Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bimlissa, Beef, and Birthdays

Yesterday was a terribly busy day.

Allow me to elaborate.

I woke up and baked the Darn Good Chocolate Cake to go with Chicken Pot Pie for my dearheart friend, Bimlissa, and her family as sort of a "Dang!  You are moving! I will miss you!  Here's some dinner!" meal.

Attention Facebook Friends:  You will be relieved to discover that, even though I was planning on making the cake without the instant pudding mix and just hoping for the best, The Lumberjack got a hankering for ice cream, so he went back to the store for ice cream and instant pudding mix.

Holla, Lumberjack!


Interruption:  Would you like to be included in thrilling updates, such as my baking woes?  You can!  Just be a Facebook liker.

Or don't.

I still like you either way.


I crammed all the kids into the tiny, gas-friendly car, sweated like crazy because there is no air conditioning (oh. the. humanity.), and delivered my "Dang!  You are moving! I will miss you!  Here's some dinner!" meal. 

We then spent some time with Bimlissa and company before saying our final goodbyes.


I would like to take this time to dedicate a song to Bimlissa:

"And a friend's a friend forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them.  And a friend will not say never . . . "

(Name that Music Artist)

Interruption:  Are you wondering why she is called Bimlissa?  Are you wondering what the point of this blog is?  Are you wondering why you are reading this?

Take heart.

Surely, you are not alone.  I oft wonder the same things myself.

Nextly, I dropped all four of the childrens off with my beloved sister while I ran errands and sweated like crazy in my tiny car.

Then, I went to the doctor. 

Turns out I am a heart attack waiting to happen.

Who knew?!

Ok . . . maybe not that extreme, but my cholesterol is super high and we must now take extreme measures to bring it down.

My doctor said I may not eat any beef.  Ever.  Period.

That is all fine and dandy, seeing as how I prefer chicken, but my husband, in all his handsomeness, purchased an entire COW this winter.


Unfortunate, is it not?

I will tell you what else is unfortunate.  I had to move that beef in and out of that darn freezer about 6 times since December, due to my husband needing to move the freezer so often this year.

It was a bad year to buy a cow, Lumberjack.

So, yours truly has to get super strict on the diet and limit all beef and eat only skim/low fat dairy and such.

Goodbye, ice cream!  Goodbye Blizzards! 

I turned 29 and my life is spiraling out of control.

So . . . here is what I am thinking.  When I posted the other day about how I was paying Weight Watchers, yet not following the plan, a few of you commented that you are in similar boats.  My blogging friend, Jaime, suggested a little contest where we sneak our weight loss progress into posts to keep each other accountable.

And, I was thinking if there are others of you out there who would like to participate, that could be kind of fun.  You could either post it in your blog, or post it in a comment.  Let me know if you are interested, and we will work  out the details.  And you don't have to be doing Weight Watchers.


Finally, on a much lighter and less heart-attackish note, shall we all take a moment to wish "Happy Birthday" to a very special birthday boy?

Yes.  Yes, we shall.

(Name that brother-in-law of mine who is turning 26 on this beautiful, blessed morn)

Happy Thursday!


  1. I'm SO in on the weight loss goals. I have started exercising but need to make the food changes.

    Artist: Michael W Smith :)

  2. The brother in law is Jason - Happy Birthday Jason!
    The song? Hmm... I wanna say Friends are Friends Forever - Michael W. Smith!!!

  3. Count me in on the weight loss/healthy living accountability!

    (oh, and for the win the answer is, of course, Michael W. Smith!)

  4. Michale W Smith

    Happy Birthday Jason

    stinkin cholesterol, stinkin diets, stinkin moving friends =(

    On the bright got to go to the yourself...and didn't have to pee in a cup with the lumberjacklings with you =)

  5. Hmmmm, what an interesting concept. Really putting it all out there. It might motivate me enough to actually exercise.....

    As for you cholesterol, doesn't your doctor believe in meds? My Dear Hubby's cholesterol was well (& I do mean well) over 300. It runs in the family. He has been popping a little pill for 10 years. No side effects. Cholesterol is under control and we go about your business.

    As for you dear brother-in-law..... Isn't it some type of "J" name???

  6. My goodness, girl! High Cholesterol at 29?!? Does that run in your family?

  7. Who is that strange man in the flippers? I have never seen a picture like that before..
    I will definitely like to hear more about the WW club

  8. Just so you know, the cake was of course very yummy but the pot pie......that's the one i went back for seconds on!!! I think it was the heart you carved in it that made it oh so good :-) And now I will always think of you when I hear that song!!! Rather than my first grade teacher we sang that to in school - by Michael W. Smith I think?

  9. I'll join you. I need accountability!

    Marla @

  10. I too am having some issues with following the whole WW thing. MY journal is on the counter, it is just empty! It seems that a writing implement and the journal never seem to meet.
    I do believe that it is Michael W. Smith who sings that song, saw him in concert once and sang along.

  11. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 22, 2010 at 2:21 AM

    Oh, I am so very sad for you having your dear friend leaving. :( *tear*
    I could take some of that beef off your hands, if you need me to. Just saying...

  12. I just posted my weight loss update so I'm all in for helping eachother. It is such a struggle to do it alone.

  13. So sorry you are losing your bestest friend. Well, not losing, but she won't be around the corner anymore. As an Army wife 9and former Air Force BRAT), I know how that feels!

    BTW That "Smitty" song is an oldie but goodie!

  14. Do you think Weight Watchers works? I'm in the same boat, turning 29 a couple weeks ago, and after 4 kids need to lose weight...

    Michael W. Smith...nice.

  15. I saw the post of fb about your cake but was afraid to give you advice in case I was wrong.

    Then I sat and worried for you.

    I'm glad to hear LJ came to the rescue. I am NOT glad to hear about your cholesterol.


  16. Well, let's see, you could have all, yes, all of your Christmas gifts taken care of with beef. Are you allowed to say how far away this beloved friend is moving? does one run to the store when in Ruralville? Do you have a grocery store handy out there?

  17. First off, I cheated. I know the artist only because I read the other comments first!
    Second: Count me in on the weight loss thingy. Because I've got to lose at least 20 pounds and now that my summer is over I think it will be easier!

  18. Aw, sorry your friend is moving...sometimes I think its harder on the ones left behind.

    So, I have similar issues with cholesterol...I'm working out every day and have taken practically everything fun out of my diet but still. Ugh. I am due to go back (actually past due ) but I don't want meds...I was hoping if I exercised like a crazy woman that would do the trick. We'll see.

  19. Too bad about your cholesterol. I also have high C.--but I lowered it extremely last Sept-Feb. about 40 points. I walked and used (crushed, not whole) Flax Seed on anything I could, cereal, pancakes, slim fast shakes...oh and I quit eating Cheddar cheese...... (that's VERY hard to do!..I LOVE Cheddar Cheese!)
    I still eat beef...just not as much ...and Salmon and chicken.
    ♫♪♫ Happy Birthday Jasen!!♫♪♫
    Sad about your friend moving! Nice of you to take a dinner/dessert to her!
    Come see me! (love your comments!)

  20. Happy Birthday Jason!

    Sorry I haven't commented on your last few posts. I'm undergoing some mega computer troubles and can only access the internet when I am visiting my parents right now.

  21. thelumberjackswifeJuly 22, 2010 at 6:29 AM

    Yes, when you actually follow it, it works great!

  22. thelumberjackswifeJuly 22, 2010 at 6:29 AM

    There is a tiny one about 20 minutes south. :) Not ideal for big shops, but great for quick trips.

  23. I did the no beef thing for 4 years. I have to say I was pretty darn small then. I wish you well stay healthy girl!

  24. I don't have your email, or I would send this via that...

    more unsolicited homeschool advice:

    Just in case you wanted to look at some computerized versions of homeschool....

    I seriously contemplated both Switched on Schoolhouse and Monarch. Both require very little parent planning. Switched on Schoolhouse is a computer program you can use over and over with all of your kids. Monarch is online, and all the lessons are at your fingertips, a click away...

  25. OKay. Nurses hat is firmly in place.

    However, I'm also the daughter of a rancher who raises beef. Here's a fun fact for you. Lean beef contains no more cholesterol than lean chicken or any other animal. If it's lean, it's lean. That being said, you can eat any meat as long as it's lean, because all cholesterol comes from animal fat...

    However, I do also recommend flax seed, fish oil, and red rice yeast. I've heard really good results on all of these. If the fish oil gives you fish breath, keep it in the freezer, and it will not have that side effect.

    Now, I must encourage you to exercise. Because, clearly, that is the best thing you can do.

    Finally, if you have a family history of high cholesterol, just give up and say, "Pass the lipitor please."

    Good luck!

    Removing nurse hat: I can't wait to make that cake. Sorry your friend is moving. That stinks.

  26. Another song by that artist:
    Here is where the road divides,
    Here is where we realize
    The sculpting of the Father's great design.
    Through time you've been a friend to me
    But Time is now the enemy.
    I wish we didn't have to say goodbye.

    But I know the road He chose for you is not the road He chose for me and as we chase the dreams we're after.

    PRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for me and I'll Pray for you.
    Pray that we will keep the common ground.
    Won't you PRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for me and I'll pray for you and one day love will bring us back around.

  27. I soo need motivation to loose the baby fat! I'm in on the contest!

  28. I thought Bimlissa was her actual name! Ooops. And sorry about the no-more-cow diet.

  29. Count me in on the contest! Accountability will be a good thing!

  30. I think you should have made Bimlissa a beef pot pie instead.
    Sorry you had to say goodbye to your good friend. I feel your pain.
    Like, every 2-3 years I feel it.
    And it don't feel good*.

    I'm starting a new food program tomorrow. So count me in.

    *improper grammar used on purpose
