Wednesday, July 28, 2010

By George . . . the house is Peach.

When we were in the market to buy a new house, we looked at a lot of houses.



Some of the houses started to run together and I couldn't remember which house had what.

We looked at the Ruralville house in February.

I distinctly recall it having a large loft, generous living room, and 5 bedrooms with a 6th "spare room."

Turns out I have 4 bedrooms with a 5th "spare room" and a cute, but tiny loft and a narrow living room.

Don't lose heart!

I am not disappointed in my new house.

Nor am I dismayed.

I am, however, getting a little fatigued with the paint color.

Allow me to expand on that thought:

When we first looked at the house, I noticed the house had a lovely tan color painted throughout.

I am not the biggest fan of tans, but they are neutral and not awful, so it was fine.

Personally, I am a big fan of blues and greens.

But that's just me.

So, we looked at the house in February and I didn't see it again until we bought it in June.

As the days have come and gone, I have begun to notice that what I once thought was tan looks oddly like . . . peach.

Tan I can do.

Peach . . . not so much.

And the previous peeps liked them some peach paint.

Every single inch of this house is tan/peach.

Case in point:









And, lest there be any confusion, even the ceilings are . . .


My apologies to you if you love this color.  It is just not for me.

I usually go neutral in furniture color and then go crazy with a blue or green wall.

So, I am currently living in a peach house with tan furniture.

I need me some contrast!

I need me some color!

Sadly, my Lumberjack is a little burnt out on house projects and has informed me that he doesn't want to paint ever again.

Some of you have suggested in the past that I should just tell The Lumberjack we are moving, therefore rendering him helplessly into his hyper-speed-super-do-it-yourself-er guy.

I have bad news.

The Lumberjack informed me that he would like to live in this house for the rest of his life.

My Lumberjack loves this house.

As soon as he gets home from work, he doesn't come in and say "hello," "howdy," nor "how do you do?"

He hops on his 4-wheeler and heads across our vast plantation to retrieve the memory card from his Trail Camera.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what a trail camera is.

Attention "Young-Taylor-Who-Has-Yet-To-Be-Married":  You think you like going clothes-shopping and out for coffees with that boy David Mal-i-blah-blah?  Well, my foolish young girl . . . he is going to do a complete 180 on you and shop for things such as chain saw blades, Rotozips, various forms of artillery and weaponry, shirts with pearly buttons, Carhartts, camouflaged clothing, special laundry soap for the camouflaged clothing, CW McCall albums, and Trail Cameras once you marry him.

So, my main man returns from our rolling hills and pops the card in the computer, shouts with glee . . . yes, glee, at the number of pictures he has on said camera, and begins to pore over each and every one.

"Look, hon!  A buck!"


"Oh, that's a nice one."

"Too many does."

"You know what we need?  More trees and more deer."




That's exactly what we need!

Looks like he has other projects that must be completed before we can tackle this peach problem.


Happy Wednesday!

PS- Lumberjill is getting her haircut tonight!

PPS- I did good on WW yesterday . . . The Fiber!  Oh, The Fiber!

PPPS-Did you vote for the new name?

PPPPS-Still waiting on that picture from Jason.



  1. So sorry about your peach dilemma! I am not a huge peach fan myself. Maybe in winter your Lumberjack will want to work on things inside and paint for you? Unless, of course, you have one of those little snow vehicles that he will jump on to go get his pictures.. Have you thought about tying a paint brush to Mabel?

  2. When we moved into our house, every room was peach with a mint green border, along with a peachy-pink carpet throughout the house, and to top it all off, the siding is peachy-pink (Peach when it's dirty, more pink after we power wash)We took a week before we moved in and torn down all the border and painted every wall, it took us a few years to replace the carpet, and we can't paint the siding. I feel your pain with the colors in the house, hopefully LJ will understand and paint everything for you soon.

  3. Let me just say that my Jack in the Box would be completely jealous of your Lumberjack right now! He would love to be able to put his trail cam on his own property and ride his 4-wheeler out to get the SD card from it!

    Also I understand about your peach problem. My dinning room and hallway are peach - oh and the bathroom. I can't wait to get them painted!

  4. I think you should paint it when he's at work. You would do such a good job, Taylor. I'm sure of it!

    Marla @

  5. What if you started to paint it and did it badly? Would that then spur LJ to grumble and complain and ultimately do it himself?

    Or perhaps you could win the lottery and pay someone to paint it for you. The lottery is always a good plan.

  6. I feel for you on that peach colour. What if you started painting then he will finish it up because he is a handy pants like that. Holla! ;)

  7. Okay I have the best neutral color for you. It's a tan with grey undertones, a million miles away from peach.
    You know what I do when I want the whole house painted? I buy canary yellow and paint test squares of it on all of the walls. Then my husband comes home and freaks out. next thing you know? We're painting the whole house. Trust me, it works.

    Also, we are thinking bout buying a house that has a few minor projects that need to be tile in the bathroom, finishing cabinets, etc. Are we crazy? When I read your posts, I think, "AHH so much work" and I feel a tad bit chicken. Okay, giant chicken.
    p.s. what is with me saying "tad" all the time lately? Once it slips in, it's hard to get out. It's such a useful word and it makes me feel like I'm drinking tea.

  8. p.s. My dad has a trail card. He is obsessed with it. He found raccoons and such. No deer. We can't all have deer.
    Must be a guy thing.

  9. Oh, I love this, I must try this at my house.

  10. p.p.s. I forgot to say, I LOVE that mirror.

  11. ha-a house we lived in 4 houses ago had the same problem except substitute golden yellow for peach. Now I like golden yellow but my word everything was that color including all the ceilings.

    We painted.

    Here's what I suggest....while he's at work hop on the 4 wheeler and remove the memory card from the trail camera...hold it hostage until you get your blues and greens.

  12. A trail cam is an outdoor, weather proof, motion sensored camera that our manly men put on trees, or other such things, to take pictures of the wild beasts that come eat the feed that they have left for them, which in turn makes our men drool and count down the days before they can go and hunt them...
    Have a painting party while the Lumberjack is away on one of his hunting vacations this Fall! You'll appreciate your job well done and he'll enjoy it more since he didn't have to do a thing ; )

  13. I feel you on the desire to paint with a husband has sworn it off for life.
    some of my house is a peachy color....more of a pastel copper and I have loved it as a nice change from the green that was popular for awhile. But I'm ready for a change again. Sadly, both DH and I lack the energy to paint. Maybe next year.

  14. I have a great "low sugar, reduced fat" peach cobbler recipe...does that help?

    Hey, at least the walls aren't lime green!

  15. Ok question, is every room the same shade of peach? Because maybe it's the lighting in your photos but I didn't really see it till I saw your dinning room, then I truly was like WOW that sure is peach.
    I loved the comment about putting the test yellow paint up on the walls. Or painting badly so the hubs will take over the job nice ;)

  16. thelumberjackswifeJuly 28, 2010 at 5:26 AM

    I know-the lighting is weird. But it is the same shade throughout the whole. entire. house.

  17. I'm not a huge fan of the paint colors in our current house, but since we might be leaving as soon as 2 years Josh refuses to consider painting.
    But in my forever house...

  18. Maybe you could tell him that you found a wonderful painter who will paint the whole house? Would that work? :D

  19. We've always had some type of white walls in our house. It just made painting so much easier for our family.
    These days, I add color with wall decals.

  20. No reason in the world that you can't paint. Paint the rooms that you spend the most time in or the ones that bug you the most. OR... if you feel you need the practice start in a least used room. You can do it. I've had to do alone all my life. You may like glad for LJ that he's in bliss.

  21. I am filled with chagrin, yep I said it, chagrin that some women feel that feminine tricks and wiles is what they have to rely on in the year 2010. What are they teaching their children especially daughters? That they are helpless without a male? C'mon ladies...step into the now. All women may not grow up to be married, there are actual alternatives. But they can still have walls the color they want. (That is, unless you rent an apartment then it's off-white forever.) Who painted your parent's home? A woman.

  22. I like the test square idea. Or you can start painting in one of the rooms. I wouldn't doubt it if the LJ felt the need to finish the job for you:)

  23. I like peach, in moderation but I like my room walls to be dark colours. I've painted dark green and brown where I could right now.
