Sunday, June 20, 2010

Don't be hate-in.

Oh my dear heavens me.

I have completely neglected my Comment of the Week (COW) portion of my blog.

My lameness, I am sure, has resulted in devastation, as well as bewilderment in your worlds.

I mean . . . what is life without the COW?

Picture showing Friesian Cow

Am I right or am I right?

I am sure you were utter-ly disappointed.

ha!  Dang it that was funny.


So this week's goes to Jill on my post  "The post in which I drone on and on pointlessly":

"I’m very impressed with your rig–and slightly jealous. I drive a 12-passenger Diesel van. People stare at me when I drive by. I can’t park it very well. On the plus side, I have run over things with it and never hurt the vehicle. I can’t say as much for the things I ran over. I almost ran over a Prius this morning. I think my diesel presence offended the driver more than the fact that he almost met his maker. Or not."

Jill!  We drive diesel rigs together!

Do you live in constant fear that you will forget your rig is diesel and will one day fill it with regular gasoline, causing your main man to hate you forever?

I sure do.


Since I am sure you are all jealous of my diesel rig, I thought I would show you something else to make you jealous of me.

That's right.

Don't be hate-in.

Or is it hatin'.  Or hatein?

Moving on.

Would you like a lovely washer and dryer set complete with pedestals for your home?

Here's how you do it:

1)  Buy a new house.

2)  Don't sell your old house and keep it for a vacation rental!  (this is key) 

3)  Have your husband break out all his muscles and move your current washer and dryer to your new house. 

4)  Applaud after he invites you to the gun show.

5)  Since you are keeping your old house as a vacation rental, you now need another set.  Scour Craigslist for days on end for something . . . anything . . . that will work as a washer and dryer for your old house.

6)  Become discouraged and dismayed when nothing cheap, clean, cute, and matching pops up.

7)  Stand by quietly while husband informs you that there is a set of High Efficiency machines with all the bells and whistles, as well as pedestals and a shoe drying rack in a lovely navy blue color.

8)  Agree that it is the only option.  Shake your head in financial dismay while inside your heart is bursting with laundry-like joy.

9)  Help your husband load your old washer and dryer back into the truck. 

Pray you won't get a divorce after this stressful situation.

10)  Fact:  Lumberjill will never be inviting anyone to any gun shows.

Are you confused?  Do you know what the gun show is?  I am going to need a "10-4 Good Buddy" from anyone who gets the gun show jokes.

Over and out.

11)  Assist husband in moving old washer and dryer back to old house.


Pray for marital peace and serenity.

Serenity Now!

(Name that TV Show)

12)  Assist husband in breaking the knob off of old washer.


13)  Allow husband to break out all his muscles again to set up your new fancy machines.  Thank your lucky stars that his brother,Alex, and brother-in-law, Jack, are there this time to help.

I'll tell you one thing that ain't two things . . .

I sure like them.

Is it not sad that I am at a point in my life where things like washers and dryers excite me?


Here are a few shots from Little Dude's Birthday!


Simply precious.

Attention Little Dude:  Regarding growing up . . . please cease and desist.

Reason #487 why I am a superb mother:

I had no time to bake a cake.

That there is a pan of brownies with strawberries and cool whip hastily thrown on top.

Reason #488 why I am a superb mother:

I forgot candles.

The Lumberjack stuck stick matches in the cake and lit them.


And now, dear readers, a lesson in "Deer-ness" by Lumberjill.

In yesterday's post, I mentioned how I did not know if this deer:

was a boy or a girl.

Here are the facts that I know of about deer:

1)  That deer is young.  Too young to yet have antlers.  I think.

2)  I think most male deers lose their antlers every year and grow new ones.

3)  Sometimes they get something called "velvet" growing on their antlers.

4)  Babies have spots.  Don't shoot spotted deer!  It ain't cool!

5)  The does all just recently had fawns.  Therefore, that was probably a male since no baby was with it.

6)  There are two types of deer round-here-these-parts:  white-tail and mule.  Those are white-tail. 

I do believe.

7)  Lumberjacks get uber excited if they see deer with large antlers, particularly in the hunting season times, and most especially while holding a firearm.

So, there you have it.

Deer information.

I just done my Lumberjack proud.


Would you like to know what the worst sound in the world is?

Hearing your dog throw up at 5:30 in the morning right next to the baby monitor.

That, my friends, is the worst sound.


I dare, nay, I double-dog-dare you to come up with a more horrific sound than that.

Happy Monday!


  1. Haha. I just used the word "sweet" to describe an appliance. Wow.

  2. I have that same washer and dryer set... except mine is a sassy red color. They are sweet. :)

    Marla @

  3. 10-4 Good Buddy!

    Jealous. Jealous. Jealous!
    But then you are doing laundry for 4 children and an LJ. You need that set and I am happy for you.

    Enjoy the wet and blechy day if you can. We have exceeded the avg rain fall for the month already for our "neck of the woods".

  4. I feel very deer-ignorant now. And I am sorry to those I led astray yesterday with my whole "male deer have antlers" theory.

    Front loading washers are completely life changing. To the point where I no longer hate laundry. Congrats!

  5. 10-4 on the gunshow. With so many men in my life, I am offered tickets to said show quite often.
    (P.S. - Lest you think I am a floozy, by "so many men" I mean brother, bro-in-law, nephews, cousins, father, and only one husband.) =)
    And I'll have you know I was already jealous when I saw the size of your laundry room; your newest addition to said laundry room makes me hang my head in laundry room shame. I may never be able to wash clothes again.

  6. I have the same washer/dryer in gorgous green. I really wouldn't care if they were baby poop yellow. The amount of laundry I can do at one time changed my life FOR.EV.ER. My water bill also decreased by HALF. I Puffy Heart my washer/dryer.

  7. Looooove my front loading washer and dryer! They are the best!! I convinced my hubby that we needed them because they're green (this might not work on a Lumberjack, but for my City Slicker of a man, this was very cool)

    Oh and yes, I often get invited to the gun show, but I'm usually told that I've been given tickets to the gun show. Apparently my husband's gun show requires tickets. :-)

    Oh and happy birthday to Little Dude!!

  8. You are a hoot! I love your new washer and dryer and of course the methods used to obtain it. :) It is sad how much we love our laundry machines isn't it?

  9. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJune 21, 2010 at 1:18 AM

    I am drooling. I am not ashamed that I am drooling over a washer and dryer. I will go cry now for it will be a very, very long time before I will ever own something so beautiful and perfect. I hope you're happy with yourself.

  10. Love the washer and dryer..little dude is growing up to fast..seeing deer outside your window is amazing..looks like the new house is working out well!

  11. I"m somewhat covetous of your new laundry machines!

  12. I need to try your process to obtain a new washer and dryer. Mine is 20+ years old, yet DH still indicates "it gets the clothes clean". Oh, what I could clean with a set like yours.

  13. I came within millimeters of hitting a baby deer this morning on my way home from the gym. This is just another reason why I shouldn't be working out.

    I love your new washer and dryer. Nice appliances make me happy too.

    Have a nice week!

  14. Well color me jealous.
    I have, however, read your plan twice and am not opposed to doing whatever it takes to get me some. Get me some new landry lovelies that is.

  15. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the washer/dryer set. And yes.. I'm jealous.
    10-4 Good Buddy on the gun show. When my son was in highschool he would often ask me "do you want to buy a ticket?" I'd almost always fall for it and ask .. ticket to what? He'd muscle up and say "A Ticket to the Gun Show" Dork. I miss that dork.

  16. I also have frontloading machines and I can't wait to hear what you have to say about how all the different cycles work because I haven't taken the time to read the manual. Mine has a sanitize cycle on the dryer which is perfect for stuffed animals for the baby. And they make doing laundry quite enjoyable!

    Oh the deer. I wish the LJ could come hunt in my neighborhood to rid us of some of the deer. Too many in such a small area makes them way too brave. One doe had triplets - as if we needed them to have that many! Mamas and babies are not a good combo with small dogs and kids.

  17. Oh heyyyy 10-4 good buddy on the gun show!

    Hi Taylor! It's me, Tayler again. By golly I don't usually comment on blogs but I chuckled at your post today! My mom used to drive a DIESEL FORD EXCURSION (why? i do not know- there are only 2 children in our family) and she DID put regular fuel instead of diesel one day- OH MY LANTA- worst day ever for her I'm sure! Bless your little heart that day never comes for you :o)

    Have a good week bloggy friend!

  18. Dear Goodness!
    That made me laugh! 10-4 Good Buddy! I've heard "serenity now" but no idea where. And I think I love you ... or at least your sense of humor! And yes ... I'm jealous! Not of the big rig. Of the washer and dryer. And the vacation home! :)

  19. 10-4 GB, Seinfeld, gotta go pack.

  20. Good Golly Miss MollyLumberjackJill - that was quite a post! It made me happy :) and made me laugh :D and one thing though...

    Don't the male deer lose their antlers in the late winter...? Because they all have their antlers during hunting season when the hunters are hunting them... and beings it is late June and hunting for deer usually opens up in Septemberish... I don't think they can grow back in only 4 short months... well, let me google... ... ...Okay - it says they lose them between January and April and the whole regrowth process takes place over the summer so they can fight off other bucks during the rutting season (google it ;)

    Bucks have pedicles - which is the base of their antlers and they are covered in "some" hair and they are a permanent fixture, so even when they have lost their antlers they still have "pedicles"... ick! I don't like that word - it sounds dirty. - SO your little deery didn't have those so I honestly think it was a little Ms. Doe that maybe her baby was just taking a nap or she didn't have one this year... And I agree no shooting Bambi!

    Hugs, The Lady of the House

    P.S. I really appreciate the comments you stop by and leave on my blog xoxo - it seems like I'm going through a bit of a "dry-season" in the comment sector, but! like you said No Worries - I blog for me and my family and I'll just keep truckin' along- "diesel truckin' " that is! ha ha ha!

    P.P.S. Sorry for the long comment...

  21. My husband surprised me with a washer and dryer like that. I swear, I couldn't have been more excited over a new diamond ring, and that, my friend, is very very strange and sad and odd. Gun shows are lovely. :-) Specially when you can nibble on the guns afterwards. Haha, I assume that it was a man-arm-gun show, as you can assume from my comment, since normally one would not go about nibbling on revolvers, shotguns or machine guns.

  22. Hey, I won the COW! I am so touched and inspired! I do not fear putting non-diesel fuel in my giant blue beast. I fear pulling up to the wrong pump and discovering that there is no diesel pump at all there. And then I have to back and turn to find the diesel pump which is, of course, hard to do when you drive a tank. Or worse yet, I pull up to the pump and I and my vehicle are surrounded by guys with duallys (give me a 10-4 if you know what a dually is) who look at me and my 12 passenger van with scorn. I fear I shall never be a part of that crowd, no matter how much my diesel engine rumbles.
    I am jealous of your new laundry appliances. Learned the hard way that you must buy them together if you want a set. If you buy the washer and then save up your money to buy the dryer, they will discontinue the model or totally remake it so that your units don't match anyway. And I have no pedestals. My life is hard, but at least I have the COW!

  23. thelumberjackswifeJune 21, 2010 at 6:07 AM

    Dually! 10-4, Good Buddy! 10-4!

  24. I think it's hatin'.

    I'm black on the inside. I know.

    And a big 10-4 on the gun show. My boyfriend's a cop so I'm like a pro on the 10-code, too. Quiz me. 'Cept I think it might change from state to state. Maybe.

    That looks like the PERFECT birthday cake to me... I love brownies!

    I loooooove doing laundry... and having the front loaders makes it even better!! My dryer is so big you could probably fit 2 small children in it. No kidding. Yours are prettyful!

  25. LOVE the new washer/dryer set, and I think it is hatin' ;)
    Looks like Little Dude had a good birthday! The brownie cake looks scrumcious!
    And that sound is pretty horrible. I think the only other thing that would be worse is a child's hurt cry/scream. Ugh always scary and not a fun one I am always too scared to look when I hear a cry and I know its a hurt one! Happy first day of summer... (yeah right) Monday! :)

  26. Holy Smokes! You are uptown down...rural uptown, but still uptown. I'm so jealous of the washer and dryer!!!!!!

  27. the 'cake' looks fabulous, good save. My daughter would be drooling and wanting that for her birthday if I showed her.

    Worse sound: hearing your dog throw up at 3am and realising it's on your bed.

  28. seinfeld.

    What's with your dog?

    The worst sound in the world is hearing a crunch noise under your bed at 2 a.m.
    It's your dog.
    Eating a bird.
    Under your bed.
    The end.

  29. Just color me jealous of your fantabulous washer and dryer... and the deer in your yard...
    Hope things are coming together in the new place - can't wait for more pictures!

  30. I am jealous,'s true...your washer and dryer are even blue!
    I bet your little dude was happy with the brownies and cool-whip! You ARE an awesome mommy!!

  31. I don't get the gun show hoo for me! Could be that it's 11:20 pm and I should have been in bed hours ago but instead I'm reading blogs while brain-dead.
    Love, love, love your new laundry room, lucky you!

  32. regarding your comment on my post-- you are SO not FLUFFY! YOu are beautiful! Your hair isn't even fluffy!

  33. 10-4!
    I was computerless on vacation and I am loving catching up! Seems to me I missed a lot!
