Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Looking like a fool with your ants on a log.

As many of you fellow moms know, there are some days where you simply must knock the socks off of your kids and impress them with your super-rad-mama-skills.

Yesterday was one such day.

Apparently my kids lead a snack-deprived life.

I became aware of this yesterday when I made for them the famous old "ants on a log" snack.

You see, dear readers, Lumberjill rarely has celery on hand, seeing as how The Lumberjack despises celery and all forms of it thereof.

But, as fate would have it, I had to buy celery for a new salad recipe (of which my husband would not even try . . . he is such picky-pants) and I needed to find a use for it.

So, whilst I was feeding my darlings their lunch, I started creating "Ants on a Log."


I am sorry!

Are you not aware of this super-secret recipe?

Allow me to enlighten you:

Celery sticks.

Spread them with peanut butter.

Top with a few raisins.

Ants on a Log

Tricky stuff.

So, I give my kids this snack.

And this is the conversation that ensued:

Sweet Pea:  Mom!  These are awesome!

Daisy Mae:  Look!  I am eating ants! *chuckle, chuckle, giggle, giggle*

Sweet Pea:  Mom!  I have the bestest idea.  You know those ladies at Walmart that stand at the table and give out snacks.  You should sell these like the ladies at Walmart.

Daisy Mae:  You would be so rich!

Me:  Handsome Dude . . . do you like them?


Are you wondering where Handsome Dude's glasses are?

Wonder no longer.

Badda-Bing!  Badda-Boom!

That's right.

Found his glasses in 0.4 seconds.

Look at me my bad self.

Handsome Dude:  No!  These wee yuck!

Handsome Dude:  I no like eat ants.

Me:  Ok.

Handsome Dude:  I want eat grapes.  No ants.

Me:  Ok, dude.

Handsome Dude:  Grapes.

Me:  Ok.

Allow me to interpret:  grapes=raisins.

Me:  Little Dude, do you like your lunch?

Of course Little Dude likes his lunch!

Little Dude:  Mo!  Mo!

Allow me to interpret:  Mo=More.

Keep up, people!

Little Dude did not, however, like ants on a log.

Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae enjoy this snack thoroughly.

So much so, that they made a song for us to all enjoy, in praise of the snack food item.

Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae:  "Ants on a log, ants on a log.  Looking like a fool with your ants on a log!" *giggle, chuckle, giggle, chuckle*

(Name the real song)

Tell me something you make your kids that they sing your praises over . . . or suggest you give out samples of at Walmart?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. My super fantastic, super secret Peanut Butter dip

    Here's the secret...I heat up PB in the microwave for a few seconds to make it dipable. So much for hours spent making homemade ANYTHING!

    Fact: I made #3 homemade mac-n-cheese because mac-n-cheese is one of the three foods he will eat. He proceeded to ask where the "REAL" mac-n-cheese was....meaning the $.33 box of Kraft, because, really mom, this stuff just isn't as good. blink. blink blink. I love you #3. That is the only reason you are still breathing.

  2. Bask in the glory of your awesomeness today, because once those kids become teenagers your coolness and intelligence factors will be reduced to nil... nada....
    On the other hand, you do have plenty of photo's of them to get your revenge with..
    Hope you are feeling better today - it has been a long time since I have had ants on a log and it sounds really good to me right now!

  3. I love it when the kids think we are the awesomest.

    I would've thought that the b0ys would have loved it for the simple fact that they got to eat "bugs". Hee hee.

    Look out Walmart!!!

  4. I did apples with peanut butter the other day and Princess thought I was all that and a side of grits. Can't believe how easy it is sometimes. I should try ants on a log with them. Oh, and the song is "Pants on the Ground," and my Prince will randomly burst out singing it really loud. Such is my life.

  5. I think she's got it all figured out... You would be a millionaire, for sure.

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  6. My kids have two things that I can make and they're in heaven... first is my "cheese ball" that always looks more like meat-loaf (sans ketchup). They LOVE that stuff... then my homemade pizza. I make my own crust, and sauce - and they help with topping choices and cheese.
    the song is "Pants on the Ground"! Also - Ants on a Log sounds oddly like something my kiddos would thoroughly enjoy!

  7. My son LOVES, LOVES, LOVES fish sticks, frozen out of the box. Yes, that's what I can sell for samples at wal-mart. I will need to try ants on a log, because we never has celery, I do not like it, but will buy some to see if I can be as awesome a Taylor. :o)

  8. Instant chocolate pudding poured into individual graham cracker pie crust s with a dollop of whipped cream on top. I made this when the girls had friends over and one of the friends told me, "You have GOT to give my mom this recipe!"

  9. Mostly getting my kids to eat anything is a huge struggle. Unless it's pepperoni pizza or Kraft mac n' cheese. However, usually they LOVE it when I roast chicken with gravy and garlic mashed potatoes and peas, and their fav snack is apples and cheddar. Monday night I asked my youngest how she liked her dinner (enchiladas) and she said, " Well, it tastes better than butt!" Tuesday night I asked my oldest how she liked her dinner, (french dip sandwiches with homemade rolls(cuz I ran out of hoagies)) and she said, "It's good, other than the fact that the bread tastes more brickish than breadish". Such a lie.

    Anyhoo, I would love to teach you how to sew. :-) If Ruralville is anywhere in the neighborhood of North Central WA, we should set up a sew-date. :-) Haha!

  10. My children would never dream of suggesting such a thing! :) However ... my grandson, Drake, thinks I make the BEST chicken in the history of poultry! His mom wonders why she cannot make chicken as wonderful as mine! (She doesn't liberally coat hers with BUTTER!)

  11. Howdy! No time to post anything thoughtful or witty, but hello anyhow!

  12. My kids like that snack too which I think is weird. Celery, peanut butter and raisins is just an odd combo.

    My kids like the Monster Cookies I make. http://ourfrontdoor.squarespace.com/in-the-fridge/2008/10/17/monster-cookies.html
    Again, I think this is weird. They're good, but there are so many cookies I would choose over them.


  13. Bahaha... the 3rd picture of Handsome Dude cracks me up!! You never fail to make me smile! ..... See? :)

    Also, when I saw your post title I QUICKLY clicked on the link. I happen to think any reference to the pants on the ground song is hilaaaarious (annoying nasal voice).

    Why is it that you are one of the only people I can comment freely and feel no judgement? Because you are nice... Most other people are not. That is all.

  14. jigglers

    sandwiches cut out with cookie cutters (essentially the extent of my crafting ability)

    moose lips (apple slices spread with pb and a couple of mini marshmallow added for 'teeth'

    anything served to them on a tray-don't we all love that?

  15. Food.... you didn't really ask me that did you? ;)

    I won't be a blog "stealer", but we did have Super Fruity Smoothies this morning. Prince Charming calls them "moo-moothies". Here's the recipe


  16. Graham crackers filled with cool whip and frozen. I have even found chocolate crackers and have been known to add fresh fruit to the cool whip before filling the crackers. My kids eat these better than ice cream sandwiches.

    Yes, feel free to invite others to share our weight loss journey. The more the merrier!

  17. My kids like my homemade MAc & Cheese the best.
    Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground.
    So sad I had to be like the 4th person to know the song. I wanted to be the 1st super cool person who gets points:)

  18. It's hard to find something that all my kids like equally. Loren, the oldest, likes my potato soup and sour cream chicken paprika. The girls just like sweets. Which I have a hard time making gluten and sugar free!

    My kids like to sing "Pants on your face, pants on your face, lookin' like a fool with your pants on your face!"

  19. I know that I have been called the best mom in the world more than once or twice but for what? I have no idea.

  20. When I moved to a house with fruit trees, specifically pomegranates, mulberries, yes, mulberries, and apricots and my two-year old figured out he could get food right off a tree in the yard he was ecstatic. He thought that was the greatest invention of all time next to Transformers. But the fave is milkshakes with lots of milk. Once I made twice baked potatoes and he did declare them to be the bestest thing ever also.

  21. so, so cute and clever. i am l.a.m.e when it comes to fun snacks. my kids love "squeezy cheese". it's not even real cheese, but boy is it fun!

  22. My kids love "spicy ricey"....ground beef, taco seasoning, tomatoes, salsa and rice.....THE BEST THING EVER. By the way, my kids are 25 and 22.

  23. Gee, I wonder if they'd like them with cheese too?

  24. It's so funny how they go crazy over the littlest things! So glad they got to experience "Ants on a Log"! :D

  25. I make really good oatmeal :)
