Saturday, June 5, 2010



So busy!

Moving. Packing. Remodeling.Changing Diapers.Packing.Cleaning.Laundry.Diapers.Packing.Moving.

I must make this short, albeit sweet.

Bet you don't think I can make any post short.


I am going to make you eat your words.

1. COW

Picture showing Friesian Cow

Comment of the Week.

Keep up, People!

This week's winner is Kimberly, aka The Musician's Wife on my post "I'm like . . . Baby, Baby, Baby."

"You are crazy…your house may be chaotic, but that’s normal…you’re moving!

You are crazy…Justin Gerber…er…Bieber…? Really?

Okay…it is catchy.

But so are small pox."

Small pox?  Small pox?

You are comparing this boychild . . .

to small pox?

You should be ashamed.

Lest any of you are confused, I am not a huge Bieber fan . . .a Bieber-Babe, if you will.


I simply thought that song was tons of fun.

Go say hi to Kimberly.

And tell her I had an eerily similar haircut to Justin when I was four.

Dear Mom,

What were you not thinking?



2)  Lacia sent me this doctored up photo of Daisy Mae and Mabel



You are like a photoshop mastermind!

All I can do on photoshop is crop images.

Go me!

3)  So . . . what has my Lumberjack been up to?

You guessed her, Chesters.

Hold on to your pants, folks!

Taylor's getting a new porch!

Would you like to know what Lumberjill was doing inside while Lumberjack was building a glorious new porch?


For to move.

Oh, the humanity!

I sure hope somebody can enjoy all these lovely home improvements LJ has completed!

I know I would have.

Fun Fact:  LJ took awhile to finish the house not out of laziness or cruelty towards me.  We were trying to be smart and pay as we go.

We were gazelling.  Beans and rice.   Rice and beans.

Name that financial guru.

Look at those hard workers!

Matchy-matchy too.

Manly-men love to match.

Hey!  Wear your brown Carhartts with a white t-shirt today!

10-4 Good Buddy.



That's it!

How did I do?

Was I brief?

I sure hope so.

Later, dudes!



  1. Guru: Dave Ramsey. Same reason we have many unfinished projects around here right now. :( but :)

    hey! Maybe we should move into your soon-to-be old house so we can have finished projects!

  2. I was right about your secret behind the door. :) How much longer until you move?

  3. Dave Ramsey...we love him.
    You did great on the short post. Good luck with all of that packing. I'm sorry things are getting done that you won't be able to enjoy but maybe since LJ is on a roll, he'll go to the new house and put you some over the counter lights up or something.

  4. So ... where do you buy the vanilla chai tea?

  5. Pretty short. I'd rather eat cake than words. :)

  6. I hope you have a fabulous (and productive) weekend. Your life must be super crazy right now. I feel for you, girl.

    Marla @

  7. Sooo Funny! The guys are looking at you like....can't you see we're busy here!!! Go away with your silly self and that camera!!

  8. White and brown never go out of style.

  9. Shortish but lots of pictures and I know those don't go up quickly. Forget about us Taylor. We'll keep. Go pack!

  10. thelumberjackswifeJune 5, 2010 at 1:33 PM

    I first got it at local coffee stands . . . just ask them what kind of chai they have. LJ found it at a grocery store recently and bought some for me to make at home! Isn't he the greatest? :)

  11. I am sure the boys are thrilled to be in your post today :)
    I feel for you with all the packing and moving, no fun.
    Good for you for gazelling!

  12. Dave Ramsey. :) You're doing great! You will see the rewards in the end. :)

  13. Ha ha ha! I forgot I wrote that!

    Small pox! I'm hilarious!

    Yes, I compared that boy and his music to a disease. I'm married to a real, MANLY musician...and real MANLY musicians can grow facial hair and don't need auto-tune or Ludacris to make awesome music.

    But wait...Bieber gets, like, paid and stuff.

    Bieber 1, MW 0.

    Dang it.

  14. Aw man, I was going to guess what the project was but my computer froze and I forgot... can I guess now? A porch? What, I'm right? Go me!

    Love the guys matching outfits haha

  15. Guys love to match. They SAY they don't, but they do.

  16. Ah, good ole Dave Ramsey. My husband use to work for him - it was kinda great. Especially when we got to use his on the ice tickets to Predators games!

  17. Ugh. That beiber kid. I am seriously the only person in the world who things he is a dis-respectful egotistical brat. He needs a spanking.

    From his mother.


    (rant over)


  18. Nice matchy matchy!

    I'm tired.

    Utterly uninspired.

    But, I feel compelled to comment.

    So I did.

  19. I just have to say that I was looking for your post about your kids' names--what's in a name?--(where you explain their names without using their names) because I am part of a new blogging adventure called Mommy's PiggyTales. Anyway, why am I telling you my life story, you ask? Well, our first assignment is to talk about our birth story and/or how we were named. And a mom in my group asked us how she could tell the story of her name without using her name--since she goes by a pseudonym. (aha! inspirational! See you TOTALLY deserve that award! :))

    As you are incredibly inspirational, I just want to say that as I was flipping through your posts quickly, I feel like now, I can NEVER forget Jason. I think he's on EVERY post. Well, maybe not. Maybe it's like every post minus one here and there!

    Anyway, I LOVE your blog! As I explained to my Mommy's Piggy Tales group, you tickle my funny bone!

  20. dave ramsey??? btw, that was brief ......FOR YOU!! =)

  21. FYI-- I heard on the radio that puberty is doing a number on Justin Beiber's voice and that his agent is really worried. I'm thinkin' a Peter-Brady-style transition could pull him through for the clinch, but just beware that your favorite manchild singer may be short lived in the music biz.

  22. I used to work for Dave! Awesome, awesome experience. :) He is soooo generous!

  23. Was it just a coincidence that they matched?? Too funny!
