Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Alright, peeps.  We've got to keep this short and sweet.  I am currently sitting in the truck as my husband is driving us into town so we can join his sister and her family for a day of fun in the sun on his sister's boat.

There is only one problem with this scenario:  There is no sun today.

Does this stop my crazykin in-laws?


No, it does not.

We had plans to go boating, and boating we shall go.

On the upside, it is so chill-some that I might just be able to get out of changing into my swimwears.

Only time will tell.


Well . . . hello there, Gladys!

This week's COW (comment of the week) goes to Brenda with her comment on Darn this Blog:

Of course the vest pic is funny, and it is my choice as Jason’s pic because this is the type of thing one brother does to another brother…HOWEVER….the funniest thing about the pic is the look on Holly’s face in the background…you can almost hear her thinking, “am I REALLY sure this is what I want in my life, I mean, sure, I can fake liking huckleberry picking with the best of them, but this, THIS, might just be a glimpse into my future!”

(AAAAANNDDD going along with my music theme this week, this pic would (of course) be…Dude Looks Like A Lady – Aerosmith.)

That gave me a chuckle.  Yes, it did.  Only becausee the expression on Holly's face is the same expression I get often when witnessing my husband participate in activities that are . . . odd.

Of course she is referring to this picture:

here it is sorry it took so long. i did have any internet access

Now, a lot of you got slightly confused and I must rectify your bewilderment immediately.

That picture is of ALEX.

Alex is The Lumberjack's older younger brother.

The above picture was supplied by JASON, but is not of JASON.

Jason is The Lumberjack's younger younger brother.

This is Jason:

Focus, people!

Happy Weekend.


  1. Hadn't noticed Holly's face!! Too funny :-)

  2. Have a great weekend.

    Marla @

  3. That expression never goes away. You'd think we'd adjust or at least stop being shocked, but no.

  4. Dude! Isn't it thundering and lightening and stuff like that over there? Are your crazykins in-laws crazy enough to go out on the water anyway?

    I'll pray for boating mercies for you.

  5. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJuly 31, 2010 at 8:41 AM

    Well, there could be worse days for boating, I guess. Less worries about a nasty sunburn, for example. And less likely to be crazy thirsty, which then makes you have to go poddy, which is not ideal when on a boat, so then gross people suggest "going" in the water, and we've already discussed how that is NOT right. So, look at the upside!! You know me, always trying to help!

  6. Good luck staying out of your swimwear, Taylor! That sounded wrong but you know what I mean. :)

  7. Thank you for posting the Jason picture. It always makes me laugh. I think now you're regularly going to have to post the Alex-in-the-vest picture as well.

  8. *going to the mic with fake tears, hand over mouth in false humility*

    I am so honored! All my life I have dreamed of this moment, the moment when I would join the ranks of other great COWs. I couldn't have done it without the help of others. I want to thank Alex for bravely going where no man should go, Holly for so brilliantly expressing what so many of us wives feel, and Jason for the wonderful photography skills. But most of all I want to thank YOU, Lumberjill, for never failing to make me laugh.

    *sits down with a smug look on face*

  9. I am SO behind on my reading. Love the picture that is too funny!! Nice photograhpy skills of Alex, and I was indeed scared......and still am...... :)
