Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tooting at the Table.

An Interview with the Lumberjacklings.

Interruption:  I totally stole this interview from another blog, but cannot remember who.  Let me know who you are so I can give you credit!

What is Daddy's favorite thing to eat?

Sweet Pea:  Deer

Daisy Mae:  Candy

Handsome Dude:  Birthday

Little Dude: Eat!

What does Daddy like to wear?

Sweet Pea:  Carhartts

Daisy Mae:  Carhartts

Handsome Dude:  Horsies

Little Dude:  Horse

What does Daddy like to do?

Sweet Pea:  Shoot deer.

Daisy Mae:  Chew gum.

Handsome Dude:  He likes deer.

Little Dude:  Daddy!

What is Daddy's favorite color?

Sweet Pea:  Black?

Daisy Mae:  Gray!

Handsome Dude:  He likes big trucks and trailers.  And a work van.

Little Dude:  Huh?

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?

Sweet Pea:  Go in his truck and get candy!

Daisy Mae:  I like when Daddy takes me to soccer games.  Because it's fun!

Handsome Dude:  Purple!  No Or-nange!

Little Dude:  Book!

What is the silliest thing about Daddy?

Sweet Pea:  He said he didn't want a bike and then he bought one.  And he says he likes purple.  I mean pink.

Daisy Mae:  It's funny when he toots at the table.

Handsome Dude:  Purple!

Little Dude:  Daddy!

Happy Father's Day to my Lumberjack . . .

To my dad . . .

To The Lumberjack's Dad . . .

And . . . Happy Father's Day to The Lumberjack's Grandpas Stan and Albert.

Of whom I cannot find a picture at this moment in time.

And to his Grandpa Carl, also known as Jim.

No picture.


I know.

Happy Father's Day to The Lumberjack's Great-Grandpa Chick

Who fostered in my Lumberjack both a love of logging and the name Chick.

Of which I just could not name my handsome boys, much to my husband's dismay.

Sorry, Great-Grandpa Chick.

I mean  no disrespect.

Happy Father's Day to my Poppy, who passed away in 1994.

and called all remotes "clickers."

Happy Father's Day to the Grandpa I never met . . .

And, finally, Happy Father's Day to this deer I saw out my window this morning when all my house was fast asleep:

Excuse me, Mr. Deer:

There is a man lovingly referred to as The Lumberjack who now owns this property that you eat off of.

I must warn you.

He has 17 guns and a love for hunting.

Oh, dear. (or deer!  ha!)

Is that a boy girl or a girl deer?

I don't know.

Nor do I really care.

My Lumberjack would be so disappointed in me.

I fear I am a hunting/wildlife idiot.

Tough break, Lumberjack.

Tough break.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. I thought male deer had horns but I might just be getting that from Bambi!! I am clueless when it comes to wildlife. =)

  2. Cute interview with the kiddos :)

  3. Great interview and what a nice post to all the fathers in your family! Happy Father's Day Lumberjack!

  4. Love the interview :) Too cute!!! Hope the Lumberjack had a great Father's Day.

  5. I'm pretty sure that no antlers = female deer also known as a deer.

    As in, "Doe! A deer! A female deer!" from Sound of Music.

    Sorry if that song got stuck in your head.

    Happy Father's Day LJ!

  6. Love the answers! Especially the boy's ones!

  7. Great job with all the photos. Happy Father's Day! Just love the lumberjackling family conversation blogs!!

  8. Cute post! I loved the baby echoing the last thing heard! Found my way here from a recommendation from Theresa Dawn and now subscribing. :)

  9. Okay ... I will try this again. WP likes to tell me that I comment too quickly. Not sure what that is supposed to mean! :)

    You have a beautiful family and I loved the interviews! Especially the baby-echoes!

    New follower of your blog. Referred here by Theresa Dawn.

  10. (warning: this comment has nothing whatsoever to do with the above post specifically.)
    Fact: I have read this blog every day since the laundry room.
    Fact: I very much enjoy your postings. (does that remind anyone else of "droppings"? No? Oh. Well...)
    Confession: I have not commented on this blog even once.
    (Name that blogger!) (hint: it's you)

    See, I have been reading your stuff. And I'm impressionable, so I pick up people's styles and accents.

    Fact: I hope you don't have an accent. I don't want to start talking funny.

    Also, I like coffee too.
    And I don't mund urine topics in postings.
    Good luck in ruralville!

  11. I'm with Mindee... I think that's a girl deer.

    That interview was great. :)

    Marla @

  12. thelumberjackswifeJune 20, 2010 at 1:03 PM

    Thank you for leaving a comment! No accent here! :) Nice to meet you!

  13. I love Little Dude. He's hilarious. That is all.

  14. I am going to say I am 99% sure that is a female. Males do have antlers but they fall off during part of the year so you can't count on them to tell you. :)

  15. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJune 21, 2010 at 1:12 AM

    Yeah, I'm gonna go with definitely a doe. Daddy would have nice little antlers that LJ would want to remove from his little body for him. Pretty soon you will be a wildlife master, out there is ruralville!

  16. Thank you thank you thank you for all the giggles.

  17. Cute interview... love the answers, so fun to see how they think! I did an interview--but your's was shorter... when you commented that you liked mine I actually thought it might be a whole day affair if you'd tried to interview four kids with my long interview. :-)

  18. [...] #1-I figured out whose idea I stole for the Father’s Day Interview. [...]

  19. That deer is definitely a female (aka Doe). Male deer (aka Bucks) shed their antlers in the Winter, but have already started growning them back by this time of year. And, the cute picture you posted the other day with the babies are also known as Fawns or Toe Heads... So, Lumberjill, that deer there in the picture is safe from your Lumberjack this Fall and that concludes our Nature Lesson for the day ; )
    Loved the Lumberjackling's Q & A!

  20. HA! Daddy likes to eat deer. I bought a cookbook today from an 81 year old Diner because it had 4 new ways of cooking Venison. Holla!
