Friday, July 9, 2010

Bait and Switch

Thank you all for the anniversary wishes yesterday.

We did, in fact, get to go on a date.

And it was not, in fact, LJ's dream date of driving the back roads and looking for deer.

As entertaining as that sounded.

We went on a date that eerily resembled my dream date.


Go Popcorn!


It's that time again.

Let us take a moment out of our day to welcome Gladys back to the blog.

She's thrilled, as you can clearly see.

This week's COW (comment of the week) goes to Angela with her comment on "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Years"

"How not to lose a lumberjack in 10 years….
*Drive an insanely large diesel rig that he picked out for you.
*Cram four children into an insanely small vehicle that he picked out for you.
*Stoke a wood-burning stove for seven years in absence of a thermostat.
*Put up with wires hanging from your kitchen cabinet for years on end.
*Move to ruralville.
*Go camping with inlaws.
*Make him laugh lots and lots!
*Only speak well of him, through it all.
I think you’re doing pretty good!"

That one made me smile.  I think I shall gently encourage The Lumberjack to read those fine words on days when he is feeling a tiddly-bit cranky with me.

I know what you are thinking.

How could anyone be cranky at me?

I find it odd, too.

Go say "hi" to Angela!  She writes two delightful blogs:

Those with Young

Let's Talk About Boys

I visit the latter one frequently, seeing as how I like to talk about my boys often.

I mean, really.

What is with them?

Yet, I loveth them.


Did you know that The Lumberjack sang to me at our wedding?


You may apologize now for calling me a liar.

I don't want to talk about my hair.

Let's focus on my husband.

How could a guy who shopped at The Gap, highlighted his hair, hung out at the mall, suntanned, and lip-synched change so drastically in one decade?

The Lumberjack then:

The Lumberjack now:

Isn't that called "Bait and Switch?"

Aaaannnddd . . . I love him.


Do you remember how on the 4th we found a spare pair of Handsome Dude's glasses just laying in my parent's yard?

Look at them now.

This is my life.


We went to the beach this week with friends.

The beach in Ruralville.

Look at me getting visitors out in the middle of nowhere!

Fact:  This is only because I hand out gas vouchers as bribes.

Here are a few pictures from our day:

Here are the dudes . . . hard at work, per usual.

Little Dude was a naughty little thing that day.

He felt he could swim across the lake.

And even though he would get in trouble and nearly drown upon occasion, he was bound and determined to head out into the Lake of Shining Waters.

(Name that Movie)

And I was bound and determined to put him in a time out on my lap for duration of the beach day.

I have to keep him alive.

It's the least I can do.

I guaran-darn-tee you Handsome Dude was being a menace with that there noodle.

Look at the two mermaids we found!

Silly readers!

Mermaids aren't real.

That is Daisy Mae and her friend, Cute Little Red Headed Girl!

They sure fooled you!

The towels were a gift from Jason and Sweet-Honey-Amy.

Remember Jason and Sweet-Honey-Amy?

I mean, how could you forget?

Is it just me, or do I find a way to link Jason back to almost every single post I write?

Attention Jason:

Who are you . . . really?


We have a bird living on our front porch beam!

Can you see it?

Can you see it?

Neither can I.

When I grow up, I am going to be a good photographer.


I am pretending to be on Weight Watchers again.

I tried to bake low-fat cookies called meringues.

I honestly don't know what happened to them . . . but they ain't right.


I tried to bake WW chocolate chip muffins.

I know what happened to them.

I burned them.


I baked Little Brown House's Black Bean Brownies.

I haven't tasted them yet.

We shall see, we shall see.

Raise your hand if you feel that black beans absolutely do not belong in brownies.

Well, Ms. Brown House feels strongly that they do.

Moving on.


We are pulling out soon for the weekend!

Can you guess where we are going?

Three clues:

1.  I am tired.

2.  I've been busy.

3.  It starts with a "c."

Later, Dudes!


  1. Hope you guys have a great time camping! And I hope the brownies are enjoyed by all!
    God bless you, every one..

  2. Hmmm... I'm going to guess that you're going camping...
    Have fun - hope you have a blast, and that Little Dude stays close to the shore. Also that all glasses return home safe and sound.

  3. I found you through Kelly's Korner, and I am loving your blog....this post is how my own mind works with the "random topic quick change". Love it!!

  4. Have fun camping, LumberJill!

  5. Anne of Green Gables!

  6. I have heard of black bean brownies--but never tried one! I kind of prefer chocolate chips to beans, but that's just me. And PS Levi's aren't mom jeans--just some levi's--you know, the kind with the foot long zipper? Yah.

    Have a great weekend in the woods!

  7. Have a great camping trip! Take lots of photos for us. I hope you had fun on your date last night !

  8. I ate chocolate cake last week that was made with blueberry puree in place of the fat. That sounds like it should be good.

    It just tasted . . . healthy. Not really the flavor I'm pursuing when eating chocolate cake.

  9. You do not know that it is my LIFE goal to be your cow.

    I NEVER, in my entire life, thought I would EVER utter (unintentional pun now totally intended) the words, I want to be the cow.

    yep. My life goal is now to be a cow.

    Oh, brother!

  10. Hey, Lumberjill! I think you might want to change the link to Let's Talk About Boys. When I clicked on it, it took me to a place that was definitely talking about boys, but I think they were a little more grown than what I was imagining. And there were definitely no loving motherly thoughts there. Just thought you'd want to know!

  11. Have fun camping! Hope you remembered your camping shampoo.

  12. You are officially a kindred spirit. I was (maybe still am) obsessed with Anne of Green Gables.

  13. Have a good weekend. I hope your hair looks good out there in the wilderness! :)

    Marla @

  14. Surely you've been camping! I think you might need to get a job stuffing envelopes at home or something to pay for Handsome Dude's glasses! How does he do that???

  15. Camping! GUESS WHAT! I'm at my parents and yesterday we went to a ropin' well we got to the ropin and realized that there was a bird's nest in the rafters of the horsetrailer WITHOUT their mama ALL Day! Well we got home and she came back to them... I was so relieved!

    Have a great weekend! The Lady of the House

    PS So sweet that your hubby sang to you... my husband plays guitar and sings to me - it's sublime.

  16. Anne of Green Gables and have fun camping!

  17. Yes, dear niece, I believe that is the definition of
    "bait and switch". Yup!! (But then sometimes the
    "switch" works out just fine, huh!!)

    Love you

  18. Hope you had fun camping! We just got back from a camping trip. We camped two weekends in a row. I feel insane-ish now. I also have a bait and switch situation on my hands here. When we got married my husband was a bonafide city boy. Never got dirty, neat as a pin. Now we offroad in the woods, he works on cars and we live in a small town and grumble about having to go to the city. Weird.

  19. Hmmph, I was super excited when I saw your mermaid sightings. You shouldn't play tricks on me like that, I couldv'e sworn they were the real thing.

  20. Thanks for making me laugh with every blog!! I wish I would've known about them when we were in home group together! Next time make an announcement, "Hey, y'all, I'm really quiet here, but believe me I'm really funny and have lots to say on my blog, so check it out!" Seriously, you're a riot!!! I loved all the descriptions for the early Dave because it's sooo different. Thanks again for sharing your life! God bless!

  21. Gee, I thought all husbands played bait and switch. It's a male thing. Leaving the wilderness to go camping, hmmmm that seems a little weird.
