Friday, July 16, 2010

It's not a tumor!

(Name that movie)

Ok.  Really what I should say is,

It's not a donut!

That cake, my friends, is scrumptious.

How dare you all question its deliciousness and tell me it looks like a giant donut!

Just for that, I am telling you the recipe.

But not in this post.  Wouldn't be appropriate.

But the cake post is coming, my friends.

Oh, yes.

It is coming.

And  you will like it.

Fun Fact:  Bimlissa's husband thought this cake was so excellent that he went and bought her a Bundt pan so she could make it as well.

So, there.

Can we not all agree that the word Bundt is super weird?

Moving on.

We've got some ground to cover, dear readers.

I hope you've got your party pants on.

1.  COW! (Comment of the Week)

Gladys is back and she is ready to announce the winner.

This week's winner goes to Sister Meagan with her comment on "Goober Parent Update, Fiber Edition."

"Gosh, mom and dad are off the charts.

This post inspired me to make a few changes on their computer. They now have two home pages, your blog and hotmail. But I am concerned because they open up on seperate tabs and I am doubting dad will figure out how to navigate the two. In an attempt to help with this I have added your blog and hotmail to their Favorites bar. Again, I doubt they will figure this out. I will write dad a note to explain it, but that probably won’t help either."

Sister Meagan does not have a blog . . . yet.

I think she has a hankerin' though.

Everyone please shout, "Hi, Meagan!" at your computer-ish devices.

*Thank you*

2.  Sister Meagan is nicknamed "MegaTech" in our family, because she truly is the only person who understands all this computer nonsense.

Allow me to share with you a recent phone conversation between Miss Meagan and I.

Meagan:  Mom and Dad just really frustrate me.

Me:  Why?

Meagan:  I mean, they buy their computer and they don't take the time to enter in the Microsoft product key.

Me:  Oh!

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess which sister of MegaTech also forgot to enter in her Microsoft  product key upon purchasing a new computer?

Meagan:  So lame.  I think I am going to drive out to your place and use your computer for a couple of hours.

Me:  Well . . . before you make the journey out to Ruralville, I think it is fair for you to know that I also neglected to enter in my product key.

Meagan:  Seriously?

Me:  Yes.  But I do have all the paperwork that came with my computer and you are welcome to look through it and fix it for me if you'd like!

Meagan:  That's ok.  I'll figure something else out.


Dear Meagan,

Please drive out to Ruralville and fix/repair/install the following issues on my computer:

*Adobe Photoshop

*My new printer


*Google Earth

*Microsoft Office

And, since you made the drive and all, please organize my photos, show me how to upload videos to my blog, and teach me how to move my blog to its own website so I can be that much cooler.


Your Goober Sister.

3.  Yesterday, I took all 4 kids to 2 of my doctor's appointments.

You see, dear readers, when you live out in the middle of nowhere, you must perform insane, crazy acts, such as two doctor's appointments in one morning with 4 children while fasting for 12 hours and having NO coffee.

I would like to report that on yesterday, the sixteenth day of the month of July in the year Two Thousand and Ten in the year of our Lord, my children, yes, MY CHILDREN, were so well-behaved that they received compliments on their well-behaved-ness from both doctor's offices.

And, yes.

Pigs can now fly.

4.  I would also like to report that we made it through the day with only one person inquiring of me if all 4 children were mine?  Did they come from the same dad? 

And was I sure the Little One wasn't adopted?

5.  Since my children were heavenly angels sent from above, I decided to take them to the beach with Holly, Lisa and the little cousins.

When Lisa arrived, she was towing a wagon full of beach gear.

Interruption:  Can we not all agree that the amount of gear one must take to the beach when travelling with small children is ridiculous?

After she emptied her wagon, she carelessly, yes, carelessly, left it unattended by the shores of the lake.

Me:  Wait!  You had better move that!

Lisa:  Why?

Silly, Lisa.  She does not have boys.

Me:  Because my boys will see that as a giant sand toy and start loading it up with sand.  Plus it has wheels, so, therefore, it must be moved.

Lisa:  I'm okay with it.

I kid you not, people.  Within 30 seconds, my boys started filling that wagon with sand and haulin' it all around the beach.

Because, naturally, that is what you are supposed to do with wagons.


He is quite handsome.


He is uber strong.

And muscular.

Not to be outdone, here is Little Dude flexing his . . . . "muscles."

Me:  Dude!  You may NOT throw rocks!

Handsome Dude:  I not!

Me:  Put it down!

Handsome Dude:  Why?  Because I make Ha-Ha (Daisy Mae) go to the hospital?

Me:  Yes.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess just how much that little trip to the ER cost.

Hint:  It is a 4 digit number.

Happy Weekend!


  1. You are a truly adventurous soul! You and your beach trips!

  2. I love everything about this post. Donuts are scrumptious, thanks for bringing them up. Now I will want one all day :). The cake looks scrumptious too and I will be looking forward to the recipe!!I too have not entered my Microsoft product code, although a little box pops up every time I try to open it. I just hit cancel and move on. If you find out where this little code is located would you fill me in? :)

  3. Are you quoting My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Because I don't remember the donut part but they do have a long discussion about that cake! I love that cake and you have talked about it for two days's only fair that you make me one and drive it all the way out here to me. :-)

  4. Arnold said it...but I'll be ding-danged if I can remember the movie. UGH!

  5. Hmmm.... Kindergarten Cop?
    Also - Taylor, look away please, have Meagan step up to the screen... ok - Meagan?
    I'm so sorry you are stuck with such technically challenged folks! I know your pain, as I have had to weekly fix my mothers computer over the phone since I moved... Thank goodness my daughter is moving in with them and can now provide personal technical support. Seriously though, Taylor really needs your help, because we do so want her to be one of the cool kids... Thanks, put Taylor back on now...
    Taylor - I think Sister Meagan will be helping you now ;)
    Happy Saturday...

  6. Going anywhere with little kids is exhausting due to the amount of stuff that must be hauled with... My husband has very similar complaints about parents and computers. I stay out of it, because I would get mean... he's endlessly annoyed, but at least manages to not get mean, although I get to hear the rant once he's done. How come if he says something it comes accross as annoyed teasing, but if I say the same thing I'm evil and mean?! I don't get that.

  7. That is our favorite quote of all time! Quite an accomplishment to go to the dr's with your kids behaving!

  8. I'm with Mindee : )

    We had a little nothing trip to the ER this summer...0 tests, 0 blood work, 0 x-rays, 5 whole minutes with a dr. who looked like he was 12...also a 4 digit number. Seriously insane.

  9. Uncle Buck? Are you old enough for that one? You can throw rocks at your sister in Canada 'cause a trip to the ER is free. Just sayin'. :)

  10. Glad to hear your children where so well behaved. That is always good news:)

    Thanks for asking about the house. We went ahead and did the home inspection and then at the very last minute the bank came back and said no we cannot have it for that amount. So we paied for a home inspection for nothing, and wasted all this time for nothing:(
    We are the 3rd person this has happened to on this home. Crazy!

  11. Yikes, glad we have free health care in Canada. I took my bro to the ER awhile back, doesn't cost a thing and there's no paperwork to fill out, just walk in, get checked walk out.

    There is of course a major downside. When it's free, people are more likely to go there. Meaning we had to wait there for about 4 or 5 hours before he could get looked at!

  12. I'm with joanne. My Mac does came out of the box perfectly ready to use it was awesome.

    I am trying to make a blog for my photography website. It is HARD. Megan, would you do that for me, too?

    Marla @

  13. I can't hear the word Bundt without thinking of the scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding where she put the pot of flowers in the middle!

    Love your beach adventures!

  14. Well, I wanted to come pay the Taylor house a visit, but fear I cannot because I do not sadly enough own a poncho to be sleeping in little Dudes' bed. Oh wait, grandpa was going to sleep there shoot thats right. Maybe grandpa has a poncho for that adventure? It is an adventure, right? I mean sleeping in a bed that gets adventerous people wet, constitutes as an adventure right? For I fear that, that is what my life has come down to are adventures with ponchos, and wet beds. Can I just say that I HATE cleaning up wet beds that became wet because the bed had an um *cough cough* accident. Dang those beds anyway. Hasn't anybody told you about diapers for those beds? I mean, mattress covers. They are for PROTECTING the bed from their OWN accidents right? I mean, that's what they are for in OUR house anyway. That's not what they're used for you say? Oh. Who KNEW?!
