Monday, July 26, 2010

Things I Know to be Truth.

I will be posting a camping recap soon.  I am just waiting for a picture from Jason to complete the post.

Everyone please shout: "Hurry up, Jason!"

*Thank you*

This world can sure be confusing.

But here are some things I know to be truth:

1.  My husband loves me.

Proof:  He arranges my 3 pillows specifically the way I like them each night before bed.

And trust me.

When it comes to pillows, I am a picky-pants.

2.  We are now living in a bizarro world. 

I know where 2 out of 3 pairs of Handsome Dude's glasses are.

Their condition is irrelevant.

And Sweet Peas glasses are AWOL.


Bizarro World.

3. Water makes toilet paper do crazy things.

Allow me to elaborate:

 When you are swimming in a lake, you might get a hankering to get out of the water and use the "bathroom", aka glorified OutHouse.

Fact:  Lumberjill does not pee in the lake.  Thankyouverymuch.

Upon entering the aforementioned "bathroom" you might find the conditions less than ideal.

If you are like me, you justify the grossness by placing toilet paper on the seat to protect yourself from the cooties.

This plan is solid.

Unless, you are like me, and forget that you have a wet bum.

Imagine my surprise when I had a hard time prying al the toilet paper off the back of my legs.


Imagine my embarrassment when I have to walk back onto that beach not sure if all the toilet paper has been removed.


It's a good thing I have such a fantastic swimsuit body to distract fellow beach-goers from the toilet paper all stuck to my backside.

4.  The Pioneer Woman loves me more than her luggage.

Do you get it?  Do you get it?

Lest any of you are confused . . . The Pioneer Woman knoweth not that I exist.

5.  I am an idiot.

Again.  Allow me to expand on this concept.

Yesterday as we were driving home from our camping trip, the following conversation ensued between my husband and I:

Me:  The lake is beautiful.

LJ:  Yup.

Fun Fact:  This is a beautiful, as well as large, lake.  Our old house (the one we use as a vacation rental) is on the northern end and you can walk to the beach from the house.  And do you remember how I take the Lumberjacklings to a beach near our house in Ruralville?  Same lake . . . southern end.  Imagine that!  You learn something new everyday!

Me:  Hey!  Look on the top of that mountain!  Isn't that weird that there is one tree that is way taller than the others??

LJ:  Yeah.  That's called a cell phone tower.

Me:  No way!  It looks just like a tree!

LJ:  Yup.  They make them that way.

Me:  Are you sure?

LJ:  Yes, Taylor.

See.  I told you all that you learn something new everyday!

6.  I only ate one cookie while I was camping!  Go me!

7.  My boys are uber handsome.

8.  Handsome Dude is hard to have a conversation with.

Me:  Dude, you need to ask Aunt Lisa before taking a cookie.

HD:  Huh?

Me:  You can't just take one.

HD:  Huh?

Me:  You have to say, "Lisa, can I have a cookie please?"

Handsome Dude looks at Lisa, then looks back at me.



Happy Monday!


  1. LOL - Cell phone towers around here look like saguaro cactus! They are getting so clever, aren't they? Love the beautiful lake! And your funny stories!

  2. Well, you taught me something today too. I never knew they made towers like that either. Who would have thought?

  3. We have cell phone tree towers here too. I am living in the East Coast version of Ruralville. : )

  4. Welcome back... sounds like you will have wonderful camping stories!

  5. That info about the cell phone towers is new to me - and fascinating. I wonder what other devices are lurking in the great outdoors that are not what they appear to be?

  6. I know exactly what "tree" you are talking about! If it makes you feel any better it took me quite a bit of time to figure out that it must be a cleverly disguised cell tower or something. Ok, really my husband had to tell me...

  7. You should just pee in the lake.

    The fish do!

  8. cell phone towers here look like giant metal towers with blinking read lights on top.

    clearly Mville has come catching up to do with Ruralville.

  9. That treeish cell tower is news to me, too!

    My hubby arranges my pillows every night as well, if he gets there first. Only I sleep with just two. :)

  10. Looks like a tree to me!

    Cell phone towers in Texas are just that....towers. I guess down here, as long as it is BIG, it passes off as good.

  11. In Vermont where I used to live and I believe all of VT that is how their cell towers look as well. Around my neck of the woods here just uguly metal towers. Beautiful lake & MT's.

  12. I don't pee in the water either. Absolutely too gross!

  13. Oh - Goodie! Now you get to be the goober. Here the cell phone towers look like pines and palms. If I had a nifty camera like u I would so send you a photo of some. Hurry up Jason.

  14. The cell towers in our area have been a big controversy. Nobody is buying that they can actually look like trees!
    Yes, your boys are extremely handsome...and funny.
    I agree with Erin...who knows if you pee in the lake or not? :D

  15. The toilet paper thing happened to me once too... To add insult to injury we were camping and I had to grab the nearest thing in our tent before excusing myself to the shower house... It was a flannel nightgown... you ever try to take off a wet flannel night gown... I got to the shower house and was trapped in it like a straight jacket... It took me literally twenty minutes to remove... Then I showered and realised I didn't grab a towel or any other clothes so I had to put that same flannel night gown back on my now even wetter body... I had to have my husband cut me out of it when I got back to the tent... not as sexy as it sounds... not that it did...

  16. Hurry up, Jason! HOLLA!!

    P.S. Just pee in the lake. Just do it. DO IT!!

  17. You're boys are "uber" handsome :)

    The Lady of the House

  18. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 26, 2010 at 1:02 PM

    Hey! We just got back from our 3 day camping trip tonight at 6 and passed that very same cell phone tower. Yes, it really is a tower. Apparently the story is that the cell phone company wanted to put a tower there and the good people of the community said "no way jose", and so they agreed to that. Cool, huh? Anyway, love the TP story, I have some killer stories of my own. We'll have to get together again and swap them, ok? :) Maybe we were close to each other out in the middle of nowhere.........

  19. Are you serious? That's a cell-phone tower? Bill will be blown away. I'm blown away.

    Thank you so much for your constant encouragement to me. You're such a blessing to me!

  20. We have a tree tower by me too. Except ours in on the scenic NJ Parkway.

    Your LJ is a keeper. Any man who will arrange your pillows just so every night - Wow!

    And hurry, Jason, hurry!!!!

  21. Fact: You are not an idiot. It totally looks like a tree!

    Here's Jason and I's version of that conversation...
    J: Hey, see that tree that is way taller than all the others?
    Me: Yeah, that's weird.
    J: It's not a tree it is a cell phone tower.
    Me: Oh wow, really?
    J: Yup.
    Is this some kind of crazy joke they like to play on us?

    PS-I am sure the pic is coming soon! :)
