Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weekend Update


This is just a quick reminder that Tuesday is fast approaching.

And I would like to remind all of you that just because I am heading up this Weight Loss Accountability Group, this does not, I repeat, does not, mean I am sailing through this with flying colors.

Remember those pies I made this week?

They were kind of yummy.

So, I would now like to submit that pies, along with exercise, are the devil.

But the pies are a much more pleasant devil.

So . . . Torturous Tuesday is going to be renamed as Fat Tuesday.

Fat Tuesday!

Do you get it?  Do you get it?

Kind of like Mardi Gras?  Huh?  Anyone?  Hello?

The Musician's Wife is making me an html button and I am going to try to figure out who this Mr. Linky is and we are going to pretend we are all fancy-like over here at Lumberjack's Wife.

Do I know what I am doing?

No.  No, I do not.

But it also took me about 6 months to figure out how to rotate pictures, and that didn't refrain me from posting nonsense like this:

So . . . for Tuesday.

Here are the options:

1.  Just leave a comment to check in.  Let us know how you did-Did you meet your goals?  Are you changing your goals?  Did you eat pie when you shouldn't have?  Did you lose weight?

2.  Write a post to link up into this Mr. Linky, if I can figure out how to meet his acquaintance. 

Post Ideas to Link Up:

*Your check-in, or update

*A recipe you like that is healthy

*Snack ideas

*Your favorite foods when you are on a diet

*Your favorite ways to exercise

*How many calories are in pie and a few reasons why one who is feigning to be on a diet should not eat pie right out of the pan at 11pm while making a chocolate cake.

Simmer down, now!

The cake was for a friend.

*And now, for a Weekend Update*

1)  I don't have a mullet.

2)  I had to wear a swimsuit yesterday.

3)  I have not had chocolate raspberry creamer all week.

4)  I am reading Gone with the Wind.  And I love it.

5)  I miss my dearheart friend, Bimlissa.

6)  I miss all my friends.  I live out in the middle of nowhere now.  The Lumberjack has seen my bosom-buddy Amanda more than I have lately.  That's just wrong.

7)  I have been walking some this week.  "Walk, walk.  Power walk.  Walk, walk.  Power walk."  Name that exercise guru!

8)  We are off to clean our darn other house after church today.

9)  Sweet Pea's glasses are still missing

10)   My parent's drove 4 hours one way to go to a store that has a good deal on clothes.  Can anyone else see the humor on this?

Later, dudes!


  1. I love Gone With the Wind. I'm pretty sure it's the best book ever.

    Marla @

  2. 4 hours! Really? I must find out where there is a store that is worth this....

    I am scared of Fat Tuesday.

    Glad you don't have a mullet but we still want to see a pic! :)

  3. You didn't give meaningless points for what show 'simmer down now is from!' If you had, I so would have gotten them. Holla!

  4. Um, mullet or not we should get a picture of you. Just sayin'.

    Did you like Jane Eyre? I'm supposed to be reading it but have yet to start. I usually read easy beachy summer reads. Not dig right in to the literary big ones. Wow!

  5. the domestic fringeAugust 1, 2010 at 8:20 AM

    4 hours!?! I hope they bought a lot.

  6. Missing you, too!! Just think - in a couple months I will be joining you for Fat Tuesdays! But I will not be giving up my creamer or my coffee...

  7. Fearing Fat Tuesday something BIG! I am off the wagon. I repeat "off the wagon".

  8. Leslie Sansone! Sometimes she BUGS me and sometimes I love her. usually during the same workout!

  9. You guys really don't have much luck with glasses over there do you?

  10. Haven't read Gone With the Wind yet, but I finally read Wuthering Heights and spellchecker says that's not a word :(

  11. If you read Gone With The Wind while you're eating out of the pie tin, doesn't that kind of balance out? You ought to get credit for reading a classic novel. Life should balance that way, dontcha think?

  12. Aw, Lord. I may have to join up on this Fat Tuesday situation. Mainly because tomorrow is Tuesday, and I'm still fat. I'm going to quick try to lose 40 pounds by tomorrow, 'k?
    Glad you don't have a mullet and have you checked in the floor vent? Every missing item in my house ends up there. Jack. The 3 year-old. Very fond of the floor vent. :)

  13. Happy Monday.

    As for fat Tues, I re-worked the PW lasagna for ya. Hope you like it ;) Don't let the LJ see you making it though, or you won't be able to trick him.

  14. Leslie Sansone and her walking buddies can inspire...or drive you to insanity. Have you tried the Dancing With The Stars cardio workout? Fun and a great ab workout...strange I usually don't put those two things together. LOL

  15. My advice for weight loss:
    Eat something small & healthy every 2 hours (around 100 calories). This way you constantly feel full w/out hunger pangs.
    Dedicate yourself to 1 full meal a day (500 calories or less) until you start achieving results, then go to 2 meals and so on... if you start gaining, start back at square 1.
    AND, drink lots of water throughout the day, as well as getting in at least 1/2 hour of exercise (a great distracter is to record your favorite shows and then watch them during your workout).
    *Tip - watch your sodium intake, especially during the summer months when the heat makes you retain water.
    For those of us with a sweet tooth after dinner, try Jello-o swirl, sugar free, pudding cups - they're only 60 calories and are delish!

  16. I think your folks just needed a break and wanted to go for a drive!! Unless of course, the store was
    in a wonderful vacation spot!!!3

    Ta Ta.....
