's winner goes to JoAnn.  She threw caution to the wind and clicked on the link that took her on over to my very first post and wrote:

The EMOTICONS! the emoticons are EVERYWHERE!!"

Ha!  And if you were one of the peeps who clicked over there you would totes think that was funny!  My first post had a couple of choice smiley faces littered in it.


Go say Holla to JoAnn.

5)  Want to check out some new blogs?  Here are a few that have recently stopped by over here.




Go on now!

Click around . . . leave a comment . . . make a friend!

I am a dork.

6)  Time for the Target winner!

There were 95 entries.

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 57 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

#57 was Lynette!

Email me at with your address!

6)  The Contest.

I was losing the contest.  Then I was winning the contest.  Then I was losing the contest.  Then I was winning the contest.  Now I am totally losing.

But that's okay.

Because I whipped out my calculator function on my laptop and discovered that I have a little over 300 votes!

And that, my friends, is insane!


I would like to give a particular shout out to my cousins Sean and Lisa, who have been campaigning for my blog round the clock via their Facebook status'.

And a most especial shout out to my little sister, Meagan, who is, in fact, in Vienna, yet somehow managed to rally her troops and get me some votes.

Little Sister is flying home this week from her travels in Europe. 

Sehr Kalt

Europe was colder than she expected.

She sent me an email last night and she totally cracked me up.

She wrote:

Hans Moser

"Europe is nice, but it is kind of weird. I am a little tired of all of these statues staring at me all the time."

Come home, Meagan.

Come home.

Meagan is also graduating from college this weekend.

Everyone, please shout,

"Holla, Meagan!"

at your computer.


Do it even if you think you are saying Hola.

Happy Weekend.


  1. You excitability factor and jubilant use of Holla today make me wonder if, in fact, LJ is truly slipping you something. :)

    Feel better!

  2. Thanks for the Holla! ;) gotta love it - send folks my way ANYTIME you feel like it!

  3. Holla!! (how do you pronounce this, same as hola?)
    Thanks I'm so surprised I won!
    Come on over to my blog and visit me.

  4. Holla Meagan!! Congrats to your sis. :)
    Have a good weekend, hope you feel better soon!

  5. Congrats Lynette!!!

    oh, and Holla is pronounced like Holler (completely southern, I know.) only without the "er" If you're still not sure, check out Gwen Stephani's "Holla Back Girl" It's a WEIRD SONG, but you'll know how to pronounce Holla! :D

  6. wait, what?
    Did I just win a cow?
    I'm sorry...I'm new here...
    You sister's email is 1000% Awesome!
    Holla...not so much.
    I refuse.
    Good day.

  7. thelumberjackswifeMay 8, 2010 at 4:20 AM

    Sorry-COW means comment of the week. :)

  8. Holla = Hall-uh. But said fast ;)

    Hope you feel better Taylor!!!

  9. can't believe you passed on the night cap the hubby prepared for you! when i am sick, i live for the moment i can knock myself out at night once the hubby is home!! but maybe that is something i should not admit to??

  10. I am not sure if my comments are posting so I am trying this again.

    Holla! I am excited to find your own blog, and thanks for stopping by mine. It's nice to meet you too. Love your witty writing. I plan on stopping by again. Have a great weekend.

  11. Holla! I am excited to find your own blog, and thanks for stopping by mine. It's nice to meet you too. Love your witty writing. I plan on stopping by again. Have a great weekend.

  12. Phew, I didn't want to win more livestock. A chicken in my backyard is more than enough.

  13. Sinus infection & pink eye at the same time? Poor you. I would've downed both doses like nobody's business. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. I see someone pointed it out what "Holla" means at least to the young kids. I think it is in more then that one song as well. Not that I'm a young kid but I got two teenagers and they have pointed it out for me so I use it correctly ;)

    Congrats to your sister and man please feel better soon!

  15. HOLLA!! i DO feel bad for you!! poor baby!! i hate pink eye with a passion!! and sinus infections are no picnic either!! :( BOO !! hope you feel better soon, hugs and prayers to ya!!

  16. So I totally knew what holla meant but had no idea it came from Ellen. It cracks me up that you have so many "literal thinking" readers that you must always clarify.

  17. Holla!!!

    You watch Ellen? When do you have time?

    So glad you're on meds. Now, we can finally end the whining posts...

    By the way, I'm just kidding.

    Feel better soon.

    Isn't it hard to tell if your sarcasm sounds hateful on the internet?

  18. Are you completely sure you are not being drugged? lol...

  19. Hola.

    Yes, I meant hola. I'm still celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

    That is all.

  20. Holla to your European traveling sister. I do not think the Lumberjack would kill you off--he would have to raise the lumberjacklings alone.....

  21. You are so funny today! I think maybe you DID have an extra special "cocktail". And really, who would blame you??

  22. I am going to laugh when Ellen D. leaves a comment on your blog. :)

  23. I believe it is pronounced more like 'hall-ah." Congrats on the win! :)

  24. I thought of you as I ventured around Turkey yesterday exploring ruins. There was a sweet little girl (maybe around 4 yrs old) playing around our picnic sight talking to herself in Turkish when I swear she said something that sounded remarkably like "Holla!"

  25. While I get what Holla means, I'm having a difficult time using it, but I've been trying to practice it. I guess that makes me uncool, oh well. I did know, the the difference between holla and hola though.
    I do hope you feel better and that you have a wonderful Mother's Day with your sweet munchkins!

  26. Holla! Congrats to the winners (Cow and Ms. Target) and thanks for the giggles this morning!

  27. Congrats to the winners :) Also Holla Meagan! Glad she is coming home and getting away from the freakish statues :) Also tell her congrats on graduating. Happy Mother's Day darlin'. I hope that you all are having a great day.
