Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weekend Update


This is just a quick reminder that Tuesday is fast approaching.

And I would like to remind all of you that just because I am heading up this Weight Loss Accountability Group, this does not, I repeat, does not, mean I am sailing through this with flying colors.

Remember those pies I made this week?

They were kind of yummy.

So, I would now like to submit that pies, along with exercise, are the devil.

But the pies are a much more pleasant devil.

So . . . Torturous Tuesday is going to be renamed as Fat Tuesday.

Fat Tuesday!

Do you get it?  Do you get it?

Kind of like Mardi Gras?  Huh?  Anyone?  Hello?

The Musician's Wife is making me an html button and I am going to try to figure out who this Mr. Linky is and we are going to pretend we are all fancy-like over here at Lumberjack's Wife.

Do I know what I am doing?

No.  No, I do not.

But it also took me about 6 months to figure out how to rotate pictures, and that didn't refrain me from posting nonsense like this:

So . . . for Tuesday.

Here are the options:

1.  Just leave a comment to check in.  Let us know how you did-Did you meet your goals?  Are you changing your goals?  Did you eat pie when you shouldn't have?  Did you lose weight?

2.  Write a post to link up into this Mr. Linky, if I can figure out how to meet his acquaintance. 

Post Ideas to Link Up:

*Your check-in, or update

*A recipe you like that is healthy

*Snack ideas

*Your favorite foods when you are on a diet

*Your favorite ways to exercise

*How many calories are in pie and a few reasons why one who is feigning to be on a diet should not eat pie right out of the pan at 11pm while making a chocolate cake.

Simmer down, now!

The cake was for a friend.

*And now, for a Weekend Update*

1)  I don't have a mullet.

2)  I had to wear a swimsuit yesterday.

3)  I have not had chocolate raspberry creamer all week.

4)  I am reading Gone with the Wind.  And I love it.

5)  I miss my dearheart friend, Bimlissa.

6)  I miss all my friends.  I live out in the middle of nowhere now.  The Lumberjack has seen my bosom-buddy Amanda more than I have lately.  That's just wrong.

7)  I have been walking some this week.  "Walk, walk.  Power walk.  Walk, walk.  Power walk."  Name that exercise guru!

8)  We are off to clean our darn other house after church today.

9)  Sweet Pea's glasses are still missing

10)   My parent's drove 4 hours one way to go to a store that has a good deal on clothes.  Can anyone else see the humor on this?

Later, dudes!

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Alright, peeps.  We've got to keep this short and sweet.  I am currently sitting in the truck as my husband is driving us into town so we can join his sister and her family for a day of fun in the sun on his sister's boat.

There is only one problem with this scenario:  There is no sun today.

Does this stop my crazykin in-laws?


No, it does not.

We had plans to go boating, and boating we shall go.

On the upside, it is so chill-some that I might just be able to get out of changing into my swimwears.

Only time will tell.


Well . . . hello there, Gladys!

This week's COW (comment of the week) goes to Brenda with her comment on Darn this Blog:

Of course the vest pic is funny, and it is my choice as Jason’s pic because this is the type of thing one brother does to another brother…HOWEVER….the funniest thing about the pic is the look on Holly’s face in the background…you can almost hear her thinking, “am I REALLY sure this is what I want in my life, I mean, sure, I can fake liking huckleberry picking with the best of them, but this, THIS, might just be a glimpse into my future!”

(AAAAANNDDD going along with my music theme this week, this pic would (of course) be…Dude Looks Like A Lady – Aerosmith.)

That gave me a chuckle.  Yes, it did.  Only becausee the expression on Holly's face is the same expression I get often when witnessing my husband participate in activities that are . . . odd.

Of course she is referring to this picture:

here it is sorry it took so long. i did have any internet access

Now, a lot of you got slightly confused and I must rectify your bewilderment immediately.

That picture is of ALEX.

Alex is The Lumberjack's older younger brother.

The above picture was supplied by JASON, but is not of JASON.

Jason is The Lumberjack's younger younger brother.

This is Jason:

Focus, people!

Happy Weekend.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Pie Incident.

(This blog has moved and is now located at

The following post will be brought to you picture less.

For I have none.


Wednesday Night

On Wednesday night, I got my haircut.  I told you all this on Wednesday morning and none of you seemed to notice.  Therefore, I will not show you a picture of the new me.  For all you know, I am now sporting a mullet.





While getting my haircut, I pleaded with my darling hairdresser-friend to please wax my eyebrows, seeing as how I have not had time to maintain the beasts since our move.

She did.  And that was that.

After the haircut, I went to the grocery store to get some items to make some pies.

Yes, that's right.


We were attending dinner at our friends' house and I was in charge of dessert.

And who doesn't like pie?

As I am checking out, the Checker Man stops what he is doing and gasps, "What happened to your eyes?!"

Me:  Nothing.

Checker Man:  Oh. 

*awkward silence*

Checker Man:  So, Sweetie, are you expecting company?  Look at all this fresh fruit!  Bananas!  Strawberries!

Me:  Oh, I am just making some pies.

Checker Man:  Get out!  Do you mean to tell me there is a modern lady out there who actually cooks?  You are amazing.  Most women would just buy frozen pies!

Hmmm . . .

1.  Can we not agree he was weird?

2.  This was my first sign that I was not destined to make pies.

3.  When I got in the car, I looked at my eyes.  It looked like someone beat me.  I think my sensitive-accutane skin did not appreciate the hot wax/ripping paper combo.


In order to get to the dinner on time, I needed to leave my house by 3:30.  You see, we live out in the middle of NOWHERE, and I had to pick up my handsome Lumberjack, plus we had to run some errands before going to dinner.

So . . . 3:30 was my departure time.

I pulled my 2 refrigerated pie crusts out of the fridge.

Fact:  Lumberjill cannot make her own pie crusts.

I get one into the pie pan, but the other rips.  So, I smoosh it all into a ball and try to roll it out.  It is not happening.  Finally I get the crust to kind of spread around the pie pan and pop them into the oven.

One works.  One completely fails.

Who messes up refrigerated pie crust?

Apparently, me.

This, my friends is a problem. I must make 2 pies, for then I won't have enough.  I don't live close enough to a store, plus my boys are napping.

And Mommy Rule #1:  Don't interrupt naptime!

So, I had an epiphany.

I am 29, for the love of Pete.  It is time I made a stupid pie crust.  I start making the pudding for the chocolate cream pie and trying to find the recipe for a pie crust.

Here are all the events that happened in the course of about 20 minutes:

1)  My boys got out of bed and were playing the piano.

2)  I found a recipe for Pioneer Woman pie crust.  But I was out of vinegar.  Who is ever out of vinegar?  Honestly.

3)  I discovered I had been reading the wrong recipe for pie filling and had been creating banana cream instead of chocolate cream.

4)  This is a problem because the other pie I was making was Fresh Strawberry and one of the people eating tonight does not eat bananas or strawberries.

5)  Guess who is now making 3 pies?

6)  Who makes 3 pies?  Excessive, is it not?

7)  The boys have gotten out of bed and are now playing puzzles.

8)  I find a recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook for "Easy Oil Pastry"  Easy!  I like it!

9)  It was a hideous excuse for a pie crust.

10)  I am sweating.  It is like 90 degrees and the oven has been at 450 for like ever now because I keep messing up pie crusts.

11)  Threaten my boys again.

12)  Summon my girls to come help me.  I start Sweet Pea on slicing 4 pounds of strawberries and put Daisy Mae in charge of stirring the pie filling on the stove.

13)  As I am separating the eggs, I kept getting confused and dumping the whites with the yolks and the yolks with the whites.

Oh, the humanity!

Throughout all of this, I just keep laughing and saying, "Mommy is so stupid!"

Finally, I manage to make two pie crusts that somewhat resemble pie crust.  True, they do not reach the entire perimeter of the pie plate.  True, there are holes int he bottoms from stretching.  True, they look awful. 

But can they contain a pie?

Yes.  Yes, they can.

3pm.  My sister calls.

Meagan:  What's up?

Me:  Oh, I am just having pie drama.

Meagan:  Pie drama?  You make pie?

Me:  Nope!  Sure don't.  It's not like its "my specialty."  It's not like anyone cares if I bring pie.  But I decided to make pie today.

Meagan:  What kind?

Me:  Chocolate Cream, Banana Cream, and Fresh Strawberry

Meagan:  Dude.  Why so many?

Me:  I don't know!  It's been a stressful day!

Meagan:  I am sure no one would care if  you picked up a pie from the store.

Me:  I know, I know.  I got to go.

It is now 3:30, my boys never went to bed, I am covered in flour, cornstarch, and berry jiz, and I have yet to figure out how I am transporting the pies that must chill for 3-6 hours.

I am brilliant, am I not?

I try to find the cooler.  It is nowhere to be found.  I call my husband.  It is in the back of the camp trailer and I don't know how to open the back of the trailer.

He has to talk me through it.

I try to find ice.

My husband, unbeknownst to me, used all the ice this morning for his lunch cooler.

I try to find things to transport these stupid pies.

I used a cake carrier, a canning pot, and a frying pan.

It is now 4:15.  I look afright.

I take off my shorts and put on a jean skirt.

Feels too tight, which reminds me that I am supposed to be actually following Weight Watchers.  Next, I put on some capris.  They are funky at the bottom and need to be ironed. 

There is no time for ironing!

So, I put the shorts back on and give each of my girls a wet washcloth and instruct them to "Wash Mommy."

As Sweet Pea is scrubbing my bum, she looks at me and says, "Mommy?  Why didn't you just make cookies?"



Did it have to be that hard?  We were 1 hour later than we originally planned.

So here is your mission if you choose to accept it:


I apologize.  I don't really ever say anything bleepity-bleep.  But, seriously.



Yesterday was a day.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Darn this Blog.


This is my camping recap that I know you are all dying to read.

Special "thank-you-shout-out" to my super cool bro-in-law, Jason, for sending me the picture necessary to complete this post.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess which picture Jason sent me.

Hint:  I find it to be the funniest.

Are you ready?

Hold on to your pants, folks.  We've got a lot of ground to cover.


We arrived Friday night and set up camp.  Lumberjill hates setting up camp.  Lumberjill talked Lumberjack out of setting up his giant parachute. 

Remember the parachute?

 Lumberjack was sad.  But Lumberjill found it quite unnecessary seeing as there would absolutely be no rain and our campsite had several trees that provided ample shade.

We had a delightful dinner prepared by yours truly.  I made Chicken Taco Salad and Cornbread. 


We then sat around the campfire talking about jolly good times and the days of yore until MIDNIGHT and then we went to bed.

I would like to inform you that my boys alternatively woke up at 1:30am, 3am, 4:15am, 6am, 6:02am, 6:05am, and 6:15, for no other reason than to make you feel badly for me.


Day 2

Huckleberry Picking.


I.  Hate. Huckle. Berry. Picking.


Because you have to drive up windy, mountain roads to try to find the stupid berries, teeter on the side of a mountain while bushes scratch at your delicate legs, fear for your childrens' lives as they keep falling down the side of the mountain, and fear that a bear might get perturbed that you are taking their berries and come eat you.

You pick berries for 5 hours and you come home with a harvest of 1 cup.

You know what you do with 1 cup of berries?

You put it in the freezer and then you have to go back for more joyous picking so you can attempt to get a gallon.  Then you roll your eyes at your husband all year long as he can never decide which food items are "huckleberry" worthy, so they sit in your freezer getting freezer-burned because everyone is too afraid to consume them.

That is why I hate huckleberry picking.

Plus its boring.

Nevertheless, I have married into the strangest family known to man and they live for this sort of thing.  We piled up into our "rigs" and head up the mountains in search of those tiny berries that bring me so much grief.

My in-laws are quite strategic about this process.

David (LJ) and Alex.

Looking a little "matchy-matchy" there, aren't you boys?

You may ask, "Taylor.  What is your husband doing?"

More on that ridiculousness later.

David:  Hey, Alex!  Did you bring your gray Carhartts?

Alex:  Of course I did, Bro!

David:  Did you bring your white t-shirt?

Alex:  You know it!

David:  Let's wear them for huckleberry picking!

Alex:  Sounds good, big bro!

David:  Did you know that I have the most wonderful wife in the world?

Alex:  Yes.  You are truly a lucky guy.

My Ma-in-Law and Daisy Mae, searching for berries.

There's my Lumberjack in all his Tom Foolery again.

He's trying to relay to us in his "secret-code" that he sees deer tracks.

Daisy Mae showing off the bounty.

Disappointing, is it not?

After about an hour of searching, my in-laws are feeling discouraged and dismayed.

The Tribal Council meets to determine our next strategic step.

Notice how I am not a part of this Tribal Council.

This is because:

A)  I am not blood.

B)  I could care less.

C)  I loathe huckleberry picking.

D)  I am too lazy to get out of the car.

Do you see that girl in the black?

She's an imposter.

That is Alex's girlfriend, Holly.

She is not blood.

Look at her trying to show me up by feigning to care about those trivial berries.

Boo, Holly.


But, really.  I heart Holly.

Sadly (not), we were unable to locate an ample huckleberry harvest, so we went back to camp.



And now, a few, random pictures.

Sweet baby and her daddy.

Do you see that look?

I fear I see that look often.

Do you see that boy?

The one laying flat in the dirt?

Whose boy is that?

Certainly not mine.


He is mine.

I am just going to try to con his father into cleaning him up.

Now, Jason has just recently moved to far, far, away.

My girls did not take this news well.

Me:  Jason is moving.

Sweet Pea:  What?  Why?

Me:  So he can live in the same state as Amy.

Sweet Pea:  Doesn't Jason know that family is much more important than a girlfriend?

Luckily for my girls, we will still see Jason, along with Amy, quite often.

Hooray for Uncles!

Hooray for Uncles who humor little girls like Daisy Mae and listen to them prattle on and on about who knows what.

Can we not all agree that Daisy Mae's dimples are uber precious?

And hooray for the girlfriends of uncles who agree to be penpals with little girls who will plan on writing letters daily.

Have fun, Amy!


Next, we floated the river.

This goes on for hours and I can't bring a camera.


Hmmmm . . .

Well, Jason jumped off a bridge and cut his foot.  Then, he ripped the toenail off of his other foot.  We suspect he did all of this so he could get doctored up by Nurse Amy.

So, that's about all that happened on the river float.

When we were done floating, Alex and David decided that they just had to have an ice cream cone at a convenience store nearby.  David walked in and was immediately kicked out because he was not wearing a shirt.

Apparently the convenience store clerk is not interested in attending the "gun show."

Did this deter those boys from getting their ice cream?


No, it did not.

Alex stole a puffy vest from Daisy Mae . . .

here it is sorry it took so long. i did have any internet access

Apparently the convenience store clerk found that ensemble acceptable.


This post is long.

My apologies.

Are you still here?  Hello?  Hello?

Ok.  So, then we celebrated Jason's birthday:

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Please, Mom.

Enough with the pictures.


Before I sign off, I wanted to share with you a campfire discussion between my father-in-law and I.

Father-in-Law (FIL):  Taylor.  Do you still write that "Wife of a Lumberjack" Facebook Internet Story Thing?

He is referring to my blog.  Of which he does not read.  Because he knoweth not where to find it in the tricky web world.

Me:  Yes.

FIL:  Remember that contest it was in a while back?

Me:  Yes.

FIL:  How many votes did your blog receive?

Me:  I'm not sure.

FIL:  Well, I told our friends you won.  I guessed you received about a hundred thousand votes.

Me:  Oh, no.

FIL:  Actually, I believe I said, "Hundreds of Thousands of Votes"

Me:  Definitely not.

FIL:  Really?  That's surprising.

Me:  Yeah.  My blog doesn't get that many hits.  Ever.

FIL:  Hmm  . . . Are you sure?  I thought it was bigger than that.

*awkward silence*

Me:  Nope.

FIL:  Hmmm.


Darn this blog.

Darn its' embarassment.

Darn it all.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

By George . . . the house is Peach.

When we were in the market to buy a new house, we looked at a lot of houses.



Some of the houses started to run together and I couldn't remember which house had what.

We looked at the Ruralville house in February.

I distinctly recall it having a large loft, generous living room, and 5 bedrooms with a 6th "spare room."

Turns out I have 4 bedrooms with a 5th "spare room" and a cute, but tiny loft and a narrow living room.

Don't lose heart!

I am not disappointed in my new house.

Nor am I dismayed.

I am, however, getting a little fatigued with the paint color.

Allow me to expand on that thought:

When we first looked at the house, I noticed the house had a lovely tan color painted throughout.

I am not the biggest fan of tans, but they are neutral and not awful, so it was fine.

Personally, I am a big fan of blues and greens.

But that's just me.

So, we looked at the house in February and I didn't see it again until we bought it in June.

As the days have come and gone, I have begun to notice that what I once thought was tan looks oddly like . . . peach.

Tan I can do.

Peach . . . not so much.

And the previous peeps liked them some peach paint.

Every single inch of this house is tan/peach.

Case in point:









And, lest there be any confusion, even the ceilings are . . .


My apologies to you if you love this color.  It is just not for me.

I usually go neutral in furniture color and then go crazy with a blue or green wall.

So, I am currently living in a peach house with tan furniture.

I need me some contrast!

I need me some color!

Sadly, my Lumberjack is a little burnt out on house projects and has informed me that he doesn't want to paint ever again.

Some of you have suggested in the past that I should just tell The Lumberjack we are moving, therefore rendering him helplessly into his hyper-speed-super-do-it-yourself-er guy.

I have bad news.

The Lumberjack informed me that he would like to live in this house for the rest of his life.

My Lumberjack loves this house.

As soon as he gets home from work, he doesn't come in and say "hello," "howdy," nor "how do you do?"

He hops on his 4-wheeler and heads across our vast plantation to retrieve the memory card from his Trail Camera.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what a trail camera is.

Attention "Young-Taylor-Who-Has-Yet-To-Be-Married":  You think you like going clothes-shopping and out for coffees with that boy David Mal-i-blah-blah?  Well, my foolish young girl . . . he is going to do a complete 180 on you and shop for things such as chain saw blades, Rotozips, various forms of artillery and weaponry, shirts with pearly buttons, Carhartts, camouflaged clothing, special laundry soap for the camouflaged clothing, CW McCall albums, and Trail Cameras once you marry him.

So, my main man returns from our rolling hills and pops the card in the computer, shouts with glee . . . yes, glee, at the number of pictures he has on said camera, and begins to pore over each and every one.

"Look, hon!  A buck!"


"Oh, that's a nice one."

"Too many does."

"You know what we need?  More trees and more deer."




That's exactly what we need!

Looks like he has other projects that must be completed before we can tackle this peach problem.


Happy Wednesday!

PS- Lumberjill is getting her haircut tonight!

PPS- I did good on WW yesterday . . . The Fiber!  Oh, The Fiber!

PPPS-Did you vote for the new name?

PPPPS-Still waiting on that picture from Jason.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vote Please

I decided that Torturous Tuesday is not to my liking.

I'm fickle like that.

I have 4 options for a new name and would love your input, even if you are not participating (lame):

1.  Fat Tuesday

2.  Hungry Tuesday

3.  Tuesday Diet Challenge (TDC)

4.  No More Fat Tuesdays

Please give me your input.

I think I might even get all fancy-like and get me an html button and meet Mr. Linky!

Don't pretend you aren't impressed.

Vote now.

Or forever hold your peace.

 PS-you can join in at any time!

Torturous Tuesday . . . Week One

It is Tuesday.

And that means I must start my new diet plan.

For reals. 

Or realz.

Whichever you prefer.  Although I think I am getting to old to use the spelling "realz." 

But that's just me.

Ever since the 6th grade, I have always felt a little . . . plump.  Between the 5th and 6th grades, I put on like 25 pounds.

My button-fly shorts have yet to forgive me.

They had to work hard to cover my expanse.

When I was in the 7th grade, I remember walking into the classroom and a boy started singing:

"1-800-94-Jenny!  Call 1-800-94-Jenny!"

Yes.  He was singing the phone number for Jenny Craig. 

Sadly, I remember calling it.  And quickly hanging up.

I kept putting on weight and reached my highest in the 8th grade.  One night, I had a sleepover with 6 of my bestest friends.  One of them got the genius idea for us to all weigh ourselves and stand in order of lightest to heaviest.

Guess who was the heaviest.

Guess who got laughed at when she got on the scale.

That moment triggered a weight loss "movement" in me and I dropped about 15 pounds by 9th grade, finally feeling comfortable with myself.

I was around this weight when I got married and I am just a couple of pounds over right now.

Here's the thing:  I know I am not overweight.  I am within a healthy weight range for myself.  But I would like to change some of my habits. 

The biggest habit I want to change:  Talking about weight and dieting around my girls.

I don't want them to start feeling like they are "chubby" or "fat" or worry about how they look in a mirror.

I want to set a healthier example for them.  I want to teach them how to make good choices.  I want exercise (groan)  to be a fun part of their routines.

And I would feel better if I dropped about 6 pounds.  (Which is still in my healthy weight range)


Here is my mission.  And I choose to accept it.

For week 1:

1.  Actually follow the Weight Watchers plan.  Novel idea . . . is it not?

2.  Exercise for 30 minutes 3 times.

And, since I am on a low cholesterol diet, the doctor said no beef and no full-fat cheese/dairy.

My long-term goals are to get to a lower weight and maintain it, trim off my tummy chubs, eat a low-fat/low-cholesterol diet consistently, and help my family eat healthier and enjoy exercise.

The Lumberjack will take these changes the hardest.

I fear my main man loves him some Pepsi, ice cream, popcorn, candy bars and chips.

Tough break, Lumberjack.

Tough break.

Alright.  Here are some tips for this week:

1.  You all know how much I love me some creamer.


My friend, Ashlee shared with me this trick:  Thin out the creamer with fat-free half and half to cut down the fat.

Oooooh!  I like it!

2.  My friend Amanda makes these delicious cookies and I will now share the recipe with you.

You are so very welcome.

Chocolate Chip Meringue Recipe:


  • 2 egg whites

  • 1/2 cup white sugar

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Line 2 baking sheets with aluminum foil or parchment paper, and set aside.

  2. In large metal or glass bowl, beat the egg whites on high speed with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar while continuing to beat until they hold stiff peaks. Mix in the vanilla and cocoa on low speed, then fold in chocolate chips by hand. Drop small mounds of the mixture onto the prepared baking sheets, spacing 1 inch apart.

  3. Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven. Turn off oven, and leave the cookies in the oven for 2 more hours, or until centers are dry. Remove from pan and store in an airtight container.

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving  Calories: 22 | Total Fat: 0.7g | Cholesterol: 0mg

 Amanda's tips:  I double the recipe and cook them for an hour then promptly take them out of the oven cool them for a short time then put the in some air tight container and leave the lid ajar a bit so the moisture can escape. Not too long or they lose that delicious gooey effect. good luck. Make sure that the bowl you use to mix the egg whites is very clean and has not oils/butter on it or they won't rise and cookies are weird then.

I made some this very week.  They taste great and give you a sweet fix.

POINTS value:  1 cookie=0 points, 2 cookies =1 point

Also, The Queen of the Brussels Sprouts is having a contest.  She is asking to be challenged to make your favorite recipe healtheir.  Click here to add a recipe that you would like her to lighten up.

So . . . here is where you come in!

Leave a comment or a link to your own blog post stating your goals.  We will "weigh" in every week by saying how many pounds we are up or down.  You don't have to enter in your real weight. 

I know I'm not!

Feel free to also share any tips, tricks, fun exercise ideas, healthy recipes, or snack ideas!

Thanks everyone and Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Things I Know to be Truth.

I will be posting a camping recap soon.  I am just waiting for a picture from Jason to complete the post.

Everyone please shout: "Hurry up, Jason!"

*Thank you*

This world can sure be confusing.

But here are some things I know to be truth:

1.  My husband loves me.

Proof:  He arranges my 3 pillows specifically the way I like them each night before bed.

And trust me.

When it comes to pillows, I am a picky-pants.

2.  We are now living in a bizarro world. 

I know where 2 out of 3 pairs of Handsome Dude's glasses are.

Their condition is irrelevant.

And Sweet Peas glasses are AWOL.


Bizarro World.

3. Water makes toilet paper do crazy things.

Allow me to elaborate:

 When you are swimming in a lake, you might get a hankering to get out of the water and use the "bathroom", aka glorified OutHouse.

Fact:  Lumberjill does not pee in the lake.  Thankyouverymuch.

Upon entering the aforementioned "bathroom" you might find the conditions less than ideal.

If you are like me, you justify the grossness by placing toilet paper on the seat to protect yourself from the cooties.

This plan is solid.

Unless, you are like me, and forget that you have a wet bum.

Imagine my surprise when I had a hard time prying al the toilet paper off the back of my legs.


Imagine my embarrassment when I have to walk back onto that beach not sure if all the toilet paper has been removed.


It's a good thing I have such a fantastic swimsuit body to distract fellow beach-goers from the toilet paper all stuck to my backside.

4.  The Pioneer Woman loves me more than her luggage.

Do you get it?  Do you get it?

Lest any of you are confused . . . The Pioneer Woman knoweth not that I exist.

5.  I am an idiot.

Again.  Allow me to expand on this concept.

Yesterday as we were driving home from our camping trip, the following conversation ensued between my husband and I:

Me:  The lake is beautiful.

LJ:  Yup.

Fun Fact:  This is a beautiful, as well as large, lake.  Our old house (the one we use as a vacation rental) is on the northern end and you can walk to the beach from the house.  And do you remember how I take the Lumberjacklings to a beach near our house in Ruralville?  Same lake . . . southern end.  Imagine that!  You learn something new everyday!

Me:  Hey!  Look on the top of that mountain!  Isn't that weird that there is one tree that is way taller than the others??

LJ:  Yeah.  That's called a cell phone tower.

Me:  No way!  It looks just like a tree!

LJ:  Yup.  They make them that way.

Me:  Are you sure?

LJ:  Yes, Taylor.

See.  I told you all that you learn something new everyday!

6.  I only ate one cookie while I was camping!  Go me!

7.  My boys are uber handsome.

8.  Handsome Dude is hard to have a conversation with.

Me:  Dude, you need to ask Aunt Lisa before taking a cookie.

HD:  Huh?

Me:  You can't just take one.

HD:  Huh?

Me:  You have to say, "Lisa, can I have a cookie please?"

Handsome Dude looks at Lisa, then looks back at me.



Happy Monday!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Because I Started a Diet . . . The Three-Quel.

Imagine that.

This is the third post during my blogging "career" in which I have declared that I am starting a diet.

Perhaps this means I have trouble committing?

It's certainly something to consider.

To catch up:

Because I Started a Diet

Because I Started a Diet . . . the sequel


Herein lies the problem:  I don't really want to change my ways.

And I really, really, really like to eat these:

bigmac.jpg Big Mac image by TonyMontana007

and also this:


don't forget this:


See full size image

and, lastly but not leastly, this:



Such a glorious world full of food that is needing to be consumed.

But, alas.

I weigh no less than I did when I first stated I was on a diet.

And my body is not one bit fitter.

Also, it has been brought to my attention that my cholesterol is high.

So, therefore, from heretohenceforth, I must declare that I am on a diet.


For reals.

Because I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day, I shall not be ashamed to wear swimsuit.

Not a bikini, of course!

Heavens, no!

But a skirted, full-coverage, tankini.


And if they come out with a capri-length tankini, I am so there!

I have a dream that one day, I shall wear a flowy, peasant top and not have innocent bystanders inquire of me if I am expecting my 5th child.

I have a dream that one day, I shall love to exercise.


That last one was a joke.

Who really likes to exercise?

I suppose people who look good in swimsuits and don't get questions as to the current-status-of-their-fertility-while- wearing-flowing-peasant-tops do.


Exercise is the devil.

So, some of you expressed interest in joining me on my new mission.

So get ready.

Figure out your goals.  You dreams.  Your aspirations.

Get a post ready or a comment formulated in your head.

We start Tuesday.

PS- Guess what is currently in my oven?

Chocolate chip cookies.

(not a baby)

But, I promise, they are for our camping trip and I shall only eat seven one.


Yes!  We are going camping!







Does anyone ever get to go to the mall on weekends?

Say hello for me.

Before I head off into the vast wilderness, with my shower and generator of course, I must welcome Gladys back to the blog.

Gladys is looking quite fetching today, is she not?

This week's COW (comment of the week) has to go to Jill.

Jill has now given me the best *unsolicited* homeschool advice to date.

(I am just using the latter half of her comment for today's purposes)

Secondly, grow your hair out very long, almost to your waist. Wear only homemade clothes. Wear striped knee socks with most outfits and declare your style to be eclectic. (I’m a homeschool mom, so I’m allowed to make fun of them, aren’t I?) : )

Third, since you’re homeschooling, every trip out of Ruralville is a field trip. Count it. If you go to the store, have one of the kids count the number of people in line before you. You’ve just had math class. If you go to the lake, you’ve had physical education. I’m pretty sure that every time you say “Holla!” you’ve had Spanish class. See? It’s not as difficult as you think. : )

Classy, Jill.


Go say Holla! to Jill.

I would like to take this moment to remind everyone that no, I am not saying "Hola!," the Spanish word for hello.

I am saying "Holla!,"a super-fun-friendly-joyous way to greet someone.

Focus, people!

Happy Weekend!