Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dishes crashing, awards given

Happy Wednesday!

I woke up this morning and wrote you all a super helpful post on how *not* to behave as a wife.

You are so very welcome.

I am fully aware that you come to this blog for helpful and pertinent life information.

And I aim to please.

I closed my computer and began to prepare a delightful breakfast for my offspring.

Please look at my kitchen.

I was at the cabinets to the right of the fridge.

Suddenly, the cabinet above the microwave shot open and all of my Christmas dishes (about40 different glass plates, bowls, etc), poured out of the cabinet.

I did what any responsible mother would do.

I screamed and ran in place.

One child, I repeat, ONE of my children came to check on me.

And she did not even seem to care.

Whatever, Sweet Pea.


Apparently the shelf supporting all this fine dinnerware broke.

I did not get a picture of the disaster.

I was not composed at the time.

It was pretty scary!

And just look at what it did to my floors.

Such sadness.

Such despair.

But don't lose heart!

I bring good tidings of blog joy!

I was awarded by two different bloggers this award.

Thank you Magimom and Auburnchick!

I decided to pick a few blogs to share this award with.

I enjoy many other blogs, but just chose a few for today's purposes.

Oh, and I am totes in a hurry, so I am just going to put the link here and not be all fancy like with the hidden linky business.

I am way classy like that.

Lest any of you are confused, totes=totally.

Here are some blogs I enjoy, in no particular order.

1.  Erin from Is it Bedtime yet?

Funny!  Hilarious!  Love her!

2.  Joyce from From This Side of the Pond.

Love hearing all her stories.  She leads an exciting life.

And she never has to cook on Fridays!

I love that!

3.  Sharyl from The Little Brown House

Fantastic craft ideas and recipes.

4.  Angela from Those with Young

Perfect, short, inspiring messages on scripture for busy moms.

5.  Liz from Mabel's House

Love her.

She takes great pictures and is a great writer.

And she also has a dog named Mabel.


(Name that TV show!)

6.  Jill from Jill Boyd's Place

Funny gal with a whole bunch of kids who drives a bigger rig than I!

7.  Mindee at Our Front Door

I love Mindee!  She is honest, funny, and a great friend!

8.  The Lady of the House at

A newer blog I found!  I love her posts.

9.  Katie at So Funny Story

I love popping in and seeing what Katie is up to!

So, there you have it!

Go and see some new blogs!


  1. No, don't tell me this story! I am always worried this will happen to me!

  2. Oh I am so sorry!! That toats sucks...wait..did I use that right? I love new blogs to peruse! Hooray! And also, hooray on your award! You deserve it, lady!

  3. Oh no!
    Hmmm.. on the other hand, good payback for being moved away from civilization might be a new set of Christmas dishes... I'm just sayin.. it might help soothe your fact a new outfit might be needed too..and even a day out with the girlfriends without the kids.. work it girl.. work it..

  4. Oh - and thanks so much for mentioning my blog!

  5. Your blog is fun, funny, and has variety.

    I'm all about all of those!

  6. That.
    For I have always wanted a special set of Christmas dishes but have no place to store them. You had them! And a place to put them!
    Yet they betrayed you and took out your floors in the process.
    Perhaps they were martyring themselves because they know you are opposed to hard wood floors?
    That must be it! Only CHRISTMAS dishes would give of themselves like that.

    Thanks for the award. You are a good friend yourself. ;)

  7. Oh my. When I saw that floor shot my heart hurt for you. And that fact that your ungrateful and self centered children could have cared less about it.

    I am TOTALLY kidding. I was going to go on and on about how they need a lesson but I love them and they are the cutest lil lumberkacks and I cant speak about them that way!

    Now my own precious offspring, well, thats another story. ;)

    Be blessed!

  8. Thank you for your sweet words! I'm honored! And I'm sorry your shelf broke, I live in fear of that very thing. Our kitchen shelves are seriously loaded down. :)

  9. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Check out my blog this morning for my official acceptance speech! :)

  10. Thank you so much, Taylor. I should always think to check your blog on days that I have a lot of hits....and I think that people just really like my writing that day. Pffff!

  11. Thanks sweety! I so love your blog ~ You're real.

    Hope that your floor came through okay - boohoo

    I scream and run in place too - Us "fit throwers" MUST stick together!

    Toodles, The Lady of the House
