Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica. And Bovine and Babies.


What a dreary, rainy day.



Clue #1:  I do not live in Georgia

Clue #2:  Look out your window.  Do you see sun casting its lovely rays upon the beauty of God's creation? 

Then you do not live near me.

That's all the clues I should do.

Sooner or later you will certainly figure this out.

And it will be my own fault, gosh darn it.

Turns out I am my own worst enemy.

Of course, today is the day The Lumberjacklings and I were going to head to the local beach to play with the local ruffians.

Looks like it's laundry day instead.


We have a lot of items to discuss in this super-fantabulous post.

So grab some coffee and gird up your loins.

It's gonna be a wild ride.

1.  I updated my blogroll.  Check your link.  I may have messed it up.

This is not odd for me.

2.  The COW picture contest!

Oh, it was neck and neck.

COW A received 24 votes and COW B received 21 votes.

But I liked the idea of mixing it up and switching the cow picture from time to time.

I shall do that if I am feeling frisky.

For really, folks, this is as exciting as my life gets.

What else is there for me?

Meet the winner:

I shall call her, "Gladys."

Simply for the fact that Gladys is a fantastic name.

Is that a girl cow or a boy cow?

Can there be a boy cow?

Are boys only called like studs or bulls or geldings or steers or something?

Attention Future Farmers of America Club Members:  What creature is in that picture?

Either way, I am still going with Gladys.

Fun Fact:  I am planning on homeschooling my children this year.

Pray for them.

3.  Because I am feeling spunky, I have decided to award the COW (comment of the week) to three, yes three, different people.


Because I can.

I just could not decide between these 3 commenters so I decided they were all winners.

Are you wondering what my criteria is for choosing the COW?

You are not alone.


Presenting the COW Trifecta:


Look at Gladys in all her glory.

Winner #1

JoAnn from Ostriches look Funny on the post Lagoons and Local Ruffians:

okay so…my kids have been known to get naked and PEE when I turn my back…in public places…like the church lawn. I guess I have ruffians.
That, combined with my two year olds tattoo…causes me to wonder…can we still be friends? Then I see the dog following you while you check out the LAGOON and I say, YES! We can!
The end

Now, that was just funny.

Winner #2

Melissa K from A Time for Everything on the post Happenstances and Ponderings:

Dang. I thought I was finally going to win some meaningless points with Dana Carvey, but Miss Molly and Kimberly were on the ball. That’s way ahead of your time, though, girlie. Did your parents let you watch SNL at age 8? Shame on the High-Fivers.

Ha!  She wins simply because she pays attention to me!

Just kidding.

Kind of.

Oh, that comment made me laugh.

Confused about what the High-Fivers means?  Click here.

No.  I did not watch SNL at the age of 8.  They do have this novel idea called "reruns" where one can become familiar with a television show that did not air during their appropriate life span.

I did, however, watch Full House when I was 8.

And no one can deny that in its day, that show was the bomb diggity.

Winner #3

 Melissa on the post Blogroll, Blunders, and Bovine:

i like your title today! it reminds me of bears, beets, battlestar galactica


Name that Tv show.

4.  When I was pregnant with Sweet Pea, I received a baby monitor as a shower gift.

And even though my first house 700 square feet and I could hear anyone breathe in the house at any given time, I had that monitor with me constantly.

That monitor stood the test of time and took me through the growing up years of Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae.

By the time the dudes came along, I was feeling a little more secure in my roll as a mother.  And even though the second house was a little larger, I no longer felt the need for a monitor, seeing as how the dudes' room was about 10 feet away.

But then we moved to Ruralville.

In Ruralville, my dudes and my flower girls sleep far away from me.

So, for the first time in about 5 years, I brought out the monitor.

Unfortunately, my dudes have never seen such an invention.

And, after living in Ruralville for about 17 days, the monitor looks like this:

Let us have a moment of silence for my faithful monitor of which my dudes mistakenly thought to be a walkie-talkie.

*Thank you*

5.  I would like to announce that this, the 2nd day of July, in the year Two Thousand and Ten of our Lord, marks the 12 year anniversary of when The Lumberjack and I started dating.

Holla, Lumberjack!


6.  Do you remember back in April when we went to a birthday party at my brother's house?

Do you remember?

Do you remember?

It was a 2 post special mixed with vomit, urine, and goober parent moments.

The Birthday Party, part 1

The Birthday Party, part 2

In the second post, the following conversation ensued between the adults at the table.

Allow me to copy and paste it, if I may:

"And now, for the Goober Parent Update.

The cast of characters in this update are as follows:

My Mom and Dad.

My brother, Danny.

My sister-in-law, Tonya.


And The Lumberjack.

This conversation took place at this very birthday party.

We are sitting at the table, eating cake.

Little Dude is completely covered in frosting.

My mom looks at Danny and says:  I bet you are glad you guys are out of the baby stage, huh?

My brother starts choking on his cake.

Tonya turns red.

Mom:  Oh, dear.  Did I say something?

Danny continues to choke.

Mom:  What’s going on?

My mother’s motherly instinct is insane.

It’s like a tractor beam . . . sucks you right in . . .

(Name that movie)

Tonya:  Well, we are thinking of . . .

Mom:  You’re pregnant!

Tonya:  Well, I might be, but not for sure yet.

Danny:  I finally talked her into it.

Tonya:  Yeah . . . I haven’t really wanted anymore.

Danny:  And then Taylor comes over, kids are puking, kids are peeing . . .

Tonya:  And then Taylor keeps making a big deal out of how old I am now . . .

Danny:  Yeah, Taylor!  Geez!  You are going to talk her out of it.

Me:  Oops!

My Dad:  What are you all talking about down there?

My Mom:  They are trying.

My Dad to the Lumberjack:  Trying to do what?

The Lumberjack: (turns beat red)  Um . . . better have them explain.

My Mom:  For a baby.

My Dad:  What do you mean they are trying?

Tonya:  Oh, dear.

My Dad:  I don’t understand this “trying” business.

My Mom:  Grant!

My Dad:  Either you are or you aren’t.


Danny:  Ok, Dad.

My Mom:  Well, that’s exciting!

Me:  Yeah!  You totally aren’t too old to have babies!

Danny:  Taylor, be quiet.

Me:  Hey!  I am going to be 29 soon.  Now, that’s old!

My Dad:  I don’t get this trying business.  I mean, how is this different than 2 years ago?

Everyone else:  Huh?

My Dad:  I don’t understand.

Me:  Mom.  Can you explain this all to Dad on the way home?

Dad:  Does this mean you might have another baby?

Danny and Tonya:  Yes!

Dad:  Oh!  Great!  I still don’t get this trying business though.

Mom:  We’ll talk later."


Guess what!

A baby is on the way!


Congratulations to Danny, Tonya, Snups, and Big Dude.

I heard that when Big Dude was told he was going to be a big brother, he replied:

"This is the best day of my life."

Now, is that not uber precious?

But here comes the tricky part.

Someone is going to have to explain to my dad how they no longer have to "try."




Not it!


  1. Lumberjill~You got a true "lol" on this post....

  2. Hey, your post title is very similar to my facebook status! Office much?

  3. The TV show is The Office of course!!! One of the best shows ever. But will it be the same when Michael leaves mid season this year?
    So I know where ruralville is but I don't know what beach you are talking about? I am dying to know. :)

  4. Happy Dating Anniversary! I will be enjoying the rain with you :(

  5. Your dad is great. Why did you not show his insanely funny picture? I love that picture. ;)

  6. The Office!!

    Yay for the non gaggy cow!! I believe that PW says it is a calf, and I don't know what sort of calf. It sure looks like a Gladys to me!

  7. Gladys looks grumpy and that's why I like her :) Give her some coffee STAT and turn that frown upside down ;)

  8. Okay, it's raining where I am, so I'm going to guess...somewhere along the Gulf Coast. :-)

    I just took the babies end of the monitor out of my boys room. I figured since my 3yo always comes to me and knocks on the door AND I've had my end off for months I didn't really need it anymore. When he noticed it on my bed he had a fit! Apparently he deals with change about as well as I do.

  9. It's not raining here. So I'm guessing we live far, far away. Happy dating anniversary! :)

  10. Isn't Gladys the name of the cow on Sesame Street? Just sayin'

  11. Being chosen for COW was on my Bucket List.

    This is the best day of my life.

  12. Oh Lumberjill, my heart is sad. I did not make it to the blogroll.
    Can we try again?
    Can we be friends?

  13. Okay. I'm going to be a farmers wife, so I will try to explain the cow thing to you.

    Baby cows are called calves... no matter if they are boy are girls. Sometimes they are called bull calves or heifer calves depending on their gender.

    Girls= cows & heifers (heifers haven't had a baby yet).

    Boys= steers (can't have babies because they have been "cut") & bulls (used for mating).

    The terms gelding and stud are usually used in reference to horses.

    I expect you to study up. :)

    Marla @

    mwahahahha! Really, I'm not mad at all.
    It is, however, wrong.
    I believe you used a U instead of a Y... totally understandable!!! :)

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend and get some time to chill and rest a little... and hopefully that rain lets up!

  15. Cute! I love your f-in-law not getting "it"!

  16. I live in Georgia and today we had rain! Please send more rain this direction... we need it badly!

    Enjoy your holiday. Happy 4th of July!

  17. Is there even a little chance that you might be just a touch ADD? You make me laugh! And I LOVE mysteries, Miss Taylor (with a brother named Danny and a dad named Grant ... apparently adults are allowed to have names but children aren't) who doesn't live in Georgia! Hmmmm ... now to go check a weather map!

  18. So should I not tell you on my news feed it gives me your city? Or at least your approximate city?

    I'll shush.

    Happy 4th! I'm guessing LJ is a fan of all things fireworky : )

  19. I agree on bomb diggity for full house.... loved that show!
    Holla to you and Lumberjack for all those years!
    And I love the goober parent up dates simply for the fact that your mom is so awesome and seems to always have things together, its fun to hear about her being a goober! She did tell me about her cell phone the other day and why she kept it turned off after she bought it... that is a funny one that I will let you tell. :) That sure made me laugh! Have a good weekend and a happy fourth!

  20. Well you absolutely succeeded in making me giggle here at 12:35 a.m. in the midwest...Please do not explain to your dad what it means to "try" to have a baby. That is SO not your job...

    Would love to be on your blogroll...Since you smacked my arse in our "Most Inspirational Blog" category, don't you think that's the least you can do? HA! Totally kidding. But I will be adding yours to mine because you do make me laugh!

    Happy July 4th weekend!

  21. you are precious! My precious! (name that movie!)

  22. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 2, 2010 at 2:19 PM

    I snorted from laughing at the "one, two, three, not it"!! I loved the first time this conversation came around, and it's just as good now. Oh, the insanity!! I can just see LJ turning red and how funny it would have been to be there!!! Good times, good times....

  23. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 2, 2010 at 2:23 PM

    Oh, and the movie is Dumb and Dumber. Cause I know it by heart. I'm cool like that.

  24. 1. I finished my coffee and need a refill
    2. It was worth it :)
    3. Gladys rocks.
    4. I am saying a loooong prayer for your babies :)
    5. I wish that you did live closer...we would cause havoc for sure!

  25. Most of the electronics in my house look like your monitor. Once they don't break them by accident, they break them on purpose, looking to see how they're put together. Or looking for spare parts for something else they're trying to put together.

    The trying conversation was so hysterically funny! Congratulations on being an aunt again.

  26. Yay for a new niece.
    Or nephew, yay for a nephew too.

    I am, in fact, on your blogroll twice. Not that I mind! Not at all. I'm just pointing it out so that you know I checked. :)

  27. Dudette, Full House is STILL Bomb diggity. I have the complete series on DVD and it comes in a box that looks like the House haha. My friend went to San Francisco and he found the actual house and took a photo of it.

  28. Do you realize how hard it is to say corn hoarders repeatedly?

    I don't think your dad and uncle look alike. I mean they look like bros but...
