Friday, June 18, 2010

Mom! I'm Confused!

With my grandma dying last week, along with her funeral this week, my girls have been showering me with question upon question.

And now that we have a 45 minute drive to and from civilization, I often hear,

"Mom!  Turn down the music!  I'm so confused!"

Rest assured, dear readers.

I have been making better choices and have been listening to worship music more than Taylor Swift.

I thought I would share with you all a few of the brain teasers my girls have thrown at me the past few days.


Why did Grammy die?

Is it scary to die?

Will we see her get buried?

Will we put dirt on her face?  I don't want to.

If she is in heaven, how come she is right there?

Why did PopPop give her his Bible?

Lest any are confused, PopPop is what the kids call my dad.

Remember my dad?


Oh.  It was Grammy's Bible?

Well, why did he bury her with it?

Is she going to read it in there?

How do we get to Heaven?

Do we have to fly for a long time?

I might get bored.

If babies die does God make them walk to Heaven or does He carry them?

I am sad.

I didn't know Grammy was PopPop's mommy.  I thought she was just a lady in our family.

I don't like that mommies die.

Will I know Grammy in Heaven?

How will I find her?

Will we see Noah's Ark?

Who created God?

That's wacky.

Can we talk in Heaven?

Can we eat in Heaven?

Are we still a family in Heaven?

Where will we sleep in Heaven?

Do we sleep in Heaven?

What if I am bad in Heaven?

Do I have to leave?


I don't know about you, dear readers, but I feel like a second cup of coffee is a must this morning.


Feel free to take a question and answer it.



  1. That is a LONG drive! And a whole lot of questions!
    Well, I'm sure you answered them with all the patience and compassion you could find. Some of them are so very difficult to answer. We went through this recently when I lost my sister. And you just admit that we don't know all the answers. But we just trust in our Father to be there with us always.

  2. OMG all these questions!! I myself want to know the answers to some of the questions, too! My long drive to my work through Ruralville everyday is my quiet time and praying/worship time. Also it is oh-so-boring-and-so-early-I-can-fall-asleep-while-driving kinda drive, so be careful! Miss working with you!!

  3. I love questions kids ask. And, therefore, I LOVE this post!

  4. Good time to talk about JESUS! :)

  5. "If babies die does God make them walk to Heaven or does He carry them?" This one just tore at my heartstrings this morning. Such a precious, innocent question. All of them are, truly. HUGS to you sweet Taylor!

  6. Oy, out of the mouths of babes. I too, would like to know some of these answers.
    My mother used to tell me that some things, only God knew, and we'd just have to wait and ask him :)

  7. Phew, my brain hurts just reading all those questions, let alone trying to come up with the answers!

  8. Turn the music up a little louder. If they keep asking questions, start singing with the CD.

    Get them to play "Slugbug" where they hit someone everytime they see a VW bug.

    Give them all pen and paper and tell them to write their questions down so they can ask LJ when they get home.

  9. Good luck answering all those!!! For some reason your blog isn't updating properly in my feed right now... odd...

    PS I linked to you in my "favourite blogs" post.

  10. Noah question: Nope, the ark is down here on earth (or at least it was). However, I bet when we get to heaven Noah will be there. I want to ask him how he handled all that animal poo. Shoooee! No that's a burning question!

  11. When you find answers for these questions, you might want to bind them in a book and put it up for sale. I am sorry to hear about your family's loss. Knowing your MIL is in heaven is a comfort, I know, but you are still without her here on earth. I offered a prayer for you all.

  12. Yeah, you've got quite a list there. Good luck.

    My favorite answer for most things is, "Because God made it that way." But you've got some there that even that answer won't work for.

  13. Now your feed seems to work again, but it's just very very slow to show up after you post. Most blogs show up for me after 1 hour max from their post, yours seems to be half a day/ a day. It's okay, I find your posts anyway.

  14. You might check out "Tell me about Heaven" for children by Randy Alcorn. I've read the adult book "Heaven" but not this version but he's a great author and has spent years and years researching Heaven and dying.

  15. I don't envy you those questions. I've had to field many of them in my day - both when my grandfather passed, then when the kids uncle passed suddenly.
    I agree with Paula's mom - some answers we just aren't going to have here on earth. It's never easy, and every kid requires answers in a different way.
    My prayers for you helping your children, and you, find peace! You're on the right track, keep going! {{{HUGS}}} to you and your lumberjacklings!

  16. Goodness Taylor. You need something stronger than coffee. :) Good luck with that.

    I bet the 45 minutes seemed like foooorrrreeevvveeerrr the last few days. Ugh.

    I'll pray for you.

  17. Those questions would make my head spin. Let alone thinking of ways to answer them. If you find all of these answers, please feel free to share them with me. Some I really really want the answers to myself. Good Luck with that and hugs too.

  18. Dawn suggested a great author. Randy Alcorn is a great author, and he so many of his books deal with heaven

  19. I'm sorry for your loss. It's never easy losing a family member, whether it's expected or not. Have a nice Sunday with your family.

  20. What a wonderful opportunity for you to help your children demystify death and heaven! We've gone through many of these questions, some are left at, 'I don't know', but the Bible does say quite a lot about heaven and my boys (age 6&7) love to hear about it. It's wonderful they have the chance to ask, too many children are not allowed to ask and become terribly fearful. Thank you for sharing!
