Thursday, July 15, 2010

Goober Parent Update, Fiber Edition.

It has been awhile since I had a chance to post one of my silly "Goober Parent Updates."

But . . . . last night.

Last night was just too good with so many funny happenstances that I must share with you today.

Interruption:  I love my parents.  They know about this blog and I am posting this with permission.

We celebrated my sister, Meagan's, birthday last night.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can reckon which gal who writes a pointless blog made that there cake.

The following Goober Parent Conversations all took place around dinner time.  They occurred over the course of about 2 hours, so this is the condensed, Lumberjill version.

The cast of characters are as follows:

My Mom and Dad, aka Connie and Grant

My sister, Meagan.

My brother, Danny.

My sister-in-law, Tonya.  (Danny's wife)

My husband, David (aka Lumberjack, aka LJ)

And yours truly.



Meagan:  I think I am going to have to start buying my own food if I live here for a while.

Me:  Why?

Meagan:  The fiber!  Do you know how much fiber these people eat?

Me:  Ha!  From Weight Watchers?

Meagan:  Yes!  Everything they eat has like 200% of their daily value of fiber.  Whenever I come here it takes me like 2 weeks to get it all out of my system.

Mom:  Laugh all you want.  We are losing weight.

Dad:  Yeah.  Quiet.

Mom:  (laughing, snorting, laughing) This week at the Weight Watchers meeting, they announced that Grant had earned his 25 pound pin and the leader asked him to stand up and share with the group just how he does it.  He said, "Well, I don't follow your stupid points plan.  I do my own thing."

Me:  What?  But that is the whole point of Weight Watchers!  The points.

Dad:  I don't need to follow no plan.

Mom: (snort, snort, chuckle, chuckle) The leader didn't know what to say!

Dad:  Since all of my children are here, I would like to announce that, once again, my computer is all messed up because you people screw around with it.

Tonya:  I have never once touched your computer.

Dad:  And I thank you for that.

Danny:  Dad.  Why do you think we are always messing with your computer?  I haven't been here in like 2 weeks.

Dad:  Well . . . somebody touched it and now my hotmail is all messed up.

Me:  Dad.  Just that just mean you were logged out and now you don't know how to log back in?

Meagan:  All I did was check my own hotmail, Dad.

Dad:  Well, I don't know my password!  It is annoying.  I want to be able to see my emails.  Speaking of which, Taylor, your blog is gone.  Why did you stop?

Me:  No.  My blog is still there.

Mom:  This just means it is not longer in the history of the search bar.

Dad:  Well, you people need to stop messing around with my computer.

Me:  Dad.  How do you like the Kindle  that Mom got you for Christmas?

Dad:  Well, I don't know.  One of you stole it.

Mom:  Nobody stole it!  It is on your night stand!

Danny:  I like how you just figure we stole it.

Dad:  Well, it is not in the computer desk where it should be.

Me:  Dad.  Do you even know how to use it?

Dad:  No.

Meagan:  Dude!  I spent like 2 hours last Christmas showing you how to use it.

Danny has gotten up and is trying to put something back into the fridge.

Danny:  Geez, Mom.

Danny:  Trying to put something back in your fridge is like trying to play a game of Jenga.

Mom:  (laugh, snort, laugh, snort)  I know!  It's bad in there!

Meagan:  It's all them fiber products.  Lay off the fiber!

Mom:  Oh!  Speaking of fiber!  I need to go to the bathroom now!  (laugh, snort, laugh, snort)  It's catching up with me!

Danny:  Nice, Mom.  Classy.


And that concludes this edition of Goober Parent Update, Fiber Edition.

I would like you to notice that my Lumberjack had zero speaking lines.

That's just how he rolls.

He was probably daydreaming about deer and elk and such.

This is my life.


Before signing off on this delightful Friday morning, I would like to share a few more pictures of my sister's birthday part, if I may be so inclined.

Kids!  Kids are everywhere!

Look!  There they are again!

Are you wondering where Handsome Dude's glasses are?

So are we.

Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday dear Meagan.

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Friday!

Go Team Fiber!


  1. Is that your coffee mate in Mom's fridge or did you get your love from it from your parents? Strange the things people notice in your pictures, isn't it?

  2. Oh I love that chocolate cake!!! You should make me one before I leave.

  3. You are just TOO funny! ;) If I had known fiber was the way to go (oops) I'd have tried that long ago. Must get to the store pronto.

  4. thelumberjackswifeJuly 15, 2010 at 11:26 PM

    Ha! She bought it for me and David. They drink coffee black! :)

  5. Hey - at least your parents can laugh at themselves. My parents would have walked off in a huff 2 sentences into that conversation.

  6. Your parents are funny! Also Lily saw Little Dudes picture and said "AHH, I like him!" I also remember how scared of your dad I used to be. I was pretty sure he disliked me so very much for some strange reason. I would now like to report that I no longer feel that your father dislikes me. Perhaps my children have redeemed me in his eyes. :)

  7. This was so funny! That cake looks like a giant doughnut...mmmmm....doughnuts....

  8. One funny family you've got there!

  9. I love it when I rhyme.

  10. Well, all I've got to say is that too much fiber is WAY better than not enough fiber. Having a good "flow" is the way to go. :)

    Marla @

  11. My mother and I have almost the identical conversation on a weekly basis regarding her email...She will say, "my email is broken' Broken?

    And we have a running joke that if my mom can't find something in the house, like maybe her hairbrush, her first thought is that someone broke in and stole it. Huh?

    I've told my kids to keep an eye on me. My DNA is worrisome!

  12. Haha! This kinda made me miss my family. I've never thought about writing down the conversations we have before, but they would definitely be something like this. :-)

  13. YOU made the chocolate cake! Do I get the 100 meaningless points?? : )
    LJ was a smart man staying out of that conversation, lol!
    I think it's great that your parents can laugh at themselves and let you post a blog like this WITH their pictures included! HaHa!

  14. My dad accuses one of us of screwing up different aspects of his life weekly. We've gotten so used to the accusations we're now all working on different ways to ACTUALLY screw up different aspects of his life. Bwahahaha. I'm now thinking I should log him off his email and see how long it takes him to figure it out. Evil? Nah...I'm just a bored housewife. :)

  15. HAHA! I think pop just came out of my nose from laughing! This made my day! Sounds about like what my house would sound like if all of us kids were together with our parents!

  16. It's been awhile since I have read your blog. I am trying to catch up. So glad though that the first post was about my favorite family member!

  17. I just spent 5 days with my parents. I think the goober thing is generational. I have enough on them now to write a book. I've missed your blog. I'm way behind. I'd catch up now but you exhaust me... I'll have to ease back in.

  18. I love that you make me laugh. Thanks!

    Your family sounds great! What fun.

  19. Love it. Hysterical. Sound just like your dad. I know it's a bundt cake but the photo it just looks like the world's biggest donut. Thanks for sharing. Who dared put Coffeemate in your dad's fridg? He issued a proclamation last year deeming it forbidden to cross his threshold.

  20. Your dad sounds a LOT like mine! And like my husband too for that matter!

  21. Okay, Taylor, I'm all caught up again!

    You are funny as always. It's nice to read your nuttiness on a friday when I'm exhausted and feeling cranky!

    A cheerful heart is good medicine!

  22. Gosh, mom and dad are off the charts.

    This post inspired me to make a few changes on their computer. They now have two home pages, your blog and hotmail. But I am concerned because they open up on seperate tabs and I am doubting dad will figure out how to navigate the two. In an attempt to help with this I have added your blog and hotmail to their Favorites bar. Again, I doubt they will figure this out. I will write dad a note to explain it, but that probably won't help either.

  23. This is great. Your mom was talking about the fiber talk with Megan. It is great to hear it from your point of view as well. I think your family dinners would be loads of fun!

  24. HAHA! You had me laughing out loud with this one... isn't it funny how families have just random and hysterical conversations that bounce around? My family has had conversations just like that. Oh, life.

  25. Taylor!! Your dad blames you all for breaking or stealing stuff because that's what he and your uncles did to Poppy!!!! (At least that's what Pops always claimed!!) Yup, if something didn't work or was missing, it was always one of us kids. The boys always got blamed for "borrowing" stuff and never returning it
    ...and life goes on:)

  26. Taylor, this was way to funny!! Now, as far as whar your Aunr Shirley said, I can attest to the fact that neither your dad nor myself ever ever tokk, borrowed or broke any of poppy's things!! (cuz if we did we'd be accused of taking it, so it was not worth it) Must have been Uncle Glen who was the culprit. Just way too funny!!!!!

  27. Hilarious! My mom is the same way- she thinks if she is logged out of her AOL, then it's broken;) She's always afraid that she's going to break the computer if she closes out of a ;)
    Goooooo team fiber- haha. Love it.

  28. [...] Who You Are Goober Parent Update, Fiber Edition. [...]

  29. I love the jenga refrigerator comment ! That cracked me up!

  30. your family is hilarious!
    Your dad is awesome, telling Weight Watchers what for!
