Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Corn Hoarders.

We had a very busy 4th of July.

We left our house around 10am and returned around 10pm.

Yet, I neglected to bring my camera.

This is my life.


I find it my duty to still report to you the events that occurred on that day.

1.  We went to church.

2.  The Lumberjack and I helped serve in children's ministry at the aforementioned church.

Fun Fact:  I have been serving in children's ministry for 5 years.

Even Funner Fact:  The Lumberjack has not.

Fun Fact:  The Lumberjack told me that if I moved to Ruralville, he would help me in children's ministry.

Even Funner Fact:  The first Sunday we went to church after our move I signed him right up.

Regretful Fact:  I totes should have got more perks out of this Ruralville deal.

Raise your hand if you have no idea what "totes" means.

Moving on.

3.  After church, we were engaged to go boating, beaching, and barbecuing with my crazy-kin in-laws.

Yet, the weather was not agreeable.

60 degrees. Gray, cloudy skies. Windy.

Does this stop my inlaws?


No, it does not.

Go to the beach we shall!

My in-laws are a strange peoples.

4.  I watched Jason BBQ up some delicious all beef patties while wearing swim trunks and a winter coat.

Remember Jason?

5.  We ate.  We visited.  We froze to death.

6.  Next we went to my parents house for another BBQ.

You see, dear readers, once you move out to the middle of NOWHERE, you have to make the most of your trip to civilization and visit every friend, relative, and acquaintance in one day.

For you know not when you shall see them again.

7.  There was a whole assortment of peoples at this BBQ.  My Uncle Greg was there and he was bound and determined to be in this blog post.  So he had his friend, Darla, take pictures with her camera phone and email them to me for your viewing pleasure.

Everyone say, "Hi, Greg!  Hi, Darla!"

Now, here are some events/photos from the BBQ at my parents' house.


Try to contain your excitement.

 Event #1:

This is my dad and Uncle Greg.

They are showing about 3% of the stash of grilled corn on the cob they hoarded and hid from everyone else.

You see, dear readers, my dad brought in a platter of grilled corn on the cob inside for the rest of us.

Yet, unbeknownst to us, Dad and Greg hid a significant amount of grilled corn in the BBQ so they could have all they wanted without sharing.

And, as they were feasting on their vast supply of corn, us common folk were inside fighting over who got the last piece.

Whatever, Dad and Greg.


Lest any of you are confused, my dad is the one on the right.

Remember my dad?


 Event #2

My sister was there.

She brought with her two friends.

I enjoyed these three people for they entertained my children for most of the evening.

While they were playing an enjoyable game of freeze tag, I heard my sister scold Handsome Dude for leaving his glasses in the grass.

Sister Meagan:  Buddy!  You can't just throw your glasses in the grass!  They are broken now!

Handsome Dude:  I not!

Sister Meagan:  Yes. You did.  They are right here.

Handsome Dude:  I not!

Me:  Wait!  His glasses are in Mom's room! 

Sister Meagan:  No.  They are right here.

Me:  Sweet!  Those are the glasses that have been missing for like 3 weeks!

We all had a good laugh . . . a chuckle, if you will . . . over that one.

Attention Dad:  How did you not notice this while mowing the lawn?

Event #3

My cousin, who conveniently also goes by the name of Greg, was there with his new fiance Talia.

They were just engaged the day prior.

Sadly, this news must be brought to you picture less.

For I am a loser.

Event #4

This is a picture of me.

In this picture, I am begging, nay pleading, with my husband to build us a fire.

I would like you all to know he refused.

This is what happens when you are married for 9 years, 361 days.

He no longer feels the need to swoon me.

Event #5

This is my mom and dad.

My Mom:  Grant. It is cold.  Can you build a fire?

My Dad:  Yes, I can.

And then, he built her a fire.

Attention Mother:  Teach me your ways, O Wise One.


That concludes my recap of our cold, chilly, corn-filled 4th of July.

I hope you all had a splendid weekend!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Happy 4th of July (now 6th!) I'm going to commandeer your comments section and tell you it's my Bday today! (HOLLA!)

    I still get excited like a little kid over my birthdays. That is all.

  2. I also worked childrens ministry on Sunday morning. Numbers were low due to the holidays so it was easier than usual.
    Raising hand because i don't know what 'totes' means in that context.
    I think you are so cute, Taylor! I hate having anyone point the camera at me.
    And feeling slightly discouraged because I have nothing witty to say.
    Oh, well. So glad I popped in to read about your goings-ons.

  3. Happy 4th of July! You and your family are missed. Hope the warm weather gets here soon for you.

  4. It sounds like you had a busy (and FUN) 4th of July. Congrats on finding a pair of missing glasses. :)

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  5. Your dad and Uncle Greg need name tags. They are virtually identical.

    I bet they'd argue that point though. People who look alike never believe it.

    Please keep us updated on LJ's ministry participation. I feel he may need some accountability. ;)

  6. Wish you had a pic of your brother-in-law wearing the swim trunks and winter coat! That is classic! So glad you found the glasses!

  7. Happy Fourth of July! Your family sounds just like mine:...okay, I don't have a word to sum it up...family-ish.
    I'm sorry you were cold. I was not cold. There were a lot of flies at my fourth of July. My son got a spark from the sparkler (almost) in his eye. Good times.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful 4th. I would be with your dad. I double love corn on the cob. And, I don't like to share so much.

    Swim trunks & winter jacket...you def don't live in Hawaii or Florida. :)

    Your sister is stinking cute! As are you...I'm sorry the begging for the fire didn't work. How could he say no to that face?

    Perhaps you could re-negotiate for some perks since you moved to ruralville. You totes deserve them. hee hee

  9. Your Dad & Uncle are both too funny and love how they both have the same facial expression - corn horders that they are:)

    Sometimes it's nice to leave the camera at home and just enjoy the day without fearing that you are missing some great picture.

    By the way, I am jealous that you are some mysterious place that needs a fire. It is literally 100 degrees here in NJ today. It's too hot to be outside unless you are in a pool. Since, we do not have a pool and I just don't feel like treaking the boys to my in-laws (all 5 minutes away); we are in for the day.

  10. thelumberjackswifeJuly 6, 2010 at 2:14 AM

    Totes means totally. :)

  11. Yes, you totes need to renegotiate your agreement with the LJ regarding move to the nowhereville. ;) Shame on him for not building you a fire. It does involve wood, he should be thrilled. Thanks for the pic of your dad, it always gives me a laugh. :)

  12. I am glad to know that I'm not the only one that finds old glasses in odd places! Looks like the celebration was fun, regardless of LJ's lack of fire building. At least your dad is smart enough to know when to burn! ;)

  13. Cold? We are melting. 90 degrees is a cool day lately.

    Glad you found the broken glasses. Are they fixable?

  14. Hey LumberJill? Stop on by my blog today and pick up your A Blog with Substance award! http://magimomsblog.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/a-blog-with-substance-or-i-got-an-award/

  15. Sounds like a great fourth...

    Nobody was nearly blown up? Surely that was anticlimactic!

  16. I totes loved this post : )

    It is 5:30 PM and the thermometer outside my kitchen window says 93...it said 107 earlier. And that's before you figure in the humidity.

    I am off to an exercise class. Indoors. Yay for ac!

  17. You forgot your camera? Shameful. And I know what "totes" means only because I read what you posted on Facebook =)

  18. So are the prodigal specs repairable? I was going to advise having the newly engaged one ask her fiance to *light your fire* but since Mom got it done ... never mind. I really should delete that last sentence!

  19. Your mother is very wise. I need to learn her ways as well! That is super exciting about Handsome Dudes glasses. Always nice to have a spare pair around :)

  20. Oh Beth... if you don't win a COW for that comment... ;) thanks for the laugh!

  21. you're totes the only person I know who uses the word totes.

  22. We had a fire. We also had numerous possibilities of fires from failing fireworks! And we were wearing jackets too! Happy Fourth!

  23. Hands down, your dad is my favorite character to read about on your blog!

  24. I never grow tired of your pics of your Dad. They are the best joke going on here!

  25. Miss T...As usual, your blog makes me laugh. I really have to quit working holidays..I always miss
    the insanity that goes on when everyone gets together. (plus, your Dad & Mom make the BEST
    food in the world!!!)

    I wonder if your dad is happy to know your readers
    think he is a joke??? Oh wait, Alli said his PICS
    were the joke, and Jaime said he's her favorite character...that's different...sorry, my mistake. :)
    H & K

  26. I taught Sunday School at my church for almost 13 years, but I eventually gave it up because of the lack of support. I had told them I was working more full time and if they were still so "desperate to have me volunteer" again like they'd said, they'd provide the craft supplies and have the stuff ready for me. They promised they'd have the stuff, and I'd show up just before a lesson and nothing would be there. It kept happening for almost a year so I finally said I couldn't do it anymore.

  27. LOL! The fire incident totally cracks me up. Sound very familiar.
