Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Decade of Wedded Bliss.


On Thursday, Sir Lumberjack and I will be celebrating our "actual" ten-year anniversary.

(We cheated in February and went on our little trip early.)

When we got engaged, I immediately began to freak out and decided the following things were a must and bought them immediately:

1)  A bed.

2)  A Wedding Dress.

3)  A broom and dust pan

4)  AJax.  (I found a coupon-10 cents each!  What a steal!


This is what happens when 18-year-olds get engaged.

I got over my shopping frenzy and those items sat in my parents house during our one year engagement.

But at least we had AJax!

So, in honor of our anniversary, I thought it would be fun to do a Questions and Answers post in a He said/She said format.

For example, you will submit a question, then I will answer it and The Lumberjack will answer it.

I would most appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Happy Weekend!


  1. When did you know that the LJ was the ONE? :)

  2. What is the most memorable thing LJ has done for you?

  3. Can you remember the first thing you had a disagreement over? (With us it was diapers; he wanted cloth, I insisted on disposable...and this was almost 2 yrs before the baby came along. haha)

  4. what is your favorite thing about your spouse...the one thing you wouldn't ever want to change and then.....what's the worst thing about your spouse, the thing you want to change the most????? happy 4th of july guys, hope its safe and GREAT!! =)

  5. Who has changed the most over the last 10years and how many kids did you each want before yougot married?

  6. Happy anniversary, a little early!!

  7. What would you say if Sweet Pea or Little Dude get engaged at 18?

    congrats on 10 years ;o)

  8. So...July 3rd...Were there fireworks? And you may take that any way you choose : )

    How about this-

    Is your life where you imagined it would be at the 10 year mark?

    Happy Happy Anniversary!

  9. Sorry, I don't have any smart questions. Just have to say, HEY! Look! The Lumberjack is smiling in your wedding picture!!!
    Must have been one of the happiest days of his life or something...

  10. Are you going to have anymore babies? :)

    Marla @

  11. What is the one big thing that you really disagree about?

  12. Which side of the family is more fun to be with?

    And Happy Anniversary!

  13. Happy 10th!

    10 years, 4 kids, 1 crazy blog, 1 awesome house, 22 acres, 1 dog, 1 "rig", 1 "not a rig". Not bad!

    If you could live ANY WHERE with money to spare...where would that be?

  14. Congratulations on 10 years! I wish I had a clever question but my brain is out of the office until Monday! Have a great holiday weekend!

  15. Describe your idea of a perfect date night with your husband/wife.
    Also, I am thinking about renaming my blog
    AAA Little Brown House so I will be at the top end of your blogroll - whatcha think?

  16. What was your favorite tv show/movie to watch together then? What is it now?

  17. Happy Anniversary!!

    What is the one thing your spouse does that drives you crazy (good or bad).

  18. Once your children have grown up and are living their own lives (you know, moved out) what are your plans together? traveling? waiting for grandbabies?

  19. What is your biggest fear?
    What is your biggest dream?
    Happy fourth and happy anniversary to you and your lumberjack! :)

  20. Can I just say that LJ looks SO young in that pic???

  21. If you want to pick out a candy bar for each other, which one is their favorite?

  22. I got engaged at 19. I didn't know what Ajax was.

    Does he rub your feet? heehhe. No okay...for reals this time: So have you ever shaved your legs with his razor because you were too lazy to get yours out of the other bathroom?
    Did you notice any weird traits about the other when you were dating that made you think, 'Well that's weird, but I love them anyway."?
    Example: My husband loved to take me to the park when we were dating, with crusty bread and we would feed the ducks. He just loves ducks. Weird. But, I love him anyway.

  23. What is the first big thing you want to do once your nest is empty. (and I don't mean the macarena...if you get my drift.)

  24. What is the Lumberjack's favorite color? (this question is in honor of my Wordgirl)

    Where does Taylor (I mean LJ, Lumberjill, people, keep up!) want to live more than anything?

  25. Congratulations!

    What's the first thing the LJ bought when you got engaged? (you can both answer that one) :) Oh, and besides a ring, if that's the obvious response...

  26. QUESTION: What's the most common lumberjack-related argument? In other words, what is the facet of his lumberjackyness that most often elicits quarrels?

  27. Happy 10 years! How did LJ propose to you? I hope it was terribly romantic!

  28. What was something the other person did/said that made your heart say... yes! I want him/her till death do us part?

    Hugs, The Lady of the House

  29. First, I agree with MaryGene-- the lumberjack looks so little in that pic! So funny! (You haven't aged a bit by the way!)

    My questions:
    What is your funniest memory over the last 10 years? Most embarassing? What's the sweetest/most romantic thing you've done for one another? What's one thing you've learned that you would offer as advice to newlyweds?

  30. Okay, I just got caught up with you again. You are a blogging fool! So, I will say, I'm too lazy to comment on the last 5 posts that I missed because I've failed to turn on my computer, but I will comment to say I DID read it, because it's nice to know someone reads the drivel I type out....

    Or, the drivel you type out, I should say...

    Not that what you type is drivel.

    No. It is edifying....

    Unlike the drivel I type that is totally pointless.

    Like this comment.

  31. My husband and I's anniversary is on Thursday as well. :) Congrats!
