This is my camping recap that I know you are all dying to read.
Special "thank-you-shout-out" to my super cool bro-in-law, Jason, for sending me the picture necessary to complete this post.
100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess which picture Jason sent me.
Hint: I find it to be the funniest.
Are you ready?
Hold on to your pants, folks. We've got a lot of ground to cover.
We arrived Friday night and set up camp. Lumberjill hates setting up camp. Lumberjill talked Lumberjack out of setting up his giant parachute.
Remember the parachute?

Lumberjack was sad. But Lumberjill found it quite unnecessary seeing as there would absolutely be no rain and our campsite had several trees that provided ample shade.
We had a delightful dinner prepared by yours truly. I made Chicken Taco Salad and Cornbread.
We then sat around the campfire talking about jolly good times and the days of yore until MIDNIGHT and then we went to bed.
I would like to inform you that my boys alternatively woke up at 1:30am, 3am, 4:15am, 6am, 6:02am, 6:05am, and 6:15, for no other reason than to make you feel badly for me.
Day 2
Huckleberry Picking.
I. Hate. Huckle. Berry. Picking.
Because you have to drive up windy, mountain roads to try to find the stupid berries, teeter on the side of a mountain while bushes scratch at your delicate legs, fear for your childrens' lives as they keep falling down the side of the mountain, and fear that a bear might get perturbed that you are taking their berries and come eat you.
You pick berries for 5 hours and you come home with a harvest of 1 cup.
You know what you do with 1 cup of berries?
You put it in the freezer and then you have to go back for more joyous picking so you can attempt to get a gallon. Then you roll your eyes at your husband all year long as he can never decide which food items are "huckleberry" worthy, so they sit in your freezer getting freezer-burned because everyone is too afraid to consume them.
That is why I hate huckleberry picking.
Plus its boring.
Nevertheless, I have married into the strangest family known to man and they live for this sort of thing. We piled up into our "rigs" and head up the mountains in search of those tiny berries that bring me so much grief.
My in-laws are quite strategic about this process.
David (LJ) and Alex.
Looking a little "matchy-matchy" there, aren't you boys?
You may ask, "Taylor. What is your husband doing?"
More on that ridiculousness later.

David: Hey, Alex! Did you bring your gray Carhartts?
Alex: Of course I did, Bro!
David: Did you bring your white t-shirt?
Alex: You know it!
David: Let's wear them for huckleberry picking!
Alex: Sounds good, big bro!
David: Did you know that I have the most wonderful wife in the world?
Alex: Yes. You are truly a lucky guy.

My Ma-in-Law and Daisy Mae, searching for berries.

There's my Lumberjack in all his Tom Foolery again.
He's trying to relay to us in his "secret-code" that he sees deer tracks.

Daisy Mae showing off the bounty.

Disappointing, is it not?

After about an hour of searching, my in-laws are feeling discouraged and dismayed.

The Tribal Council meets to determine our next strategic step.
Notice how I am not a part of this Tribal Council.
This is because:
A) I am not blood.
B) I could care less.
C) I loathe huckleberry picking.
D) I am too lazy to get out of the car.
Do you see that girl in the black?
She's an imposter.
That is Alex's girlfriend, Holly.
She is not blood.
Look at her trying to show me up by feigning to care about those trivial berries.
Boo, Holly.
But, really. I heart Holly.
Sadly (not), we were unable to locate an ample huckleberry harvest, so we went back to camp.
And now, a few, random pictures.

Sweet baby and her daddy.

Do you see that look?
I fear I see that look often.

Do you see that boy?
The one laying flat in the dirt?

Whose boy is that?

Certainly not mine.

He is mine.
I am just going to try to con his father into cleaning him up.
Now, Jason has just recently moved to far, far, away.
My girls did not take this news well.
Me: Jason is moving.
Sweet Pea: What? Why?
Me: So he can live in the same state as Amy.
Sweet Pea: Doesn't Jason know that family is much more important than a girlfriend?
Luckily for my girls, we will still see Jason, along with Amy, quite often.

Hooray for Uncles!

Hooray for Uncles who humor little girls like Daisy Mae and listen to them prattle on and on about who knows what.
Can we not all agree that Daisy Mae's dimples are uber precious?

And hooray for the girlfriends of uncles who agree to be penpals with little girls who will plan on writing letters daily.
Have fun, Amy!
Next, we floated the river.
This goes on for hours and I can't bring a camera.
Hmmmm . . .
Well, Jason jumped off a bridge and cut his foot. Then, he ripped the toenail off of his other foot. We suspect he did all of this so he could get doctored up by Nurse Amy.
So, that's about all that happened on the river float.
When we were done floating, Alex and David decided that they just had to have an ice cream cone at a convenience store nearby. David walked in and was immediately kicked out because he was not wearing a shirt.
Apparently the convenience store clerk is not interested in attending the "gun show."
Did this deter those boys from getting their ice cream?
No, it did not.
Alex stole a puffy vest from Daisy Mae . . .

Apparently the convenience store clerk found that ensemble acceptable.
This post is long.
My apologies.
Are you still here? Hello? Hello?
Ok. So, then we celebrated Jason's birthday:

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Please, Mom.
Enough with the pictures.
Before I sign off, I wanted to share with you a campfire discussion between my father-in-law and I.
Father-in-Law (FIL): Taylor. Do you still write that "Wife of a Lumberjack" Facebook Internet Story Thing?
He is referring to my blog. Of which he does not read. Because he knoweth not where to find it in the tricky web world.
Me: Yes.
FIL: Remember that contest it was in a while back?
Me: Yes.
FIL: How many votes did your blog receive?
Me: I'm not sure.
FIL: Well, I told our friends you won. I guessed you received about a hundred thousand votes.
Me: Oh, no.
FIL: Actually, I believe I said, "Hundreds of Thousands of Votes"
Me: Definitely not.
FIL: Really? That's surprising.
Me: Yeah. My blog doesn't get that many hits. Ever.
FIL: Hmm . . . Are you sure? I thought it was bigger than that.
*awkward silence*
Me: Nope.
FIL: Hmmm.
Darn this blog.
Darn its' embarassment.
Darn it all.
Happy Thursday!