Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pointless Discussions on this Thursday Morn


1.  We have been in our new home in Ruralville for about 1 month. 

And so, far this is what we have destroyed:

*Dishwasher is all messed up.  Both boys have stood on it when it was open, bending and pulling it from wherever it is anchored.  Therefore, the dishwasher is all tilted and, if the dishwasher is feeling feisty, the bottom rack full of plates and other heavy dishware rolls right out and crashes to the floor.

Good times.

*Some of the blinds have been broken.  Boys.  Boys, Boys, Boys.  It was all the boys' fault.

Shocking.  I know.

*Daisy Mae kicked in the girls door while trying to surprise Aunt Meagan on the grand tour of our new plantation.  There is now a hole in the door.


*The kitchen floors have dents in them from the cabinet breaking and all of my Christmas dishes crashing to the ground.

So . . . . yeah.

It is good to know we are drastically decreasing the home value of our new place by the minute.

We truly are wise investors.

2.  I fear Handsome Dude needs some help with learning his colors.

I realized this when we were at the beach the other day.

Do you see the pink floatie and the green floatie?

Well, at one point during our day, he stole them (shocking, I know) and offered one to his brother, whom he lovingly calls "Cokey."

Handsome Dude:  Cokey!  Wanna go swimming?  You take the blue one and I will take the "lellow" one.

So, last night at dinner, I was trying to teach him colors.

Me:  Dude!  What color is your shirt?

Handsome Dude:  Red!

(This was right!  Color me surprised! get it?  get it?  hardy-har-har!)

Me:  Good!  What color is Sweet Pea's shirt?

Handsome Dude:  Um . . . baby!  No, stars!  No, hot!

Hmmm . . . .

3.  Speaking of Handsome Dude, last week he woke up at 6am, per usual, and came weeping and wailing up the stairs.

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up, people!):  My bed got me dirty!

Me:  Huh?

I looked at him.  He is soaking wet.

HD:  My bed!  It made me dirty!  Bad bed!

Me:  Dude.  Did you pee your pants?

HD:  No!  I not!  My bed did it!

Me:  Dude.  Do not tell lies.  Did you pee in your bed?

HD:  Yes!

4.  Let us continue on with Handsome Dude, shall we?

This poor boy is certain that my dad, his PopPop is coming for a sleepover in his bed. 

And every day, he has announced that PopPop will be sleeping with him soon and he must go prepare his bed for his special guest.

Attention PopPop:  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  And since Handsome Dude's bed is known to randomly get its inhabitants wet, I suggest wearing a poncho.

5.  Yesterday, The Lumberjack had a day off.  This is a rarity.

He was doing all sort of manly activities, such as moving around rigs, loading up rigs, and changing oil in rigs.

At one point he moved our Excursion.

Then he left on some errands for quite a while.

I began to notice that Mabel, our smelly dog, was missing.  I would call for her, and she would not come.

After about 6 hours of her missing, I decided I needed to do a little more of a thorough search.

No luck.

As I was walking back into the house, I heard a faint "tap, tap, tap."

I opened the door to the Excursion and out she came!

Holy Hotness, Batman!

She had survived 6 hours trapped in a hot car.

She was alive, happy, and drank 3.7 gallons of water.

It was a Festivus Miracle!

(Name that TV Show)

Fact:  Lumberjacks and their wives to not suggest trapping any live creatures in hot vehicles for 6 hours.

6.  Sweet Pea wants to set up a lemonade stand out here in Ruralville.

She is sure she will make a fortune.

Good luck, Sweet Pea.

Good luck.

7.  My friend, Bimlissa, is moving across the country in about 9 days.

In honor of her departure, I shall post this recent picture of her, I, and our other friend, Alisa after our beach date.

Fun Fact:  At one point in our friendly-mom-ish lives, all 3 of us drove similar white minivans.

Even Funner Fact:  At the beach, we discussed varicose veins and pregnancy related swelling.

Most Funnest Fact of all:  We know we still got it.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Taylor, you deserve the Mom of the Year award. Truly.

    Seinfeld, right? :)

  2. This cracked me up. It's hard to make me laugh. When we watch funny movies together, my husband always asks me why I'm not laughing. I'm just amused.
    This makes me laugh.

  3. Oddly enough, my dishwasher is in the same condition.......

  4. Sienfeld, of course.

    As for Mabel, I am sooooo happy that she emerged ok. She is very lucky.

    As for your house....... We could all have beautiful houses with beautiful things never to be broken. But then they would just be beautiful houses with nice things and not homes. These little creatures who drive us insane, break our furniture, appliances, dishes, and such, we would not trade for one of Trumps mansions. (Ok, maybe if it came with maid service:) :) )

  5. Mabel must be part cat. She seems to have extra lives.

  6. Hm. My dishwasher does the same thing... except that's because it was not installed properly by the only boy in this house. :-) So, I guess we're in similar situations here?! Haha. I love your randomness.

  7. Oh my. God was watching over Mabel yesterday.

    And Handsome Dude makes me laugh. Can he come visit me?

    Marla @

  8. Yikes, I think you should buy HD a new bed. One that doesn't soak the sleeper :p I think Stars are my favourite colour too.

  9. Ok, so I have the same issue with my dishwasher... must be a new trend!
    Also - Poor Mabel! So glad she survived with no ill effects... Festivus Miracle indeed! Jerry Seinfeld would be proud.
    Also - yeah... you still got it ;)

  10. I am always amazed at the conversations that my fellow mom friends and I have!

    When "baby fat" refers not to your baby, but your own know you are a mom.

    When the discovery of poop on your clothing does not send you into a fit of know your are a mom.

    When the cleaning up of vomit is a common occurance, and you discuss the merits of various puke cleaners with your know you are a mom.

    When conversations with girlfriends revolve around fat, poop, puke, and the creatures responsible for creating such items of know you are a mom.

    The end.

  11. I always wondered about "bed-wetting." Now I know that it's actually the bed that is wetting, not the occupant. I love the trivia I pick up on your blog.

    Glad Mabel is doing well. Poor pooch!

  12. Poor Mabel!! Be careful, Jordyn might try and sneak her in our moving truck!! That picture of us makes me so sad! Then I remember the ordeal of having it taken and smile! I am going to miss you!!! :-(

  13. Well, it's 109 here today folks. Any dog left in a car, or baby, and that still happens sadly, is going to cook. Pore Mabel. What a great dog - she survives it all.

  14. Do you read Missy at It's Almost Naptime? She has a very funny post up today called Maternal will relate...check it out-

  15. Smile at each dent and hole because they are a memory. And then look forward to that long-awaited day (which will come much sooner than you realize) when all your children have married and moved out and you can remodel your home into the fashion place you've always dreamed of. Just remember to post a for sale sign in the front yard so that LJ (Lumberjack, people! Keep Up!) will finish the job.

    Also, at that point you should prepare for grandchildren. They will destroy your fashionable home, but at least they won't pee in your beds at night.

  16. hey, it wouldn't be a home if you didn't break it in a bit. oh the joys of making a house a home! ; )

  17. Oh my goodness, I just realized that my blog today resembles your blog today in format. Is there something about lists in time of stress?
    It IS a wonderful way to communicate when you feel like you will be interrupted/the world will explode at any minute.
    good times.

  18. Sometimes when I read your blog, I rethink our desire to add 3-4 more kids to our one. But then I see the sweet pictures of their lovely little faces and I rethink my rethinking. ;)
    You crack me up. Poor Handsome Dude- I would hate it if my bed drenched me in a puddle occasionally too.

  19. My middle son still has umm..occasions of "accidents" at night, and is pretty bummed about it (naturally). I'm going to have to fit this one in somehow in conversation with him to cheer him up "Bad bed wetting on you like that!!" Cute cute cute.

  20. Miss T...
    Daisy Mae is about 3 ft tall and 12.6 lbs. HOW
    could she kick a hole in a DOOR?????
    And the dishwasher?? And Mabel??? And broken kitchen cabinets??(I missed that blog..)
    Oh my, your life truly is a reality show...big bucks in that, ya know!!!!!!

    Love you

  21. Oy! Your home sounds like ours - where ONE boy has managed to wreak havoc on floors, cabinets, appliances, and the like... eek!

    I chuckled through your posts and am grateful to Beth for linking up to you! Nice to "meet" you!
