Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to Lose a Guy in 10 years.

1.  Look like a dork while trying to look like a bathing beauty.

2.  Look like this . . .

for at least 40 months of your marriage.

Please notice the gray truck behind the woman who resembles the Kool-Aid man.

That truck will be important in 0.8 seconds.

3.  Drive his beloved truck for about 5 miles across town with the emergency brake on.  Then scold him for the fact that his stupid truck is too big, too hard to drive, too ugly, too high up, and smokes too much.

4.  Finally agree to do something adventurous with him, such as snorkeling whilst in Cancun.

*Annoy him when you inform him that it would be great if your hair didn't get wet.

*Annoy him when you inform him that every time you dunk your face in the ocean, your goggles fill with water, and certain death is near.

*Annoy him when you ask him if he is trying to kill you in Cancun, seeing as how he expects you to not breathe while snorkeling

*Annoy him when you demand that no fish touch your legs for the duration of this swell activity

*Annoy him when you ask him 14 times if you have mascara running down your face.


Lumberjill is not waterproof.

5.  Call him at work, after he specifically requested you do not call him much at work, and inquire of him just what he did with his belly button lint that morning.

6.  Take pictures of a "dead" bat that is magically stuck upright on a screen.

Inform everyone and their mother that there is a dead bat stuck on your house and you don't know what to do.

Plead with your husband to remove the bat carcass as soon as he comes home from work, as you are sure the carcass is disease-ridden and such.

Hide in fear of the dead bat when your husband goes outside to handle the "situation."

Watch as your husband casually hits the screen with a broom handle and the bat flies away.

Ponder how you ever graduated from college.

7.  Attempt to be your husband's help meet by doing some Price Checking for him at the Home Depot.

Take the Home Depot guy's opinion over your husband's and scold your husband for not knowing what he is doing, when in fact, your husband was right all along.

8.  Look this good at major family events:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B

Exhibit C



We hit 10 years tomorrow.

Let's see if he sticks around until then.

Happy Wednesday!

PS-Happy Anniversary to Tanna and her husband, too!  They got married on the same day as The Lumberjack and I did.

Holla, Tanna!


  1. Congratulations on 10 years! Lumberjack and my hubby have something in common...crazy amounts of patience. ;)

  2. Love the cool aid picture:)

    Happy Anniversary!

    And, I'm sure that you could do this same post from the Lumberjack's perspective. That would be fabulous! Like, don't fix laundry room floor until right before you move out of a house.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Your husband is a very lucky LJ (Lumberjack keep up people!)

  4. I've come to the conclusion that some men like to be tortured. They like the challenge of a goofy, strong, opinionated, always wrong woman. That's what I tell myself though. It's the only thing that makes sense.

  5. Congrats you too... I wouldn't worry though. He'll keep you around. The child support would be too expensive if he tried to divorce you. :)

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  6. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated ours too.....13 years.

  7. You make me laugh!!!! Thank you for sharing your sense of humor (and goofy pics) with the rest of us. Congratulations on 10 years! We celebrate our 10th on the 15th of this month! We have special men to put up with us!

    My favorite isthe Kool-Aid one, not just for the incredible picture but for the total of months pregnant during marriage! Holy cow! I think you could beef it up a little by adding how many months you were sleep deprived after the newborn arrived too. It'll be an entirely different marriage when all those kiddos leave home! Miss seeing you guys! God bless!

  8. Congrats!! Love the story of him hitting the screen to get the bat away!

  9. Wait...the above are all ways to actually lose your man after 10 years? Well, crap. Guess I've been doing everything wrong. We hit 10 years next month and I'm quite certain I've done all of the above (except carry a pregnant belly for 40 months...mine stopped at 20 but I'm pretty sure I was twice as big.) Fingers crossed that the hubs and I make it. :)

  10. I'm pretty sure he has done a few crazy things to run you off too! Have a great anniversary!

  11. hee hee hee...I always say that if I had married anyone else in the world he would have left me by now! Good thing I got knocked up! =-D

  12. Hahaha! You make his life interesting. :-) We hit 10 years in August. I like to tell people that if we were the mafia, my husband would be the brains and money man, and I would be the idiot muscle man. Which is a funny visual, but that's sorta just how it works around here. He would be very bored without me screwing everything up.

  13. How sweet of you! Yesterday I excitedly told my hubby that we share our anniversary with The Lumberjack's Wife...he thought it was cool, as do I. :) Congrats!!

  14. Happy 10th! I'm sure he'll be around for 10 more... who could give up your charming smile, wit, and obvious love for all things lumber related? I hope that you guys have a wonderfully special day tomorrow.

  15. Just saw a comment you left over at Dawn's place and your bloggy title grabbed me right in!

    I wish I could see your profile to see from whence you hale - - - but alas and alack am not clever enough to FIND it.

    I grew up in lumberjack country of northern WI.

    Very funny post!

  16. Eh - if those are his biggest complaints then he's a lucky man. :)

    Happy Anniversary.

  17. Duly noted. Hysterical as always :)

  18. Congratulations! It really must be love. ;)

  19. Congrats on 10 years!

    We hiked the Grand Canyon for our ten year...Cancun seems more romantic...

    Less shin splints y'know.

  20. Congratulations. 10 years is a great milestone.

    If you get another bat your local animal control will come and get it for you.

  21. Happy Anniversary you funny girl!

  22. The belly button lint story? HILARIOUS!


    Thanks for the laugh, LJ! :)

  23. You know how the fish thing on my blog grossed you out? Well the bat thing on your blog does it for me.

    Happy Anniversary! LJ is lucky to have you : )
    And I'm so sorry about your plates and shelf and floor-that's awful!

  24. I was laughing so hard when I read your post! My husband tells me quite often that he has no idea how I got my Master's degree!
    Visiting from AuburnChick!
    Happy Anniversary!

  25. I was laughing so hard when I read your post! My husband tells me quite often that he has no idea how I got my Master's degree!
    Visiting from AuburnChick!

  26. Congratulations! (that is if he's still there in the morning...) Let's face it if he is still there after the "bat" thing, he must be in for the long haul!

  27. just so you know, I couldn't stop chuckling! just like I couldn't stop chuckling for DAYS over the need to buy ajax! (confession time: I'm still laughing over that one!)

  28. You are crackin me up over here! You are hilarious!

    Happy Anniversary- geez- you are old! HAHA

  29. How not to lose a lumberjack in 10 year....
    *Drive an insanely large diesel rig that he picked out for you.
    *Cram four children into an insanely small vehicle that he picked out for you.
    *Stoke a wood-burning stove for seven years in absence of a thermostat.
    *Put up with wires hanging from your kitchen cabinet for years on end.
    *Move to ruralville.
    *Go camping with inlaws.
    *Make him laugh lots and lots!
    *Only speak well of him, through it all.
    I think you're doing pretty good!

  30. SO FUNNY!!!!! Happy Anniversary.

  31. 1. How to lose a guy in 10 days is one of my fave movies of all time
    2. I went back and read all the stories, ie Cancun, lint & bat and I love you even more now.
    3. 10 years is amazing! Yeah for you two lovebirds.
    4. The snorkeling picture of you two is stinking sweet. You look beautiful.

  32. [...] This week’s COW (comment of the week) goes to Angela with her comment on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Years” [...]
