Tuesday, July 13, 2010

She is Just. Too. Popular.

Today is my little sister, Meagan's birthday.

She is now 25 whole years old.

In honor of her special day, I would like to share with you my favorite memory of my sister.

If I may be so inclined.

Back in the early 90's, this was me and my siblings:

I am the one with the giant leg straddling the couch, my brother, Danny, is the cool dude smack in the middle, and my sister is the little one in pink.

And, I would like everyone to know that to this very day, whenever my siblings and I have conglomerated, we jump right into that position for a fun family moment.

We are that close.

It was around this time that I was about 12 years old.  My brother was 10.  My sister was 8.

When I was 12-ish, life was not so easy for me.

I had started to put on weight and was smack dab in the middle of those fabulous junior high years, complete with pimples, periods, perspiration, pudge, portliness, pouting,  and, of course, friend drama.

Well, one night at dinner, we were all conversing and having a jolly good time when we noticed my sister had dropped her fork and was loudly sobbing into her food.

Us:  Meagan!  What is the matter?

Meagan: *sob*wail*sob*wail*sob*

Us:  Meagan!  What happened?

Meagan:  I just had a really bad day at school.

Boy, could I relate.  Every day was hard for me.

I took another heaping helping of my mother's delicious home cooked food, and gave my sister my full attention.

Us:  Well . . . what happened?

Meagan:  I am just SO popular!

Now, this statement made me stop eating.

Meagan:  Everyone follows me around begging for me to play with them, and I just can't do it!  I have too many friends!  I am just too popular!


I ain't gonna lie, folks.

My former 12-year-old chubby self became miffed, yes, miffed at my sister that night.

Here she was complaining about too many friends and I had been contemplating paying people to befriend me.

Oh, for the drama of puberty.

Good times.

I think during that time I was slightly jealous of my skinny little sister.

She was so little . . . so cute.

I was not so little and looked remarkably like my cocker spaniel.

Brace yourselves for the next picture.





And now, dear readers, if you could just humor me for a moment, I would like to write young Taylor a little poem . . . from old Taylor.

"Those shorts are no good.  Those shorts are too tight.

Say no to the button fly.  It just ain't right."

Thank you.

This promise I make to you:  As God is my witness, I shall never wear button-fly pants again.

Happy Birthday, Meagan!


Your older-wiser-zipper-wearing sister.


  1. Oh the button fly! I had an awesome pair of white Bongo button fly jeans :-)
    Happy Birthday, Megan!!

  2. :) It sounds like you all had some great times together. Looooove the photo darlin'. Thanks for ditching the button fly (LOL)

    Happy Birthday to your lil' sis from the goofy southern family.

  3. In the mid-nineties I was continuously pregnant. Thankfully maternity clothes did not have button flies.

    And I think your jr-high self was just a tad harsh. You were as cute as 12 year olds can be.

  4. Don't you just love memories like those? I don't know what I'd do without my sisters!!

    ♫♪♫ Happy Birthday Megan!!♫ ♪ ♫

  5. Okay, I was totally digging your button-fly pants. And I'm pretty sure they were a'propro for the time. Especially if you were a fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...they look a little like the standard Oompa Loompa uniform. Which was totally cool. I think...

  6. God Bless you Tay I love you . Thanks for making me laugh on a daily basis:)

  7. Yeah...if the styles of the late 80s/early 90s ever come back, I will NOT be participating. They were bad enough back then...even worse now!!

    I'm hearing you about JR high. I didn't have to worry about weight, but you can't believe the feathered hair, braces wearing, pink glasses sporting, no boob having body I dealt with.

  8. HEY, I actually remember hearing this story a couple of days after it happened. Poor Megs...She was so serious about it, too. I think you and Danny
    got some serious mileage out of that one!!!

    However, while I do understand pubescent angst,
    you were a total cutie-pie always. Those of us who know and love you had no doubt about it!!!


  9. Thank you for the birthday post, sister Maliblahblah.

    And wow, I really don't think I will ever live that one down. Being popular can be just as much of a curse as not being popular. My entire life is evidence of that :)

    Thanks, everyone!

  10. Lol! That's such a funny story. Happy Birthday Meagan!

  11. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 14, 2010 at 8:09 AM

    Aww....well, the 90's were a tumultuous time for us all. I only wore button fly jeans that I would buy out of the boys section. That was the ONLY jean for me. Poor, lost me. What were we to do? They(whoever they was) said it was cool to wear those button fly's. We are now older and wiser and you can poke your cute little sister's eyes out for being just too darn special. By the way, I do believe you are quite popular nowadays. No worries about that anymore!! :)

  12. Dear 12 year old Taylor-

    You are so cute. 12 is nobody's favorite age. And guess what? You will grow up and marry your lumberjack sweetheart even tho he rarely smiles and you will have the most adorable little children and you will have a fun, funny blog and everyone in blogville will want to be your friend. When they read your blog they will feel like they already are. So don't you worry 12 year old Taylor-your day is coming.

    A future friend

  13. Oh, the poems we can write.
    I should send you some of them that I write for my friends at work!

  14. Is no one mentioning the extra kid in the background? Happy B day Meg

  15. Sisters are so special... especially the little, skinny ones. Darn them.

    Happy Birthday, Megan!

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  16. what on earth is wrong with my chin in that picture?!?
