Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blogroll, Blunders, and Bovine.



I recently removed my blogroll.


Because I fell behind in updating it.

Then I became confused and perplexed as to who was on there and who was not on there.

Frightened and weak I soon became . . . worried that there were bloggers out there in cyberspace who felt they should be on my blogroll, and sadly, they were not.

So, I removed my blogroll, began to suck my thumb for the first time since kindergarten, and hid in the corner, afraid of what you all might think of me.

But then . . . a stroke of genius hit me.

I will make you do the hard work for me!



Do you have a blog?  Do I stop by your blog?  Would you like to be on my blogroll?

Spoiler Alert:  Being on my blogroll is not exciting.

Take a gander to the sidebar on the right.

If you are not on there and would like to be, please leave your blog address in the comment section of this here post.






(Name that song)

Yesterday, I posted a picture that revealed top secret Lumberjackling information.

Did you see it?

Did you see it?

If you did . . . hush up!

I posted a picture of Handsome Dude having a pentecostal moment and forgot that on the boys' pajamas, my mother-in-law had lovingly stitched on their factual names.

And some of you were able to see the factual names.


That's right, folks.

We had a breach in security over here.

Two darlings, Teresa Dawn and Jennifer discreetly pointed my blunder out for me.

And Teresa Dawn, who must recall that I am, in fact, a complete and utter nincompoop, edited the photo and emailed it to me, allowing me to upload a safe, mistake-free photo to the blog without me having to yell and curse at the computer while attempting to fix it myself!

Go, Teresa Dawn!

Fact:  Lumberjill does not curse.

Go say hello to Teresa Dawn and Jennifer.


I asked for a new COW picture.  I can't decide which one to use.

So, I thought we would have a little votesie.

Because I am certain you care deeply about which picture of a cow I use for the COW.

COW A suggested by The Musician's Wife

This photo is courtesy of The Pioneer Woman.

Don't worry, Ree!

Rest assured . . . you are already on my blogroll.

Lest any of you are confused, Ms. Pioneer Woman knoweth not that I exist.

COW B suggested by Jessy:

mmmm 1

I don't know where this one came from.

I guess it just magically appeared!

So, there you have it!  Two COWS to choose from.

Here is your mission if you should choose to accept it.

Leave a comment and please include the following:

1.  Your blog if you want to be on my blogroll.

2. If you saw my boys' names yesterday, say:  You are a goober.

If you did not see them say:  I am a goober.

3.  Tell me if you like COW A or COW B

Thank you.

Have a splendid and divine Wednesday.


  1. I am a goober!
    And I can understand your cow crisis. I can't choose...

  2. Ummm... I am a goober. I did not see such mentioned item.
    My vote is for cow A, although cow B did make me chuckle :)
    Since I am not schooled in the blogging world I do not even know what a "blogroll" is. Although I do know enough to know that since I do not have a blog I do not need to be on the list!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. 1.) I don't have a blog, but if I did I would want to be on the blog roll. I'm sure that's what all the cool kids are doing.
    2.)I am a goober
    3.)My vote is for Cow B

  4. I vote for Cow A, I am most certainly a goober, and I love being on your sidebar! And even though I already know where you live, I am uber forgetful..

  5. 1. I don't have a blog, but I love reading yours.
    2. I am a goober, but I read you before my coffee most days, so . . . I'll use that excuse :o)
    3. I vote for Cow A, although, Cow B is pretty funny

    Happy Wednesday to Ruralville, from the 'Burbs.

  6. 1) I would LOVE to be on your blog roll - although it isn't as entertaining as yours is! :)
    2) YOU are a goober! But that's OK, cuz I'm old and don't remember what it said!
    3) Definately Cow A! And isn't it funny how so M.A.N.Y. folks know PW aka Ree and she doesn't know us?!? Wonder if that makes her feel weird?

  7. You are a goober... but you already knew that! I have felt sooo special like I know some big secret ever since I saw it. Such a dork!! What I found interesting what that I was straining my eyes to find out the female lumberjacklings' names and I think all I saw was Sweet Pea! Do you call them their nick names in real life?

    I want to be where the cool people are! And that is your sidebar! Hardy-har-har.

    Um.... my blog is http://www.henry-baby.blogspot.com and I promise you it isn't as dumb as this comment is. What I can't promise you is that it won't be 99.9% about my baby... because I am pretty much obsessed with how cute she is.

    I vote for cow # 2. Or you could just alternate back and forth!

    Finally, this probably isn't your style, but I tagged you in my most recent post so if you're feeling froggy feel free to do it!

  8. www.thehappysanitarium.blogspot.com

    I am a goober.

    I vote for cow# 2. Although, they both are great. :-) But cow # 2 is picking his nose with his tongue, so I have to pick him. :-)

  9. thelumberjackswifeJune 30, 2010 at 1:05 AM

    The girls pajamas said Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae. My mother in law is the one who came up with those nicknames and I just use them for this blog. I don't know why she put the girls nicknames on the pjs and not the boys. She does have nicknames for the boys, too.

  10. I am a goober, and I can't see cow B for some reason so the obvious answer to me would be A. And please add me to your blogroll if you so desire cuz you are on mine.

  11. I am a goober. I love that your son was having a pentecostal moment there the best! I say cow A.

  12. Wow, I feel special...the cow picture I suggested made it to the finals! *wipes away a tear* Almost as good as getting the COW! Naturally, I vote for picture B =)

  13. #1 - I don't have my own blog.
    #2 - I am a goober.
    #3 - Cow B

  14. Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I want to be on your blog roll, PLLLEEEAAASSSSSSE! What a great idea!

    the 2nd pic wouldn't pull up for me but I adore the 1st so it is My Choice! Fun idea!

    I wanted to let you know our sweet girl came home to us last night. A gal had picked her up a block away and I found her by calling my surrounding vets. Praise Jesus!

    Have a beautiful day! The Lady of the House

  15. While I haven't been writing as much as normal I would love to be on your blog roll!!!



  16. 1- http://p2family.blogspot.com
    2- the goober is moi
    3- switch it up, different cow every week, some "serious" some funny

  17. Baby Got Back is the song.
    I am a goober. I don't usually notice stuff like that. By the way, I loved the pentecostal moment.
    I would be honored if you would add me to your blog roll http://proverbs31iwannabe.blogspot.com/
    I've got you on mine too.
    I vote Cow B. I don't know why, I just like it.

  18. PLEASE put me on the blogroll.
    I am a goober...didn't see them.
    Cow A, I knew I'd seen that pic before. I like PW. I did get to meet her at the OKC CookBook signing...I felt like I'd met a celebrity!
    Have a great day!!

  19. sir mix a lot
    i must be a nerd but i can't see cow B so i would have to vote for A
    i like your title today! it reminds me of bears, beets, battlestar galactica

  20. I'm a total goober.. I didn't catch it. I'm vacationing though and skimming through blogs lately.
    Please add me to your blog roll.. I crave the attention :)

  21. it must be B. Come on now.

    As for blogrolls, isn't that cheating? You are supposed to put blogs that you read the most! Yes, it's mean. But otherwise, it's just a phone book...instead of a resource that points your beloved reader to the blogs you love the most of all blogs in the whole world.
    I don't know if you can handle that pressure.
    I hope I didn't make you relapse into thumb sucking. I'm sorry.

  22. I don't know what a blog roll is so I guess I don't need to be on it!! I vote for cow B, or two, the second one! (didn't want to scroll back up to see how you labeled them). Have a great day!!

  23. So happy to be on your blog roll! I love it when you stop by and comment on what's going on in my little world! And as far as the cows, I really love the first one. A lot.

  24. Cow B! Of course I want to be on your blogroll! http://oklahomansread.blogspot.com is the address and is curiously not called anything to do with the address--It Just Dawned on Me!

  25. I can't see the second cow picture, but the first looks mighty angry. The COW winner might think you are upset with them. Just a thought.

    I did not see the photos... although if you post pjs decorated with your credit card number + security code, that would be intriguing.

    I'd be honored to be on your blogroll:)


  26. Baaaaaby got back.
    Now I'll be singing that song all day long.
    Appropriate for a one year old, no?

    Cow A looks kind of mad.
    Cow B makes me gag a little.

    I love when you come and see my little blog and I appreciate the comments. You rock!


  27. #1 - I don't have a blog. Sad, I know.
    #2 - Sir Mix A Lot's "Baby Got Back".
    #3 - YOU are a goober :)
    #4 - Cow "B" for sure!
    I hope I answered those in order... Happy Wednesday!

  28. I have a blog, but I just started it and it is sad at the moment.


    Definitely Cow "B"... I meant to send you a picture of the cutest cow from North Carolina but alias, I am a goober!

    I think I just answered 2 and 3 together... see I am a goober.

  29. #1 - http://scraphappychristinescorner.blogspot.com/
    #2 - I am a major goober!! I looked at your post last yesterday. Noticed the cute PJ's but not the name. They mystery continues:) I will have to be more diligent in my blog reading from now on in.
    #3 - For some reason Cow B seems to speak to me as belonging on this here blog.

  30. I am a goober.
    my blog is loyalistcottage.blogspot.com

    Cow A

    Over and out.

  31. I'm already on your blog roll which makes me happy.

    I vote for cow A since I cannot see cow B...it is probable that is due to my technical ability or the fact that I'm on my daughter's computer...take your pick.

  32. 1. www.amgarmstrong.blogspot.com
    2. I am a Goober and you are a Goober.
    3. Cow A. Hilarious!
    4. (bonus points for a #4???) I started 30 day Shred yesterday and am contemplating checking myself into a hospital.

  33. Well, I'm sure you'll rest better knowing AuburnChick did not see your children's real names because I am in the midst of a secretive knitting project that happens to have a deadline.

    That said, I think that Cow #1 looks angry. This does not sit well with the tone of this blog in which the author (that's you, in case your mind has wandered) makes light of herself and her daily life.

    So, my vote is for #2. Nothing more adorable than a huge bovine tongue (said tongue-in-cheek...danged, I'm good today...which is what you get after four hours of sitting in a bingo hall with smoke drifting through the vents and you're not a smoker).

    Boy, that sentence was long!

    Oh, and please add my wee little blog to your blogroll.


    Moo-cho gracious.


  34. Cow A. But I also think you should swap them around. Variety is the spice of life.

    If you've room on your blogroll; http://dairydaze.blogspot.com/

    You are awesome!

  35. To make it easier for you, I'll post the full url of the blog:


  36. I didn't notice their names... And I read your blog early yesterday. I must have been off in lala land. I'm a fan of Cow B.

    And thanks for putting me out your blogroll. :)

  37. 1- Cow A is my pick! I think he needs a hug!
    2- I am a goober, for reals.
    3- I feel like an even bigger goober begging you to put me on your blogroll. oh well! :) www.theharrislife.com

  38. If you read in Google Reader it's super easy to make an instant blogroll straight from the reader. Let me know if you need info. In the meantime I would LOVE to be added to your very own personal A-List!


  39. I (vastly) prefer the first cow! Picking one's nose with one's tongue is just gross even for cows!

    And neither of us are goobers!

  40. Vote Cow A 2010!

    I am a goober.

    I feel like an even bigger goob begging you to blog roll me... oh well!

    (I tried to comment earlier and it disappeared when I hit submit so hopefully this won't show up twice!)

  41. that would be The Harris Life @ www.theharrislife.com to make it easier!

  42. 1. I'd love to be on the blogroll :) Thanks :) I'd put you on mine too if I had one (I don't for the same reason, I'm too scared of missing somebody haha, maybe I'll do the same as you and ask sometime when I feel I have time to edit it.)

    2. Wow, thanks for the mention... not necessary, but now I feel special. You know you're a goober :)

    3. My vote is for Cow A

  43. PS. I just KNEW the names on the pajamas must have been sewn by a loving grandma :D

  44. I don't have a blog.

    I am apparently a goober who doesn't pay attention to pajama names.

    Cow A for sure.

  45. 1. Sadly, I fall into the "goober" category. sigh.

    2. Cow A has my vote. Mainly because that is what I look like first thing in the morning before I have my coffee.

    3. Oooh, oooh, oooh! I want to be on your blogroll!!!! :) melicityandraven.blogspot.com (just so you know...you are already on mine--I didn't ask permission and hope that's ok.)

    4. laughing at auburnchick's "moo-cho gracious"

  46. http://www.atravelingthought.blogspot.com

    Cow A all the way baby!

  47. I am a goober. A very unobservant one.

    Yes, please, add me!

    And, I vote for cow A. Not because it was my suggestion , but because when I look at cow B I want to gag a little, too. Then laugh. Then gag. It goes on.


  48. I'm a GOOBER!!! :)

    You do visit my blog... www.lovemypups.wordpress.com

    and... um.... what was the last question again?

    Well, to be honest, when I saw you updated on facebook today and saw Ree's cow I thought it was a P.Dub update, not an L.Dub update... so I say you go with COW B because I don't wanna get confused again.

  49. I am a goober. But I already know their names. Because I'm cool like that.
    And I'm already on your blogroll. Because you're cool like that.

    Cow B makes me laugh.

  50. Gotta go with Cow A!

    And I would love to be on your blogroll because I heart you and get a BIG smile on my face every time I see a comment from you :) And I laugh out loud every time I hop over here - EVERY TIME!!!

    Home with the Boys - http://homewiththeboys.net

  51. I dont have a blog ( sad day) so i dont get to do the blogroll thingy
    I didnt see the kids names
    I like cow 2! that tongue is just LOL!!!! :)

  52. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJune 30, 2010 at 1:22 PM

    I am a goober. This is nothing new. Anywho....I vote for Cow A. It's just too darn cute! And the lighting is great.
    Also, Baby Got Back is probably not a song you should listen to in front of your children, stay with the worship music! Ha, ha! Just kidding. I know you've been having issues with worldly music, ya know......

  53. 1. www.thosewithyoung.com/www.letstalkaboutboys.com
    2. I am a goober!
    3. Cow B

  54. I will simply die if I do not remain on your blogroll. I felt like I had finally achieved blogging superdom while I was there. My blog address is www.jillboydsplace.blogspot.com.

    I didn't see the names on the pajamas, but I refuse to admit to being a goober. I am occasionally an idiot, but that's another matter.

    Cow B did not show up for me, and I don't like Cow A so I want to go with your original Cow picture. I thought it was pleasant. And I feel like being contrary today.

    Have a good one!

  55. Ummm...not the angry cow. :)

  56. Ok, so I'd love to be on the roll!

    I guess I'm a goobe since I didn't see the kiddo's names.

    AND I'm lovin Cow B!

  57. I am most definitely a goober.

    I would be thrilled and honored and stoked if I was on your blogroll because that would mean I'm finally for the first time in my life one of the "cool kids".



  58. Oh...oops. I am a goober for not reading that correctly. YOU are the goober because I did, in fact, see your childrens' names.

  59. Okay, I don't think I left a comment here. But please keep me on your blogroll. :)

  60. So in the blogroll deletion and all the work to get back on it I happened to be offline :( *cry and now I'm not on the blogroll anymore... *cry louder*
    Glad to be back in the swing!

    Loving cow 2! That tongue is just great!
