Monday, June 14, 2010

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Hello, there!  I don't have much time but I wanted to give you all an update. 

Last night we slept at our new place.  The past few days have been exhausting.  But we are here . . . and we are loving it!

I haven't had much time for blogging activities and I am sorry I haven't been to anyone else's blogs.  I am hoping life will calm down soon.

Thank you for all your kind words regarding my grandma's death. 

I really appreciated it.

I thought I would share some pictures of the Lumberjacklings on the first morning in their new house!

The girls sharing a delightful breakfast.

As you can see, I will be needing to rethink the previous owner's window treatments,  as Little Dude has already obliterated them.

Handsome Dude.

Not quite ready to greet the day.


Handsome Dude is  . . . cranky?

That's odd.

Little Dude . . . asleep in our bed . . . until 9am!

Check out the Pottery Barn Quilt I scored for FREE at a garage sale! 


Fun Fact:  Little Dude actually woke up for the first time at 4:48am.

Even Funner Fact:  Little Dude again woke up at 5:23am.

Poor Little Dude.

I fear he was scared and cold.

His blankets had fallen off and he became a Little Dude-sicle.

So he snuggled with his marmie.

Little Dude.

Precious to my heart.

Ah . . . beautiful!

Makes you almost forget about the state of disaster that is currently located inside your very own home.



  1. How exciting, Taylor!! Starting life again in a new home is such a wonderful adventure, isn't it?? I love the view outside your windows, and OMGosh that picture of Little Dude is absolutely precious!

  2. Great pictures. And that view almost makes up for the long drive to Target!

  3. So happy for all of you. Even in caos the house is amazing and what a view! Good luck in this new adventure:)

  4. So do you like it as much as you remembered? It looks like your kitchen is beautiful, or will be :)

  5. What fun! Loving the pictures. Keep 'em coming and let us know what the lumberjacklings think of their new expansive yard where there will be sure to be lots of romping and frolicking!

  6. So happy for you! The view is amazing and I know you'll love the house once you get things the way you want them.

  7. Good luck unpacking. It looks like a great place to be!

    Marla @

  8. Wow, your place looks nice. The views are something else. Wish I could help you unpack. :)

  9. Looks like you've got your work cut out for you. The view is lovely. Hope little dude adjusts, soon.
    Aren't you excited to wake up to this everyday??
    I LOVE the country!

  10. Hooray! Unpacking is so much more fun that packing. Good luck, and I'm SO happy to hear that you get the interwebs in Timbuctu!

  11. I'm surprised no one's said it yet, but WELCOME HOME! Little Dude is so precious, but then, so are all your kids. And that view...AMAZING! If you ever feel cut off from civilization, just look at that wonderful view and know being a little cut off is a good thing. :-)

  12. With a view like that, I would never unpack. Just keep a'looking out that window with a cup of coffee in your hands ;)

  13. Oh I missed the post about your sorry to hear.

    I'm glad you're in and loving it. Boxes eventually get unpacked. Enjoy your beautiful view.

  14. Congratulations on your new home! The boxes will still be there tomorrow or next week or even next year. Enjoy exploring your new surroundings.

  15. I demand a full home tour once you're settled!

  16. uh What happen to us watching the kiddos for you?? I hope it went smoothly , can't wait to get out there and see the place.. Congrats!! Sorry to hear about your grandmother I didn't see that I guess :( Love you chickie!!


  17. Can't wait to see more pictures of the house!! Good luck getting all settled in. The view looks very relaxing!

  18. Love it! I like the layout of the kitchen too! And that pottery barn quilt... jealous!

  19. Taylor,
    Your house looks beautiful! I can't wait to see it. I am so sorry to hear about your grandma's passing. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  20. What a beautiful view! Can't wait for the "full tour" once you're done settling in and all. Hope that things slow down, and you have time to accomplish everything. You must be exhausted!

  21. Wow! It looks like you have so much room! Awesome. :) Plus... that its like a vacation at your house everyday. Nice! :) Have fun getting everything situated in its place and decorating!

  22. Yay! You are moved. Haha! and packed up and have no idea where anything is! Your lumberjacklings are cute and Little Dude is so precious asleep!

  23. Blogging can wait. Get to unpacking - it'll make you feel more settled.

    Little Dude is too cute. :)

  24. Congrats on the new house! Enjoy unpacking :) I like to move but I've never done it with kids (and def. not 4)!

  25. Wish I could bring some house warming dinner to ya, but alas, Texas is a bit of a drive. Oh well, sending yummy thoughts your way ;) Congrats on your new home. I can't wait to hear about your adventures in homeschooling!!

  26. So happy for you guys! Your place looks beautiful and amazing, and I hope you love it as much as when you did in February! Too late now if ya don't! :) Looking forward to the new adventures coming at this lovely home...

  27. Mega-congrats on the new house!

  28. Miss T...Your new home really looks amazing! You
    really got a "move" on once the paapers were signed!! Your energy level makes me tired just
    thinking about it...

    Is your yard fenced in any way? If not you may have to put very long leashes on HD and LD, just so
    you can find them...or maybe teach them to mark their trail like true woodsmen:)

    You will never need to go camping, now. You can get your "wilderness fix" just by looking out the window.
    H & K

  29. Many blessings on your new home. What an awesome view Gods creation !

  30. Yes, Welcome Home! :)
    What a view! Imagine how pretty it's going to look once the snow starts falling again!
    Hope unpacking goes smoothly for you and you have fun putting your new place together!
    How exciting!

  31. There's just no fairness in this world when someone gets a quilt like that free. sigh Pretty tricky gal to put music on yer blog. So, when's the housewarming party?

  32. Okay, LJW, I think I'm officially caught up on your blog. I too am busy and unable to read/comment on many blogs these days. Isn't there a fear of losing readers by failing to comment on other blogs? Good luck on the new home move in project...I love the ring tone thing and I love that you just admitted to forgery, which could be a felony on your blog. Good thing you have an alias!

    By the way, I see your view and say "thou shalt not covet thy fellow bloggers view."
