Thursday, July 1, 2010

Octo Meme


100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can tell me what Meme mean

Jennifer tagged me in this little post so I thought I would participate.


Here we go, Lumberjoes!

Interruption:  Raise your hand if you think Little Dude (yellow shirt) looks superimposed in my header picture?

He is not, I assure you.

Silly readers.  You know I cannot edit photos!

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to...

1) The end of swimsuit season.  It's a real bummer.
2) A possible family trip in the next year.
3) Reading Jane Eyre.  I checked it out and it has been sitting on the counter unopened for days.
4) Reading Gone with the Wind.  Erin said I have to. It is on hold at the local library.
5) The day when Handsome Dude stops leaving his glasses buried in the sandbox of the playground.  That will be a glorious day.
6)Hunting Season
7) Ha!  #6 was a big, fat lie.
8 ) Going on a date with my main man for our actual 10 year anniversary!  Dang.  We are old.

8 Things I did Yesterday...
1) Spent an ungodly amount at Target and pretended to not hear the Lumberjack over the phone when he asked how much I spent.
2) Saw my cousin from Georgia, of whom I have not seen in about 10 years.

Interruption:  There.  Now you all now that Georgia is not where I live.  Clue #1.
3) Put clean bedding on 7 beds that were not mine.
4) Scrubbed an entire house that is no longer mine.
5) Saw a deer on the side of the road and nearly had a heart attack for fear that I would slaughter it with my diesel rig.
6) Saw this kind of a mailbox:

Had to ponder what sort of thoughts go through a person's head when they look at this mailbox and declare to their friends and loved ones,

"Yes!  This is the mail receptable I shall choose!"

Interruption:  If you like this mailbox, I mean you no harm.  I have a thing against fish.  And their beady little eyes.  And flapping gils.  Gross.
7) Weighed myself in kilograms.  Thrilled to be under 100! 
8 ) Wanted to eat a brownie.  Too tired to actually fetch it for myself.  So I went to bed brownieless.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do...

1) Be a better wife, mommy, friend, and child of God.
2) Snap my fingers and have my whole house interior magically repainted.
3) Sell my stupid vacation rental home for 1 million dollars.

Lest any of you are confused, nothing I own is worth even close to 1 million dollars.

4) Go on a vacation to Disneyland with my Lumberjacklings.

It is, in fact, the Happiest Place on Earth.
5) Lose 20 pounds and then hit the pause button, rendering my body incapable of ever gaining another ounce, no matter how many brownies I cram in my mouth.
6) Sew buttons and patch clothing.
7)  Work my BBQ.  It is so darn tricky.  Plus I can't light the darned thing.

Throwing a flaming match into an open gas flame goes against every safety standard I believe in.

8 )  Get the whole clean in one day and have it stay that way for at least one month.  Maybe two.

8 Shows I Enjoy...
1) The Office
2) The Cosby Show
3) Full House.  Don't knock it.  It rocks.
4) Big Bang Theory
5) Hmm . . .
6) Well . . .
7) um....
8 ) I don't know.

I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it!

Over and Out!


  1. According to Wikipedia: A meme (pronounced /ˈmiːm/, rhyming with "cream"[1]) is a unit of cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. (The etymology of the term relates to the Greek word μιμητισμός ([mɪmetɪsmos]) for "something imitated".)[2] Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes, in that they self-replicate and respond to selective pressures.[3]

    I relinquish the 100 points due to not knowing what it meant and having to Google it ;). That is all.

  2. CHUCK! You must have Chuck as your favorite show.
    The end.
    Okay maybe not. I want to tell you that the beginning of Jane Eyre is BORING. Muscle through it. You will be glad you did. Seriously.
    Gone With the Wind is awesome.
    The end.

  3. Brilliant!!! I shall weigh myself in Kilograms too:)

    I second or is it now third that you must, must, must read Gone with the Wind. Frankly, my dear, you will give a d*m.

    As for hunting season, with your property and your little lumberjacklings; you will have to post your property. Something else to add to your list and look forward to doing:)

  4. Help me...I do not understand. What's a meme? What is the tagging for? I am so confused!

    Also, that fish mail box is scary.

  5. After you read Jane Eyre, borrow the movie from the library. But it has to be the one with Ruth Wilson & Toby Stephens. I know I'm bossy, but trust me. It's so good!

  6. I'm with you on the bbq...I wish I could work mine but I leave that in the 'things hubs is good for' category.

    And...courtesy of wikipedia...

    'The term "Internet meme" refers to a catchphrase or concept that spreads rapidly from person to person via the Internet, largely through Internet-based email, blogs, forums, social networking sites and instant messaging.'

  7. P.S. Look for the one directed by Susanna White. Your library system has it. :)

  8. Holla Taylor.

    Read it. And if you don't like it the first time, read it again.
    It gets better each time.

    Watching Full House makes me want to throw up a little in my mouth.

    I'm in for the reality show-- just let me know when you find someone who wants to view our lives.
    To be frank, sometimes I bore myself.

  9. I am currently listening to Jane Eyre! I have read it before but I am really enjoying someone else reading it to me. Plus I get so much more work done when I have something to listen to. Hoping your having a ruraltastic day!

  10. I must agree with JoAnn! By the end of Jane Eyre, you will be so thrilled you read it. It's so awesome once she isn't a little girl anymore (but you have to know about that part of her life). Try watching So You Think You Can Dance and see if you get dance. I can't dance, but I still like sounding like I know everything.

  11. Hm... I like this meme. Shopping at target is really horrifying. I hate spending all that money and walking out with only one bag of stuff that I needed, but didn't remember that I needed until I walked through the store. It makes me wonder, how long would it be before I realized that I needed all that stuff if I never went to Target? Also, I think you should try to rent out your vacation house enough to justify hiring someone to clean it for you between guests. :-) I have recently learned how to use hardwood charcoal cuz my husband hates gas grills. So, I had to learn, otherwise I could never eat grilled food without pestering him into grilling it for me first. However, my parents used to have gas... and ya know what helped me to light that evil thing?! The realization that fire always goes up. So, if you just duck under and hold the lighter... preferably one of those long clicky ones UNDERNEATH the grill... then the flame will explode up, and you are down below with your eyebrows safe from being burnt clean off. Not that that ever happened to me.

  12. PS - Ummmmm ... Hun, I have NO idea how you did this but ... although as far as I know I am the one and only Beth Zimmerman that is NOT my website address!


  13. I concur, Jane Eyre is a good one. I've never read Gone with the Wind so I'll have to get that from the library when you're done ;)
    Personally, the mailbox makes me laugh. Mainly from imagining the mail man reaching in to pull out mail that needs to be sent. Is there a flag to put up? Or does it raise it's fin?
    I am so weighing myself in kilograms.
    I love Full House. I'd still watch it but we only get 3 channels and 2 of them are PBS.

  14. thanks for visiting my blog! I love your lists! Good luck with your vacation rental... sounds like a lot of work :o) sometimes those projects can end up a huge blessing!!

  15. Two words: Audio books. Get Gone with the Wind on audio. If you haven't cracked Jane Eyre open, Margaret Mitchell isn't going to be touching your eyes this summer. Not with this being the summer of "AAAAAAAAHHHH!"
    Audio books.
    ILt's the only way to go.
    Librivox online has Gone with the Wind, I think, and Jane Eyre.
    You could just listen from your computer.
    You know, in between all the yelling and screaming from kids and the sound of power tools in your house.
    A girl can dream.

  16. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 1, 2010 at 2:24 PM

    Oooooo--a book on audio to listen to back and forth from Ruralville. Would the kids let you do it?? Cause that's a good idea. Don't tell, but I have never read either of those books. Seen both movies, just haven't read them. They are now on the to-do list.
    I have your video so anytime you want to pick it up when you are in town now let me know and I will have it ready! K?? Ok.
    I also LOVE Chuck and Burn Notice. Highly recommended, but you should start both series from the beginning. It's worth it.
    Also, if you are a good little girl and call me ahead of time to pick up the video maybe I will bake a special treat for you that you can later burn off with Jillian. Just saying..... :)

  17. Ok I have to say I read every single persons comments because I could not believe that NO ONE said anything about you going to bed brownieless due to pure laziness. Oh my gosh I was laughing so darn hard.
