Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sick and Svelte


Should I be posting today?


No, I should not.

Last night, I ingested two Tylenol PMs and a couple of swigs straight from the Nyquil bottle.

I feel sickly, cloudy, groggy, and goopy.

Yet, post I shall!


This morning I was awakened by one Handsome Dude who climbed in bed with me at 7:40am.

Hold the phone!


That's insane!

This leads me to fear that either:

A)  The universe has collapsed, pigs now fly, and my son sleeps past 6am.


B)  My son had full reign of his casa without any supervision.

I'm going with Option B.

You go with your gut.

So, at 7:40am, Handsome Dude crawled into bed with me.

And . . . he was silent!

Luring me into a false sense of hope that maybe, just maybe, I could go back to sleep.

Not so, dear readers.



Out of nowhere, he starts loudly singing a song that I can proudly tell you he made up himself.

It went something like this:

"Ribber, Ribber, Riiiibbbbeeerrr!

Ribber, Ribber, Garage Sale!"

Allow me to interpret, if I may.


We are going camping at the river this weekend.

My mother, as foolish as she is, informed Handsome Dude of this yesterday, so he is constantly talking about it and looking to see if Grams and Pops are coming with their "tray-wer."


Allow me to interpret.



And garage sale=garage.

Focus, people!

Shall I continue?

Handsome Dude is also constantly putting on his "big-kocks" so he can look at our "tray-wer."


I do not have a potty mouth.

Big-kocks=Flip Flops

Get your minds out of the gutter!


Last night, Handsome Dude picked out jammies for himself and for his little brother.

Raise your hand if you think Sir Handsome Dude got confused and put on Little Dude's jammies instead.

He is looking quite svelte, is he not?

Now, we must discuss Little Dude.

I cannot help but observe that every time I see this Little Dude, he tries to smooch me.

Quite frankly, it's almost embarrassing.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddd . . . I love him.


Attention all peoples who do not yet have children:

When you become sick . . . savor it.

Buy your favorite ice cream . . . rent some movies . . . put on your comfiest of clothes.

Lay in bed.




For when you have children, this shall never happen again.

Takes all the fun out of being sick.

And, for the record, NO, I am not pregnant.


Yes, I have pink eye.

And a sore throat.  And a headache.  And a lot of tummy flab.

The End.


  1. Uggh... sounds like you just need a break!
    Maybe the ribber would be a treat - IF you could just go with grandma and grandpa and leave the rest behind... LOL
    Feel better soon, nothing worse than being sick while camping!

  2. Hahaha! From now on I shall be calling my flip-flops by your son's name for them. That is hilarious! (you might wanna put asterisks in the middle of those words, otherwise sickos looking for stuff like that might pull up your blog, and comment spammers might be coming along shortly-just a thought.) Sorry you don't feel well, it really is no fun to be sick when you're a momma.

  3. Yes, exactly like that, except for I might put one in the middle of each word too. I've just had that happen before where something completely innocent that I said in a blog post triggered nasty spammers like that. :-)

  4. Sorry you're still sickly. If it makes you feel any better, I still am kinda too. And for the record, I am totally savoring the not having kids thing with my pjs and old movies. Just figured you'd want to know I wasn't wasting it! :)

  5. thelumberjackswifeJuly 20, 2010 at 2:45 AM

    Thanks-I just changed it. That is creepy-gross!

  6. We missed you very much this weekend my darling ....praying for you

  7. I love little dude's song and smoochie face--but you need to update his age on the sidebar so he won't be eternally 1 7/8, even if you want to keep him that age on some days. Thanks for the smile today :)

  8. Thanks for always making my life sound so simple and quiet! I hope you feel better soon!

  9. How come HD put on a too-small size of jammies and looks svelte?? When I put on a too-small size of anything, I look the opposite of svelte.


  10. Yes. Sick is no fun with kids. I didn't realize that sick was fun until after I had them. Good job warning people!

    Hope you feel better!

  11. So I've noticed lately that Little Dude has quit crying for pictures! I figured out trailer but would never have interpreted flip flops!

  12. If only flab, tummy or other variety, were something from which we could recover, like your eye malady.

  13. So... when I started reading this I thought you were going to say- "Last night, I ingested two Tylenol PMs and a couple of swigs straight from the BRANDY bottle."

    And I'm my head I was like- "Oh, Taylor!"

    I think I need more sleep. And so do you. Get better fast.

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  14. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 20, 2010 at 12:46 PM

    So, yesterday Maddy's eye was super-pink and I was freaking out thinking she was getting pink eye. So I forced my saline contact eye drops into her eye before bedtime just because I figured it couldn't hurt. This morning it was better and I forced more drops in her eyes. Could it be that those drops actually helped?? Or was it a total coincidence?? When I read a couple days ago or whenever it was that you had to pry your eye open and then I saw Maddy's eye I was very concerned. But so far, so good! Get better, dear friend! If you weren't a million miles away in Ruralville, I might drop off something to make you feel better; but alas, you are just too far.
    I've heard playing pinochle helps people feel better...... :)

  15. You just called me a dork and I feel so loved! Because you only call the people you love names, right?

  16. Hope you feel better soon!!

  17. Wow, I was right about the pink eye! I feel bad that I was right, though, because the pink eye is the stink eye.

    And good advice about the pre-mommies needing to completely spoil and pamper themselves when they're sick. Your description almost sounded like a vacation to me. How sad is that?

  18. So sorry you're sick! I love Little Dude's smoochie face.

  19. Hello partner in sickness. This must be a new trend. Getting pink eye when your sick. I had a little boy with a fever for a WEEK. He was cuddly, snuggly, and not once loud or crazy for a week. He ended the fever and has sinus inf and pink eye. Then because this is the only time I can hug,snuggle and love on my crazy boy>>>>> You guessed it I have strep throat, pink eye in both eyes. Only 3 days with the fever. I sure hope you feel better soon. Hope your LJ takes good care of you.

  20. Try and get some rest!! Maybe you should send everyone off to the Ribber in the Trey-war with your parents! Interesting thought, is it not?

    Feel Better!

  21. I think you need to send the LJ and LJings camping for the weekend and you stay home and have that movie/comfy clothes/ice cream thing you need.

  22. Sorry you're not feeling well!

    I thought by the title you were going to have a stomach bug, and therefore be quite svelte as a result!

    Silly me!

  23. Ugg, that sounds terrible! I hope I never get sick...ever!

    Have fun at the river- and very cute picture on your header :)

  24. ooh my gooooodness! I have strep throat! Yes, that's what it was. I lived with it for a whole week without medical intervention because you truly can't rest when you are sick with kids. NOW i'm freaking out, because what if I have pink eye too?! It seems to be coming in pairs. Do I have pink eye? How do you know? My eyes have been hurting/itching but I just assumed it was because I ran out of fresh contacts (again) and haven't gotten around to dragging myself to the eye doctor because my kids have the flu and I have kids....AHHHHHHHH!

  25. Get well wishes for you.
